7th Heaven: Sesason 1 - Episode 15: Happy's Valentine


The Camden family at breakfast. 

Annie is talking to Patricia on the phone when she gets off and tells Eric that the Hamiltons want to go camping without all the kids.  Eric and Annie want to go but need someone to watch the youngest children.  Annie gets frustrated and tells the kids to leave, and she and Eric will figure it out.  (Bad idea number 1). After they leave, she figures out that Eric's not into camping. Eric realizes Annie has already decided with Patricia that they are going. 

Annie: They're picking us up at five. 

The opening credits come up, and the theme song. 

At the school, students are eating lunch and walking around. Matt runs into John (Chaz Lamar Shepherd), and they discuss the camping trip. John says Keisha (Gabrielle Union) and Mary can take the little kids to the movies. John then sees his sister and asks her, or tries to, but she says no before he succeeds. He tells Matt that Mary will do it if he asks, but Matt thinks she won't. (Bad idea number 2). 

Ruthie is on her parents' bed with Happy and the puppies. She asks her mother why they can't keep the puppies. Annie tells them they are getting in Happy's way because they are so big. 

Ruthie: I get in your way, and you still keep me around. (I like her little kid logic). 
Annie: It's not the same, sweetheart. It would be like you living here when you're thirty.
Ruthie: I have to live somewhere else when I'm thirty?
Annie: You'll probably want to live somewhere else when you're thirty.
Ruthie: Yeah, or maybe even when I'm seven or eight. 

Matt is in the car with Mary discussing babysitting the younger kids. She tells her brother that he and John and their dates can have the den, and she and Keisha will take the living room with their friends. (Bad idea number 3).

Lucy gets into the car. She is upset with her parents because Jimmy Moon is upset with her. After all, she can't go to the movies. Matt tells Lucy if she takes the little kids, she can go to the film. Lucy agrees if they each pay her $10, and they agree. (Bad idea number 4).

 Eric enters the house, and Annie asks him about his day. He tells her all the different things he's had to do. Annie tells him it will be great to get away. Simon comes into the kitchen and tells them that the puppies are ready to go to Dwight's house. He says he's not that sad since he can take Happy to visit anytime. Annie tells Simon to keep an eye on Happy in case she tries to go find the puppies. Simon thinks Happy will be glad to be the only dog because the puppies were taking away her attention.

Simon: It's like what Ruthie did to me when she first came home from the hospital.
Eric: Oh yeah, that must have been tough on you.
Simon: I got through it. 

Lucy is talking to  Jimmy (Matthew Linville) on the phone. They are discussing bringing the younger kids to the movies with them. Jimmy wants to take her to the first movie they watched together (the French one). Lucy suggests they go to one the kids would like. He finds an animated one but tells her he doesn't like animation. Lucy tells him the little kids can go see that animated film and they will see the French film. She tells him it will be fine since the two movies are next door to each other. (Bad idea number 5). 

Ruthie comes down and tells her parents goodbye. 

Annie: Don't you wanna kiss us goodbye?
Ruthie: No. (She quickly changes her mind and runs to her parents). 
Ruthie (to Eric): One of these days, I'm going to be moving out and getting my own family, too.

Annie tells him she's upset about the puppies. Eric tries to use Ruthie to get out of going camping. (Listening to Eric would have been wise in this episode). 

After the parents leave, Matt informs John about the plans for the evening. 

Lucy asks the younger kids if they want to go to the movies. However, none of them want to go. Lucy tells them they are going anyway. She leaves, and Matt informs her that Dwight (Jason Davis) and his mother (Patricia Lentz) are there to get the puppies. Ruthie says she doesn't want to go down because it will make her too sad. 

Dwight wants to name the puppies Simon and Ruthie. (Dwight is such an awesome kid)!

Simon doesn't want to go to the movies because he wants to watch Happy. Matt tells him that he will watch Happy, and Simon agrees. (Bad idea number 6). 

At the movies, Simon and Nigel (David Netter) demand $10 each before going to the movies alone with Ruthie and Lynn (Camille Winbush)

At the house, Matt and John are with their dates. Meanwhile, Mary is with her friends, which Matt finds out are not just a couple people. Matt is upset because it was supposed to only be female friends, not a   party with boys. Matt, John, and their dates decide to join the fun. (Bad idea number 7).

At the campsite, John and Morgan (Dorian Harewood) are by the fire complaining about how much they hate camping. They decided that they hated it, but they loved their wives. Eric tells Morgan he doesn't have a sermon yet. Morgan offers to let him use his sermon. 

Inside the tent, Patricia (Olivia Brown) and Annie look at the clothes they brought. Annie tells Patricia that the men act like they were doing it for them, but really the men needed a vacation. A beeper goes off that Morgan has; at the same time, Annie sees that Eric has a cell phone. The call is for Patricia. Her ex always calls on Valentine's Day because it is their anniversary. (I would be upset too if I was Morgan). Morgan is not happy, but Patricia blames him for having the beeper. 

At the animated movie, the younger kids are laughing and enjoying themselves. 

At the French movie, Lucy and Jimmy exchange Valentine's Day cards. Lucy is angry that Jimmy's card was not romantic. (It wasn't, but seriously you're only thirteen).

Back at the house, the party is still going on. John notices that some guys have come with beer. (That's probably not gonna be a good thing. Let's hope no cops show up). Matt informs them that they need to get rid of the alcohol. (Good idea, Matt). John tells his sister, Keesha, that the guy she is talking to is too old for her. She tells him that his date is getting bored. John looks over and sees his date is now dancing with another guy. 

At camp, the adults are eating by the campfire.  Eric offers to play his guitar so everyone can sing later. But no one is interested. Morgan offers to help Annie clean up. Patricia decides to go to bed. Annie follows, leaving Morgan and Eric to clean. Eric tells him he's concerned about the kids having a party. (Good idea, Eric).

Morgan: They're having a party. The question is how big.
Eric: You're supposed to tell me I'm wrong.

At the animation movie, Simon and Niegel are throwing popcorn at someone. (Bad idea number 8).  Ruthie and  Lynn have fallen asleep. The usher catches them throwing things and tells them to come with him.

At the French movie,  Lucy is still angry. 

Jimmy: What do you want me to say?
Lucy: It's not so much what I want you to say. It's what I want you to do, in the way of an apology. 
Jimmy: You mean...?
Lucy: That's exactly what I mean.

Jimmy goes to kiss her when Simon and the usher show up, and Simon tells them they have to go home. 

At the house, Sargeant  Michaels comes over. (Ooh, underage drinking at a party, and a  cop comes, that's never a good thing). His son is also at the party, and he's one of the ones with beer. (Especially when you're the son of that cop). He tells his son to call his mother to get picked up. Matt tells him no one was drinking except the two guys who came with the beer. Michaels tells him he got them a ride home. He also lets him know that  Happy was hit by a car. (Oh no, Matt, weren't you watching Happy)?

Michaels: I got her to an animal hospital, but I think I should get you down there right away.

At the camp, Morgan asks Patricia if she wants to discuss it. She asks her husband the same thing, and he says yes. Morgan learns his wife's first husband was an Irish white man. Morgan says he doesn't want to know anything else. 

In the Cameden's tent, Annie and Eric are enjoying themselves. Annie wants to call the children. But the phone rings. Sergeant Michaels has called to tell them Happy was hit by a car. Eric tells him they are leaving the camp right away.

Dr. Moore (June Lockhart) tells Matt that Happy is stabilized. She tells him to take care of Simon, and she will take care of Happy. She tells him he will stay all night to watch Happy. 

Annie blames herself for thinking that the children could handle being home alone. Patricia blames herself for getting her husband, Eric, and Annie to agree to go camping.

At the house, Mary and Keesha are cleaning up the house. Mary blames herself for Happy as well. 

The little kids come in, and Ruthie and Lynn let Mary and Keesha know that Simon and Nigel got them kicked out of the movies for throwing popcorn. Jimmy apologizes to Lucy for the valentine. 

Jimmy: Some day, I will kiss you, but not because of some artificial holiday when my feelings for you are real.

Jimmy leaves, and Lucy closes the door. She's on cloud nine.

Matt asks the others to leave when Simon comes down to tell Simon what happened.

Simon: Where's Happy? What have you done with Happy?
Matt: Simon, I had to take her to the hospital. There was an accident.
Simon: An Accident? What kind of accident?
Matt: She was hit by a car.
Simon: What? You were supposed to be watching her. Why weren't you watching her? You knew she'd go after her puppies. You knew it.

Simon tells Matt he's going to the hospital alone if Matt won't take him. He also tells  Matt that he hates him. He cries and hugs Matt.

Simon: I just want Happy. (By this point, I was crying).

Simon (to Happy at the vet's office): I'll never leave you again.

Matt uses Dr. Moore's phone and calls home to see if his mom and dad are back. He tells whoever answered that Happy is doing better. (You shouldn't lie, Matt. They're gonna find out soon enough that you did). 

After he gets off the phone, Dr. Moore tells him that he knows Happy's condition hasn't changed. He tells her he knows but doesn't want to worry the kids.

The parents arrive at the house. Morgan and Patricia tell John and Keisha to get Nigel and Lynn so they can go home. Patricia warns them they aren't in the mood for any hassles. (I bet they're in trouble too). 

The parents decide to split the children up and find out what happened that night. The children all start blaming others, then they start confessing - except Ruthie and Lynn, who explained they slept at the movies and therefore didn't do anything wrong.

Eric: I don't think we're ever going to know exactly what happened.
Morgan: Sometimes, it's best not to know.

The Hamilton's leave, and the phone rings. Matt has called. Eric and Annie decide to go to the vet. The girls all ask to go, so the whole family goes to the vet.

Matt tells his parents that it was all his fault. Eric tells them that it's "everyone's fault and nobody's fault" at the same time. Eric informs them there will be plenty of punishments for everyone. (Maybe the parents should be punished too, they did leave the kids alone). 

Matt takes his parents back to see Happy. Simon has fallen asleep on the table with Happy. Dr. Moore tells them that Happy's vital signs are good. 

Simon (David Gallagher) sleeps with Happy on the vet's table. 

Dr. Moore: But we can't seem to wake her up. You're all welcome to stay, but we won't know anything until the morning. And even then, I can't promise anything.

Mary, Lucy, and Ruthie are asleep on the couch. Eric says they aren't going anywhere but tells Matt to go home and rest since he's been there so long. 

Matt: not a chance.

Happy is the first to wake up, followed by Simon, who yells for Matt. Everyone is up now.

Simon: She's okay; look, Happy's okay!

Dr. Moore tells Simon to watch Happy closely for the next twenty-four hours. 

Simon: Don't worry, I'm gonna be watching closely for the rest of my life.

Dr. Moore leaves, telling them she's going to start the paperwork.

Matt: So am I forgiven.
Simon: I forgive you, but I don't know about Happy. I think a few apologies are in order here, right girl?

Matt, Mary, and Lucy apologize to Happy.

Ruthie: I had nothing to do with it.
Annie: Nevertheless, Happy, we all hope you'll all forgive us.
Eric: No more parties, girl, and no more movies again for a long, long time.
Simon: So, you guys know about..,"
Eric: The popcorn incident, oh yeah, we know.
Simon: I guess we can talk about that later.
Eric: I guess we could. 

Simon wishes his dog a Happy Valentine's Day and hugs him. He tells her, "I love you." as the others watch. 

The closing credits come up. 


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