7th Heaven: Season 1 - Episode 16: Brave New World


Simon (David Gallagher) discusses Pre-K with Ruthie (Mackenzie Rosman).

Simon tells Ruthie not to cry when their mother drops her off, not to eat the counting food, and to use left-handed scissors. Ruthie must be allergic to coconut because Simon told her to stay away from it. (Why is Ruthie just starting school in February)?

Annie comes in to tuck Ruthie in.

Annie: Where does the time go? (Gee, I wonder who will be the one to cry tomorrow). 

Matt comes into Mary and Lucy's room. He wants to ensure that Mary turned Michael Towner down, which she did. 

After Eric took them out for dinner, Eric and Lucy brought Lucy's friend Suzanne (Rachel Crane) home. Suzanne forgot her Science notebook, so Eric let her drop it off.

Eric: But that's it. No catching up on the events of each other's lives during the past four minutes. I'd like to get home before Ruthie has to leave for school in the morning. 

Suzanne remembered she had forgotten it and ran to Eric's car.  He tells Suzanne he will bring her home.  She gets into the car and looks upset.  Eric and Lucy notice, but no one says anything as he starts the car.

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays

The following day, at breakfast, Lucy asks Eric if Suzanne "seemed a little weird." He says he does, but he doesn't know why. 

Lucy: Could you find out?
Eric: How?
Lucy: I don't know. Just get in there and root around. Do what you usually do.
Eric: I can't just butt into somebody's life because we have a feeling something might be up.
Lucy: Why? You do it all the time.

Lucy gets angry when Eric doesn't say he will help.

Simon is convincing Ruthie to "eat something light." He tells his parents he has to help Ruthie because they haven't been in school in a long time. 

Suzanne is late for her science class. She tells Lucy that her mom's car wouldn't start.  Lucy tells her that she called her last night, and Suzanne's mother told Lucy she wasn't home. 

Suzanne: Maybe she didn't hear me come in.
Lucy: I guess.
Suzanne: It's a big house and my mom's kind of a flake. You do the math.  (Yeah, not buying it. I don't care how big their home is. A parent will find their child in that house if they are there - Then again, I knew someone who couldn't, so maybe I do buy it - Nah). 

Simon is with Ruthie and their parents as they drop Ruthie off at Pre-K. Simon offers to take Ruthie in, but Annie tells him they will do it.  His mother tells him to go, so he's not late, and kisses his cheek leaving lipstick lips on it.  (Poor Simon).

After he leaves, Ruthie's teacher, Mrs. Miller (Dawn Jeffory), introduces herself to Ruthie. Annie says goodbye to Ruthie when Ruthie sees modeling clay in the room.  Annie seems to be having a more challenging time with Ruthie going to school than Ruthie. (I called that one). 

Michael Towner (Donnie Jeffcoat) comes up to Mary's locker knocking on the one by it.

Mary: Hey.

He smirks and leaves.  Her friend tells her that something was written on the men's bathroom walls that sounds like Mary did a lot more than just go out with Mike, who she never even went out with.  Her friend suggests that Mary has Matt check out what was written.

However, Mary waits until everyone is out of the halls and goes into the men's bathroom to find out what was written.  It says, "You'll always score with Mary Camden because she loves to go one-on-one." (At least he spelled the words right, gotta give credit where credit is due). 

Some men enter the room, and Mary stands on the toilet in the stall to hide. One of the people is her brother Matt. Matt sees what was written and tells the guy he's with that he will kill the guy who wrote about his sister.  (Don't worry, Matt, Mary's got this). 

After school, Lucy and Jimmy followed Suzanne home from school.  Lucy doesn't believe that Suzanne lives in the projects.  Suzanne's mother (Brynn Thayer) sees Lucy but doesn't know her. She asks Lucy and Jimmy if they are lost.

Lucy (to Jimmy): We never should have come here.  (Ya think)?

Back at the house, Mary asks Matt to sign her detention slip because she got her third tardy in a month.

Matt: I'm the 'relieved it's not me' brother, not the parent or guardian.
Mary: Actually, you're the 'I went to a rave with some guys who were drinking when I said I was at the movies' brother.
Matt: I don't know where you get your information.
Mary: Save it.  I heard you talking about it in the bathroom.
Matt: Who loves Jennifer?
Mary: Brad. True love 4 ever.
Matt: You were in the guys' bathroom?
Mary: There was something written about me on the wall, and I wanted to check it out myself.

Matt signs the slip and tells her he will take care of Michael. Mary tells him she can do it herself.

Eric and Annie get an advisory about bringing weapons to school. They are amazed that they got that since Ruthie is only in Pre-K. Also, they never had that with the other children.

Simon comes into the kitchen and asks to talk to his mother alone. He informs her she can not kiss him again under any circumstances. (Seriously, Annie, you could have scarred him for life).

Ruthie comes downstairs and tells Simon and her mom that she will never go to school again. She thought she only had to learn for one day.  Ruthie blames Simon for not teaching her it was a daily event.  She then hits Simon. 

Annie: Where did you learn to do that?
Ruthie: School, and I'm not going back.

Lucy is in the living room with her father.  She is reading over his shoulder and corrects his spelling.  He asks if his daughter needs him.  She tells him Suzanne needs him.  She tells him about the apartment where Suzanne lives.  Eric is upset that Lucy went where the apartments are because they are a high-crime area. 

Eric: I should ground you. But you're already grounded.  (You could always extend the grounding, just saying). 

He tells her he will see what he can do for Suzanne and her mother.  He tells her he may not be able to do much, unfortunately.

Lucy: You'll figure out something. You always do.
Eric: I'm so glad it seems that way.

Eric shows up at the Sanders' house, and Pam answers the door.  He uses the excuse that he had to drop Suzanne's stained blouse from dinner the other day.  Pam explains that since she and her husband divorced, they haven't had the same standard of living.  She says her ex doesn't pay child support, and Suzanne believes her father doesn't love her.  He offers to have some lawyers from his church congregation look into it.  She says it won't do any good she's tried that, so he offers to do it as a minister. 

Pam: I would love to hear what he'd say to a reverend about not taking care of his daughter.
Eric: Let's find out. 

Suzanne comes in and is embarrassed to see Reverend Camden and runs. 

Pam tells him she'll go get Suzanne and asks him to tell her what her ex-husband says.

At the high school, Michael is with his friends laughing at Mary. 

Mary's friends tell her to let Matt take care of Michael, but she says she doesn't want to make a big deal. 

Michael: Mary Camden is such a tease. 
Her friend: So much for hope. (Mary walks over to Michael).
Mary: What did you say?
Michael: Me?  I didn't say anything.
Mary: What is your problem?
Michael: I don't have one.  What's yours?  You didn't get enough of me last time?
Mary: You're pathetic. (Mary slams his locker door shut). 

Matt comes over to his sister and asks her if she's okay. Mary tells him to stay out of it.

Ruthie tells Eric she had a great day at school.  Annie asks about it, and Eric tells her Ruthie met a boy.

Lucy asks to speak with Eric alone. She is angry with her father because Suzanne is angry with her because Eric was at her house when she returned from school.  He wants her to change her tone before he gets angry.  She tells him she doesn't want to lose her best friend. 

Lucy leaves the room, and Annie asks Eric if he's leaving.  Eric tells her he's going to meet with Suzanne's father.

Annie: Oh, well, I think I have your cape in here somewhere, but you're on your own for the phone booth.  (She laughs).
Eric: My superpowers may have been overrated. (Annie kisses him).
Annie: Not even a little. 

Ruthie and Simon are in their room.  Simon tells her he did great on his math test. He asks Ruthie about her day, so she tells him about Skyler. 

Ruthie: And he's a superhero.
Simon: Yeah, right.  The Tick.
Ruthie: Talk to the hand.
Simon: What?
Ruthie: Talk to the hand, cuz the ears aren't listening.
Simon: And who taught you that?
Ruthie: Skyler. 

Simon tells his mother that Skyler shouldn't be friends with Ruthie because he is a bad influence.  (I love how Simon tries to be fatherly. He does the same with the twins later on). 

The scene switches to Mary, who goes into Matt's. She is angry.

Mary: I said I'd take care of it, and I will!

The two go back and forth to each other's rooms, arguing.  (This scene makes me laugh, the ways they go back and forth between the rooms instead of staying in one place). 

Mary is crying in her room. She lays on the bed, holding her stuffed animal as she continues to cry.  (Poor Mary).

Eric is at a car dealership looking for Bill Sanders (James Reed).  He tells Bill he is punishing his daughter because he's mad at his ex-wife.  Bill tells him that Suzanne took his ex-wife's side and has to suffer the consequences. Rev. Camden suggests Suzanne doesn't call because she thinks her father doesn't love him.  Bill says if Suzanne called, he might "buy her a pair of shoes or something." (The dude is a douchebag).

Eric: Ever wonder why Suzanne doesn't call?
Bill: No. (And a scumbucket).
Eric: Maybe you should. Thanks for your time.

That night, Lucy, Mary, and Matt are all in a bad mood at dinner.  Lucy says Suzanne will never speak to her again.  Eric suggests the two of them go and shoot pool just so they can talk.

Eric asks Matt why Matt and Mary aren't talking after Mary asks to be excused.  Matt tells him nothing is going on and not to worry.  Then he asks to be excused. 

The camera then shows the other two. Simon is not very happy either.  Ruthie tells her parents she wasn't talking to Simon but is again, even though she doesn't need him.

Simon: You may not need me, but you'll miss me.
Ruthie: Haha.

At the pool hall, Bill shows up.  Eric tells Lucy to go get some sodas.  Bill accuses Eric of following him.  He tells her that they just happened to come to play pool.  Bill tells Lucy she is probably "in on it too." 

Eric: You don't wanna mess with my kid.

Bill challenges Eric to a game of pool for money.  Eric at first says no, but then Lucy donates two weeks of allowance - $20 - to get Eric to take on Bill. 

Eric comes home and shows Annie a lot of money.  He tells Annie he just got some "overdue child support."

The next day, Eric arrives at Pam and Suzanne's house.  Bill is there waiting for him.  Eric offers to let Bill give them the money. Bill tells him he can't pay all the child support at once, but he can get them out of the projects. 

Pam opens the door and calls Suzanne.  Bill apologizes to his daughter and says he loves her.  She cries.  (Bill has been redeemed). 

At the high school, Michael snaps Mary's bra.  Her friends tell her to ignore him because she's no different than the other girls he has harassed.

Mary: Yes, I am.  I'm the one who's not going to take it.  (Dun dun dun)!

She follows Michael into the bathroom with two of her friends. Matt watches and then comes into the bathroom as well. 

Michael: I guess you're here to fight your little sister's battles.
Matt: She doesn't need me to fight her battles.  If you had half a brain, you'd know that before you decided to take her on.  (Glad you finally realized it, Matt). 

Mary tells him to mark off what he wrote on the wall.  He throws the pen and tells her no.  Then he goes into the stall to get the pen, saying she can "have her pen back as a lovely parting gift."

Mary gives him a swirly (sticking his head in the toilet and flushing).  (This may be the best Mary scene in all of season one - possibly the entire series.  Loved it)!

Matt: She'll always be faster, and she'll always be smarter. That's why I don't have to fight her battles for her.

Many students have gone into the bathroom to witness what Mary did.

The principal (Nancy Lee Grahn) tells Mary and Michael they have to meet her in her office and have detention. 

Lucy and Suzanne are in the science lab, and Suzanne apologizes to Lucy for how she treated her.  Lucy accepts, and Suzanne explains that she is embarrassed about where she lives.  Lucy tells her the church owns the house they live in. 

After school, Lucy tells her dad that Suzanne said thank you, and so does she.  Annie asks Matt to keep an eye on Skyler and Ruthie.  Simon is upset that Skyler's there. Annie asks Matt also to keep Simon busy. Eric tells him he heard about Mary. He tells his parents because he is the older brother, it's his job to look out for her. 

Ruthie and Skyler are playing; Simon sits outside the room, feeling discouraged.  Matt tells Simon that Ruthie will always need him but won't admit it.  Matt tells him that as the oldest, he must look out for everyone, including Simon. 

Simon: When do you ever have to look out for me?
Matt: I'm doing it right now. (Matt is a great big brother, he goes overboard in the protecting, but his heart is in the right place). 

The doorbell rings and Simon opens it and sees Skyler's sister; Simon finds her attractive and starts rambling as he takes her to the living room.

Mary and Michael are both with their parents in the principal's office.  Michael says he wants to file assault charges. 

Principal: Mary, I'm assuming you'll want to file sexual harassment charges. (to Michael) What did you think that was?  Messing around, joking, having a good time?  It's not; it's sexual harassment. 

Michael's father believes the principal only sees it that way because she is also a female.  (The apple doesn't fall far from the tree). 

Mary tells the principal that she just wants to let it all go. 

Principal: Really?  I'm not inclined to be as generous as you are. (to Michael) You talk trash, you write trash, you dare to snap this woman's bra strap?  At the very least, your head is going to wind up in the toilet.  You harass another human being in this building, and you will find you have no friend here.

Michael says he understands. She tells him to spread the word (about harassing others) because he's good at spreading things. (Awesome principal)!

After the Towners leave, the principal tells Mary not to wait so long to ask for help next time.  As Mary goes with her parents, she lets them know she forged their names on a detention slip. 

Eric asks how long till Ruthie is out of school.

Annie: Including medical school 25 years.
Eric: We'll never make it. 

The closing credits come up. 



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