7th Heaven: Season 1 - Episode 6: Halloween


Matt (Barry Watson) tells the other kids a ghost story.

Matt tells a ghost story to his siblings when they are scared by their parents who come in. Annie joins her kids, but Eric hates Halloween and leaves.

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays. 

Simon walks in on Mary, who just finished showering (she has a towel around her). Then Matt comes in and tries to use her deodorant. (Seriously? He doesn't have his own, and he's sixteen)?

Simon is preparing for the pumpkin carving contest. 

Annie had a bad dream last night, and Eric was teasing her. 

Eric apparently went out with many women in Binghamton before he and Annie were married. Annie tells him that Cindy is happily married to Henry Benard, and Eric drops his coffee mug, which breaks. (I bet Eric knows a guy named Henry Benard).

At school, Lucy and Jimmy are talking to two guys outside about something that Lucy says was made up to scare kids. They decide to check it out after school.

Ruthie doesn't want to be a dinosaur because Annie is making a costume, and Ruthie's friend's mother got her a costume from a store.

Matt finds out Roxanne (Lori Heuring) broke up with her boyfriend and invites her to the school Halloween dance. He's been interested in her for a while, it seems. (She's probably not that great).

Lucy and the three guys arrive at "Mike the Mutant's house." They send Lucy to go into the backyard first. They are going to steal a pumpkin, but Mike (Richard Moll) scares them, and they run. Although Lucy manages to keep the pumpkin when she runs. 

Ruthie and Annie are at a costume shop to get Ruthie a store-bought costume. She wants to be "prettier than Simon's pumpkin" but then decides to go with her mom's handmade dinosaur costume.

Matt comes into Eric's office and scares Eric, who was "resting his eyes." Matt went and got the decorations for the church carnival. Eric didn't want to do it because he hates Halloween. Matt tells Eric he will dress up as a hobo, but Eric doesn't like him using a homeless person's misfortune as entertainment. 

Mary plans to go out with someone on the phone instead of going to the dance or the carnival. 

Lucy comes in with a pumpkin, and Simon wants it, but Lucy says no. She doesn't want to tell her mom where she got it, but Annie tells her to return the pumpkin from wherever she stole it.

Mike sees her returning the pumpkin, and it scares him. Lucy was afraid of Mike. 

Mary is searching for a cape for Simon when her dad sees her. 

Eric: Isn't Halloween over yet?

She tells him she is going to the dance and not the carnival.

Lucy asks Mike about the scar on his head. He told her he was shot. Lucy wants him to meet her friends or family, and Mike gets agitated and runs inside. He tells her she can come over but not her friends.  

It's nighttime, and Eric has a bad dream from his childhood. He is haunted by a kid he beat up over a coonskin cap. 

The following day, Annie sees her husband in the kitchen and asks if he can't get back to sleep. He doesn't want to talk about it and blames the coffee. Simon comes into the kitchen, unable to sleep because he is obsessing about the pumpkin carving contest. 

Roxanne tells Matt she can't be a hobo because she's going as Roxanne (I guess that's her character's  Halloween name then). and wants Matt to be Cyrano. 

Eric tells Lucy he hates Halloween. Lucy says she's not crazy about it either. Eric tells her he knew Mike before the accident, and he was an artist. Eric tells her that Mike was working at a gas station; he tried to stop some guys from robbing the place and got shot. He tells her that people sometimes make decisions based on appearances rather than what is. Lucy tells him that Mike is a nice man.

Eric: Was he nice enough to forgive you for stealing his pumpkin?
Lucy: Yeah
Eric: Well, it sounds to me like Mike's found himself a good friend.

Ruthie is in her dinosaur costume in her parent's room with Annie. Annie says she is "the cutest dinosaur I ever saw!" Ruthie is unhappy with the outfit because it's hot and uncomfortable, and she can't use her hands. Matt shows Annie and Ruthie the Cyrano costume, which he hates. 

Annie: Well, maybe between the big nose and the hat, nobody will know who you are.

Simon brings Lucy a box into the backyard he found on the front porch. It's a pumpkin. 

Simon is stressed out about Lucy entering the contest. 

Annie and Mary are setting up for the carnival. Ruthie is asleep on some black curtains they need. 

Lucy goes to Mike's and sees the guys egging and tp-ing his house. She sprays them with the hose. She checks on Mike, who is upset, and asks if they are gone. She tells him it's okay, and he is crying. 

Lucy tells Mike that most people are friendly and that people are scared of him. He tells her he wishes they wouldn't be afraid of him. 

Ruthie doesn't want to go out in her costume, so Mary tries to get Ruthie to go.

Matt shows up as a hobo, and Roxanne is upset. She refuses to go out with him because it makes her look like a loser. Matt asks what about Cyrano and Roxanne - the love story. She said, "that's fiction." 

Matt: You look really beautiful in that dress right now. Incredibly beautiful, but in spite of your appearance, the thrill's gone for me, babe."

Roxanne asks if he really thinks she is incredibly beautiful. He shakes his head and leaves. 

Simon is dressed as a vampire, Annie is a witch, Mary is a cowgirl, and Ruthie is Happy (the dog)

Annie: How did you do it?
Mary: I sat her down. I told her you'd better get into costume, go to the carnival, and be happy. And she said okay.
Annie: You're a miracle worker!

Eric goes to Henry Benard's house with a gift - a coonskin cap. Henry doesn't remember Eric and is confused about why he brought him a hat. As Eric is leaving and embarrassed, Henry asks him why he came over, but then remembers. Like in the dream, Henry tells Eric he got the hat for him. Turns out Eric's Halloween hatred is because of guilt over having hit Henry all those years ago, over the coonskin cap. (Boring subplot mystery solved).

At the church, the carnival has started. People are voting on their favorite pumpkins. Matt shows up, as does Eric wearing the cap. 

Annie: What's come over you?
Eric: I'm happy.
Annie: You can't be happy; Ruthie's Happy. 

Annie figures out that Mary is home.

Valerie calls Mary, and Mary tells her that she will stay home because it's the only time she gets to be home alone. (I am the youngest of eight, I get it). She is dancing all over the house. Then she decides to take a bath while wearing a tiara and eating ice cream.

The pumpkin carving contest winner is Lucy Camden. Lucy tells everyone she didn't carve the pumpkin and that Mike is the contest winner. He takes off his mask, and everyone claps. Simon calls Mike "a true master" and shakes his hand. Jimmy apologizes for throwing eggs, and the guys say they will clean it up. 

Simon tells Mike he'll be back (regarding winning the contest)

Mike: So will I. 

(This episode was okay. The subplot with Eric was rather dull. I have liked Richard Moll a lot since he was on "Night Court," so that helped. I like that Matt recognized Roxanne for what she was, too, so that subplot was also good). 


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