7th Heaven: Season 1 - Episode 9: See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil


Ruthie (Mackenzie Rosman) has the chickenpox. 

Simon makes Ruthie hold her breath so he can go into the room without catching the chickenpox. But she breathes before he leaves. She asks him why he doesn't hold his own breath. (My mother and I were convinced Ruthie was the smart one in the family. We also thought she'd make a good president.) 

Annie and Matt are in their car. A man holds them up at gunpoint. She complies, and the man takes everything, including her wedding ring. 

That evening at the house, the police are getting the information on the robbery. They suggest Matt and Annie check out the victims' support group. Annie tells Eric she's okay. (Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.)

Upstairs, Annie is in Ruthie and Simon's room. Simon has on goggles and a snorkel to help him breathe. He thinks this will prevent him from getting chickenpox. (Let's see how well that works, kid). Ruthie asks Annie if she and Eric are married without the wedding ring. Annie assures her that they are. She tells Simon he will likely get the chickenpox, but he intends to fight it off. Annie tells them she wasn't scared.

Eric comes into Lucy and Mary's room. Mary asks how her Mom and Matt are. Eric tells her they'll be okay. He sees Lucy dressed up and asks her if she's in the play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. She tells him she needs to dress to get everyone's attention to announce her candidacy for class president. He tells her to say something to get their attention. He offers to give her one of his speeches. Lucy tells her dad that Mary is going to get a tattoo. (Way to throw your sister under the bus). Mary tells Eric that one of the girls on the team has a brother who will do it for free because he's a tattoo artist. 

Eric: What are you out of your mind?

Meanwhile, in Simon and Ruthie's room, Ruthie climbs to the top bunk with Simon and tells him she is scared.  

In the girls' room, Lucy is trying to find something to wear. Lucy is scared, knowing there's a man who has the keys to the house. 

Simon woke up with chickenpox. (I guess it didn't work). He is not a happy kid. He threatens to breathe on Lucy and Mary. 

Mary: Go right ahead. I've already had the chickenpox.
Lucy: Me, too.
Simon: I'm powerless?
Annie: Yeah

Annie sees what Lucy is wearing and makes her go change. Mary tries to get Annie to let her get the tattoo. She also says no. 

Matt asks for the housekey, and Annie tells him to make copies after school. 

Eric tells them the choirmaster wants to talk to him.

Annie: Maybe he wants you to fire Mittens.
Eric: Mittens?
Annie: Mrs. Hinkle, the organist, everyone calls her Mittens because it sounds like she's wearing mittens when she plays the organ.

Annie tells Eric again that she's okay. 

However, outside, Matt is not fine. Lucy runs inside and gets her father. Eric tells him that pretty much no one could pull it together so soon after a man put a gun to their head. Matt is upset that he didn't do anything because he was frozen. Eric tries to encourage Matt to join the victim support group. He also lets him take a sick day. 

Annie comes outside, and Eric tells her he will call later.

At Lucy's school, she discovers that Jimmy Moon is also running for class president. This makes Lucy angry, and they have a fight. (It went something like: "Fine." "Fine." "Fine." "Fine.")

Patricia Hamilton (Olivia Brown) is at the Camden's and asks Annie how Matt is doing. She tells her she is surprised Annie isn't reacting more. Annie says maybe, "cause it happened so fast." As she leaves, she tells Annie to call if she wants to talk. 

Simon and Ruthie are in their room. Ruthie tells Simon she doesn't want to sleep on the bottom bunk because she is scared. She reasons if she sleeps on the top bunk with Simon behind him, the robber will get Simon first. 

At Mary's school, the girls ask her if she will get a tattoo with them. She tells them yes.

At Glenoak Community Church, the choir is practicing. 

Matt asks Annie to watch Simon and Ruthie so she can pick the older girls up from school. Matt asks if he can do it because he needs to get out of the house. He tells her he called the support group. 

Annie: Was he helpful?
Matt: Just making the call was.

That night, in the parents' room, Annie tells Eric that Matt called the support group. She tells him not to worry her because she's fine. He tells her that the church does want him to fire Mrs. Hinkle. Annie goes downstairs to get a snack, and there is some suspenseful music. She stops in Ruthie and Simon's room and gets Happy. After taking the dog out, she comes in and sits on the floor, clearly not okay.

Eric sees Mrs. Hinkle (Peg Phillips) practicing at the church. He is having a hard time firing her. 

Mrs. Hinkle: Are you firing me?
Eric: No, no. But we need to start thinking about your retirement.
Mrs. Hinkle: Of you're right, of course. Would it be okay if I play this Sunday? It's my swan song, as it were.

Back at the house, Annie is getting a bath ready for Simon to help stop the itch. Annie tells him she and Mary have to run to the store, and he asks her to get him red lightbulbs, and she says yes. He pours the entire box of cornstarch into the bath after she leaves. 

Jimmy Moon comes into the church to ask Eric to dump Lucy for him. (Seriously, dude? Are you that big of a coward?)

Eric: I don't think breaking up with my daughter is the kind of help my daughter was referring to
Jimmy: I know. I thought you could find something you don't like about me and use it as a reason to keep Lucy from seeing me.
Eric: Oh, so she can be mad at me instead of being mad at you.
Jimmy: An unintentional but admittedly fortunate byproduct. (I am not a big fan of Jimmy, and it's for reasons like this).

At the store, Annie is loading groceries from the store. A man comes out to give Annie the sunglasses she left at the store. She thinks Mary is getting attacked and yells, "get away from her." Mary hugs her and tells her it's going to be okay. 

Simon sits in the bathtub, yelling, "Mom, am I done yet."  Lucy tells him she's at the store, so he tells her to get Matt. He asks Matt if he's done.

Matt: When you look like a giant corndog, you're done.

Eric tells Annie he heard about the grocery store incident. Annie cries and hugs Eric. 

Eric: I guess in your language fine means terrified and anguished.

Annie blames herself for the robbery. Eric tells her it was nobody's fault. (Unless you count the actual robber, it was definitely his fault). She says she doesn't know how not to be afraid. Simon comes into the kitchen and overhears her. He tells Matt he thought his parents were never scared. Matt tells her that he and Annie were frightened. Matt informs Simon that he can get fleas. Simon replies, "Great." 

The phone rings, and Annie answers. They have the man in custody and want her to come down to identify him. 

Annie: No problem.

 However, she tells Eric it's a wrong number. 

The next day, Eric is planning out his day. Annie tells him to stay out of Lucy and Jimmy's breakup. (Cause Jimmy needs to grow his own set)

Simon is putting the red light bulbs in their lights in their room.

Jimmy comes over to the Camden's house to talk to Lucy. Annie tells him she left to speak with Eric. He asks if he can wait for her to come home.

Lucy and Eric return as Annie answers,  "sure." 

Matt tells Annie that Officer McGuire called asking where they were. 

Lucy tells Jimmy that the breakup may have been good since Jimmy was a coward. (Yup), Jimmy tells her he doesn't want to break up. They both decide to withdraw from the election. They look like they will kiss, but then Jimmy shakes Lucy's hand and says, "I'll call you tomorrow." He leaves. (Dump him, move on to the better men, and eventually the great man).

At the police station, Annie and Matt cannot identify the person. 

Mary is outside the house shooting baskets. Matt comes into the yard and tells him they couldn't identify the man. He sees a tattoo on Mary's ankle, as do her parents. They are angry that she disobeyed, but then she shows them it's not a real tattoo. (Psych!)

Annie suddenly remembers the man who robbed them had a tattoo. They return to the police station, and she identifies the man, and Matt agrees that it's him. They both say they will testify that it was him in court.

Sunday, after church, Mrs. Hinkle plays the organ while everyone leaves. Eric tells her she can stay as long as she wants, and she tells him he has. She couldn't bring herself to quit, so she was happy he finally fired her. 

Simon asks his dad if they can talk. 

Matt tells Annie he's going to take the girls home. 

Simon gave Eric the ring that protects him to give to Annie. He doesn't want his Mom to be afraid anymore, and that way, she has a wedding ring until they can replace the actual wedding ring. 

(This episode was okay, but it wasn't one of my favorites. They went back and forth way too much. It was like watching a soap opera.) 


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