7th Heaven: Season 2 - Episode 13: Stuck in the Middle With You


Lucy (Beverly Mitchell) just found out Jimmy and Ashley broke up. 

Matt and Mary find Lucy and tell her that Jimmy Moon and Ashley broke up. Lucy has flashbacks of when she dated Jimmy (the flashbacks are in black and white). Rod (Toran Caudell) finds Lucy and asks her if they are going out; she tells him she has to think about it. 

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Lucy returns to the house and hangs her stuff up near the door. She goes into the kitchen, where Annie is on the phone. Annie tells Lucy it's Grandpa. Annie tells Grandpa that Matt can pick him up and asks if Ginger is coming. Grandpa (Graham Jarvis) tells her that he and Ginger "hit a roadblock in our relationship." She tells him she has to go to the church to do marriage counseling with Eric (that is, they are counseling other couples as a couple)

Ruthie comes into the kitchen and tells Annie she brought lizards home to be a pet. She got them from her friend Ricky because his mother told him he couldn't have them. Annie tells her, "I don't think so."

After Annie gets off the phone, Lucy excitedly tells her that Jimmy and Ashley broke up. Also, Rod is interested in her, and she loves the idea of two guys being interested. Annie tells her daughter to tell Matt to leave at 6 to go to the airport and pick up Grandpa. (Gee, I hope Lucy doesn't get talking on the phone and forget). 

At the church, Eric and Annie meet with couples who have been married for a year to discuss their futures as married couples. No one wants to talk, however. (I have done groups like this for other reasons, where no one wanted to talk. It can be frustrating). 

Lucy is talking to a friend on the phone in her room. She is asking about Jimmy's breakup. Mary asks her how Jimmy or Rod can call her if she's on the phone, and Lucy says she is "playing hard to reach until I make up my mind." (Just don't choose Jimmy; he is scum). 

Rod and Jimmy (Matthew Linville) try to reach Lucy but can't. 

Matt tells Mary to tell Lucy to pick Jimmy because he's better than Rod. (No, no, no)! Mary tells him that neither choice is correct. Matt says it doesn't matter because there is a choice. Lucy has to choose. Simon comes over to them and asks if they want to place bets on "the Jimmy-Rod race." The older siblings tell him that he can't bet on their sister. 

Ruthie comes running over to them to let them know Lester is laying eggs.

Simon: She got two lizards from some kid at school. Look, Lester cannot lay eggs. He's a male.
Ruthie: Not anymore, he isn't.
Simon: Then, obviously, you named them wrong.
Ruthie: Duh, come on, it's gross.

Matt tells Simon that no money, but Matt is betting on Moon. (NO)! Ruthie says they are all betting on Rod.

Back to the group at the church, Eric and Annie are telling the couples the importance of communication. Suddenly all of the couples have problems and are telling Eric and Annie about the issues. 

Eric and Annie return home, and Eric offers to help with dinner. Annie tells him "no thanks." and that she is excited about her father coming to visit. 

Lucy is still on the phone and forgot to tell Matt to pick up Grandpa. (Oops). 

The doorbell rings, and it's Grandpa, with a toupee. 

Grandpa (Graham Jarvis) wearing a toupee.

Everyone is shocked by the toupee. 

Ruthie asks Grandpa how he gets the toupee to stay on, and he tells her there is double-sided tape underneath it. (I am glad she asked cause I never knew myself). Simon asks him what "the chicks think" and what Ginger takes. Grandpa lets them know that he and Ginger aren't together. 

On the stairs, Ruthie tells Simon that their mother didn't mention the lizards. Simon tells her not to move them. They head all the way up.

Grandpa asks Annie what she thinks about his toupee. Eric hears them and says it "doesn't suit you." Annie disagrees. (Or at least says she does). Grandpa tells them he has a surprise and asks them to sit down. He wants to give Annie and Eric burial plots next to him and his late wife (Annie's mother died in season one)

At the high school, Rod and Lucy are talking in the hall. Jimmy comes over and asks to speak with Lucy alone. Rod leaves, and Jimmy asks if she is seeing Rod. Jimmy wants to know if they can get back together despite their past differences. She says she'll think about it. (No! Why are you even thinking about it? Dump him, kick him to the curb). 

Matt and Mary are spying on Lucy. Rod comes over and tells them that he "deeply cares about Lucy." Matt tells Rod he thinks Rod is "too mature for Lucy." (At this point in her life, Ruthie is too mature for Lucy, just sayin'). Rod takes that as a compliment but believes Lucy is as mature as he is. Rod leaves, and Matt asks Mary to talk to Lucy.

Eric and Annie are in the church parking lot discussing Annie's father. Annie is upset about the toupee, and Eric is upset about the burial plots. He wanted them to be married in New York in the Camden family lots. Annie gets angry at Eric.

At the house, the phone rings, and Lucy rushes to answer it. She is talking with a friend about Jimmy and Rod. Mary informs Lucy that Lucy is on phone restriction. Lucy doesn't care because her parents aren't home. (Tsk tsk, Lucy). 

At the church, Katie (Adrienne Corcoran) is yelling at her husband, telling him she's not living at the house. And then all the couples are arguing with each other. Eric asks them all to sit down and says he and Annie will share a disagreement with the others to show them how "the so-called experts handle it." 

Annie: Are you sure? Because we could do that if you wanna do that?
Eric: Sure, I'm sure. Not as sure as I was a moment ago, but what the heck. (Be afraid, Eric, be very afraid). 

The doorbell rings at the house, and Simon answers it. It's Rod. Simon says he'll get Lucy, but Rod tells him that he wants to talk to him. In their room, Rod tells Ruthie to take the male lizard out of the box because they like to eat the eggs. Ruthie leaves so Rod and Simon can talk alone.

Simon: So, what can I do for you?
Rod: Well, I get this vibe that you might be more supportive of my relationship with your sister, Lucy, than perhaps some of the rest of the tribe.
Simon: You've got your work cut out for you. You have to clean up your act if you expect my Dad to even consider letting Lucy go with you. 
Rod: But your Mom likes me, right? (He laughs nervously).
Simon: A fourteen-year-old with a mustache? Dude, think about it. (Okay, he's fourteen and was able to grow a mustache, I don't believe this determines what he's like as a person). 

The doorbell rings again, and Ruthie and Matt answer it. It's Jimmy Moon. Matt tells Ruthie he wants to talk to Jimmy alone. Ruthie goes to deal with her lizards.

Jimmy tells Matt that Rod is not suitable for Lucy. Matt agrees but is concerned about Jimmy dating Lucy since he broke her heart last time. (And Jimmy Moon is scum). Matt tells Jimmy he needs more self-control. (Or a frontal lobotomy). He tells Jimmy he needs to change his image to compete with Rod quickly.

Lucy is on the phone talking about Rod and Jimmy. Ruthie sits with Mary and whispers to her that Jimmy and Rod are both at the house. Mary tells Lucy, and Lucy quickly gets off the phone. 

At the church, Annie and Eric are arguing over where they will be buried. Annie runs out of the room. The couples start to take sides, and some leave with Annie.  

Eric: I guess we've all learned something here, huh? At least I have. 

Back at the house, Lucy tells Rod and Jimmy she will decide very soon. She asks them to leave, and everyone in the house name who they think she will choose. Ruthie names both of them because "it's gonna be one of them." (And yet, she could be wrong). 

That evening, Michael (Nigel Thatch) comes to the Camden house to discuss moving out of his mother's house with Eric. Eric suggests that both Katie and Michael discuss it with Nigel's mother. He says he and Katie fight about moving all the time. 

Eric: You know a fight is - It's rarely what two people are actually arguing about. It's usually just a battleground for some bigger issue that's too hard to discuss.
Michael: What bigger issue?
Eric: I don't know. You'll have to talk to Katie about that.

Bonnie (Maya Goodwin) comes to the house to talk with Annie. Bonnie is scared that Kevin will dump him for one of his patients eventually. Bonnie starts to think maybe she's being irrational. 

There's another knock on the door, and Grandpa answers it. (Busy house tonight). It's Robert. Grandpa figures out that Robert's the one whose wife is pregnant because Robert looks nervous. He tells Robert about his wife's passing and how grateful he is to have Annie. Eric comes into the living room and asks Robert if he can help, and he tells Eric his father-in-law already did, then leaves. Grandpa asks Eric if he and Annie are fighting over the burial plots. Annie comes in and tells Eric she's going to bed. 

Annie: You coming up soon?
Eric: It's only 9:00.
Annie: Yes, it is. And I imagine my father would like to get to bed.
Grandpa: Oh yes, that sounds like an excellent idea. (whispers to Eric after Annie goes upstairs): You know what I always say is - Do you wanna be right or do you wanna be married?

Lucy is in Matt's room yelling at her brothers. She wants them to stay out of her decision. Lucy finds out they are betting on Rod and Jimmy, and worse, they are not even using real money. She storms out and sees her mother in the hall. Annie asks her how it's going, and she blames her parents for not being home to "intercept her brothers or two boyfriends." Then she blames her parents for not letting her talk on the phone. Annie hugs her. (She must be a Freudian, blaming the mother for everything). 

Annie: Honey, I'm really tired, and I've got to go to bed. But for now, let me give you just one quick thought, okay? If either of the guys were the guy, you wouldn't have any trouble making up your mind. 

Ruthie and Mary are in Simon and Ruthie's room, looking at the lizards. Ruthie tells Mary if Lizzie ate Lester's eggs, Lester is probably mad, so maybe their Dad should talk to them. Mary tells her, "they're lizards. It doesn't matter who talks to them; they're not going to listen." As Mary leaves the room, Ruthie tells her sister to keep her posted on Lucy's big decision.

Ruthie asks Lester if he's ready to talk about it and lets him know she's there for him. (And so begins the new field of lizard psychology). 

Mary goes into her room and tells Lucy she should dump both Rod and Jimmy. She says not having a boyfriend is also a good thing because she doesn't have to worry about what she does or how she looks all the time.

Lucy: Even when you did have a boyfriend, you always did what you wanted. And you never cared about how you looked. No offense. 
Mary: You're right. And that proves that I can be me and still have a boyfriend. But you, on the other hand, still have some work to do. (This is indeed true). 

Lucy claims she doesn't and that she has two guys to choose from while Mary has no one.

Rod is in the bathroom contemplating shaving off his mustache but can't bring himself to do it. Jimmy is in someone's room, deciding if he's willing to change his image or not. 

Eric stubs his big toe going from the parents' bathroom to the bedroom. Annie says she doesn't care where they are buried and will talk to her father about the toupee. She tells Eric she misses her mom. (I get that, Annie, I really do). 

The following day, Annie and Grandpa are discussing her mother. Then she asks him about his toupee, and he corrects her about the "hairpiece." She asks her father if he's trying to push Ginger away because he still loves his wife. Grandpa tells her yes. Annie then asks him about the burial plots, and he said he wanted Ginger to know she couldn't be buried with him and would dump him, but instead, Ginger said she was cool with that since she wanted to be buried with her first husband. When that didn't work, he bought the toupee. Annie tells her father to call Ginger when he gets home. He replies, "Yes, ma'am." He throws his wig, declaring, "who needs it?"

Happy grabs the toupee and lays down with it.

Simon and Ruthie have flushed the lizards. Actually, they think Lizzie ate the eggs, Lester ate Lizzy, and Lester died, so they flushed him down the toilet. (The traditional lizard love story). 

Eric comes downstairs and tells Annie they need to get to the church because "last time we were late, a war almost broke out." He asks about Grandpa, and she tells him he ditched the hairpiece and is going back with Ginger. She says he needs to sort out his feelings for Ginger and his feelings for her mother. 

Eric asks her where they will be buried, and Annie tells him they have plenty of time to think about it, then says she doesn't care where they are buried. 

They arrive at the church, and all the couples are happy. Kevin (Dwier Brown) asks how Eric and Annie are, and Eric says fine. They all share their issues with their spouse and how they worked it out. 

At the high school, Rod has shaved off his mustache, and Jimmy Moon has some purple hair. Lucy tells Jimmy she needs time from him. She tells Rod she doesn't want to date him either because he needs time to decide if he wants to be with her or if it was just because Jimmy was a threat. 

Lucy: And I wanna give myself more time to figure out who I am and whether or not I'm ready to go with a guy.

She tells them she hopes they can all be friends, and then she leaves with Matt and Mary.

Rod and Jimmy aren't happy they made the changes for Lucy and then got dumped (though Lucy said it wasn't dumping).

As Matt, Mary, and Lucy leave, the older two tell Lucy they are proud of her. 

Matt (to Mary): Oh, our little Lucy is growing up. 

The end credits come up. 

(This was an okay episode, it wasn't one of my favorites). 


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