7th Heaven: Season 3 - Episode 1: It Takes Two, Baby

Annie (Catharine Hicks) is not enjoying her pregnancy, and Ruthie (Mackenzie Rosman) has a sympathy pregnancy that she's not enjoying. 

Annie complains to Eric about being pregnant. Ruthie says they are old and fat. Annie adds, "and sick." 

Annie: It's not fair.
Ruthie: Yeah, if you ask me, the only thing you daddies have to do with making a baby is the fun part. (She is such a trip)!

The theme song plays, and the opening credits come up.

Eric is making sandwiches when Matt comes down. Matt watches his father and asks if Annie is feeling better. He tells Matt he wants to take Annie out for their 20th anniversary, but she's not happy he got her pregnant. Matt asks if he can do anything.

Annie: Yes. If you ever get married, and your wife is ever pregnant, just admit she's the one having the baby, not the two of you, not you and her, just her. She's having the baby. The woman has the baby. Okay? Just do me that one favor.
Matt: Promise.
Annie: And don't make promises you can't keep.

After she leaves, Matt tells his father to hang in there. He also says he is hoping to live off-campus. 

Lucy and Mary are in their room discussing boys. Kenny and Lucy are no longer together. Lucy now has a book about getting a man she is following. Mary tells Lucy that every guy and every relationship is different. Lucy tells her sister if she had followed the rules, perhaps Wilson wouldn't have left. 

Ruthie tells her father she doesn't want lunch because her stomach is bothering her. He suggests she eats lunch and will feel better.

Ruthie: Give me an extra paper bag just in case it isn't.

Simon comes down and asks Ruthie what she's talking about and gets annoyed when she says, "my morning sickness." She gets upset when her brother accuses her of just trying to get attention and yells for her mother. Eric tells Simon to be nicer to Ruthie because she's a little girl. Simon leaves as Annie comes down. Annie accuses Eric of thinking girls are weak. He offers to help her out, and she tells him to go to the market and give him the list.

At school, Ms. Hanover (Berlinda Tolbert) asks another girl to change places with Laura (Kirsten Storms), so Laura can see the board. 

Lucy puts on lipstick at her locker and tells Mary she doesn't go without it because it's one of the rules. Mary claims she can get more guys breaking the rules, and Lucy tells her it's not a contest.

Matt runs into Connie (Sheeri Rappaport) at the college and tells her he's trying to get a place off-campus. She tells him that she and her two girlfriends are looking for a fourth roommate to share a two-bedroom apartment. 

Eric returns home from the market and suggests he and Annie have a romantic dinner at home for their anniversary. She gets angry, saying that he only wants to cook at home, so he doesn't have to be seen with her in public. He says he wants to do something nice, and she tells him to find a place that doesn't serve chicken where she can wear his pants that she currently has on. 

Ruthie returns home and tells her parents she's exhausted from all her extra weight. (Haha, I can't with this kid). Annie asks Ruthie if she wants to nap in the living room. Simon comes in and says, "don't ask." The phone rings, and it's for Mary. Simon yells up that it's for her. (Because his parents couldn't do that themselves). It is a boy who asks her out. The phone rings again, and it's Jordan, and she invites him over to shoot hoops. Lucy tells her it's not a contest. 

Matt comes in and tells his parents about the possibility of moving in with three women. His parents are not happy about it. (I hope this wasn't a surprise to Matt). However, Annie tells him, "it's your life, and it's your money." Eric warns Matt to make sure he knows what he's doing because his mother can change his room to a nursery in a day. 

Connie is telling the other girls about Matt. They are concerned since Matt's not a woman. Matt arrives and meets the two girls: Amanda (Jean Marie Barnwell) and Charlotte (Terri Conn), who are both smitten by his good looks. (So was I when I was younger and this episode first aired). Connie tells Matt he gets the smaller bedroom, and the three girls will share the big one. Connie sets the ground rules so that everything will work out. (Sure, Connie, you believe that). 

Jordan (Wade Carpenter) and Mary are talking in the dining room. 

Simon is on the phone with Laura. She wants to study over the phone, but when he says he can't, she asks him to come over to study. But he can't since it's a school night. He asks his dad to take him over so she can copy his notes. 

Lucy comes down and tells her father that her mother wants a banana split from the Dairy Shack. Lucy wants to go, and Simon is upset, then Ruthie also wants to go. They go outside and see Mary on top of Jordan on the ground. (Mary should be glad her mother is pregnant because Eric was too distracted trying to keep Annie happy to flip out on her and Jordan). They were playing basketball and fell. She introduces them to Jordan, and Eric quickly gets them away.

Inside, Annie tries to get rid of the chicken when Matt and Connie come in. She gives them the chicken. Connie kisses Matt, but Matt reminds her about the rules. 

Simon arrives at Laura's, and they start kissing. Her father (John Hyden) says hi to Simon. Simon is upset that Laura lied about her dad being home. She also lied about having a copier. 

At the Dairy Shack, Eric has the wrong wallet accidentally. He asks the man to hold a $100 bill from the wallet until he gets back. A picture of a naked lady falls out of the wallet as well.

At the house, Lucy tells Simon he has lipstick on him. Eric tells Jordan he took his wallet by mistake and owes him $100. Eric goes upstairs and gives Annie the banana split. She is not happy with the size, but it's the biggest they had. Eric tells Mary that Jordan has a picture of a naked woman in his wallet, and he doesn't like it. 

Eric returns to the Dairy Shack with his wallet, but he forgot to put the money in it. 

At Matt's apartment, Charlotte kisses him, and Amanda sees it. (It's good he's getting to know the women he lives with). 

At school, Mary gives Jordan the money her father owed. She asks him about the naked picture, and he explains that his brother put it in as a joke, and Jordan never took it out. Jordan asks about Lucy, and Mary tells him about Lucy's rule book for finding a man and future husband. Jordan leaves, Mary sees Brad (Brandt Wille), and they make a date for Saturday. Lucy comes over to her older sister and insists the rules do work.

Eric tells Annie he stopped at the deli she likes and bought her vegetable soup, a tuna salad, and a fruit smoothie at the house. Annie is upset as she believes he is telling her she is fat. He tells her she's beautiful and wants to celebrate their 20th anniversary. Ruthie comes in and suggests they go to Chuck E. Cheese. (I'd go to Chuck E Cheese). 

Eric: And why aren't we in school?
Ruthie: I don't know about you, but I wasn't feeling too well. 
Eric: Oh.
Ruthie (whispers): I'm a little gassy. 

Annie suggests they eat lunch outside in the yard because the sunshine will make them feel better. Eric is concerned Ruthie isn't at school, but Annie tells him she's in 2nd grade and won't miss much. (Actually, that is a pretty big year, but I guess one day won't hurt). She smells the tuna salad, and it's not tuna but chicken salad. She spazzes out, and Eric desperately searches for tuna to make a salad for her. There isn't any tuna, so Eric offers to go get some, and she asks him to run some other errands.

At the apartment, Amanda confronts Matt about kissing Charlotte. She tells him she wants to be next in line, and Matt runs out. 

Laura gets Simon to let her cheat off of his test at Simon's school. They get caught by the teacher. Ms. Hanover tells them they can retake the test after school in detention. (She's a nice teacher, most would give an automatic F). Simon isn't a happy camper, and Laura tells him, "at least we'll be together." (She's not the right girl for you, Simon). 

Connie sees Matt on campus and kicks him out of the apartment. 

Lucy is putting lipstick on when Jordan comes over to her locker. He asks her out, and she says yes, but is concerned about Mary. Jordan tells her he only likes Mary as a friend. Mary comes over and asks Lucy what is going on. She says Jordan has something to tell her.

Matt comes home, and Eric blames Matt for moving in with the girls in the first place. Matt accuses his father of keeping Annie in a bad mood when he could do something about it.'' (Because Eric Camden has that kind of power). 

Laura gets a 100% on her test in detention and is warned not to cheat again. Simon is frustrated when she tells Ms. Hanover that he looked at Simon's test because he's her boyfriend. (Lose her, Simon, lose hr fast). 

Mary and Lucy are in their room arguing over Jordan. Mary tells Lucy she didn't like that Lucy blamed herself for the breakup with Kenny. Lucy says she's lucky to have Mary as a sister, and they make up. 

Simon is on the phone with Laura. She tells him that it's cute that he's upset. She tells Simon he is going to make her be a better person. Simon sets down ground rules if they are going to date.

Matt and Connie are in their apartment. He thanks her for packing his stuff and apologizes to her. She tells him she wants to be friends, and he says he is attracted to her. She says they can go out in January when she's officially in school. 

Eric goes into his bedroom, where his wife and youngest daughter are sleeping. He wakes Annie up and tells her they are going out to celebrate their anniversary. He asks the older girls to watch Ruthie and Simon. Lucy agrees and asks to go out with Jordan. Eric tells her he doesn't trust Jordan but will work on that and then says he also doesn't trust Laura. (I don't trust Laura either, but I like Jordan). 

Eric drives while Annie covers her eyes. They drive to the doctor's office to see the baby. Then they go to the dairy shack, and Annie has on a dress Eric bought her. The man asks Eric if Annie is the naked woman he had in his wallet, and Eric says it is. The children all show up at the Dairy Shack, and Ruthie lipsynchs to the Frank Sinatra song, "Yes Sir, That's My Baby." 

Annie tells the other kids that they are having twins. The children are shocked. 

Ruthie finishes the song as the closing credits come up. 

(I have mixed feelings about this episode. I love Ruthie' she's too cute with her sympathy pregnancy. I also like that Jordan was introduced because he's pretty cool. I found the scenes with Laura in them annoying, however. So overall, it was a good but not great episode). 


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