7th Heaven: Season 1- Episode 11: Now You See Me


Simon (David Gallagher) in the kitchen. 

It is Sunday morning before church. Lucy wants to join the cheerleading team at school. Meanwhile, Simon tries to become invisible and believes it works when Matt accidentally bumps into him. Matt tells them he is bringing a date to church. 

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays. 

Church is over, and Mary and Lucy are talking. Mary tells her sister that cheerleading is stupid and not a real sport. 

Matt's date, Tia (Tamera Mello), tells Rev. Camden she enjoyed the sermon. She tells Eric and Annie all work is essential, whether out in the community or at home. Annie invites Tia to the house for Sunday dinner. Tia wants to help Annie with it, and Annie tells her, "ok."

Simon comes out and tells his father the lines in the bathroom are long because Eric went over. He tells him he needs a two-minute warning. 

Ruthie: Yeah, like they do in football.

Simon asks to ride home with Matt. He tells him no but Tia gets him to change his mind. Simon asks Tia about becoming invisible, saying she believes it's possible. 

At the house, Eric and Annie are in the kitchen. Eric wants to make French green beans. He tries to kiss Annie, but she doesn't let him. She complains that her husband isn't romantic anymore. (You mean green beans aren't romantic)?

Outside, Lucy asks Mary to help her (Lucy) get on the cheerleading squad, reminding Mary that she helped her practice to get on the basketball team. Mary tells her that cheerleading will lead to "her complete downfall as a woman and a human being."  (Mary can be hard to like sometimes). Tia comes into the yard, and Mary leaves. Tia thinks she did something to cause it. Lucy tells her she didn't.

Ruthie is helping make a salad in the kitchen. Matt comes in looking for Tia. Simon is also there, trying to become invisible. He blames Happy for everyone being able to see him. (Yep, everyone always blames the dog when they don't go invisible).

At dinner, Tia enjoys spending time with Matt's family. Annie tells her that Eric wrote her romantic poetry when they first started dating. They convince him to share a poem, and he recites a poem he wrote called "Home." Tia runs out of the room crying. 

Matt goes into the living room to find out what upset Tia. She tells him that her parents just divorced and that he is lucky to have his family. 

The next day at school, Tia asks Matt to take her to her father's house. They agree to do homework together at Matt's house, and Tia invites herself to dinner. (Things aren't looking good for you, Matt). 

Eric comes home early from church to do some work at home. Eric learns that no one is home and hopes to have some fun with Annie. (Yes, that kind) She gets angry because he didn't plan anything or put in any effort. She gives him half her peanut butter sandwich, telling him to get Mary after practice, and then leaves the kitchen. (I think Mary is a lot like Annie in this respect). 

At Lucy's school, the kids are leaving, and Lucy overhears some girls talking about how bad a cheerleader she would be. She runs to Matt's car wanting to leave quickly. 

Matt: As soon as you tell me what's wrong.
Lucy: I'm a dope.
Matt: Oh yeah, why?
Lucy: To think that I could ever go out for cheerleading.
Matt: Of course you can.
Lucy: Then you're a dope too.

Matt offers to help her, and she tells him he doesn't know anything about cheerleading. 

Matt: As a matter of fact, it's a topic I've studied quite closely for many years. (He's honest and a typical hormonal teenager).

Simon was in the car, and Lucy was angry that he overheard everything. He tells her Matt forgot he was there because he's invisible. (You have to give Simon credit, he doesn't quit easily). 

Tia's mother (Rebecca Balding) drops Tia off at the Camden's house. Tia tells Annie she doesn't want to see her ex-husband, so she is glad Matt offered to take Tia to his house. She also tells her she is happy not having a teenager at home. Tia tells Annie that her mother isn't a bad person. (Not bad, but very clueless). 

Eric picks Mary up from school. Eric tells her that cheerleading takes hard work, and Mary informs him there was an opening on the squad because a cheerleader broke her nose, falling off the pyramid. Eric tells her it's important to Lucy.

Back at the house, Simon is still trying to become invisible. Ruthie says hi, but he doesn't see her. She tells him she's invisible. He starts searching the room but can't find her. He leaves the room, and when he closes the door, Ruthie stands behind it. (I love Ruthie, she's fantastic)!

Matt and Tia are in the living room as Annie and Eric head to bed. Matt tells her that his parents were subtly telling her that she should go home because it's late. 

Everyone is asleep at the Camden's when the phone rings. It's Tia's father, Bob Jackson (David Purdham). Tia never came home. Eric checks Matt's room, and Annie goes outside and sees her asleep in her car. She tells them she is fine but doesn't want to go to her father's. (And her parents don't have a clue. When your kid doesn't want to come home, that is not a good thing).  

Eric calls Tia's father to let her know she is okay. Bob is fine with her sleeping over at the Camden's. Tia says she will go in the morning because her dad's dates "are usually gone by then." Eric tells her she should talk to her father.

Tia: You really do believe in miracles, don't you.
Eric: I think I have to, to be in my line of work.

The following day, Matt asks Tia if she has had car trouble. She tells him, "no," and she will tell him later. Simon tells her he figured out why Happy follows him even when he's invisible. The girls come downstairs.

Lucy (to Mary): Doesn't she ever leave?

After the other kids leave, Matt tells Eric and Annie that Tia could be the one. (Of course, he is at the age where every girl could be the one). Matt leaves.

 Annie (to Eric): I think Tia likes all of us Camdens equally.

Eric asks if they should tell Matt. 

Annie: No, he'll figure it out.

At school, Matt tells Tia he can't see her later because he has to help Lucy with something. Tia asks if she can go to church with his family on Sunday. Matt says yes, but also wants to spend time with just the two of them. She tells him it's okay if they don't have time to themselves because she likes his family. (Wake up, Matt. You can do it).  

Eric is over at Bob's house. Bob gets a phone call and asks Eric to reschedule. 

Matt takes Lucy to a gym. (He's clueless, but he's an excellent big brother). A woman gives Matt the keys to lock up. He tells Lucy he dates the girl's sister, and after she dumped him, she figured she owed him. Lucy is a klutz initially, but by the end, she has improved and can do a cartwheel. 

Tia is hanging out with Mary and Lucy. (I guess Lucy is over Tia always being there). 
Matt asks if she wants to do something, but she says she wants to "hang out with the girls."

Matt leaves their room and crashes into Simon. 

Matt: Simon, knock off this invisibility stuff. I don't find it amusing anymore.
Simon: You're just in a bad mood, I understand.

Simon tells Matt that Tia wants their parents to adopt her. Simon says she needs a family.

In the parents' room, Eric tells Annie about Tia's dad. Annie tells him Tia's mom is the same way. Neither of Tia's parents understands how Tia is being affected by their actions. (Maybe someone should get involved and make them see). Eric says they need to get them in the same room to see what they are doing to Tia. (Oh good, Eric agrees with me), He kisses Annie, and Annie turns off the light. She then looks at him.

Eric: What?
Annie: Nothing. 

She then goes to sleep angry with Eric. (Look, Matt's not the only one without a clue). 

The next day, Matt asks Lucy if she's ready. Lucy tells him she isn't pretty enough to be a cheerleader. 

The other Camdens are watching Lucy with the other cheerleaders. Lucy is at the top of the pyramid.

Mary: This is kinda cool. 

Simon says the "cheerleader Lucy" was invisible behind the regular Lucy. 

That night, back at the house, Matt tells Tia he thinks she only wants to be with him because of her family. (Good job Matt, with only Simon's guidance, you got it). The two of them break up. Tia asks if they can go out again when her life settles down, and he agrees.

Eric and Annie talk to Tia's mom in the living room when Bob also comes over. They both believe the Camden parents want them to meet someone.

Annie: We do.

Tia comes into the room.

Eric: Bob, Ellen, we'd like you to meet your daughter. Apparently, you've both been pretty wrapped up lately, and you've been missing out on getting to know a terrific young lady. She's got a couple things she would like to say to you.

Tia tells her parents that neither of them cares about her. All they want to do is get back at each other. She tells them she needs her parents, even if only one at a time. She tells them she loves them. 

After she leaves the room again, Eric talks to her parents. He tells them that some kids do okay in a divorce, but many commit suicide because their parents ignore them due to their own pain.

Ellen gets mad at Eric, who apologizes for pushing. After he leaves, the parents agree that he is right. (Miracles do happen). Then they decide that they need to sit down and talk to Tia. 

Annie and Eric head upstairs, while Simon is in the corner at the bottom of the stairs. They act like they haven't seen him, and Simon is ecstatic. (It takes so little to make him happy). 

In Mary and Lucy's room, Mary tells Lucy that Lucy did a great job earlier. Mary gives Lucy a gift.

Lucy: A sports bra?
Mary: Yep. I thought since you're kind of an athlete now, you might need it.

Eric has his guitar up on the roof and has surprised Annie with caviar and champagne. He sings to her. She joins in, and they sing the song "Up on the Roof" by The Drifters.

The closing credits come up. 

(This was a good episode. Simon's desire to be invisible was amusing). 


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