7th Heaven: Season 1 - Episode 3: In the Blink of an Eye


Breakfast at the Camden house.

Simon gets moonrocks in his bowl of cereal and decides he is lucky. Then he finds out he is getting bunk beds. Because Annie's parents are coming back, Matt will sleep on the couch in the living room, and Ruthie is moving into their room with Simon on the bunk beds. Simon is not happy to be sharing a room with his little sister. (Maybe those aren't so lucky after all, kiddo). Ruthie is happy and kisses Simon on the cheek.

The theme song plays, and the opening credits come up.

Lucy has a non-date with Jimmy, so Annie promises to keep Eric away. Mary wants to go to a party with Jeff, but her parents won't allow it because they do not know the person who is having the party. Matt is still grounded. 

Annie is upset because she has just talked to her dad and her parents aren't coming for another weekend. Eric suggests that Annie fly out to Phoenix, which means Matt must do the Meals on Wheels. 

Mary and Lucy are talking. Mary says she might go with Jeff to see the movie "Striptease" because she doesn't want to look like a geek who always obeys her parents. Annie comes in and tells them her plans to fly out to Phoenix. Lucy is excited that her dad will be driving the Meals on Wheels van, but Annie informs her that Eric will be home because Matt is driving it, but Eric promised to leave Lucy and Jimmy alone.

Lucy wants Mary to keep Eric away and threatens to rat her out for seeing an R-rated movie when she is only fourteen. Ruthie is upset that Eric is going to have to cook. Simon is still upset that Ruthie is moving into his room. Simon is starting to think his lucky day isn't so fortunate. (I am thinking he is correct). 

Annie: Hey, Simon, no fighting while I'm gone.
Simon: Okay, I'll wait until you get home.

Mary is running at school and sees Jeff. She tells him she is going to stay home with Lucy. Jeff is angry, which makes Mary angry. 

Eric took Ruthie grocery shopping but then forgot to take her out of the car seat when they returned home. 

Ruthie (when Eric opens the caravan door): Mom never does this.

Mary gets to the station wagon and finds Matt making out with a girl. She "ahems," and the girl gets out of the car, and Matt says he will get her later. Mary asks him how she's picking the girl up since he can only drive to school. 

Simon is annoyed with Ruthie's dolls. She thinks he is scared, but he says he just wants privacy. Matt informs Simon that he is now the top dog and can make Ruthie do whatever he wants. 

Simon: Hey Ruthie, wanna go downstairs and get my backpack for me.
Ruthie: I can't - I'm busy. 
Simon: Well, you have to; it's not 5:00 yet, and your five. Everything before 5:00 is your responsibility.
Ruthie: Okay. (Leaves)
Matt (to Simon): Very good, grasshopper.

Mary is throwing a fabric basketball as she talks to Lucy. Lucy hopes to get kissed, but Mary tells her she can't kiss Jimmy cause she's only thirteen and Mary never kissed a guy until she was fourteen. 

Lucy: Well, I'm not six feet tall, so I don't have to wait.

Ruthie comes in and is told by Mary that she doesn't have to obey Simon.

Annie arrives at her parents' house in Phoenix, but they are not there. When they come in, Annie is upset, but then she and her mom hug. They decide to fly first class and return to Annie's that night. Annie doesn't think that will work, so they inform her it will.

Matt is getting ready to drive the Meals on Wheels van. He tries to get out of being grounded sooner, but Eric tells him no.

The others are having dinner and not enjoying it cause, as Ruthie has explained, Eric can't cook. Mary asks Eric to get the salt, and after he goes into the kitchen, they start dumping their plates. Eric comes into the room.

Eric: The pizza will be here in five minutes, so don't fill up." 

Ruthie is delighted.

Matt rushes to deliver the food.

Back in Phoenix, Annie is having a pre-trip meal with her family. She is concerned about her mother, who does whatever she feels like. (If you are terminally ill, you probably feel like you can do what you want at that point). 

Ruthie is having a tea party with her imaginary friend Hoowie. Simon says he doesn't see Hoowie, but Ruthie explains you can't see him. You only hear him because he snores. 

Simon: Don't worry. Happy, and I won't hear him up here. 
Ruthie: How's Happy going to get on the top bunk?
Simon: Pack it up, sister. You're moving up to the penthouse.
Ruthie: No. I'm not your personal ballet. (Earlier, Mary told her to tell Simon she wasn't his personal valet).

Matt arrives at the Drive-In to pick his girlfriend up at work. (This probably wasn't a good idea). 

At the house, Jimmy arrives, and Lucy lets him in as Eric stands there. Jimmy made a copy of the movie for Eric so they wouldn't have to watch the film with Eric. Mary comes down, and she and Lucy are both clearing their throats. Eric goes upstairs. 

In Ruthie and Simon's room, Simon tries to bribe Ruthie to sleep on the top bunk because Happy can't get up to the top bunk. He even offers his moonrocks, but Ruthie is not interested. 

Jimmy and Lucy are watching a movie with a woman singing in French. Mary spies on them. She goes to her parent's room and gets Eric's guitar, suggesting it's time for his greatest hits. Eric tells her that right now, she's his favorite. (Way to pit the kids against each other, Dad). 

Matt and his girlfriend go to the van and see a man looking for food. Matt gives the man money, which impresses the girl. The girl opens a can of beer and asks Matt if he wants any. 

Matt: No thanks, I'm the designated underage driver.

He then backs out while kissing her and hits a police car, causing the girl's beer to spill on Matt.

Back at the house, Eric is at the bottom of the stairs playing his guitar and singing. Mary joins him in singing "Froggy Went A-Courtin'." Lucy tells Jimmy to ignore it, but he can't. Lucy comes out mad at Mary for getting Eric to do it, and Simon tells him that Ruthie won't move to the top. Lucy tells Eric that Mary is going to an R-rated movie. Jimmy asks if the date is over, and Simon answers, "I guess so." Eric tells Jimmy he will drive him home, but then he gets a call from Matt.

The officer (Michael Cutt) tells Matt he thought Matt was on restriction.

Matt: I have his permission to drive the van.
Officer: Do you have his permission to drink and drive.
Matt: I wasn't drinking.
Officer: That's an interesting cologne you are wearing.

Back at the house, Mary and Lucy are arguing. 

Simon, Ruthie, and Happy are all trying to sleep on the bottom bunk. Happy gets up and leaves.

Annie returns home with her parents. Mary tells her that Eric took Jimmy home. Mary also tells them that Matt may have had trouble with the van. Simon tells his grandparents that he got the moonrocks. His grandfather tells him they aren't real moonrocks, just chemicals (grandma clears throat) "that come from the moon." He tells Simon he is lucky. (Simon is starting to see he's not that lucky after all). Simon and Ruthie are fighting, as are Lucy and Mary.

Annie: Is this what happens when I'm not here - everyone fights?
Simon: Yeah.

Eric gets Matt, and the officer tells Eric that Matt was not drinking. Eric asks Matt if he got lost. The girl's father tells Matt to stay away from his daughter and that he "should have known better - the minister's son." (One of the reasons this show was so good is that they let you see even a preacher's family are just like everyone else). Eric asks if Matt smells beer, but Matt tries to blame Eric. Eric informs Matt he is never driving his car again. 

Annie tells Simon he is sleeping on the top bunk, but Eric will put Happy up there when he gets home.

Mary, Lucy, and Grandma Jeanie are getting ice cream. She tells the girls they are lucky they have each other. The girls make up. Grandma goes up to Simon and Ruthie's room. She kisses Ruthie goodnight and tells Simon that he is growing up. Simon gives his moonrocks to his grandmother to give to his grandfather. 

The girls head up to bed. Annie and her parents wait for Eric and Matt. Eric comes in and tells them Matt will be back soon. He says he is going to bed. Annie's mother tells Eric to talk to and forgive Matt because life is short. 

Eric is angry with Matt, but Annie is happy to spend time with her parents. 

Simon covers up Ruthie. 

Ruthie: Night Simon, Love you.
Simon: Yeah, I love you too. We don't have to say it every night.

Annie observes that they all know the right thing but don't always do it.

Jeff arrives at the house, asking to talk to Mary. Eric gives him five minutes and tells Mary to tell Lucy that Jimmy will call her tomorrow. Mary tells Jeff she used Lucy as an excuse because she wasn't allowed to attend the party. She informs Jeff that movies are probably out for a while. They start kissing.

Annie's parents are dancing in the living room. They discussed when they got Annie at camp and taught her "Hello, Mudda" to make her feel better when she was little. 

Matt comes in, and Grandma Jeannie goes into the kitchen to talk to him. Matt is discouraged because he messed up, but Grandma Jeannie tells him, "keep looking." Eric comes into the kitchen, and Grandma heads up to bed.

Matt apologizes to Eric, and they hug.

Annie is sleeping. She wakes up to her mother kissing her and saying, "I love you, Annie. But I have to go now." The vision disappears, and Annie gets up and goes to the room her grandparents are in.

Grandpa: She's passed on, Annie. She's gone." 

Eric comes out and sees them hugging. Annie is sobbing. (So was I). 

The closing credits come up. 

(This was a beautiful episode. I especially liked the ending; it was so well written). 


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