7th Heaven: Season 1 - Episode 12: With a Little Help From My Friends


Reverend Eric Camden (Stephen Collins) comes into the house after church. 

Eric is upset that Matt didn't show up to church. He asks the other kids if they know where he was, and Simon tells him it probably had to do with a girl. (Well, technically speaking, Mrs. Binks is female). 

Simon asks Happy if she's had her puppies yet, and Annie tells him any day now.

Matt calls home to apologize for not being at church. He tells his father he can't tell him why yet and asks him to trust him until he can.

Lucy wants to have a boy/girl party for her thirteenth birthday. Eric tells her she's too young, and Lucy replies, "fine!"

Matt is over at Mrs. Bink's (Eileen Brennan) house helping her. She tells Matt he can't tell anyone he is helping her out because she is afraid because of her age, Mrs. Bink might get put in a home if people find out she needs help. 

The opening credits come up and the theme song plays. 

Simon is looking for Happy. He asks Lucy, but she hasn't seen her.

Lucy is on the phone with Jimmy Moon (Matthew Linville), complaining that he wants a boy/girl party, but her father tells her "no."  Jimmy asks Lucy if he has to get her anything.  When she tells him it's up to him and hangs up, he says, "I'm dead." 

Simon asks his parents where Happy is. 

 Annie: I'm sure she's around here somewhere.

Simon hears his dog outside and lets her in.  Matt let her out, and Simon is angry that Matt let her out when she could hav the puppies any minute. 

Simon: I can't trust anyone.  I am not leaving this house until Happy goes to the hospital to have her babies, and even then, I am going with her.
Eric: Okay, what do we tell the truant officer?
Simon: The what?
Eric: Simon, you have o go to school, and Happy's not going to the hospital.  She's going to have her puppies right here.

Matt is amused by the entire thing.

At school, Jimmy tells Lucy that Dwigh (Jason Davis) is having a birthday pa y on Wednesday.  Wednesday is Lucy's birthday as well.  Dwight wants to have a double party, but she turns him down.  She tells him he is having dinner with his family.  She gets angry at Jimmy when he tells her he's going to Dwight's party, not her house.  (Lucy is having a Mary-type day).

Lucy: I thought you wa ed to be with me?
Jimmy: I do, but...
Lucy: Nevermind.  (Jimmy, you chose to get back with her, just remember that). 

Eric is trying to break things at chu h to give an out-of-work parishioner something to fix.  Steve ummingham (Marcus Smythe) sees him and offers to help.  Eric tells him he's trying to help him a job and offers him something from the "family fun " Steve turns it down, saying his family will be fine. (Steve has a young daughter, I think he needs a little ess pride).

Matt gets called to the office at school. Mrs. Bink shouted with an urgent message.  He calls her back, and she tells him he needs to come over now, not after school.  Mary comes into the office, and the secretary tells them both to go see their "aunt Gladys." Mrs. Bink is upset that Mary ame, but Matt told her he had no choice bu bring her.  She offers to take them out for ice cream.  He asks Mary to wait outside and then tells Mrs. Bink she needs more help than he can give her.  (She needs help, but I think she is lonely as well).

Dwight is at the Camden's house.  He tells Annie he wants Lucy to come to his party because he wants to do it for her since Jimmy is his best friend. (I like Dwight, he's an amiable kid). 

Simon, Lucy, Mary, and Matt come home. Lucy wants to know what Dwight is doing there. Simon is upset that Happy has been outside alone. 

After Dwight goes with Ruthie and Simon to see Happy, Lucy yells at h  mother for telling Dwight Lucy could go to his party.  After she storms out, Annie asks Mary and Matt to encourage Lucy to go to the party.  That evening, Annie and Eric are in their livingroom. Eric is trying to prepare a sermon for Sunday but is thinking about Steve's family. 

Simon and Ruthie come down looking for Happy.  After they leave, Annie tells Eric they are driving her crazy. (Simon's just a li le overzealous).

The phone ings, and Eric answers it. Then Simon yells for Annie. Lucy asks if the puppies were born yet.

And they are.  (It's about time. Poor Simon couldn't have taken it much longer).  

Eric tells Annie that the school secretary called to find out "how Aunt Gladys was doing." Matt and Mary do not want to tell their parents about Mrs. Bink, so Annie tells them to go so she and Eric can talk. 

Eric: So what do you want to do?
Annie: Well, I'm all for disciplining the kids, but I think we should trust them on this one.
Eric: They skipped school and lied to us about an emergency.
Annie: I know it's odd, isn't it, but I think we should wait this out.
Eric: Based on what 
Annie: Based on I have a good feeling about those two.  And they wouldn't take a risk like that - unless it was important.

Upstairs, Ruthie and Simon are looking at names for the puppies. 

Lucy tells Mary that going to Dwight's house will ruin everything.  She tells Mary she wants her own party, plus none of the cool kids will go since Dwight and Jimmy aren't cool.  (Jimmy must feel so good with a girlfriend who doesn't consider him cool enough - she's not wrong cause I can't stand Jimmy, but I'm sure it doesn't make him feel good). 

Eric leaves to go over to Steve's house the following day.  He thinks Steve is in trouble.

Simon comes into the kitchen. He is stressed out because he's "a new father." 

Annie: Why would you have to get up for feedings?
Simon: Every time the puppies ate, we fed Happy so she wouldn't run out of milk.

Annie explains how nature makes it so Happy will have milk as long as the puppies need it.

The phone rings, and Matt and Annie answer simultaneous . It's Mrs. Bink; Matt tells his mother to hang up.  Mrs. Bink asks Matt to come over to get money off of th coffee can on the top shelf, which she threw up there.  She offers to pay Matt but then tells him she will do it herself when he refuses. 

Eric arrives at the Cunningham's house only to find out they live in their van now.  Laura (Robin Pearson Rose) tells him that Steve wouldn't want anyone to know that they live in their van.  Steve says it's only been going on for a couple of days.

Eric offers to hel them get a place in a shelter, but Steve refuses help.  (I know he keeps saying his family doesn't need help, but I still say he's got significant pride issues).

Steve: Now that you know what's going on, maybe you could say a little prayer for us. That'll work.
Eric: After all this, losing your job and your home. You still have faith, don't you?
Steve: Well yeah. You wanna know why? Cause you're good at what you do.

Mrs. Bink climbs up a small ladder to get her money down but falls. She yells for help. 

The Camdens are eating dinner, and Ruthie and Simon ask to be excused to go with the puppies and Happy.  Eric asks Lucy if she's going to Dwight's party.

Lucy: Since I can't have my own party, I decided to skip it.
Eric: I am really tired of people complaining. We have so much more than other people.  We have a house to live in, we have food to eat, and we have nice clothes to wear.  I'd like to hear a little gratitude around here once in a while.

Lucy gets upset and runs from the table up to her room.

Eric comes up and apologizes for snapping at her.  Her father tells her about the Cunninghams living in their van. He does not tell her their names, however. Lucy tells her father that he taught her the right things; she hasn't learned them yet. (The first step is recognizing the problem). 

The phone rings, and Matt answers. He tells his mother he has to go to the hospital. Eric questions him, and he tells them what is going on.  Eric goes with Matt to the hospital.

Simon and Ruthie are in their room talking about the puppies.  Ruthie doesn't want to split them up., so Simon tells her not to worry.

The doctor tells Eric what is going on with Mrs. Bink at the hospital. Meanwhile, Matt is talking with Mrs. Bink.  Eric is outside listening. 

Mrs. Bink: Are you gonna stoop around all night, or are you gonna come in and join us?!

Eric asks Mrs. Bink to hire the Cunninghams to come work at her house until they get back on their feet.  She agrees. 

At Lucy's school, Jimmy wishes Lucy a happy birthday.  He informs her that Dwight didn't have a party, and he was throwing the party for her.  After Lucy leaves Jimmy, Dwight gives Jimmy the thumbs up.  (I bet they are planning something). 

Matt comes over to Mrs. Bink's house with some food and sees Steve.  He asks him how it's going.  Mrs. Bink is inside the house. 

Mrs. Bink: Leave him alone! I'm paying him by the hour!
Steve: She's a delight.
Mrs. Bink: I heard that!

Mrs. Bink tells Matt that Katie (Michelle Casey), the Cunningham's daughter, will be staying with her during the day when Steve and Laura find work.  Katie tells Matt that she isn't afraid of Mrs. Bink. 

Mrs. Bink tells Steve she wants to make her garage a guest house. 

Mrs. Bink: If you would be willing to fix it up, then you guys could stay there for a while.  Just until you get on your feet, or I get on my feet, or or Katie graduates from high school.
Steve: Did Reverand Camden ask you if we could live here?
Mrs. Bink: No.  I just think we're both victims of the Reverend's prayers. (Not a bad thing to be a victim of).

The Camden's return home from Lucy's birthday dinner. Lucy feels terrible about how she reated Dwight.

They go into the living room for cake.  When Lucy opens the door, all her friends, including Dwight, yell, "Surprise!"

Lucy apologizes to Dwight.  Eric tells her that he and Annie will be upstairs, but in and out.  She invites them to stay.  Then she dances with her father. 

Dwight dances with Lucy and tells her he is in love with her. (Aww).

Later that night, Lucy tells Mary what Dwight said. Mary tells her he probably misheard him because she was so excited about the party.  

Lucy: In his own way, Dwight is kind of sexy. (Lucy is a hopeless romantic).

The rest of th family comes into the room to give her their presents.  Ruthie gives her a Hoowie pass, to use Hoowie for one day for anything she wants.  Simon gives her thirteen days of free bedmaking.  Lucy tells him she thought he'd give her the puppies, but Simon says he has already found a home for them.  Dwight is going to take them. (And now Ruthie can sleep at night because the puppies won't be separated).  Mary and Matt give Lucy a basket of "everything she'll need to get through her teen years." It includes Mary's old diary, but she only wrote in two pages. Her father gives her a picture of him holding her shortly after she was born. This gift makes Lucy cry.  Her mother gives her the locket that Annie's mother gave her when she turned thirteen. Lucy cries even more. (Of all the kids, I relate the most to Lucy because of how sensitive she is). They all wish her a happy birthday. 

The closing credits come up.  

(This was a good episode. I like that Lucy learned something about how she acted). 


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