7th Heaven: Season 1 - Episode 4: No Funerals and a Wedding


After Grandma Jeannie's funeral

The episode starts with a recap of the previous week.

Simon and Ruthie are asleep in the limo. (I don't know why they weren't with everyone else). Annie's father rushes home after the funeral leaving Annie very upset that he's not attending the luncheon at their house. 

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Simon wakes up when the limo arrives at their house and asks where Grandpa is. Eric says he's gone, and Simon thinks he died as well, so Eric clarifies that he went back to Phoenix. Mrs. Morgan ( Anne Faulkner) asks Annie where her father is, and Simon explains that he isn't dead. 

Matt wants to go to Jeff's, but Annie says "no." Ruthie wants to sing Grandma's song, and Annie tells her she will sing it later.

Jeff calls for Mary, but Mary doesn't want to talk, so Lucy says she is busy.

Simon wants to know where Grandma is, exactly, where Heaven is. 

Annie: It's up there.

Mary tells Matt that she's not interested in Jeff. Matt offers to talk to Jeff, but Mary says she kissed him; therefore, she can dump him herself. (Teenage logic) 

Eric tries to explain to Simon that Heaven is a spiritual place. Simon is distracted by Susan (Leah Lail), who is crying. Eric thinks she is crying because of Annie's mother's passing, but she is upset because "her marriage is a sham." She believes that her husband, Steve (Raphael Sbarge), is having an affair. 

Jeff shows up at their house, and Lucy asks Mary how Mary can break up with a guy that smells so good. 

Steve tells Eric that he (Steve) and Susan don't have a happy marriage. He informs him that he is a bigamist. (Don't you just hate when you accidentally marry two women) The divorce papers didn't arrive before the wedding, and he didn't want to hurt Susan, so he married her. He is afraid Susan will divorce him, so Eric informs him that he and Susan aren't legally married since he wasn't divorced. 

Matt tells Jeff he's (Jeff) being overanxious and clingy.

Ruthie goes to her parent's room and asks Annie to sing the song. 

Annie:  Sure we can.

 She tells Ruthie that they taught it to her when she was little and afraid to go camping. She says it got to be a family joke that her mom always hummed it when someone was going away.

Ruthie: Is that why she sang it to me because she was going away?
Annie: Oh, maybe so. (I am not sure when they sang it to Ruthie because she was asleep in the previous episode when they sang it in the living room, and then it was only the very beginning)

Renee comes into their room to tell Annie, "the baby is coming." 

Simon asks the limo driver where Heaven is located. Matt asks him to borrow the limo because they need to get Renee to the hospital while Annie tries to track the Baby Daddy down at a comic book convention.

Eric: Interesting choice sending Matt along.
Annie: Oh, I think he wants to prove to us he can be a responsible grownup.
Eric: If nothing else, it'll be more effective than any birth control lecture we could ever give him.

Jeff asks Mary if she has anything to eat. (Mary points out the obvious about all the food). Jeff leaves.

Lucy is crying in the hall because she doesn't think it's fair that "a party going on and grandma wasn't invited." 

Eric explains it's just a way to show respect, and Lucy says she doesn't mean right now at the house, but life, in general, is going on without Grandma Jennie.

Jeff and Simon are outside the house, and of course, Simon asks Jeff about Heaven. 

Jeff: Maybe it's in the 5th dimension
Simon: Interesting. Do you happen to know where that is?

Annie asks Mary where Eric is, explaining she can't keep track of the men in her life. Mary says that she is there. Mary tells her that when she is mad at Eric, she feels better after talking to him.

Annie: Mary, I would really appreciate it if you could stop being so wise and mature while I'm in the middle of sulking and feeling sorry for myself.

Jeff sees Lucy and talks to her saying he is sorry. Lucy says she is sorry about him and Mary because Mary dumped him. Unfortunately, Jeff doesn't know yet that he has been dumped. (Oops). 

Matt is trying to help Renee at the hospital but is having a hard time. (Suck it up, Matt, you're not the one in labor). 

Eric is counseling Susan and Steve. Both said communication is the most essential thing in a marriage. Steve can't bring himself to tell Susan. Susan tells him she knows he's having an affair. Eric tells her there is good news and bad news. (I guess that's one way to look at it).

Annie calls her father to tell him she is angry because she feels he abandoned her. 

Matt calls home to talk to his mother, but Mary tells him he must handle it and leave their mom alone. Lucy comes in, and Mary snaps at her. Lucy says, "never mind," and runs out again. 

They hear a glass break, and it turns out Eric is in his office at the house with the couple he's counseling, and Susan threw a vase, which broke.

Simon follows another couple out, asking them about Heaven. He wants to know if there is a separate heaven for dogs. But they don't get to answer because

the camera goes to Mary and Jeff. Jeff wants to know if Mary is upset with him. He tells her that Matt told him to play hard to get and that Lucy told him they wanted to break up. He asks Mary to go steady, and she says they have to talk.

At the hospital, Matt tells Renee that the baby's father isn't coming. However, the doctor tells her the baby is coming, and she needs to push.

Eric tells Simon that no one knows where Heaven is or precisely what it's like. Simon's dad tells Simon there is only one way to get in. He asks Simon where Annie is, but they hear Susan and Steve arguing before Simon finishes answering. Eric tells Simon to tell his mother he will be just a minute. 

Annie calls her father again to apologize for the first message she left. (I can understand why she was feeling abandoned). 

Mary thought that Jeff had left. He says he is going because he's not welcome. Jeff feels weird at the house now, but Mary wants to be friends. They decide to play basketball. 

Simon brings Annie food.

Simon: Dad says when you don't know what to say and you want to help, bring food.

 She asks Simon if he got an answer about where Heaven is, and she says he didn't, and his dad was no help.

At the hospital, Matt is not doing well still. (You are still not the one in labor, Matt.) Renee delivers a baby girl. Renee tells him to look, but Matt says he can't. He finally does look and is amazed. 

Eric goes up to his room and sees Annie, who is upset. He tells her that everyone has needed him today.

Annie: Watch out, or you might have some marital discord of your own.

 She lets him know she's feeling abandoned today, and he apologizes for not being there. (Seriously, your wife's mother just died; tell the other people she needs you).

Annie: At least you're here now.
Eric: Oh boy, I'm sorry, sweetheart. There is just one thing I've got to take care of, and then I promise I'm all yours. (Eric made me so mad this episode).

He asks Annie to give him ten minutes and then meet him at the church. He asks to borrow her white dress with the lacey collar and pearl buttons. 

Ruthie tells Simon he knows where Heaven is. 

Ruthie: I don't know the name of it, but it's where I was before I was born.
Simon: You were in Mommy's stomach before you were born.
Ruthie: No, before that.
Simon: I don't know where that is. I can't picture Grandma there.
Ruthie: Picture Grandma here (touches his chest) in your heart.

Simon looks impressed. (I was too and very touched).

At the church, Eric marries Susan and Steve again. This time it will be legal now that the divorce has been finalized.

Annie lips the vows to him as Susan says them to Steve.

Matt gets home and sees Mary and Jeff playing basketball. He tells them the two of them need to cool it because he saw what kissing can lead to. Jeff tells Mary Matt's right, and they will have to break up. Mary agrees. Matt says goodnight and leaves, and the two roll their eyes. 

Eric apologizes again to Annie for letting her down. She tells him that he didn't let her down but was "taking the heat for the sins of the father." Eric tells her after twenty years, she still is a beautiful bride as they leave.

Back at the house, the kids are eating pie. Eric carries Annie over the threshold. Ruthie asks to sing the song. Annie tells her to get washed up and in her pajamas, and then they can sing it. 

Matt tells Annie he helped because the father didn't get back in time. She tells him that Renee named the baby after Grandma.

Simon: She named the baby Grandma?
Matt: Her name is Jennie, Simon.

Ruthie is with Annie and asks her mom if she (Annie) will pass away. Annie tells her not for a really long time and that as long as she is alive, she will always be there for her. 

Annie's father shows up at the house and apologizes that he wasn't there for Annie. He never went home. He went back to the cemetery and spent the day there. He then decided he wanted to "feel terrible and alone with someone he loves." She accepts his apology. Ruthie asks to sing it again, so they sing "Hello, Muddah" (a shortened version of the song) as the closing credits come up

(This was a good episode, but very frustrating how everyone was acting: Eric helping everyone else while his wife is heartbroken, Matt wanting to leave (to go to Jeff's not to help with the baby), and Mary and Jeff in their issues. Grandpa didn't upset me; it was his wife he had to deal with it just as much. Lucy was compassionate as ever, and Simon was trying to understand. Even Ruthie asked to sing the song because she knew that her grandmother sang it to Annie. However, while some of them annoyed me, it's part of what made it a good episode). 


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