7th Heaven: Season 1 - Episode 21: Dangerous Liaisons - Part 1


Annie (Catherine Hicks) is cleaning the fridge. Eric (Stephen Collins) cleaned the bathroom.

It is cleaning day at the Camden's because Annie's father is coming to the house. 

Upstairs, Simon and Ruthie sit in a bubble bath in their bathing suits, trying to get Happy to take a bath. (I'm guessing they've never given her a bath before). Annie and Eric come upstairs, and Eric quickly tells Annie he will deal with them. After she leaves, Eric tells him it's okay; their mom is just nervous about seeing her dad. Ruthie points out he hasn't been there "since grandma died."

Annie's father (Graham Jarvis) is on the plane next to Ginger (Beverly Garland), who he is dating. He assures her Annie and the family will love her. (Then again, maybe not, at least not Annie). She kisses him and says, "okay." 

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays. 

Annie is inspecting the house. She looks under the couch and finds a bunch of stuff and yells,

Annie: Why is there a grab bag of junk under the couch.?
Mary: The vacuum doesn't fit under there. (Classic teen response). 

Ruthie comes into the living room and asks what they're doing.

Annie: Going to the park.
Ruthie: We have to clean the park for Grandpa, too?

Ruthie feels better after her mother assures her she's only going to the park to play. Mary promises to have everything taken care of when her mom returns. Annie tells Mary to take Ruthie to the park, and she will finish in the house. 

Simon is on a chair trying to put a truck in the closet. He takes out a Cosmopolitan magazine as Lucy is standing there. She tells him to give give it to her. He doesn't understand the big deal since "It's a Cosmo, not a Playboy."

At the airport, Matt tells Eric the plane is 30 minutes late. Eric tells Matt to call Annie to let her know. Matt asks a woman if she has change for a dollar on the way to the phone. The woman walks past, not even acknowledging him. Then they smile at each other, but she keeps going. Eric is amused.

Lucy is reading the Cosmopolitan she took from Simon. Simon enters her room while looking at herself in the mirror. He tells her she would look good with some blonde. He also lets her know about the free sample in the magazine.

Mary and Ruthie run into a young man and a little boy on the playground. He introduces himself as Wilson (Andrew Keegan) and the boy as Billy. Ruthie goes into the sandbox to play with Billy while Wilson talks to Mary. 

Lucy asks her mother about changing her hair. Annie says she'll think about it. Lucy leaves, and Simon comes into the room. Annie asked him if he stuffed everything in the closet. He tells her he also stuffed it in other places. (He's honest - gotta give him that). She says she's going to check, and it better look clean.

At the park, Ruthie and Billy are playing together. Mary tells Wilson about the basketball scholarship. She tells Wilson she has to get Ruthie back, and he asks her out. 

Eric comes into the house, and Annie asks him where her father is. Eric is trying to tell him about Ginger, but they come in before he can. Annie shakes Ginger's hand but isn't looking thrilled. (Too put it mildly)

In the kitchen, Annie tells them it's a buffet-style dinner. She sounds angry. 

Mary: Mom's acting really weird?
Matt: Weird? She's freaking out. 

Once everyone is seated, Eric prays. Annie is being rather nasty to Ginger. (And by rather nasty, I mean she's a you know what). Eric tries to change the subject by telling everyone about the girl Matt saw at the airport. Then Ruthie tells them Mary met a boy at the park. 

Mary: He was with his little brother. He goes to a private school. He's 17, and he's just really nice. 

Lucy asks Mary if Wilson asked Mary out. Mary says yes, but didn't know since Grandpa was there. Then Simon says Grandpa won't mind because he brought a date. (Awkward moment time) The camera goes around the table, getting everyone's reactions to Simon's statement. Then Grandpa says he and Ginger are going to a hotel after dinner. Annie is not happy about the hotel either. (And by not happy, I mean she's a ticking time bomb). Ginger explains they got a two-for-one deal at their travel club. Simon says traveling together sounds neat. Everyone agrees.

Lucy, Ruthie, and Mary are discussing Ginger. Ruthie and Mary say they like Ginger, but Lucy says she doesn't because their mom doesn't. Mary accuses Lucy of sucking up to their mom because she wants to color her hair. (Yep, that was my assessment too, Mary). 

Wilson calls. Lucy and Ruthie make kissing noises in the background, so Mary throws a pillow at them.

Simon is in the living room talking to his grandfather and Ginger. He finds out they've been dating for three months. Ginger says it's too soon to discuss marriage, but they are "going steady." Simon asks Ginger if she has children and grandchildren. When she says she does, he asks if they liked Grandpa. They said no, and explained they thought he wanted to replace their grandfather. 

Simon: Do you?
Grandpa: No, son. No one can take the place of someone who's passed away. (So very true)

Simon shows them new tricks that Happy has learned. 

Matt is in the kitchen scrubbing the stove. Annie is in a cleaning frenzy due to her anger. Eric comes back inside from taking out the garbage. He asks what else he can do.

Annie: Take Ginger out to the airport and put her on the next plane back to Phoenix. 
Matt: You're being awfully tough on Ginger. It's been six months since Grandma died. It was a shock, but she seemed really nice. It's probably just a fling anyway. (I am pretty sure Annie's head spun around 360 degrees at this point, but that might just have been on my version). 

Annie explains her father doesn't have flings. 

Annie's father comes into the kitchen to ask for a ride to the hotel. Annie says Matt will take them. When he asks Annie what she thinks of Ginger, she replies, "she's just swell, Dad." 

After they leave, Eric tries to hug his wife. She flips out, says she needs to vent, and then complains that her father has "no respect for my mother's memory." 

Lucy comes into the kitchen and asks about putting rinse in her hair, and her parents say she can. She leaves. 

Annie calls the hotel to find out if her father and Ginger are sharing a room. (I think that's stalking even if it's your father, Annie). 

Eric: Take a deep breath and relax.
Annie: Bite me!
Eric: Bite me? (This totally made me laugh out loud). 

As Matt drives them to the hotel, Ginger tells Grandpa they shouldn't have surprised Annie. He tells her it wouldn't have mattered, but once she gets to know Ginger, it will be okay. (We can only hope). 

Matt sees the girl from the airport, and Grandpa tells him to pull over, get out and introduce himself. 

Matt goes to the house she went into and rings the doorbell. The girl's mother (Meg Wittner) opens the door. Matt rambles. Then her mother laughs and lets him in. 

The mother introduces Matt to her daughter, Heather (Andrea Ferell). Matt talks away and then notices that the mother is signing to Heather. Heather says she only has a short time with her mother, but her mother tells her to go. Heather asks if he's ever dated a Deaf girl. He tells her no, and then she says she never dated a hearing guy, which wouldn't work. But her mom encourages her to know some hearing people. (I think Heather is scared, but understandably so). Matt asks her about a party he has to go to and dinner after. Heather agrees. 

That night at the house, Matt asks Simon if he learned any sign language watching "Sesame Street." (Wait, Matt, didn't you learn any sign language watching "Sesame Street")? Simon points out Matt has never gone out past the third date with the same person. He then teaches Matt the sign for "turtle." (It could come up in some random conversation). Simon wishes his brother good luck and then tells Happy, "she's gonna think he's an idiot." 

Eric asks Annie if she's going to change for dinner. She says she's not going. (I bet if any of the kids acted the way Annie has been, she'd be furious with them). The doorbell rings and Eric says it's probably Mary's date. Annie opts not to meet him in the mood she's in. (I am sure Mary and Wilson are both grateful for that). Wilson brought flowers for Mary and some chocolates for Ruthie. Eric asks where Wilson is taking Mary. He says the pool hall. Wilson is a lifeguard at the Y and also teaches children to swim. When Wilson tells him that his dad is Eric's ophthalmologist, Eric is about to say Mary can't go. Since Eric likes Wilson's dad, he lets Mary go. 

Eric returns to the living room with the candy Wilson gave to Ruthie. He offers a piece to Annie, but she says she's not hungry. The phone rings, and Eric answers.

Grandpa: This is Charles. Ginger and I are getting hungry. We were wondering when we can expect you.
Eric: That's a good question. Here's the thing, Charles.
Grandpa: Let me tell you how well I know my daughter. She's in the room with you, right?
Eric: Uh-huh
Grandpa: She's pouting, mean as a rattlesnake, her face buried in a magazine, and she's furious with me.
Eric: Actually, it's the paper, but right. 

Grandpa tells Eric that he and Ginger will get dinner and talk to them tomorrow. He tells Eric not to worry. (Worry, Eric, worry). After Eric gets off the phone, Annie says she doesn't want to talk about it, so Eric leaves. Then returns to tell Annie, "she makes your father happy." When Eric tells his wife that her father loves her, she says she knows and then cries and says she hates her (Ginger)

Matt and Heather are on their date. Matt writes "thanks" on a piece of paper. She shows him the sign, and he copies it. Matt turns on the radio and then turns it off, but Heather turns it back on and moves to the music. 

Mary and Wilson are on their date playing pinball. Mary is winning. Michael Towner (Donnie Jeffcoat) shows up, asking if Wilson is hitting on Mary. Wilson tells him they are on a date. When they try to leave, Michael and his friends try to block them. Mary shoves them out of the way and leaves, with Wilson following.

At the house, Ruthie tells Lucy that she (Ruthie) only likes blonde hair on her mother. (What about Aunt Julie?) Simon tells Lucy not to listen to Ruthie. He tells Lucy that guys love blondes.

Matt and Heather are dancing, and two guys are making fun of them. Heather sees it and runs. Matt follows, stopping to ask the guys what they did and warns them to run next time if they did something.

Heather writes "Home now" on a piece of paper and gets in the car. 

Ginger comes over to the house to speak to Annie. However, Annie refuses to talk to Ginger. (This episode was not Annie's finest moment). Eric apologizes. Eric invites Ginger in and tells her that Annie is a terrific person and needs time. (A millennium might do it). Ginger lets Eric know she is in love with Charles. She says she and Charles were hoping to make plans, but neither family approves, so now she doesn't know. (So y'all lied to Simon when you said it was too soon). 

Ginger leaves, and Lucy comes down the stairs in her new blonde hair. She is very upset about how it turned out. (Personally, I liked it)

Annie is lying in her bed, crying. Simon comes in even though she tells him, "not right now." He asks her why she doesn't like Ginger and tells her Ginger's sons don't like Grandpa.

Wilson brings Mary home, and the two argue. Matt asked what was happening, and Wilson explained the pool hall incident. 

Wilson: She stepped in like Rambo before I could defend myself.
Matt: You want me to talk to her?
Wilson: Who are you?
Matt: Sorry, Matt, older brother.
Wilson: Wilson. I used to date your sister.

Wilson leaves, and Matt goes inside the house. 

Simon runs over to Matt, telling him to tell Lucy, "her hair never looked better, or I'm a dead man."

Matt compliments Lucy's hair, and she replies, "I'm trying to figure out if you're lying, and if I think you are, I will be killing Simon tonight."

Eric explains about Lucy's hair and then asks about Matt's date. He tells him it didn't go well but is unsure why.

Matt: I'm open to suggestions.
Eric: Call her house and invite Heather and her mother to church tomorrow.
Matt: What a shock you'd suggest church. It's possible that church isn't the answer to every problem.
Eric: It's also possible it is. (Jesus is the answer, the church is just humans, and therefore they aren't always the answer...just saying). 

Matt calls and invites Heather and her mom. Eric looks pleased.

At church the following day, Wilson and Billy show up. Mary and Wilson apologize to each other. Annie introduces herself. After Annie goes inside, Wilson tells Mary that Billy isn't his little brother but his son. 

The organ starts to play, and Matt looks for Heather and her mother. Grandpa comes in with Ginger. Annie stands up and runs out of the church. Mary runs after her mother, and as she crosses the street, she is hit by a speeding car. (I hope you're happy, Annie)!

Annie: MARY! 

Annie runs to Mary, and the closing credits come up

(This was a great episode with a good dramatic ending to part one). 


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