7th Heaven: Season 3 - Episode 14: In Praise of Women

Annie (Catharine Hicks) lying in a hospital bed waiting to deliver twins.

Annie looks at the cribs for the babies. She sees her mother (Alice Hirson) and tells her something is wrong because she hasn't delivered yet. Her mother tells her everything will be fine. Annie and her mother hug. 

Eric wakes her up, and she is crying. She is in a hospital waiting to deliver.

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

The children are sitting in the waiting room. 

Annie is having a contraction, and Eric is with her. She smells peanuts and chocolate and gets angry that he took a snack break while she's in labor. Eric is concerned he forgot something at the house but can't remember what. This also upsets Annie as she thinks the labor should distract her husband. 

(Throughout this episode, it occasionally goes back to the house, where the refrigerator was left open, and Happy has helped herself to some snacks. Each time it gets worse, other animals come over and snack while watching TV. Because they are such brief scenes, I am summarizing them here). 

Eric comes out to the waiting room, and the kids want to know how their mother is doing. Then they want to explore the hospital, but their father tells them to stay in the waiting room. Eric tells them to think about how their lives will be changing in a little while when the babies arrive. Mary is upset there are only two bathrooms in the house. (It's good to think of this; one bathroom is tricky with a big family). Simon desperately wants the babies to be boys. 

Dr. Allison (Richard Gibert-Hill) tells Annie that she might need to have a C-section. Annie says she doesn't want one, and Eric reminds her they were already scheduled for one next week.

Annie: Well, it looks like the babies, and I changed our minds. Didn't we?

She tells Eric to find Dr. Hastings because she believes he will listen to her since "he owes her." 

Eric runs into Matt, who is restless and wants to help. Eric suggests that Matt gives blood and tells him that his mother wants him (Eric) to find Dr. Hastings. Mary overhears them talking.

Mary: Aren't you supposed to give blood?
Matt: It's Dad's idea, not the doctor's.
Mary: Well, are you gonna do it.
Matt: No way.
Mary: So Mom can give birth to two babies, but you can't get stuck with a needle.
Matt: Correct. (I get that, Matt. I have trypanophobia myself). 

Matt explains to his sister how women are better equipped to handle pain. (Not always, some women aren't good with pain either). Mary tells him she looks forward to giving birth one day. 

Mary goes back to the waiting room. Simon is watching TV and tells his sister he doesn't know where Ruthie is because he is busy making sure their mother has boys. Mary points out that if the twins are girls, Simon would be the only male child in the house once Matt leaves. She tells him to go find Ruthie. (I am wondering why they made only Simon responsible for Ruthie). 

Ruthie comes into Annie's room and asks if she was screaming because of pain or surprise. (I am surprised Ruthie was able to go in, considering her age). Annie tells her it was a little of both and tells her daughter to go find Simon. 

Lucy is looking at other peoples' babies through the nursery's window. Matt comes toward her and says he's going to the blood bank.

Lucy: I think it's the other way.
Matt: I know.

Lucy tells Matt she doesn't think she will ever have babies in with Jordan. Matt clarifies she means in the distant future after marriage, and she says yes. She cries, and Matt asks her why she is crying.

Lucy: It's what I do, and well, today is...
Matt: Yeah.

Simon is in the chappel praying for boys. He tells God how great his sisters and mother are, but how badly he wants to have brothers. He asks God to say hi to Grandma Jenny and says they will be singing the song later.

Dr. Hastings (Ed Begley, Jr.) asks if Annie wants him involved after their past history. Annie says she doesn't want a C-section and wants his help because Dr. Allison won't listen to him. However, he is willing to work with Annie; they can try to do it naturally if she works with him. 

Annie goes into a contraction and squeezes Eric's hand hard.

Dr. Hastings: It's a little early for the epidural, but do you want something for the pain.
Annie and Eric: Yes. 

Eric sees Matt lying down in a room. Matt tells him he's giving blood because Eric told him to. He tells Matt he told him that while panicking. Matt says he has to go through it to avoid looking like a chicken now that he's signed up. However, when the nurse comes over, Matt grabs his dad.

Matt: Don'tleave me!

The nurse leaves, so Eric can talk to his son. 

Eric: Okay, focus on me. Now focus on the door. Now take a deep breath. Now focus on me going through the door. I don't have time for this!

Matt holds his father's hand and leaves the room with him. Lucy sees them and asks why Eric is holding Matt's hand. 

Eric (to Lucy): No reason. (to Matt): Go see how your mom's doing.
Matt: In there?
Eric: Yes.

Eric asks Lucy how her mother is doing. Lucy is concerned they gave her too much medication because she is acting like Aunt Julie did when she was drinking. 

Eric: Well, they - They gave her something for the pain. 
Lucy: I think they gave her too much. She kept calling me Ruthie.
Eric: In childbirth, there's so such thing as too much pain medicine. 

Lucy says she met Dr. Hastings, and he does card tricks. (It is essential to find a doctor who can do card tricks). Matt comes out and tells his father that Annie wants him. Eric leaves, and Matt asks Lucy how she's doing and says she's probably sad about being away from Jordan when it's Valentine's Day. 

Ruthie says hi to Mary. Mary asks her where she's going, and Ruthie says she heard they had a pool. 

Mary: Well, you're not going swimming. Mom's having the babies. 

Ruthie is impatient waiting. She says she's never having babies because she wants to be an astronaut. Mary tells her that is a great dream, and she should do whatever she wants and not let anyone tell her anything different. 

Mary: Women can do anything that men can do.
Ruthie: But men can't have babies.
Mary: Right. But it's hard to have babies without them.

Simon and Matt are having the same discussion. 

Simon: And some of us can't even give blood.
Matt: Why do you want more brothers, so you can turn on them too? (Poor, Matt). 

Simon tells him he wants to be the big brother, so he can be just like Matt. (Aww). 

Matt starts crying and hugs Simon.

Matt: You just gave me the strength to give blood. I'm gonna do it.
Simon: You might want to quit crying first. 
Matt: Okay. Okay. 

Annie is having another contraction and tells Eric they would be childless if he had to give birth. Eric agrees. Simon comes in and asks for permission to get his ears pierced. (That seemed totally random and pointless to me). Annie says they can discuss it another time. 

Matt returns to donate blood, hyped up and ready. The nurse (Michele Harrell) informs him they will be using a needle still. (Sorry, Matt, there are haters everywhere). 

Dr. Hastings tells Annie she can have an epidural now. He also tells her that one of the babies is turned into a breach position. He explains while Annie and the twins are fine, it could cause complications.

Eric: A bad compilation?
Annie: There are no good complications. (Seriously)!

Dr. Hastings tells them he's delivered babies naturally like this before. After the first baby comes out, he just has to turn the second baby. He promises to do everything in his power to keep the twins safe.

Eric: Honey, maybe you should have the C-section.
Annie shakes her head no. 
Eric: Are you sure.
Annie: I'm sure. 

Simon goes back to the waiting room, where there are toys. Ruthie is playing and sees him. 

Ruthie: They're girls! They're girls!
Simon: Wait. What? They can't be.
Ruthie: Gotcha!

Ruthie laughs hysterically. Simon is upset that she tried to trick him like that. 

Dr. Hastings tells Eric and Annie it won't be long before the delivery. He tells her everything is going well even though the second baby is still in a breech position. Eric tells his wife he will tell the kids, but she asks him not to leave because she is scared. He tells her he will tell them later.

Matt is on the bed happily eating cookies. A man (Barry Cutler) in the bed next to Matt asks if he can have a cookie before he passes out. Matt grabs a bunch and gives the man the plate with the rest of the cookies. The nurse comes in and tells Matt he has to leave so they can use the bed for someone else. Matt nervously gets up and goes to the door. He turns around.

Matt: Thank you. Thank you all, and good night Glenoak. 

Simon is back at the chapel praying for brothers. 

Eric tells Annie that she would do the delivery if he could. 

Annie: It's okay. I just forgot. Five kids and I forgot. I always forget. You know, I think that's the real miracle of childbirth. 

She asks him if the kids will sing the song even though her mother has passed away. Eric tells her it's tradition, but they don't have to if she doesn't want them to. Annie assures her husband she does. 

Matt comes into the room and tells them he gave blood. Annie is concerned as to why her son gave blood. Dr. Hastings comes into the room.

Annie (to Dr. Hastings): Did you tell Matt to give blood? Is something wrong?
Dr. Hastings (to Annie): Nothing is wrong, and I didn't tell Matt to give blood. 
Matt (to Dr. Hasting): Are you the doctor who...?
Dr. Hastings (to Matt): Almost killed you. Nice to meet you. (This exchange cracked me up). 

Annie announces she's giving birth and wants to know what's happening. Eric says he told Matt to give blood because he thought Matt would feel better, then confesses he (Eric) assumed he would feel better. 

Lucy is waiting to talk on the pay phone. Mary sees her and asks who she's calling. Lucy says she has to break up with Jordan. Mary asks her why, and Lucy says she done's have much in common with him. 

Mary tells Lucy they aren't in a competition. 

Mary: I mean, if we stopped competing against each other, we could rule the world.

Lucy asks Mary to help her break up with Jordan, but Mary says Lucy has to do that on her own. (Yep). Lucy asks Mary for some quarters because the breakup may take a while. 

Lucy calls Jordan.

Simon is back at the chapel. Matt comes in and pretends to be the voice of God calling Simon. 

Simon: So, where are you?
Matt: I'm back here. 
Simon looks. 
Simon: That's not funny. 
Matt: I think it's pretty funny. (He's getting Simon back for picking on him about the needles). 

He tells his younger brother that their mother is getting close to delivery.

Annie is having another contraction. Eric is with her.

Annie: Stop touching me. That's what got us in that situation in the first place. And if you tell me to stare at Bunny one more time, you and the Bunny are gonna get it. (Poor Eric). 

Dr. Hastings tells Annie she is fully dilated.

Eric goes out to the waiting room and announces Annie is giving birth. He asks where Lucy is, and Ruthie points to the phone.

Eric goes over to Lucy. He tells his daughter she cant' tie up the phone in the hospital.

Eric: And by the way, your mom is giving birth now.
Lucy: She waited all this time. Can't she just slow down for a couple of minutes? (Haha, that's not how it works, Luce. Ready or not, here they come). 

Lucy tells her father she is breaking up with Jordan. Eric tells the others to give Lucy some space. He tells Lucy to take the time she needs. (I am trying to figure out if Eric disliked Jordan or if he disliked Lucy dating). 

Eric: But your mom is having the babies.
Lucy: Don't make me miss this birth like I've missed every other Camden event.
Eric: I really can't control this, but I'll do my best.

Lucy goes back to talking on the phone. She returns to the waiting room, and Matt asks her what's wrong. Mary tells their older brother that Lucy just broke up with Jordan.

Ruthie: Another one bites the dust.

Dr. Hasting tells Annie that the first baby is crowning, and it's time to push. Annie pushes as hard as possible, and the first baby comes out. She wants Eric to tell her what the baby is. But she is told by Dr. Hastings that the baby is healthy.

Eric looks at the first baby but then turns back when he hears the monitor noise change. 

Dr. Hastings: Second baby's heart rate is dropping. We need to get that baby out now. 

He ensures Annie that everything will be okay, and they will do it step-by-step with him telling her everything. 

Eric asks how he will rotate the baby, and Annie tells Eric to turn away. Dr. Hastings tells Annie to relax and breathe. Eric says he can't turn away because while he can't feel her pain, they are in it together. (And he has to atone for having the audacity to have a snack while she was in labor). 

Simon is sitting next to Lucy in the waiting room. He ensures her everything will be fine, and she tells him she is just overwhelmed. She tells him how great Jordan was as a boyfriend, but she doesn't feel about him the way Jordan felt about her.

Simon: Then that was a very brave thing you did.

Ruthie comes over to the two of them.

Ruthie (to Simon): You done? She's my sister too.

Simon leaves, and Ruthie sits on Lucy's lap. 

Ruthie: Just so you know, this is how I see it. I didn't like Jimmy Moon at all. He was just okay. And I liked Rod a little bit. He was decent. But I liked Jordan a lot. He was a good guy. The next one I'll probably be crazy about because he'll be a great guy, and you deserve great. (And I bet she will get it too). 

Lucy and Ruthie hug.

Eric comes out and tells them they have a new baby, but Annie wants to tell them if it's a boy or a girl. The nurse comes out and tells Eric the doctor wants him to come back in, and Eric leaves again.

Mary: No, wait. Dad said we had a new baby. Isn't it supposed to be babies?

Ruthie goes to the door and tries to look in to find out what's going on. Matt picks her up and tells her that he remembers when she was born and how scared he was. 

Ruthie: More than when you gave blood?
Matt: Much more. 

He says there was a fight over who would get to hold Ruthie first.

Ruthie: I'm not surprised I must've been pretty cute.
Matt (kisses her on the cheek): You still are.

Annie is ready to deliver the second baby.

Dr. Hastings: The second baby is turned and growing. Do you have one more push in you?
Eric (offers his hand to his wife): Squeeze away.

Annie pushes, and the baby comes out.

Simon is excited because he is convinced they are boys. (Simon, did you look ahead at the script)? Ruthie wants to go see them, but Matt says they can't go in yet. 

They are introduced to their new brothers, Samuel and David when they enter their mom's hospital room. 

Simon (drops to his knees, speaking to God): Thank you!

Matt hugs Eric.

Matt lights candles on two cupcakes to initiate the new babies into the family with a song. Annie tells Ruthie that Matt did it when Mary was born, and they liked it so much that they do it every time another child is born into the family. 

The kids and Eric all stand together at the foot of Annie's bed. They begin singing "Love is All Around." 

Ruthie: I love that song. Where did you learn that?

There is a flashback to when Matt was a little (Chasen Parker). He is with Grandma Jenny at her house watching "The Mary Tyler Moore Show." They are singing the song together. 

Young Matt: I'm gonna sing that song to Mommy when she and Daddy bring the new baby home from the hospital. 

Grandma Jenny then helps him learn how to sing the song. 

Back to the present time. 

Ruthie: I miss Grandma
Annie: Me too...
Ruthie: Since Grandma is in Heaven, and babies come from Heaven, maybe she sent us Samuel and David until we could all be together again. 
Eric: That could be.

One of the babies fusses, and Annie sings the song's refrain again.

Ruthie (singing the last line as a solo): You're gonna make it after all.

Annie laughs and tosses a hat into the air. The others clap, and the closing credits come up

(This was a great episode. I thought the dog part was rather dumb, but the in-hospital stuff was great). 



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