7th Heaven: Season 2 - Episode 7: Girls Just Want to Have Fun


Matt (Barry Watson) is sleeping. 

Nighttime at the Camden residence,, and everyone is asleep. Simon's friend Stanley (Zachary Browne) has a nightmare,, and Simon wakes him up. Simon's parents come into the room and ask Stan if he's okay. They ask him about the nightmare,,, but he tells them he doesn't remember. Stanely thanks Simon for making stuff up and not telling anyone the truth about what Stanely told him. (This is so sad, he is afraid to tell anyone, such a complex situation for a little kid to be in). Simon said what Stanley told him was "really scary." Simon has Happy sleep with Stanley, but after everyone goes to sleep, Stan lies awake as the opening credits come up and the theme song plays

Outside, Simon and his friend are playing basketball (for some reason, it's in slow motion). They stop playing (and the slow-motion also stops). Simon invites Stan to sleep over again. He tells his friend not to worry about "that other stuff." (That "other stuff" is a little difficult not to worry about). 

Ruthie is hanging out with Mary and Lucy in their room. Lucy is overly-excited about going to the mall, and Mary and Ruthie call their sister a freak. Ruthie wants to know how fast 100-miles an hour is. 

Mary: Look, I don't know how to explain it, but I will. Eventually.
Ruthie: What's eventually?
Mary: Sometime in the future, but you're not sure when.
Ruthie: Is it for sure?
Mary: What?
Ruthie: Eventually.

Mary picks her little sister up and carries her out of the room. (Ruthie is laughing as she does this).

Mary: Go ask Matt. 

Mary tells Lucy she'll (Mary) "catch a ride" with her to the mall, but Mary tells her no. Ruthie tells Mary they can do something together. Mary looks thrilled. (And by thrilled, I mean she'd rather have a root canal). 

Karen (Shiri Appleby), Stanley's sister, comes late to pick up Stanley. Simon tells her that his family wants Stanley to stay overnight again, and she says he'll call once he talks to their parents. Then she yells at Stanley to hurry up and get his bag cause she's got other things to do. (Wait, weren't you the one who was late, to begin with?)

Matt notices Karen's belt has a B on it and asks her what it stands for. 

Karen: My nickname: Babydoll. Everyone calls me that.
Matt: Except Stan.
Karen: It takes Stan a while to get with the program. 

After Stan and Karen leave, Matt asks Simon when their parents said Stan could sleepover again. Simon tells him, "earlier when you weren't around." Matt doesn't believe him.

Karen asks Stan what he told Simon. He says he didn't say anything. She warns him he better not have. 

In the kitchen, Annie and Eric discuss the sleepover and Stan's nightmare. Meanwhile, Ruthie is still trying to find out how fast 100 miles an hour is. Her father asks her what she's going to do, and she says she's keeping her afternoon open in case her older sisters want to "hang out and catch up." (She is too stinkin' cute). Ruthie is also trying to master the word "eventually." Annie suggests maybe Lynn or Skyler come over, but Ruthie says no, because she has two sisters already at her home to play with her. Annie then tells Ruthie she can help her, and Ruthie tells her, "I'll get back to you. Eventually." 

Upstairs, Lucy is getting ready to go to the mall. Mary tries to look in her bag and tells her sister she's up to something and it would be easier if she knew what it was. Matt calls up, saying her ride is there, and Mary tells her not to do anything stupid. (Perhaps you should have defined stupid for her).

Simon is looking at a magazine in his room when Matt comes in. They are discussing the belt Karen was wearing. 

Matt: Anywhere, it's weird, though. I've seen these guys at school. They have the same kind of insignia tattooed on their hands and arm. But it stands for 'Blackburn 16'. (I looked this up on the internet, and as far as I can tell, this is not a real gang). I don't think Karen's belt has anything to do with her nickname. I think she's in their gang. What do you think?
Simon: I promised Stan I wouldn't tell anyone. I didn't want to get him in trouble. 
Matt: Look, if Stan's sister is in a gang, he's already in trouble. 

Simon explains he and Stanley will figure out a plan, and now Matt can help. Matt tells Simon he's telling their parents about it. Simon is upset because he promised "his most excellent promise." (So, since a promise is supposed to be binding, why would one need a "Most excellent promise")?

Matt: I didn't, and I'm getting help.
Simon: No, no, no. You can't tell anyone.
Matt: Look, I have to, Simon.
Simon: But I trusted you.
Matt: Simon - look
Simon: I wish you weren't my brother. (I feel bad for Matt, Simon's words clearly hurt him).

Matt is talking to his parents in the kitchen about Stan's sister. The phone rings, and it's Stan's mom confirming that it's okay for her son to spend the night again. Annie tells her it is. After she hangs up, Matt says he forgot that Simon told Karen it was okay. Annie says it is. Eric says he will talk to Simon and then to Stan's parents. 

Matt is obviously hurt that Simon said he wished Matt weren't his brother. (See, I told you so). Annie tells him he was just upset. And Matt is like yeah, sure. 

Simon returns from walking Happy. Eric sees and stops him to tell him it's okay that Stan spends the night. Simon comes into his dad's office and tells him that it's an emergency, and thanks to Matt, his dad probably knows why. Eric agrees that it's an emergency. He explains to his son that Matt is older and knows a little more. Simon feels like Matt betrayed him.

Eric: I've felt that way before, but believe me when it comes to the really important stuff, I'm pretty sure you can trust your big brother to do the right thing. 

Annie comes into Eric's office as Simon leaves to find out how it went. Eric tells her Simon is stubborn, but Annie says he'll get over it. Eric tells her that he will see Sergeant Michaels and find out what he knows about the gang. 

Meanwhile, at the mall, Lucy and her friends have changed into clothes that make them look like hookers in training.

Back at the house, Mary comes down into the kitchen.

Annie: Do me a favor and wrangle Ruthie for me, will you? (I have never heard the word wrangle used like this before but I looked it up and means 'round up' so it works, though when I think of rounding up I think of more than one). I want to head out to the mall in a bit.
Mary: Okay. 
Annie: Is there a problem?

Mary tells her no; they are playing hide and seek. 

Mary: Mom, you're picking Lucy up a little early, aren't you? (Annie nods her head) But she won't be expecting you until later.
Annie: That's why they call me "Mom." (Apparently it wasn't only Mary who thought Lucy was up to something). 

Mary goes back to searching for Ruthie but gives up when she can't find her. (Bet Ruthie feels loved).

Annie comes out of her bedroom and asks Mary if she should blot her lipstick. Mary says yes, then says she can't find Ruthie. Annie tells her she knows where Ruthie is, but Mary has to find her. 

Matt is in Simon's room trying to get Simon to talk to him about the gang thing. Simon tells him, "it's bad luck to be your brother." 

Mary comes into the room, and Ruthie was under the covers hiding and fell asleep. Mary tells her that their mom is waiting to take them to the mall. 

Ruthie: I love the mall. I love the way it smells. (She needs to stop hanging out with Lucy).

Eric is at Stan's house talking to Stanley's mother (Christine Healey) and father, Joe (H. Richard Greene). They can't believe their daughter is in a gang. Eric says there may be gang paraphernalia around. Joe tells Eric that he and his wife need to talk. Eric stands up to go. Stan's mother decides they need to search their daughter's room, and Eric goes with them. However, nothing is found. Eric apologizes, and Joe says he's glad he was right about his kids. (You keep telling yourself that). 

A security guard (Jay Kopita) tries to pick up the girls at the mall. 

Annie, Mary, and Ruthie arrive at the mall in the car, and Ruthie is back to trying to find out how fast 100 miles an hour is.

Annie: Well, it means in one hour, or as about as long as it takes to watch one Xena, we could go 100 miles. 
Ruthie: I wouldn't go. I don't like to miss Xena. (It was a good try, Annie). 

Mary offers to go in and get Lucy, but Annie says she has to get some things anyway. So Mary tells her to get them while she gets Lucy, and they can meet in the food court. Annie agrees but looks suspicious. 

Mary finds the girls talking to the security guard. She tells him that they are only fourteen. Lucy is angry with Mary.

Mary: I said, 'Don't do anything stupid,' and you said, 'Okay.' And yet here you are. You lied to me. And in case you don't know, this is what stupid looks like. (I told you, you should have defined this word earlier). 

Mary tells her she was trying to warn her before their mom saw her, but it's too late Annie sees them.  

Back at the house, Annie is a wee bit angry.

Annie: One month, no hanging at the mall, no nightly catch-up on the phone, no nothing. You go to school, work hard, get good grades, do well on your SATs, and go to college. 
Lucy: Mom
Annie: I'm still a little angry.

Lucy cannot understand what she did wrong. (You can't be that clueless; can you)? Annie explains that she can't go around looking like a whore. 

Annie: You asked if you could go to the mall. You didn't ask if you could go work the mall. 

Annie asks Lucy how she's ever going to trust her again. 

Ruthie comes down dressed like Lucy was at the mall.

Annie: What are you doing?
Ruthie: Being Lucy. (Annie and Lucy look at each other). What's the matter?
Lucy: I get it. I totally get it. I'm sorry.

Lucy goes upstairs with Ruthie, and Annie stops her to tell her they will "get it back with some work." 

Stanley arrives at the house. He tells Simon that Rev. Camden was at his home.

Stan: You told, didn't you?
Simon: Well, not exactly. I told Matt, and Matt told my parents. But I didn't tell him everything.
Stan: Believe me, I know.

Matt and Eric overhear this.

Eric: I got a hunch.
Matt: I'll tell Mom where you're going.

Ruthie is in the older girls' room. She says that Lucy is a bad example and must have learned from Mary. Then she tells Mary that it hurt her to hide and not have anyone seek her. Mary apologizes and invites Ruthie to sleep in their room again. 

The doorbell rings, and Annie answers. It's Karen, with Stan's bag. Annie asks about her belt, and Karen tells her the B stands for "Babydoll."

Annie: Oh, that's interesting. There was this woman at church, and her son had that same B tattooed on his knuckles. But it didn't stand for Babydoll.
Karen: My life is none of your business. 
Annie: You're right. But your life does have something to do with Stan's. That's the way it is with families. Stuff spills over.
Karen: Look at your life, the way you live. What would you know about me or my life? Anything?
Annie: I know that Stan loves you very much. And your involvement with this gang - 
Karen: I'm not in - 
Annie: If you're involved, is going to destroy him little by little or get him killed. And eventually, it's going to get you killed too.
Karen: You don't know anything. Nothing's going to happen to me. My friends are there for me. They make me strong. They protect me.
Annie: Really? Those same friends who will beat you and rape you so you can get in a group where you can mule drugs and do drive-bys and be available for sex on demand?
Karen: You are so out there. My friends would never betray me. And I can handle whatever it is I have to handle.
Annie: It's good that you are so strong because this is going to take all the strength that you have. (This is longer dialogue than I usually transcribe, but it was too important to leave any of it out). 

Karen leaves. 

Matt tells Stan that Simon didn't break his promise. Stan tells him he knows and thanks him. Matt leaves them, and Simon says maybe they can hang out with Matt.

Stan: Cool.
Simon: Yeah, he is. (Glad Simon realized it finally). 

Eric is back at Stan's home, and they are searching Stan's room. Under his mattress are a bunch of gang paraphanlia. Karen comes in, and her mother asks her how she could do that. They are concerned about Stan and consider sending him with his grandmother or for the entire family to move. Karen tells them she'll get out of the gang. Eric informs her she made a lifetime commitment. Karen thinks Eric's been watching too many movies. She says they are her friends and will just let her out. (You have no clue, Karen).

Eric: You think you can survive the goodbye? If they let her out, if they'll court her out. They might beat her. You have no idea. She might not survive. 

Karen believes she can handle it, but her mom tells her she's not going back. Her parents ask Eric if they know where they can send her. He says there's one in Colorado and one in San Francisco, but getting in is slim. Joe tells Eric they are overwhelmed and need some time. Eric tells them to call if he can help.

Karen: We don't need your help. I don't need your help.
Eric: I hope you're right.

He leaves, and the scene switches to the Camden house where Annie is watching her children play basketball outside with Eric and Stan.

Eric: Okay, after she shoots, you get in there fast and block out.
Ruthie: Fast like 100 miles an hour? (The other children sigh)
Eric: Yeah.
Ruthie: How fast in 100 miles an hour?  
Eric: Um...
Ruthie: Is it like this? (She moves her finger fast).

They all tell her that's it. She says, "that's what I thought." 

Annie is in the kitchen, trying to fix the faucet when the phone rings. She answers and then goes outside, and they all see her face and stop playing. Annie walks over to Stan, and he starts crying and saying, "no, no, please." (This was so heartbreaking). 

Eric takes Stan to the hospital. Karen had the crap beaten out of her.

Stan sees his sister Karen in the hospital after being beaten up for trying to leave the gang.

Karen tells her brother that she tried to get out, but it's not over. Then she asks Eric to call one of the places he mentioned earlier. He says he will call and keep calling. 

Man (on TV): It's 10:00. Do you know where your children are? 

Eric watches the TV with the cars and sirens and then leaves the hospital.

The closing credits come up. 


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