7th Heaven: Season 1: Episode 22: Dangerous Liaisons - Part 2

 The show begins with a review of what happened in part one of this episode. 

Eric (Stephen Collins) calls the children at the house from the hospital. 

The kids are at the house ,waiting in the living room to hear something about their sister, Mary. Simon is complaining that he had to miss out on going to the hospital, and Matt tells him he missed a party, so deal. The phone rings, and Matt answers. It's his father. Matt asks how Mary is, and Eric says she's in surgery. He tells Matt to take the kids out to dinner. Eric asks Matt about Heather, and Matt says he doesn't expect to hear from her. Eric recommends Matt take the kids to a new cafe that just opened. After Matt gets off the phone, he tells the other kids to meet him in the car in five minutes because they are going out to dinner. 

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

The doorbell rings, and it's Jimmy Moon (Matthew Linville)  He tells Simon that he heard about Mary's accident and wants to see...

Jimmy (to Lucy): What happened to your hair?
Lucy: My sister is having surgery  All you care about is my hair?
Jimmy: No, no  I'm worried about Mary, too  (I can't stand Jimmy  Such a jerk). 

Jimmy asks Simon about the permanency of Lucy's new hair color  (I got an idea, moron, why don't you see how Lucy and Simon are doing knowing their sister was hit by a car and needed surgery). 

Wilson (Andrew Keegan) comes to the hospital to check on Mary  He tells the receptionist that he's Mary's brother to get the information  Grandpa (Graham Jarvis) is behind Wilson listening  After Wilson finishes with the receptionist, Grandpa tells Wilson he never got his "grandfather" a birthday gift  (I love Grandpa  He's awesome). Wilson apologizes for lying, but Grandpa understands  He asks about Mary and Wilson's date. 

Grandpa: Well, yesterday was not so great for me either  Today could stand to be a whole lot better too. 
Wilson: There's always tomorrow. 
Grandpa: I may break out into song any minute.

Eric walks to the vending machine, and Grandpa asks how Mary and Annie are doing  Eric tells him Annie is in the waiting room and to go talk to her  He tells Wilson he should go home because Mary probably won't be having visitors tonight  He offers to get something for Eric and Mrs. Camden, so Eric gives him money to get a burger  (Wilson is a great guy too  He's my favorite of all of Mary's boyfriends). 

Grandpa goes into the waiting room, and Annie tells him not to come. 

Grandpa: I know you blame me for the accident.
Annie: I never said that.
Grandpa: You never had to.

Annie is still angry, and the two are arguing  Eric interrupts to tell them that Mary is returning to her room soon  Annie leaves, and Grandpa comments, "I hope you'll do me the kindness of letting me know how she is." (Get over it, Annie).

The other kids are at The Cafe that Eric suggested  Everyone is signing, and Lucy tells them it's a cafe run by people who are deaf  They are trying to figure out how to order when they can't sign  (Write it down and then learn sign language). 

Mary is being brought into the room as Eric and Annie watch  The doctor saw them and said there were some complications at surgery, but she should heal "quite nicely."

Mary wakes up and sees her parents, who assure her she will be fine  Wilson comes in with the hamburgers  (I am glad they said burgers since early Eric only told Wilson to get "a burger." Apparently, Annie was forgotten, probably because of how she's acting  I'd forget her too). 

Mary (to Wilson): I hope the accident didn't scare your son  (Oops, your parents haven't been told about that yet).
Eric: I think she means your little brother.
Wilson: Don't worry, Billy  He's fine  Close your eyes and get some sleep. 

Wilson leaves, and Annie says if Mary's not okay, she'll never forgive herself  Eric tells Annie that it wasn't her fault  It was just an accident  (It was an accident; however, if Annie wasn't acting so dumb, Mary wouldn't have had to chase after her that day). 

Matt sees Heather (Andrea Ferrell) at The Cafe. 

Grandpa is talking to Ginger (Beverly Garland) and tells him they should take a break for a little while and see in a few months how they feel. 

Ginger: I think it's for the best. 
Grandpa (after Ginger's taxi drives off): People always say that, but it never is  (Poor Grandpa  Bad Annie, bad)!

Matt asks for a pen so he can ask the waiter how to sign, "I'm sorry." The others think he is being romantic  The waiter shows Matt the sign, and they all sign it with him. 

Matt: Do you mind?
The others in sign language: I'm sorry.

Ruthie offers to teach him signs she learned on "Sesame Street," (It's about time somebody learned sign language watching "Sesame Street" in this family  Linda Bovee rocked), but Matt tells her not now and goes over to Heather  Matt tells Heather he's sorry, and some girls laugh  Ruthie decides he needs help and runs over to Matt and tells Heather, "He loves you." Heather and Matt smile at each other.

Back home, Lucy is spazing out because of her hair  She blames Simon, and Simon tells her, "with this hair, you can be a new you." Matt tells Lucy her hair looks sexy  Eric comes in, and Lucy asks about Mary. 

Eric: Tried but fine  And coming home day after tomorrow  (to Annie): I told her you'd be there by lunchtime. 
Matt (to Eric): Thanks for recommending that restaurant  How'd you know Heather would be there?
Eric: It's the only restaurant in town run by people who are Deaf  I took a shot  (Makes sense)
Matt: Thanks.

Matt leaves. 

Eric: Your hair looks nic , Luce.
Lucy: Nice or sexy?
Eric: Nice, definitely nice. If my thirteen year old daughter had sexy hai , I'd shave her head. (Haha, that was a great response)!

Grandpa visits Mary at the ho pital before leaving. Mary says if it's h r fault, she's sorry. Grandpa says she had  othing to do with it. Mrs. Bink (Eileen Brennan  comes into the room. Mary asks Mrs. Bink if she knows Grandpa. Mrs. Bink introduces herself as Gladys, and he tells he  his name is Charles. Mrs. Bink brought Mary some junk food because she said Mary would never get better on food from t e hospital cafeteria. Grandpa says he has to leave, and Mrs. Bink says she'll take him to the airport in her convertible. 

At school on Mo day, Lucy sees Jimmy. Jimmy is upset that Lucy dyed he  hair and dumped her. (Count your blessings, Lucy, he's a loser). 

Annie is at th  house doing laundry. Eric tells her that Ginger left. Annie is still angry and takes some of it out on Eric. (Annie is acting very Jimmy Moonish)

Mrs. Bink is talking to Grandpa somewhere outside.

Mrs. Bink: Listen to your heart, not your daughter.
Grandpa: She's hard to ignore.
Mrs. Bink: Well, they all are. But , she'll get  ver it. She'll adapt. I know my daughter would have if I'd have the backbone to ignore her. Instead I...I let her run off a sweet man th t I was in love with. Within days she was home again with her husband and her kids, like everything was back to normal, while I was stuck knowing that for me, nothing...nothing would be the same again. 
Grandpa: Thank you, you're a wise woman.

Annie is at the h spital visiting Mary. They're discussing Wilson. Mary asks if her parents have a problem with him, and Annie is confused. Mary says she doesn't know why they would. (They will find out soon enough, Mary).

Wilson comes to Eric 's church with Billy. Wilson tells Eric about a "friend" who got a sixteen-year-old pregnant  when he was fifteen. They got married, but the woman died in childbirth. Eric figures out that  Billy is Wilson's son. (Cause it 's never the friend). Wilson tells him Billy's real name is "Wilson, Jr." He wants to keep seeing Mary and asks Eric's permission. 

Wilson: If anyone understands the consequences of premarital sex more than me, I'd like to meet him.

Matt sees Heather and tells her that Mary is fine. Michael (Donnie Jeffcoat) asks Matt about Mary. He tells Matt that he hit Mary but it was an accident. Matt punches Michael, and a horrified Heather drives off. Michael tells the woman at the school that he just fell. She tells him to go see the nurse but doesn't believe what he said.

That evening at the house, Ruthie comes into Annie's room. Ruthie says she has a surprise for Annie and makes her close her eyes. Ruthie brings in Grandpa. Annie apologizes. Grandpa says he will keep seeing Ginger even if  Annie doesn't like it. (Good for you, Grandpa! I  new you could do it)! He kisses her, and as he's leaving, she tells him, "I love you too, Dad." Then she cries. She calls Mrs. Bink and thanks her. 

Annie: Uh, you don't have a daughter, do you?
Mrs. Bink: No, I was working in the moment, going with the flow.
Annie: I love you, Mrs. Bink.
Mrs. Bink: I love you too, honey. (hangs up the phone) "They're all nuts."

Michael visits Mary in the hospital. He tells her that he was the one who hit her and tells her about Matt hitting him. He explains that he panicked because Mary and he have a bad history, so he thought they'd think he did it on purpose. (Probably cause you've always been a jerk, as Mary tells you. But I think there's hope for you, Michael). Mary tells him she knows he didn't mean to do it, and she doesn't hate him. Wilson comes in as Michael leaves. Wilson tells Mary that he talked to her father, and Rev Camden was shocked. Mary informs him her mother is the biggest problem, not her father.

Matt meets Heather, and she says she doesn't know if they can be in love because they are different. Matt scared her when he hit Michael. She is speaking all this.

Heather: I don't like to talk. I've never heard my voice, and I don't know what it sounds like.
Matt: (after Heather leaves): Beautiful  It sounds beautiful. (Aww).

Simon and Ruthie are listenin  outside Lucy's room. Eric sees them, and Ruthie tells him that Lucy is crying. Eric starts to go for the door handle, but Simon stops him and asks to talk to Lucy. 

Lucy tells Simon to go away. She's upset because Jimmy dumped her, she has no best friend and no older sister to talk to. Simon tells her to talk to him; Lucy blames him. He accepts that and says he never liked Jimmy Moon. He says, "you deserve the best." (I agree). 

Matt is home in his parents' room talking to his mom. She asks about Heather. 

Matt: Okay. I think I still have a shot.
Ann e: Speaking of shots. Michael Towner's mother called. Did you hurt him?
Matt: Not enough.
Annie: I know you're angry and frustrated. Join the club. You need to understand that this family doesn't solve its problems that way. Got it?
Matt: These were extenuating circumstances.
Annie: You'll have extenuating circumstances the rest of your life, so get in the habit right now of solving your problems as a mature and honorable man. Tomorrow apologize. (Yeah, after all, Annie never punched Ginger).

She tells him to also clear up the rumor that Michael intentionally hit Mary. Matt reminds his mother of how rotten Michael is, but she says people can change. He asks if his father knows that he punched Michael Towner. Annie tells him not yet, but she will find the right time to tell him.

Eric is at the hospital with Mary, who is being checked out. The doctor tells Eric that Mary doesn't realize how tough a challenge she has ahead of her. 

Grandpa comes back to the house asking Annie what the emergency is. She tells him not an emergency but something important and shows her father that Ginger is at the house because Annie called her and she flew in.

Annie tells Matt that Heather is in the living room after acting like she forgot what the message was to  give him from Heather. (Yay! The Annie I know and love has returned). 

Heather is in the living room with Lucy, teaching her how to sign, "blondes have more fun." 

Mary and Eric pull into the driveway. Mary asks her dad what the doctor said. Eric tells her that the progress may be slow, and she may never  lay basketball again. Mary replies, "He's not saying I'll never play again." Mary starts to cry, saying the accident  on't change her life. Eric hugs her, tells her it will be okay, and gives her a pep talk. He is crying by the end of their conversation as well. 

Everyone is in the backyard for a party. Matt is sitting with Heather.

Simon and Ruthie are talking to Grandpa and Ginger. They ask if Ginger's kids were angry when she came back. Ginger says they were. However, Grandpa says it's okay because they are in it together. 

Simon: For better or worse?
Ginger (to Grandpa): Well... 
Ginger and Grandpa laugh nervously. 

Wilson asks Mrs. Camden about dating Mary. Annie says they can see. Wilson can visit Mary at the house while she's getting better so the  can get to know him. A very happy Wilson hugs and thanks Annie. 

Eric comes into the backyard wheeling Mary in her wheelchair. Mary says she's open, and Wilson grabs a basketball and throws it to her. Mary makes a basket. 

Eric: The doctor doesn't know if she'll ever play basketball again.
Annie: What does he know? She's playing right now.

The kids continue playing, and Mary makes another basket. The adults join in the game.

The closing credits come up. 

(This was a very good episode - both parts. It was a good way to end season one). 


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