7th Heaven: Season 2 - Episode 12: Rush To Judgment


Lou (Alan Fudge) coming over to speak with Rev. Camden (Stephen Collins) after church. 

Church is out and Reverend Camden is greeting the parishoners. 

Mary, Matt and Lucy are outside the church at a round table chatting. Mary tells them she will be back on the basketball team in another week and proclaims, "Coach Koper is the greatest!" Matt asks of what is he the greatest "jerk, nightmare, creep." Mary tells him he dislikes Koper because of his bad grades in English Lit. (Or maybe he hates him cause he's a jerk, nightmare and creep). She tells her brother he needs to work a little harder. Mary leaves to the car, and Lucy tells Matt she's sick of hearing about Koper too. Matt thinks Mary has a crush on the coach. 

Simon is in a hurry to leave so he can play golf, and shows his mom the club he has in his pants (because the pants have a hole in them). Annie reminds him he was supposed to leave the clubs at home. 

Eric tells Lou he is not going to cut the Wednesday service. Lou tells Eric they need to look at the budget. Annie comes over to them and says, "hi." Lou tells her what he told Eric, and Eric suggests that Annie looks at the church budget. Lou has a problem with that. (Hm, I wonder if Lou has something to hide). 

(The sound of glass breaking).

Annie goes to check it out. Lou and Eric are in a disagreement about the church budget and Wednesday services. Lou leaves Eric and goes to see the damage to windshield of his car. 

Lou (Alan Fudge) looking at his windshield. 

The opening credits come up and the theme song plays.

Eric is in the kitchen making dinner, while Annie is at the table working on the laptop. Annie looks over and notices Eric never put the pasta in and is stirring boiling water. He adds it and she goes back to the laptop where she discovers $2500 is missing in the church budget. Eric is concerned because "Lou is too good with money to forget to make an entry." Annie reminds Eric that while he and Lou never agree about the church money, Lou is an honest man. 

Eric calls Lou and Alice (Sandy Freeman), his wife, answers. She tells him that Lou is unavailable and hangs up on Eric. Eric tells Annie that Lou and Alice "are obviously in cahoots."

Matt is in his room reading "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" by James Joyce when Lucy comes into his room looking for a quiet place to study. She tells Matt that Mary is driving her crazy because she won't stop talking about Coach Koper.

Matt: I'm gonna crash and burn in his class and end up in summer school.
Lucy: At least you won't have to be around his pod girl, Mary.
Matt: Hey, what do you think the colors yellow and grey mean?
Lucy: Depression, confusion?
Matt: Really?
Lucy: I don't know. I'm just going on instinct.
Matt: Good instincts, thanks. You may have saved my life.

Simon is eating dinner in his room because he's being punished. He gets up from eating and gets a golf club. Ruthie says she's not supposed to play golf and he says he can play imaginary golf. He sees a ball on the floor and is tempted until Happy picks up the ball and takes it away.

In the kitchen, Mary offers to help Annie by setting the table. She is still talking about Coach Koper. Annie tells her she is very proud of Mary and asks why Mary likes Koper so much, and Matt hates him. She says that Mary and Matt are talking about two separate people when they talk about Coach Koper. 

Eric calls Lou again and Lou answers. He tells Lou that they need to talk and they agree to meet at the church tomorrow. Lou says he will be there "as soon as he can," and is very agitated. Annie comes into his office to let her husband know that dinner is ready. He tells her, "I got a bad feeling about this."

Matt and the other students come into Koper's class. Koper (Paul Satterfield) asks, "how was your weekend?" Matt says he thinks it is a rhetorical question and Koper gets on his case. Matt tells him he's already started working on the James Joyce paper due tomorrow. 

Koper: So, Mr. Camden, tell us about James Joyce's choice of color and imagery. 
Matt: I'd really rather just write it down, sir. 
Koper: And what about what I would rather do, Mr. Camden? 

Lou comes into Eric's office at the church. He apologizes for being late. Eric tells him there must be a good explanation, and Lou tells Eric that Eric doesn't want a good explanation. He says Eric just wants to fire him. Lou tells Eric he took the money and will get it back, but refuses to say anything more.

Back at the high school, the students are done for the day. Matt asks Lucy about her day. She is surprised since usually, he tells her "hurry up and get to the car." He tells her about Koper making him tell the class about the color and imagery, and how Lucy's idea was spot on. Lucy tells him about all the bad stuff that happened to her.

Matt: Pretty much the usual, huh?
Lucy: Yep, pretty much. (Poor Lucy, she's always having such a hard time with, well...everything).

Matt asks Lucy to go find Mary and ask her to find a ride home after practice so he can work on his paper without being interrupted. 

Koper tells Mary she broke her mile record and hugs her. Lucy sees it and looks concerned. She waits until they stop hugging and then approaches Mary to relay the message from Matt. 

That evening, Annie asks about Lou. Eric tells her what Lou said and that he doesn't understand why Lou would take the money, not that it matters "because, technically, it's theft." The two of them agree, whatever the reason Lou took the money, "must be serious." 

Simon and Ruthie come downstairs. Eric asks Ruthie about school, and says she didn't get "any time outs or bring home any notes." 

Simon asks Annie if he can help with dinner since he can't do any golf-related things. She tells him she doesn't need help, but he can help with dishes after. 

After the two kids leave, Eric tells Annie he had the bank freeze the church account. He asks Annie what she would do.

Annie: I'd find out what's going on with Lou. He's not a criminal. 
Eric: No, he's just an acting treasurer who took the church's money and hoped that he could put it back before anyone noticed. 

Lucy is talking to Mary about Koper in their bedroom. Lucy asks her sister if she has a crush on him. Mary denies it. (I for one am not buying it, Mary). Matt is outside their door listening. 

Lucy comes out of the room and Matt asks her what's going on. She tells Matt about seeing Koper hug Mary. She tells him it gave her "a bad feeling." Matt tells her not to tell their parents anything. 

The next morning, Mary asks her mother to back her an extra sandwich because training makes her hungry. Matt comes down rushing the girls so he can get to school early. Annie tells him that she'll take Simon and Ruthie to school. Then asks if they heard something. (I bet someone's gonna be in trouble).

Simon: I can't believe this. How did this happen?
Ruthie: It happened when you picked up the golf club to practice your grip and you hit the ball instead. 

Eric and Annie come into the room.

Ruthie: Sorry, I broke the window, but I did keep my head down. (Ruthie is sweet to take the blame for her brother, and I love how she told them she kept her head down, that was too cute).
Annie: I am absolutely amazed that either of you would pick up a golf club after what happened at the church and despite everything I said. 
Simon: Yeah, I'm amazed too. I mean I heard of the addiction of the game, but until I experienced it myself...

Simon and Ruthie are told no golf for a month. 

Eric tells Annie "he almost got me with that addiction thing." Annie is not amused. She, Simon, and Ruthie leave. 

The doorbell rings and Eric answers it. Lou gives Eric the money back "minus the cost of replacing the car on my window."(I do get that Eric, technically Simon, but Eric and Annie are ultimately responsible for their children, need to pay for the broken windshield since it was Simon's golf ball. However, the church money is not Eric's money, so why would he take it out of that)? Lou resigns as treasure as well as from the church in general and then asks Eric not to press charges. 

Annie has gotten some groceries and gets in her car. She sees Alice walking with another man (not Lou)

Matt accuses Koper of touching Mary inappropriately. He tells Matt that it's a serious charge and they will discuss it in the principal's office. 

Eric is pacing in his office when Annie comes in. He tells her that Lou gave the money and is leaving the church. She then tells Eric about seeing Alice. She suggests Eric go visit Lou and Alice to find out what's going on.

Mary knocks on Principal Russell's (Nancy Lee Grahn) door. The principal tells Mary that Matt is concerned that Koper hasn't been appropriate with her. Mary asks Matt where he got that idea just as Lucy shows up. The principal tells Lucy she's not in trouble and wants to know what she saw. Lucy tells her that she saw them hugging and got a bad feeling about it. The principal lets Mary and Matt return to class so she can speak to Lucy. 

Principal: Are you sure you were wrong, Lucy? (I get the idea that Principal Russell also has a "bad feeling"). 
Lucy: Of course I'm wrong; I'm always wrong. But how was I supposed to know about the mile record thing?
Principal: I'm going to have to talk to one of your parents. 

That evening, Ruthie is in her room cutting pictures of "things that start with G." Simon offers to help her but Ruthie doesn't want his help. Simon tells her he feels guilty that she took the blame for the window. 

Ruthie: No big deal.
Simon: It is a big deal. The balance of power has shifted and that's not good. Just name anything I can do for you. I'll make your bed, I'll put the heads back on your dolls, name it.
Ruthie: I don't want anything, really.

Eric and Annie have arrived at Lou's. Lou tells them it's not a good time and another man comes out. Lou introduces them and says that Louis (Neill Barry) is his son. Lou tells them he didn't want to tell anyone that he has a son he put in a state hospital. He thinks no one would understand, and Annie tells him she understands that Louis has autism. Lou tells them the trouble they had raising Louis and how bad they felt putting him in a home when he was seven. However, Louis loved the state home. Louis is agitated because he wants his room (at the home). Louis goes to the kitchen and Lou and Alice tell Annie and Eric that the state funds were cut. However, they were able to get him in a private facility until they ran out of money and had to take him out. They could get him in another one but needed a deposit which is why Lou stole the money from the church. He cashed in his life insurance policy but it takes a long time to get the money and Lou panicked. Alice explains that Louis isn't doing well, and while the doctor gave them medication to help Louis, she refuses to make her son spend his life on medication. She tells the Camdens that she asked Lou to take the money out of desperation. 

Lou: We know what's best for Louis.
Eric: Sure.
Louis: But you can't say, 'our son is in a home," without somebody thinking you've done something horrible to your child. 
Eric: That's not how we feel at all, okay?

Eric tells Lou and Alice they will help them work everything out. Lou thanks them for coming over and says he will call tomorrow.

Ruthie and Annie are in the kitchen when Simon comes down. He tells Annie that he was the one who broke the window.

Ruthie: You just couldn't live with the guilt, could you?
Simon: No, we were living a lie and that wasn't good for either of us.

Annie lets them know she suspected as such but was waiting for one of them "to crack." She tells Ruthie she is still being punished, but now for lying. 

Mary asks Annie to let her out of study hall to work out, but Annie refuses.

Lou, Alice, and Louis come to the Wednesday service. Lou tells him that Louis is on a waiting list for a new home. Alice tells him that she and Lou will do volunteer work and get a break on the cost of Louis living there. (This is awesome that the place has a policy like this). 

Eric begins with silent prayer. Annie suddenly stands up and has to leave because of a feeling she has. 

Mary goes to Koper's classroom and apologizes for what happened yesterday. Koper tells her they should forget about the rehab and Mary is upset. But Koper tells her he can't risk it. Mary is sitting at the desk with the basketball and Koper starts to massage her shoulders. (I guess he's over that concern about risking anything). Mary is visibly nervous.

Mary: So, I'm thinking, if I pace myself better, I can take another fifteen seconds off my mile time.
Koper: Tell me what you're really thinking about. I mean after all, you can tell me anything. I mean, whose been there for you every step of the way? 

Mary is not feeling comfortable, and when she tells him he accuses her of being a "kid." When she tells him she has to go he calls her "a baby." 

Koper: Besides, where are you gonna go? Especially after you, and your brother, and your sister made such complete idiots out of yourselves in the princpal's office yesterday. I mean, who's gonna believe you?
Mary (seeing her mother and the principal behind Koper, she throws the basketball at him): They will.
Principal: You're fired, Coach Koper.
Annie: You're lucky you're still breathing.
Koper: Fired? For what?
Principal: There are so many things to chose from. Sexual harassment, misconduct. Our lawyers will get back to you. Or if you're really smart, our lawyers will get back to your lawyers. (I love this woman).

Mary asks Annie why she is there, and Annie tells her she "had a feeling there was something wrong with that man." Mary doesn't understand how to know when to trust having "a feeling." The principal tells Mary there's so much "they have to teach her that she won't find in her school books." (Yep, there's a lot more to life than academics). 

Matt and Lucy come over and Matt asks, "what's wrong." The principal tells them to come to her office and she will tell them. 

Mary: I was wrong and you were right. He is a jerk and it wasn't just a hug. I'm sorry. 

Mary and Annie head to the principal's office, followed by Matt and Lucy.

The closing credits come up. 

(This was a good episode, the golf-obsessed Simon provided some comic relief to the seriousness of Koper the creep. I also liked that they showed the importance of following your instincts: Annie was right about Lou, Lucy was right about Koper, the principal was right in asking Lucy if she was sure she was wrong, and Annie was right in going to the school when she did). 



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