7th Heaven: Season 2 - Episode 4: Who Knew?


Matt (Barry Watson) was handed a joint by classmate Mitch (Jason Waters).

Mitch asks Matt if Matt's attending the party at Johnny D's house. Matt says he can't, and Mitch tells him if he changes his mind to call and then hands him a joint. (Bet that's gonna cause some problems). 

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

The older kids come in from school, and the girls go upstairs. Matt stops and talks to Happy, asking her about her day and petting her. He unknowingly drops the joint next to Happy.

Happy (played by a dog named Happy) with the joint. 

Simon and Ruthie are in the kitchen. Annie had picked them up from school because she had a parent-teacher conference. Simon explains that being picked up by their mom is not cool. Annie tells Matt that Ruthie's teacher was concerned that she had worn the same shirt three days in a row. Simon complains that Ruthie is starting to smell because she never changes her clothes. So, Annie suggests Simon show Ruthie how to do the laundry because the rule at the house is, "If you're old enough to pick out your own clothes; you're old enough to do your own laundry."

Mary and Lucy come downstairs. Mary asks for eyedrops because her eyes are bothering her. She says Lucy's been burning incense, then asks if Wilson can come over, and her mother says yes, as long as it's not too late. Lucy asks if Rod can also come over, and Annie says she needs to ask their father. 

Eric comes in and says hi to Happy. While he's petting her, she drops the joint that's in her mouth. Eric picks it up and heads into the kitchen, asking if Happy's been outside. Annie tells Matt not to snack anymore before dinner, and Eric is suspicious of Matt. (Poor Matt, he appears guilty but circumstantial evidence is all that it is). Their father tells Mary and Lucy he doesn't want anyone coming over. Eric tells Annie he needs to talk to her upstairs. After the parents go upstairs, Mary and Lucy tell Matt he must have done something since Eric kept staring at him. Matt claims the girls are at fault since their dad ruined their plans. 

Upstairs in the parents' room, Eric shows Annie the joint. Eric tells Annie that he suspects Matt. Annie says it could be Mary or Lucy, or even Simon. 

Eric: Well, okay. How do you think this got into the house?
Annie: I don't know, and neither do you. And frankly, I don't think your relationship with Matt can withstand any false accusations. (I agree, Eric's always on Matt's case, he never listens, and Matt's basically a good kid). 

She suggests that maybe one of the kids' friends brought it in. Eric suggests that to figure out who brought it in, they need to "casually talk to the kids about drugs." He tells Annie to hang on to the joint and leaves the room. Annie puts it in her top dresser drawer. 

Simon tells Ruthie she can't wear her bathing suit to dinner. Ruthie informs her brother she's allowed to dress herself now and is out of clean clothes. 

Simon: Now, the first thing you have to learn about doing the wash is you have to separate your colors.
Ruthie: I separate my colors. (She picks up her crayon box and shows him) These colors?
Simon: What?
Ruthie: My crayons? (I thought I was the only one who separated their crayons like that). 
Simon: This is hopeless.

Eric lets the girls know that Wilson and Rod can come over. Mary tells Lucy their dad is up to something. She also tells Lucy that she and Rod need to stay away from her and Wilson. 

Lucy goes into her mother's drawer to find something to wear with her outfit to enhance it. She finds the joint and shows Mary. Matt overhears them in the hall and realizes he no longer has the joint Mitch gave him. (I was thinking at this point Matt should come clean and explain he didn't smoke it, but someone gave it to him. But then again, Eric's all over him all the time, so I can see why Matt was not down with that idea). 

Mary and Lucy are shocked that their parents smoke pot, but Mary reasons it's their mother, not their father since it was in Annie's drawer. Lucy put the joint back where she found it. 

Matt calls Mitch's house and leaves a message that he wants to go out. He is highly anxious. 

Eric is talking to Simon while Simon waits for Ruthie. He asks his son about school. Simon seems thrilled because he's in middle school and, therefore, halfway done with school. Eric asks if it's "bigger, scarier." He asks Simon if this is the year he learns about drug abuse, and Simon has no interest in drugs. Ruthie comes in with her laundry basket. 

The phone rings; Annie answers it in the kitchen. She gives it to Matt as it's Mitch calling. He tells his mother he going to hang out with Mitch; Annie seems concerned. (Poor Matt, now his mother is also jumping to conclusions). 

Lucy comes into the living room and asks her father how she looks.

Eric: Well, it's very Twiggy.
Lucy: Who?

He tells her it's an interesting look, and he's not sure she's old enough for it. Then he starts drilling her on Rod. Mary comes down, and her dad asks her about her allergies. (I bet Lucy was glad for the reprieve). She says she is better and flushed the incense down the toilet. He asks the girls if they know where all the matchbooks on the mantlepiece went. He then talks to the girls telling them they can come to him or their mom for any reason. Mary then tells him she wants more privacy with Wilson, and Lucy asks to have the same with Rod. They also tell him he should spend more time with their mom.

In the laundry room, Simon tells Ruthie to take all money out of the pockets and that she "can make a killing on Dad's pants." (I believe that is called stealing, Simon). He then shows Ruhtie the happy-face mark on the dial Annie put to show them where to set it. He teaches her to measure the soap using his mother's bra to measure it. (Haha, that's too funny). He warns her not to open the machine while it's running cause "it could break your arm off." (I wonder if that's what he was told when he first learned to do laundry). 

The doorbell rings and everyone rushes to the door. It's Rod (Toran Caudell).

Lucy: Hi, Rod.
Rod: Hey, babe. (Okay, Rod, dating 101, never call a teen a babe in front of her parents). 

Matt, Mary, and Simon are laughing.

Annie: W-w-welcome, Rod.
Eric: I'm the father.

Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie go outside to see Rod's mo-ped. Eric and Annie go into the kitchen, where Matt is getting food. Eric asks Matt about Rod. He wants to know if Rod smokes pot and how to find out. Matt tells him he doesn't know. Annie tells Matt she needs to talk to her father, and Matt leaves the kitchen. 

Eric: Matt. I know it's him.
Annie: Okay, look, before this goes any farther, there's something I need to tell you.  
Eric: I knew someday he'd do something stupid. I was hoping it wouldn't be anything this stupid. (Don't worry, he didn't; you're overly judgemental when it comes to Matt). 
Annie: The thing is, the summer before I went off to college, I ---I did a little experimenting myself. 
Eric: I'm sorry, what?
Annie: I'm trying to tell you before you come down on the kids. I want you to know that I've smoked pot. 

Later, after dinner, Mary compliments the meatloaf and asks if they can save some for Wilson. Lucy apologizes because she didn't know that Rod was a vegetarian. Simon tells his mother, "It was a culinary delight," because culinary is one of his spelling words. Rod compliments the salad, and Ruthie explains to her father, "if you eat in your bathing suit and you spill something, you can just wipe it off." 

After the children leave the kitchen, Annie asks Eric if he wants to talk about it. He is upset she never told him sooner. He wants to deal with "the problem at hand, namely Matt." She informs him Matt's going out. Annie tells her husband that Matt is now 17 and has to make his own decisions. Eric disagrees and says Matt is not going anywhere. 

Matt calls Mitch again, asking where Mitch is, and says he needs to get out of the house. 

In the laundry room, Ruthie's white clothes are now pink. Ruthie thinks it's cool because it's like having new clothes. Simon doesn't think their mom will agree. 

In the kitchen, Eric asks about Jimmy Moon, and Annie reminds him he never trusted Jimmy either. Eric says he trusts Jimmy more than Rod. 

Wilson (Andrew Keegan) and Mary come into the kitchen.

Wilson: What could she possibly see in him?
Eric: Hey, I take it you don't think much of Lucy's date, huh?
Wilson: I'm sorry, I really haven't given the guy much of a chance. I apologize. (Wilson is seventeen, realizes he's being judgemental and apologizes. Eric is forty-something and is judging both his son and Rod without knowing everything and has no clue. I think at this point, Wilson is more mature than Eric). 

Eric asks Wilson if he thinks Rod does drugs. Wilson says he can only speak about himself, and he's clean. He says his father drug tests him once a month because he no longer trusts Wilson after Wilson got a girl pregnant. 

Simon wants to play basketball with Matt, but Annie says she has to talk to Simon's brother. 

Simon asks his father if he can get a moped when he turns fourteen.

Eric: Not now, Simon.
Mary and Wilson leave the room.

Simon: I could start saving now. I just need an answer. 
Eric: Okay, my answer is you're not getting a moped for as long as I'm alive.
Simon: Gotcha. 

Mary is angry that Wilson told her father about being drug tested. Mary accuses her boyfriend of stirring up trouble. Wilson has no idea what she's talking about. 

Annie tells Matt that she has tried pot. Annie tells him that her friend Rachel's boyfriend got really stoned one day and was in a horrific car accident and was killed instantly. Annie never smoked again. 

Annie: Your dad and I have always tried to avoid accusing our children. We'd much prefer you to take responsibility for your own actions.
Matt: It's funny. Sounds like I'm already guilty. 

Mary, Wilson, Lucy, and Rod are hanging out in the living room inside the house. 

Wilson: So how old are you anyway?
Rod: Fourteen.
Wilson: Wow, really? So how long did it take you to grow the mustache?
Rod: Fourteen years. (This line made me laugh). 

Eric tells Lucy that Rod needs to go home. Lucy asks why Wilson gets to stay, so Mary tells Wilson he should also go. Eric asks Rod about pot.

Rod: I would never smoke pot. I hear it lowers your sperm count. (Back to dating 101, the father of the girl you date is not interested in hearing about your sperm count). 
Eric: Goodbye, son.

Wilson offers to give Rod a ride home because it's dark out. 

Eric tells Ruthie to take the laundry upstairs, and Simon will be up in a bit. He tells his other children about the joint he found. Mary and Lucy tell them they found a joint too and that it's not their business if their parents .... but before they finish, Eric cuts them off and tells them the marijuana they found was the one he gave to Annie that was in her drawer. 

Matt tells them the joint is his. Simon gets angry and runs out of the room; Eric tells Mary and Lucy to go upstairs. (Things are about to get ugly). 

Eric: What are you trying to pull?
Annie: Eric, calm down.
Eric: I've been as calm as I can be. Now it's time for some answers. It's not enough that you smoke dope. You have to bring it into our house. What if one of the kids found it?
Matt: I didn't think that - 
Eric: That's exactly right, you didn't think. Because if you thought about anyone else but yourself for a second, it might have occurred to you that the look you saw on Simon's face is the look of a kid who lost all respect for his older brother.
Annie: Eric-
Eric: Is this why you never held down a job? Here's something that doesn't take a lot of skill. Just a lighter and a lack of self-respect.
Matt: That's not why-
Eric: I'm not finished!.... How could anyone be so stupid as to do drugs in the first place?
Matt: I don't know; why don't you ask Mom? Maybe she can explain it to you.
Eric: Don't you dare bring your mother into this. Apologize right now!

A horn honks, and Matt leaves the house despite Eric telling his son that he can't go anywhere. Eric is upset that Annie told Matt about her past pot use. Annie says she didn't expect him to "throw it back in my face."

In Simon and Ruthie's room, Ruthie asks Simon why he is mad and why their dad was yelling. Simon says Matt's "a jerk and a loser," Ruthie doesn't understand because Matt loves her, and Simon tells her to go to sleep and he'll explain it when she's older. (The joy of being the youngest child, Ruthie. But cheer up, maybe one day you'll have some younger brothers). 

Matt tells the guys to let him out of the car, and when he leaves, they call him a "buzz kill."

Annie tells Eric she didn't think their kids would ever do drugs after they had talked to them about it. She says she never wanted to disappoint him, but she does have the pot-smoking in her past. Eric apologizes to her for how he acted. Eric doesn't know how he can ever trust Matt again or how Matt will ever trust him. Eric and Annie decide to go for a ride.

Mary and Lucy discuss Matt when their parents come up to tell them to keep an eye on Simon and Ruthie.

Eric and Annie go to Eric's church and see Matt praying. He's telling God that he never smoked pot and shouldn't have brought the joint home. Their son is sobbing as he prays (and I cried as he prayed). After he finishes, he sees his parents and asks them what they are doing there.

Annie: Trying to figure a way to get our son back.
Eric (who is also crying): Come home, Matt.

Matt apologizes for bringing the joint home, and they tell him everything is okay. They hug.

Eric: We'll talk, okay? And this time, I'll listen. We're gonna be alright. This family's gonna be alright.

They leave the church as the closing credits come up. 

(This was a great episode, it not only dealt with drug use and with communication and judging others unfairly). 


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