7th Heaven: Season 2 - Episode 2: See You in September


Annie (Catherine Hicks) and Eric (Stephen Collins) wait for their children to leave for the first day of school.

Eric and Annie are looking forward to a kid-free day at the house when the children go to school. Lucy is upset because she is afraid of running into Jimmy and Ashley. 

Mary is in Ruthie's room tying Ruthie's shoes. Ruthie says she is scared of the snakes in the toilet, and Mary tells her there aren't any. Mary tells her little sister not to let anyone scare her. 

Matt comes into Ruthie's room and asks Mary how she is doing after Ruthie leaves to brush her teeth. Mary tells him she is fine and will get back on the basketball team. When Mary stands up, she falls, and Matt catches her. He offers to show Marcus (a new kid) around school, but Mary says she was asked by their father to do it, so she has to do it. (Or you could say, "Hey Dad, do you mind if Matt does it since he offered because I am still having trouble with my knee"). 

Simon comes into the kitchen and says hi to Lucy. She tells him, "get out of my face." Simon is unphased because he is looking forward to junior high. He tells Lucy and his parents that Nigel and he will use the buddy system at school. 

Matt comes down, and Eric asks him if he is wearing his (Eric's) jacket. Matt tells him it's his and that Eric was the one who borrowed it. Annie asks if Ruthie wants her to bring her to school, and she informs her mother she is a big girl. 

The children leave, and Simon opens the door again, bringing Happy into the house.

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Eric is lying on the couch reading a newspaper when Annie comes in and kisses him. She tells him she's going to take a long bath. Eric tells her he will be where he is, listening to the sound of silence in September. ("Hello darkness, my old friend..."). 

Ruthie is sitting at her table at school. She has a baseball cap on backward, and the teacher, Mrs. Rainey (Claudette Nevins), comes over to her. 

Mrs. Rainey: How are you doing here, Ruth?
Ruthie: My name is Ruthie. Ruthie Camden.
Mrs. Rainey: Well, why don't we call you by your proper name, Ruth?
Ruthie: Ruthie is my proper name. It's the name my mommy and daddy gave me. And this is the hat they gave me.

Mrs. Rainey tells Ruthie she can't wear her hat backward on school property because it is how gang members wear their hats. (Yep, Ruthie's joined a gang. I think she's selling dope to the other kindergarteners). She tells Ruthie to put the hat away, or she will take it.

Ruthie walks to another table and whispers to Lynn (Camille Winbush), "she thinks I'm a gang member." The two girls giggle, and Mrs. Rainey says, "Ruth." (I laughed too, cause this teacher is a nitwit. And by the way, the kid's name is Ruthie...that's Ruth with a long e sound at the end, it's not that hard, Mrs. Rainey. That's her name, use it! No, Mrs. Rainey doesn't annoy me at all). 

Simon finds Nigel (David Netter), and they compare schedules. They do not have any classes together, but they have lunch at the same time. A bigger kid tells them to move, and Simon tells Nigel, "the jerks are bigger, but they're still just jerks." The bigger kid asks if Simon called him a jerk, and Simon rambles nervously. Nigel and Simon agree whoever gets to lunch first will save the other a seat.

Lucy is struggling to open her locker at the high school. Ashley (Mila Kunis) and Jimmy (Matthew Linville) come over to the lockers, and Ashley asks Lucy if she's having trouble. It turns out that Ashley and Lucy's lockers are next to each other. (And you were worried, Lucy). 

Jimmy: Are you feeling okay?
Lucy: Of course. Why?
Jimmy: You look like you're gonna barf. (I love this line)!
Lucy: I assure you, I'm not gonna barf.

Mary is walking with some guy who tells her it must be hard not playing basketball. Mary sees Lucy and asks her how she's doing.

Lucy: You'd think having a dad as a minister, God wouldn't hate me so much.

Matt sees Mary.

Matt: Hey, what's up with Lucy?
Mary: God hates her.
Matt: Still? I mean, I think after 13 years, He'd move on to someone else. (I loved this exchange. Poor Lucy). 

The kid asks Mary who Matt was, and she says her brother. He is relieved it's not a boyfriend, but Mary tells him she has a boyfriend; he goes to another school. He tells her, "two-school relationships never work out." 

The guy: A guy like me could rock your world.
Mary: Some other time. This is my class.
The guy: Hey, mine too. Let the rocking begin. (I think this dude is taking advantage of the fact that Mary currently can't run away from him). 

Matt walks into his English Lit class. He looks confused when he doesn't see Mrs. Peabody. Mr. Koper (Paul Satterfield) informs Matt that Mrs. Peabody retired early because she met someone. After Matt sits, the teacher has them look left and right. Then he informs them that one of the two people they looked at will not graduate. (Yeah. He's an inspiring teacher. He's probably the kind of teacher who tries to take advantage of female students too). 

Annie is in the living room folding clothes and watching TV. Eric wakes up, and she notes he's tired. 

Seargent Michaels (Christopher Michael) calls the house to speak with Eric. Annie informs Eric whatever Michaels wants, she is going with him. Michaels tells Eric that he needs his help because they may have "a jumper." 

Someone tells Lucy that someone is threatening to jump off an apartment building roof. He tells her because she is Matt's little sister, he wanted her to know something only the seniors know about. She asks who it is, and he tells her Peter McKinley, a kid in Lucy's class. 

Lucy sees Ashley and Jimmy again. She asks them if they know Peter and find out they have already heard the news. Matt tells Lucy, and she gets angry and tells him she knows. 

Meanwhile, the annoying guy with Mary (I am guessing he is Marcus, but no one has said his name yet) asks her if she likes the Lakers. She says she doesn't enjoy watching the sport; she only enjoys playing it. He suggests they could watch games together since she can't play, then tells her about Shaq's knee problems. (Let's see: Mary doesn't like watching basketball + Mary has no interest in you because she has a boyfriend = Mary wants to watch basketball with you... Sorry annoying guy, you've failed math logic class). 

Lucy is carrying all her books around because she can't open the locker. (I had this problem in 6th grade, I asked for help...amazing how well that worked). 

Peter's mother (Peggy Manix) tells Eric and Annie that she doesn't understand what happened that put Peter on the roof.

Peter, (Tarah Noah Smith - Hey, I used to watch you on "Home Imporovement." You played Mark Taylor), walks around on the roof and looks down. He is annoyed with all the people he sees.

Nigel tells Simon about Peter. (That got around fast). 

Mrs. Rainey tells Ruthie's class to sit in a circle for storytime. Ruthie puts her cap back on backward and Mrs. Rainey reminds her that is against the rules. Mrs. Rainey asks if anyone has questions. Ruthie asks the class if any of them are in a gang. The kids all say, "no." Ricky (Michael Franco) tells the class he heard about Peter because he missed the bus. (Amazing, even the little kids know about it). The kids think Batman or Batgirl were called in to help. (They tried kids, but Batman and Batgirl were busy so they sent Eric Cameden in their place). 

Peter's mother decides he is going up on the roof, and Eric and Annie try to stop her. She yells at Peter to come down, and Peter tells the Reverend not to let his mother up there. 

Eric tries to talk to Peter, but Peter tells him to leave him alone. Eric wants to get closer, so Seargent Michaels tells him to get up there. Peter tells Eric not to do it because his mother will come up if Eric comes up. Seargent Michaels says they have to wait it out.

Ruthie's teacher finishes the story and tells the kids it's time for recess. Ruthie has her hat on backward again and gets a time-out. Lynn asks to be put in time out too, and Mrs. Rainey allows it. The girls sit in chairs facing the wall. (Was that legal in 1997)?

Peter and Nigel are outside eating lunch. The kid that was bothering Simon and Nigel earlier comes over to the table, and Simon offers to share his chicken. He takes out a knife to cut the chicken. 

Woman: Drop the knife, son.
Nigel: What was that?
Big kid: Concealed weapon. Bummer. 

Nigel and the other kid eat Simon's lunch. (This had me laughing too). 

Mary goes into the bathroom to get away from the annoying kid. She sees Lucy in the bathroom and asks her what she's doing. Lucy tells her she is hiding from Ashley, and she can't open her locker. Mary tells Lucy she can share a locker with her, and she has Asprin for Lucy's sore arms. Lucy asks Mary about her knee. Mary answers, "It hurts a little. But not as much as not being able to play."

The annoying kid asks them, "are you done putting on your faces." Mary and Lucy tell him that no one talks like that. (Seriously). Mary tells him basically to get lost. At Mary's locker, Mary gives Lucy some Asprin and gets caught by Principal Russell (Nancy Lee Grahn), who reminds them about the no drug policy and makes them go to her office. Lucy sees Jimmy and Ashely looking at them and says, "I think I'm going to puke."

Matt and his friend are talking about the new teacher. His friend tells him they aren't going to graduate. Matt says maybe the kid on the roof is threatening to jump because "he heard he got Koper for ninth-grade English." (Matt, I get it, but you shouldn't make jokes about suicide). Mr. Koper comes up behind him, and a beeper goes off in Matt's pocket. The school rule says beepers are drug paraphernalia. (I graduated in 1998, and it was where I went to school, too). He tells Matt he might get suspended, or he might be arrested. Matt hands the teacher the beeper and follows him to the office.

Annie is taking a walk with Peter's mother. They are discussing Peter, and his mother says Peter is a loner. When Annie asks if he likes sports, his mother says she wouldn't let him play soccer because he might get hurt or have bad grades at school. (Gee Mom, maybe you shouldn't blame everyone else and look at yourself. You are on the edge of Mommie Dearest). His mother decides she is no longer waiting and goes up on the roof. 

Annie: June, please. Seargent Michaels says that these things take time, and Eric is very good with kids. 
June: I tried really hard to teach Peter how to be responsible. And up until now, he's pretty much done, as I said. So I resent it when people in authority try to tell me what to do with my own child. (And you're doing really good on your own, I see). 

Annie tells Eric and Michaels she couldn't stop June. Peter asks where his mother is, and Eric tells him to stay calm.

Peter turns and sees his mother on the roof and the three on the ground running.

Peter: Told you not to come up here. 
June: I am the mother; you're the child. It is not appropriate for you to tell me what to do. Now let's just get going. We can talk about this when I get back from work.
Peter: What's the point? You never listen to me. 

She thinks he is threatening to jump because of the pants, but he tells her it's the last 13 years. The others are now on the roof. Peter explains he wasn't going to jump; he just wanted to be heard. He begs his mother not to make him go to school. Eric goes over to Peter and kneels down (as Peter is now sitting), and he pats him on the shoulder and puts his arm around him. Peter looks at Eric and then at his mother. 

Ruthie and Lynn are in the bathroom. Mrs. Rainey asks what they are doing, and Lynn says they are trying to get Ruthie's hat. Ruthie explains that she had to go to the bathroom but was afraid of the snakes Simon told her about. Mrs. Rainey gets the cap out with a duster. 

Mrs. Rainey: Okay, Ruth, now, do you promise never to wear that hat to school again?
Ruthie: Yes, ma'am, but could you please try to remember to call me Ruthie, please, Mrs. Rainey.
Mrs. Rainey: I'll try. (I think there may be hope for this teacher). 

Mrs. Rainey goes to put the hat in a plastic bag. Ruthie tells Lynn she will give her hat to Simon since she'll never wear it again. 

Eric is on the roof talking to Peter. He tells Peter he shouldn't threaten to jump to solve his problems. Peter tells him that he wasn't going to jump; he just didn't want to go school looking like he did. 

Eric: I'm not quite following you.
Peter: Take a look, man, are you blind? These are Hunky Boy jeans. I asked for baggy pants, and the woman tries to send me in Hunky Boys. 
Eric: Uh-huh
Peter: I'd rather be dead than be the guy that has to wear these pants all through high school.

Peter's mother comes out and asks Peter what the big deal is. Peter says he's a geek, and it's his mother's fault. (I gotta agree with him, Mom). Peter wants to fit in with the others and is frustrated because his mother still won't listen to him. 

June: I'm sorry.
Peter: I listen when you tell me something that's important to you. I just wish you'd try to listen when I tell you something that's important to me. 
Eric: That sounds fair. 

His mother sits next to him and tells him she is now really listening.

Simon says he got suspended for a day because of the knife his mother put in his lunchbox. Nigel tells us that the big kid's name is Buck (Bobby Brewer)

Matt explains to the principal that the beeper is his father's, and he left it in the pocket. She says she believes Matt but has to apply the rules to everyone. (I like this principal she is very nice, but not a pushover. However, if she believes Matt, Matt should not be suspended. That's just dumb). 

Mr. Koper sees Mary and offers to work with her to get her back on the team by mid-season. He is the new assistant basketball coach and will soon be the head coach. Mr. Koper tells Matt that he wants a three-page essay about the essay they discussed in class. Matt tells him he was suspended, so he tells Matt that Matt has potential but needs to apply himself. 

Principal Russell: I'll tell you what. I'm gonna give the three of you the family rate. One-day suspension each. I'll see you Wednesday. 

She gives Lucy a new lock and shows her how to open it. The combination is 2-2-2. (That's almost as bad as 1-2-3-4-5). She tells her the janitor will get the other lock of her locker to use the new one. She tells Lucy that Ashley slipped on a plate of spaghetti someone dropped and "mooned the entire chess club with her Pocahontas underwear." (Okay, she's not always very professional, but she's still awesome). She welcomes Lucy to high school and tells her it will get better. 

Annie asks Eric if Peter will be okay. He says both Peter and his mother will be fine. He says they are going to do counseling with him once a week. Annie tells them they are lucky to have their kids, and Eric says they did a good job raising them.

Sergeant Michaels stops by them and tells them "all three schools" have been trying to reach them about "all five kids." 

Eric asks the children what happened. Matt tells him that his father's beeper got him in trouble. Mary let Annie know that Annie gave her the aspirin that she gave to Lucy, which got them into trouble. Lucy tells her father if it weren't for the lock he gave her, she wouldn't have needed the aspirin. (Maybe the parents should go to school while the kids stay home on suspension as a punishment, or be suspended from something). 

Eric asks Mary about Marcus. Mary tells him his name is Mark, but he wants to be cool, even though he's not. (He's like Mr. Anit-cool). She tells them that Mr. Koper, the teacher Matt hates, will help her get back into shape so she can play basketball again. (I wouldn't do that, Mary). 

Simon tells them that he should have told the school that Annie put the knife in his lunchbox, which got him suspended. Annie says she explained it to the school, but Simon is still suspended.

Annie: And, Ruthie, what did you learn from your little experience?
Ruthie: Not that much, but I still think sometimes a hat is just a hat. 
Eric: Think Mrs. Rainey would agree with that?
Ruthie: No, which is why I can't wear the hat to school anymore.
Simon: I'll take it. (Haha, I wonder if Ruthie ever told him). 

Ruthie gives Simon the hat, which he puts on, and Ruthie starts giggling. 

Eric asks if anything else has happened. Lucy says she heard that Peter tried to jump off a building. Eric tells them he and Annie were there and what really happened was Peter saw burglars and wanted to stop them. The younger four kids think it's totally cool. 

Annie tells the kids to "go upstairs and study." 

Matt tells Eric the story was lame and Eric tells him "spread it around." 

Annie and Eric count the hours until the kids return to school.

The closing credits come up. 

(This was a good episode. I enjoyed it because you don't often see the kids in school other than briefly. While it went from one to the other, it mainly stayed in school. And even Peter's character, while not in school, was related to the school plot both because all three schools seem to know about it, and because he doesn't want to go). 


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