7th Heaven: Season 2 - Episode 6: Breaking Up is Hard To Do


Matt (Barry Watson) asks Simon (David Gallagher) for money.

Matt reads a letter from Heather and then crumples it up and throws it. He looks in an envelope on his dresser and takes all the money out. Then Matt asks Simon for cash. Simon has $86, so he offers to pay him back $90. (And so begins the "Bank of Simon"). While Simon gets his money, Ruthie comes into the room, and Matt asks her for money. She has $5, so he offers to repay her $6. Ruthie also gives him money. He goes into Mary and Lucy's room and asks Lucy for money, but she only has two dollars. Then she asks Mary, but Mary doesn't have any. (Mary, don't you know you should always save money just in case your brother has to go across the country to see his girlfriend who dumped him via a letter)?

After he leaves, Lucy asks Mary what's going on, and Mary tells her sister that Matt got a letter from Heather. 

Matt goes down to the kitchen and calls American Pride Airlines to find out the cost of a ticket to Philadelphia. He doesn't have enough, so he asks how far he can get for $153. 

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Mary and Wilson (Andrew Keegan) are making out on the couch in the living room. Lucy is at the desk doing her homework and gets frustrated at their making out. (Take notes, Luce, one day, you'll be the kissing queen). 

In the kitchen, Eric and Annie are kissing and eating ice cream. Lucy enters the kitchen and slams her arms on the table. She says finally, someone knows what the signal means. Annie thinks she wants ice cream, so Lucy explains she wants people to stop kissing for two minutes. Lucy tells them that Mary and Wilson have "been kissing in the living room and haven't come up for half an hour." Annie suggests that Lucy should do her homework in her room, and Lucy tells her that will make her feel even more alone because she will think about Jimmy Moon while everyone else is kissing. (Get over him, he's a loser). Annie tells her that she will meet someone, and Lucy is all, "yeah, yeah, yeah."

 After Lucy leaves, Annie asks Eric why he's not rushing to stop Wilson and Mary and half a talk with them. (I thought that was unusual for Eric myself). Eric asks where Matt is, and she tells him he's out with a friend. 

The phone rings and Simon answers the phone in his room. It's Nigel (David Netter). Simon tells Nigel that they are the only guys in sixth grade without a girlfriend. (I find that hard to believe). Nigel informs Simon that Simon is the only one without a girlfriend because Nigel asked Myra Cole to go steady, and she said yes. Nigel tells Simon to call Cheryl and ask her out. But Simon doesn't know her. After he gets off the phone, Ruthie asks him if he's having girl trouble, so he explains the lack of girlfriend issue. Simon calls Cheryl (Kristin Steese), and when she says "hello," Simon freezes, and then he hangs up the phone. Ruthie offers to call for him, but he tells her he would rather talk to her face-to-face. 

Ruthie: Yeah, right.
Simon: No, I will.
Ruthie: I believe you.
Simon: I really will.
Ruthie: I know.
Simon: Good. (Simon leaves the room).
Ruthie (to Happy): He won't, you know.

Downstairs, Wilson and Mary are still making out. (Yeah, they really need to come up for air). Eric interrupts them and says he wants to talk. He tells them he and Annie are uncomfortable with how much they make out. Wilson tells Eric that he and Mary can play cards or something. (I think when your boyfriend is content with playing cards instead of kissing you, it's time to be concerned). Mary doesn't see why kissing is an issue. (I am thinking kissing isn't an issue, never stopping - that's an issue). 

Mary: There's nothing wrong with what we're doing.
Wilson: I know, but I've got a kid, and it probably makes your parents a little nervous. And I absolutely understand why it would.
Mary: It would be really great if you could be just a regular guy instead of acting like somebody's parent.
Wilson: Well, that's the problem; I am somebody's parent.

At the airport, Matt gets his ticket and then calls home. Annie answers and tells her that Heather left him for another guy. She tells him to come home so they can talk. He informs her that he's going to talk to Heather. 

Eric and Annie called a family meeting to find out where Matt got the money. They find out that Simon gave him the most. (Bank of Simon) Annie asks where he got all the money. He tells her that he's saved all the money he gets from allowance and birthdays. Then Annie tells them if Matt calls to find her or their father. Eric tells them to get their books so their mom can take them to school. After they leave, Annie tells him she thought he could take them. She then accuses Eric of thinking if he answered Matt's call, he would have stopped him from going after Heather. (Yep, no doubt that's what he was thinking). 

Matt asks the man how far he can get on the bus with $45, and the man says, "Pittsburg, Pennsylvania." Matt takes it. Matt buys something out of a vending machine. A bum (Ray Quartermus) tells Matt, "bad choice." Matt bites into what he purchased, and it's hard as a rock hurting his tooth. 

Lucy meets a new guy named Charlie (Jonah Rooney) at school. He asks Lucy if they could be "just friends." After he leaves, Mary tells Lucy, "Charlie Banks is a major heartbreaker, so don't get any ideas." Then she tells her, "I can tell by the look on your face you already have." (No, not Lucy, it's not like she's boy crazy and desperate to get kissed for the first time). 

Meanwhile, Nigel is walking with his girlfriend at junior high and totally ignores Simon. (That's crazy. Isn't there a rule about that)? Simon approaches Cheryl, but another guy comes up and puts his hand on her shoulder. After they leave, another girl comes up to Simon and asks him to go steady, and he says yes, and she pulls him with her down the hall.

At Ruthie's school, her class plays on the playground at recess. Ricky (Michael Franco) kisses her, and Mrs. Rainey (Claudette Nevins) sees it. Their teacher tells them it's not okay to kiss without consent. Ricky was kissing as revenge in their game. Mrs. Rainey tells them she's sending a note home to both of their parents. 

Eric comes home early. He and Annie are worried about Matt.

Matt is walking from Pittsburg to Philadelphia (304.9 miles according to Google Maps, and I just saw a sign when I rewound a bit, so it also shows the 304 on that). He is hitchhiking as well, and a car stops. (That's always safe). 

That night, at the house, the phone rings. Mary answers it and gives Lucy the phone because it's Charlie. Lucy tells Charlie she's working on her Algebra homework. He asks Lucy to give Rita (Alexandra Picatto) a note for him, and she says yes.

Eric and Annie are in the living room.

Eric: What part of stay off the phone don't they understand?
Annie: They who?
Eric: Lucy and some guy. 
Annie: Lucy's talking to a guy?
Eric: Yeah. Any other night I'd be happy for her. Or at least okay with it, but not tonight.

Simon and Ruthie are in their room. Ruthie drops something, and Simon picks it up. It's the note from the teacher. Simon reads the message as Ruthie explains they were playing Xena Warrior Princess, and the kiss was just revenge. Simon tells her she still has to get the note signed.

Lucy brings the phone to Simon. It's Janice (Ashley Tisdale), his new girlfriend. 

Eric, who also answered the phone, hears that Simon has a girlfriend. Annie already knew about it, but Eric is not happy because Simon is only eleven. (I have to agree with Eric). 

Simon tells Ruthie that Janice wants a piece of jewelry to show they are going steady. Ruthie suggests his Red Lightning ring. He tells her he plans to wear that when he dies. 

Simon: Of course, Janice already has my funeral planned out. She has everything else planned out.
Ruthie: You picked a winner, Simon.
Simon: Shut up.
Ruthie: Break up with her. (You are wise, Ruthie). 

Janice calls again. 

Annie suggests to Eric that they get call-waiting. But Eric says no, to which Annie called "the old telephone domino theory." (I laughed at this). Eric says he's not in the mood for an argument over call waiting, so Annie makes him some tea.

Wilson comes over to talk to Mary because he knows they were waiting for a call from Matt. Eric tells them it's a school night, and he's not in a good mood, so Wilson offers to leave because it can wait until tomorrow. 

Ruthie comes downstairs with her note from the teacher and asks her father if Matt called. He tells her, "not yet." She decides not to show him the letter and goes back upstairs.

Mary tells her father that he is taking his bad mood out on her and Wilson. She says it's normal to want to kiss her boyfriend. 

Eric: But I'm not comfortable with your being so physical with a guy.
Mary: But Dad, what do you think is going to happen? Do you think we are going to have sex on the couch with six other people running around? (Especially with those people being family...gross-a-roo - yeah, I grew up watching "Punky Brewster" in case you couldn't tell). 
Eric: Oh, I hope not.
Mary: If you trusted me, you'd know not. 

Wilson knocks on the door again and tells Eric he needs to talk to Mary. (Hmm, so much for it could wait until tomorrow). Eric lets them talk. Mary kisses him, and then Wilson stops it. Mary tells him her dad is worried about Matt. Then she looks at him and says she can tell that they're not okay. Wilson tells her they should see other people. Wilson tells her that kissing leads to other things, and he doesn't want that to happen. Mary is upset because that Wilson is always acting so adult. Mary tells him she doesn't want to have sex yet, so it's not going to happen. But Wilson is afraid they won't know when to stop. Mary then agrees they should see other people.

Matt has made it to the Philadelphia Institute for the Deaf. Heather (Andrea Ferrell) comes out when he rings the bell. He tells her that he got the letter.

Annie asks Eric if he called the bus station. He tells her it's costly, so he's going with plan B. Eric tells her it's an expensive breakup. (Yup, but I have to say, if a guy came across the country to win me back, I would be very touched - well, the way Matt is, he wasn't stalking just wanted to talk). 

Ruthie is hiding behind Eric, which makes Annie suspicious. Eric tells Annie that Ruthie kissed Ricky. 

Ruthie: He did it first. I did it for revenge. (Ricky was actually doing it for revenge as well if you recall).
Lucy: Great, so I'm the only woman in this house who hasn't been kissed...

Eric reads the note from Mrs. Rainey that says it could be considered sexual harassment. Ruthie says she won't do it again. (Yep, cause six-year-olds are notorious for sexual harassment). 

Ruthie: I had no idea that kissing was such a big deal.
Lucy: Well, let me tell your something, sister, it is. (Haha, another great line)!

Mary comes down and says good morning to everyone except Eric.

Annie tells Ruthie they are going to sign the note, and Ruthie should tell her teacher a meeting isn't needed, and she isn't allowed to kiss again until, according to Eric, she is "twenty, thirty tops."

Mary asks her mother to pass the milk even though Eric is closer. (Mary is still in the highly immature stage at this point- sadly, I don't think she ever grows out of it). So he has to pass it to his wife to pass it to their daughter. Eric figures out something is wrong. (Hello, Captain Obvious)! Mary tells her dad that he scared off her boyfriend. Annie says there has to be more to it, and Mary gets mad that her mother is taking her father's side. She tells them she's going to have a boyfriend that's not so obedient one day. After she leaves, Eric asks Annie if that'll happen, and she says, "eventually."

Mary goes to her room, and Lucy asks her if she talked to their father. She says kind of. Mary tells her that perhaps seeing other guys isn't horrible because Wilson kisses better than Jeff, so maybe another guy kisses better than Wilson. (Do people really think like this)?

Simon knocks on their door and tells them that Janice has to go. He wants advice on how to break up without being a bad guy.

Mary: Well, tell her it's not her, it's you.
Simon: But it's not me, it's her. Nothing is wrong with me.
Lucy: I bet we could find something. (Like his slight arrogance issue).

Matt finds Heather and Mason (Ryan Gesell), who are kissing. He thanks Mason for letting him stay at his place and loaning him $120. Matt tells Heather it will take a while to get over her. She tells Matt that Mason's sister is Deaf, and he signs. (Yeah, but he already knew Matt has been learning just for you). Matt tells her that he wants to marry her someday. (I wanted them to get married someday too). She says she can't help how she feels. (Sure, you can ask for a new script, it will give you different feelings). He tells her that he will wait at the bus stations for seven and a half hours because it will be easier to say goodbye to her now. 

Lucy brings the note to Rita from Charlie. Rita reads it and becomes really angry. (I wish she read what the letter said). Charlie thanks her and says he can do anything Lucy wants. Lucy says she wants to be kissed. Charlie says he can't kiss her because then they wouldn't be "just friends," and one day Lucy'll find someone to kiss. He nicknames her "Peaches" because "she had a peaches and cream complexion." (Aww, that's too cute)! Mary sees it and tells Lucy she warned her Charlie was a heartbreaker. Lucy says, "It's okay. I'm young; my heart can take it."

At junior high, Simon tells Nigel he (Simon) has to break up with Janice. Janice tells Simon that her mother wants to invite Simon and his family over. He tells her they have to break up, and she says she doesn't care why. She immediately goes to the first guy in the hall and asks him to go steady. 

Ruthie's class is outside at recess again. Ricky tells Ruthie that he's not allowed to play "anything Xena." He says his father told him it was "just plain old male-bashing." He asks the girls to play Pretty Pretty Princess, but they say "nah" and go back to playing Xena.

Matt is at the bus station, and the man tells him no tickets were left for him. He sits down in the terminal, and his father comes over and hands him a ticket. 

Matt: What are you doing here?
Eric: I couldn't let you spend three days on a bus with a broken heart, so I figured we could fly back together. (I was glad to see Eric was the one who came since he's the one who has always been at odds with Matt). 

Matt tells his father he's sorry for taking off like he did, and Eric says he understands. They leave together to head home as the closing credits come up.

(This was a great episode. It all tied in together with everyone kissing, and Matt couldn't kiss anyone cause he was sent a "Dear John" letter. Simon didn't get kissed or kiss anyone either, but he was going "steady" with someone. Lucy didn't get kissed but wants to be, so even that is connected. It was very well written. Plus, I like seeing Eric and Matt's relationship as father and son grow). 


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