7th Heaven: Season 2 - Episode 3: I Love You


Lucy (Beverly Mitchell) working on school work. 

Lucy is working on schoolwork, has $75 a week, and has to plan three meals a day for a family of four. Annie wants Lucy to make a list, but Lucy just wants to wing it. Annie tells her to make a list so they're not at the store all day. (Plus, when you wing it, you often let your stomach control you, and that's never good). 

Matt wrote a letter and left it on the desk. After he left, Simon and Ruthie grabbed the letter and read it. Mary comes into the room, catches them, and tells them to put the letter back. Simon asks Mary if Wilson has told her she loves him since she and Wilson have been going out as long as Matt and Heather. (Simon, you're an instigator). 

Mary comes down to the kitchen and asks Annie how long two people should go out before saying, "I love you." 

Annie: Uh...a very, very, very long time.
Mary: How long were you and Dad together before he said it to you?
Annie: Oh, about a year.

(Eric comes into the kitchen).

Mary: Dad, how long were you and Mom together before you told her that you loved her?
Eric: Not till after we were married. (Annie and Eric are very good at communicating without saying anything). 

Simon and Ruthie are reading Matt's letter to Heather again. Matt sees them, but they don't know it.

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Annie is at the market with Lucy and tells her that if she buys in bulk, she can save money, which will allow her to buy more foods and different foods. She tells Lucy about the first meal she cooked for Eric.

Lucy runs into Laurie (Molly Orr) and Laurie's mother (Laurie O'Brien). Laurie's mother is yelling at Laurie, telling her she is stupid, among other things. (I wanted to reach through the table and smack the woman at this point. Never, ever, ever tell a child they are stupid!!!)! Lucy introduces her mother to Laurie and Laurie's mother. (Awkward moment).

Laurie: This is my mom.
Carol: Actually, I'm not just her mom. I'm Carol, a person in my own right. A person with a job who's had a long hard day, who's a little irritated right now, and who doesn't really have time for all of this. 
Annie: I completely understand. Since I have to be here anyway, why don't you leave Laurie with us? And we'll finish up here, and then we can go back to our house, and she can work with Lucy, and that'll give you a break. (Annie's excellent here). 

Laurie's mother likes that idea and leaves. Laurie is timid and promises not to hold them up, but Annie and Lucy tell her there's no rush.

Ruthie sees Matt at the desk writing another letter. Matt sees her and continues to write. (Gee, I wonder what he's up to)? Simon tells Ruthie if they don't stop reading Matt's letters now, they will never stop doing it. Ruthie's cool with that, she likes reading them, then pouts, and Simon says, "that's not going to work." Then Happy joins Ruthie. (Simon, I think Happy changed allegiances in this episode). 

Mary is in her room talking to Wilson (Andrew Keegan). She tells him she wants to go to the pool hall on their date so they can talk. She tells him nothing is wrong, and then Billy (Casey Boersma and Dylan Boersma) dumps his food. Wilson says he has to go and will pick her up at eight.

Wilson (to Billy): Let me tell you something, son. No good conversation ever started with, 'We need to talk.' (Truth)

He tries to get Billy to say, "I love you, Daddy." Billy speaks in gibberish, and Wilson tells him it's close enough. (Billy is such a cutie). 

The phone rings, and Matt answers. It's Mitch. Matt asks Eric if he can give Mitch a ride to get his car, and Eric says yes; after Matt gets off the phone, Eric asks him if he'll be home in time for dinner.

Matt: I don't think so. The car is at Mitch's cousin's garage. Two hours away. That's why Mitch couldn't get anyone to take him.
Eric: Gee, that might have been important information to give me when you asked for the car.
Matt: I figured it was important to leave out or risk not getting the car. (Well played, Matt. Well played). 

Eric still lets him go and also loans him twenty bucks. He tells Matt he can work around the house to pay it back.

Happy (who is played by a dog named Happy) and Ruthie (Mackenzie Rosman) are begging Simon.

Ruthie and Happy are begging Simon because Ruthie wants to read one more of Matt's letters to Heather. Simon refuses. (They are so adorable, I don't know if I could say no to Ruthie at this point, good job, Simon. Too bad it won't last). 

Eric is at the desk and sees the letter to Heather from Matt. It starts, "Dear Mrs. Matt Camden..." Ruthie and Simon overhear Eric as he reads it out loud.  

Annie returns home with Lucy and Laurie. Eric asks her what took so long and Laurie apologizes, saying it was her fault. (This poor girl, she apologizes all the time). Eric explains he's just anxious to talk to Lucy's mother. Lucy introduced them, and Eric apologized again and welcomed Laurie to their home.

Eric and Annie start speaking at the same time. Annie hears something about Matt being married and says her story can wait. 

Eric reads the letter to Annie. Both are shocked.

Mary is upset that Wilson hasn't told her that he loves her. Lucy fills Laurie in on everything. She says that on the same day, Mary met Wilson and Matt met Heather. Lucy tells Laurie nothing happened to her that day. (Need some cheese with that whine)? Lucy asks Mary what she is going to do. Mary tells them she will get Wilson to say, "I love you." Lucy pretends to be Wilson so Mary can practice.

Mary: Wilson, we've been dating a long time now, almost four months. And I think that after four months, there are certain things that one person should say to another.
Lucy (as Wilson): You mean like how we feel towards one another?
Mary: Yes.
Lucy (as Wilson): Well, if there's any doubt in your mind, Mary Camden, I love you. (Lucy's too funny in this scene). 

They laugh, and Mary says she doubts it will be that easy. (Yeah, I have those same doubts). 

Ruthie and Simon are outside. Ruthie asks Simon if he thinks their dad told their mom, and Simon says, "yes" because their parents tell each other everything. He tells her that Matt and Heather will live in Matt's bedroom. (I am guessing if they were really married, that isn't where they would live, but that's just my opinion). Ruthie asks about the baby because she thinks people get married to have kids. Simon tells her there are different reasons that people get married. 

Annie and Eric are discussing Matt in the kitchen and are both angry. Annie thinks that it must be a joke. (If you only stayed with this thought and waited for Matt to come home, it would have made things much easier. Of course, if you did that, it wouldn't be a very good episode either). Heather's mother calls, and Eric invites her over for coffee and dessert. 

Lucy comes downstairs and asks if Laurie can spend the night. Eric says yes, and will get her pajamas and things after dinner. After Lucy leaves, Annie tells Eric about Laurie's mother. She asks Eric to check things out when he gets Laurie's things. 

Eric sees Wilson and tells Mary to hurry up. (Not sure when Wilson came in since there was no bell or knock, nor did anyone go to the door, so we'll assume this all happened off-screen). Wilson tells Rev Camden that he's not in a hurry because Mary said she wants to talk. He asks her father if he knows what she wants to talk about, and Eric says he doesn't. Mary comes down, and she and Wilson leave.

Annie brings treats up to Simon and Ruthie and asks them to stay upstairs while the adults talk tonight. After their mother leaves, Ruthie and Happy beg to spy on the adults, but Simon tells them no. (Give it up, Simon, you're going to give in. Partially because Ruthie has you whipped and partially because you're just as nosy as your little sister). 

Annie brings treats to Lucy and Laurie, asking them to stay upstairs. Laurie offers to go home, but Annie tells her she doesn't need to leave. Laurie apologizes again for being in the way, and Annie assures her she's no trouble at all. After Annie leaves, the girls discuss being told, "I love you" by a boy. Lucy tells her that she dated Jimmy Moon, but they never said they loved each other. Laurie says she liked a guy once but isn't allowed to date, and she wouldn't want anyone to come to her house. (I can't imagine why not, it's not like your family is totally dysfunctional or anything).

Eric arrives at Laurie's house, and her mother answers the door. Shortly after Carol answers, her mother (Anita Dangler) yells at Carol, calling her an "idiot." (So, everything I said about calling a child stupid, apply that to the word idiot, and while Carol is not an adult, it's obvious she's been called name all her life). She yells at Carol for allowing Laurie to sleep over at some stranger's house. Eric tells her that he's the minister at Glen Oak Community Church. (I realize you're trying to appease this woman, but being a minister doesn't necessarily mean you're a good man. One would think that, and usually, it's true, but not always). The woman claims Carol was "too lazy to use what's left in that pea brain of yours." Carol gives Eric Laurie's stuff, and he leaves. (Part of me understands Carol, but part of me doesn't. I had great parents, and I don't have children, but if I had terrible parents like Carol's mother, I would want to do better for my child). 

At the pool hall, Wilson tells Mary he didn't eat yet today because he was busy with Billy. She asks him again about loving Billy. He says yes and asks if there's a reason Mary has mentioned that twice. She then tells Wilson what she rehearsed with Lucy. Wilson tells her that he cares about her. When she says, Matt told Heather he loved her.

Wilson: That's really great for Matt. (Take the hint, Mary, he's obviously not going to say it). 

Eric tells Annie about how the grandmother was treating Carol. Annie says it's a cycle and hard to break. She says it had already affected Laurie, who apologizes every time she speaks. 

Ruthie and Simon come into the kitchen with Heather's mother, Donna (Meg Wittner). After the kids go upstairs, the adults sit in the kitchen chatting. Donna tells them how happy she is that Matt is dating Heather, especially since he is learning to sign. (Of all the people Matt dated, Heather is my favorite. I always wanted them to end up together, but I liked Sarah too, so it's all good). Then she realizes something is happening; Eric shows Heather's mother the letter. Heather's mother heads to the bathroom, and Annie goes up to tell Simon and Ruthie to get ready for bed. The two kids decide they can't go to bed when things are getting so good. 

Lucy and Laurie are in Lucy's room dancing. Annie comes in and asks them if they finished their homework. Laurie apologizes again, and Annie tells her it's okay. 

Annie: In case you girls fall asleep before Mary gets back, I'm gonna say goodnight now, okay? (to Lucy) I love you.
Lucy: I love you too.
Annie (to Laurie): And I love you too. (She leaves). (I was so happy that Annie said this to Laurie, she so badly needed to hear it from somebody).
Lucy: What's wrong?
Laurie: It's just no one has ever said, I love you, to me before. (That's so sad). 

Lucy sees Simon and Ruthie sneaking out of their room. Simon tells Lucy about the letter. Lucy tells them they will be in a lot of trouble if they get caught, and Ruthie offers to tell Lucy what happens, and she nods yes. 

After the younger two take off, Lucy and Laurie follow. (Oh good, the younger children are a bad influence on the older one...just the way it should be in some weird "Twilight Zone" world). 

At the pool hall, Mary told Wilson, "I love you," to which Wilson replied, "thank you." Mary becomes angry at his reply, and Wilson explains he's not ready to say that yet. He tells her the only person he said that to was Billy's mother, and it's a commitment that he doesn't want to make at his age. His beeper goes off, and he goes to call the babysitter. 

Matt comes into the pool hall and sees his sister. Mary tells him she is on her last date with Wilson. She blames Matt for what happened because he told Heather that he loved her. (Yeah, this is so not Matt's fault). Wilson returns and asks Matt to bring Mary home because Billy isn't feeling well. Mary tells Matt about the younger two reading his letter. He tells her he knows and that he really does love Heather. Matt tells his sister he wants to marry Heather.

Back at the house, Donna and Matt's parents are arguing over whose fault it is that Heather and Matt got married. Simon and Ruthie are listening on the stairs. Lucy and Laurie are there but have fallen asleep. (Clearly, Lucy and her friend were not cut out to be spies). 

Matt and Mary come into the house; Mary joins the other children on the stairs. 

Matt is concerned something happened to Heather when he sees Donna. After Eric tells him he read the letter, Matt explains that he was setting Simon and Ruthie up. The adults laugh with relief when they find out the letter isn't real. Lucy and Laurie wake up and ask Mary what's going on. She tells them no one is married, and Wilson didn't tell her he loves her. Then she tells them to go to bed. 

Eric and Annie ask Matt if they are thinking about marriage, and he says no. Mary confronts him and says, "do I ever tell Mom and Dad everything?" Eric and Annie overhear this but decide they can deal with it tomorrow.

The following morning, Eric tells Simon and Ruthie that they cannot read other people's letters. 

Ruthie: Like you did? Boy, that caused a lot of trouble, huh, Dad?
Simon: Believe me, we've learned our lesson. 
Matt (comes into their room): Not yet. You're mine for the weekend. (Mwah-ha-ha-ha).
Eric: My idea.

Eric asks Matt again about marrying Heather after Simon and Ruthie leave. Matt says someday, but that's all he knows, so he can't tell him any more information. 

Matt and his father enter the hallway, and Lucy calls, "Dad." Laurie apologizes for being so much trouble again and offers to take the bus home if they tell her how. Eric tells her she's no trouble, and Matt offers to take her h me. Eric says he'll do it, and Matt asks Lucy what her friend's problem is. Lucy doesn't want to tell him but decides to tell him about Laurie's mother.

Matt: You're a good sister, and I love you.

Matt and Lucy leave, and Simon and Ruthie, who were spying on then come out into the h ll. (They may never learn). 

Ruthie: Matt never tells me he loves me. (I am guessing he does since this family is big on saying, "I love you" to each other). 
Simon: He might if you stop reading his mail.
Ruthie: I'm gonna try. I'm really gonna try.
Simon: I love you, you know.
Ruthie: Yeah, I know, but it's not the same. (Poor Simon, he gets no respect). 

Mary and Annie are talking. Mary tells her mother that she tried to make Wilson say he loved her when she's not even sure she knows what love is. Annie tells Mary she's proud of her for realizing that. 

Eric brings Laurie home and offers to walk her to the door. Laurie tells Reverend Camden she wants to tell her mother she loves her but is scared that her mother won't say it back. (Laurie's a good kid). He suggests she tries to say it without expecting anything in return at first. He tells Laurie that if she keeps saying it, maybe one day her mother will say it back. 

After Eric returns to the car, he watches as Laurie tells her mother, "I love you."

Carol: I love you too, honey. I love you too. (And I was now in tears).

Eric gets in the car, and the closing credits come up. 

(This was a good episode. I liked that Eric didn't scold Laurie's mother but watched to see how it turned out when she asked for advice and then followed it). 


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