7th Heaven: Season 4 - Episode 15: Loves Me, Loves Me Not


Annie (Catharine Hicks) talks to Robbie on the phone. 

Annie is in the kitchen with Sam and David, telling them about their first birthday coming up on Valentine's Day. Ruthie comes down and asks what's going on, and Annie tells her the boys' birthday is coming up. Ruthie wants to celebrate the boys' birthday today so "we can keep Valentine's Day sacred. Annie tells her the boys' birthday is more important than Valentine's Day.

Ruthie: I'll be sure to let Hallmark know.

Ruthie returns upstairs as Annie tells her to think about what she's giving the boys for their birthday.

Lucy asks Ruthie why she's sad, and Ruthie tells her the twins are ruining the lives of everyone planning to celebrate Valentine's Day as Valentine's Day.

The phone rings, and Annie answers. It's Robbie (Adam LaVorgna). He wants permission to take Mary out on a date on Valentine's Day. He tells Mrs. Camden that it's a tradition in his family to go to the Tick-Tock Shop in Clarksville on Valentine's Day with his parents, where they first met. Annie says she has to talk to Reverend Camden about it, but she thinks she can talk him into it. If not, she will call Robbie back. He thanks her and asks her not to tell Mary where they are going because he wants it to be a surprise. 

Lucy comes down and apologizes that she's going to work in the garage on a Sunday, but it's for a good cause and just a one-time thing. Annie asks if it's for the twins, and Lucy tells her mother it's a surprise. 

Simon and Deena (Nicole Cherié Saletta) come into the house with Eric. Deena says hi to Mrs. Camden as she heads upstairs with Simon. Annie asks Eric what's going on, and he says he thinks it has to do with Valentine's Day. He tells her that Valentine's Day can bring up issues. (Like your kid turning into a vampire). 

Deena tells Simon that she only has two turtle necks, so she can't keep wearing them all week. Simon asks to see, and she shows him the hickey he gave her. He laughs when he sees it. 

Simon: Sorry.
Deena: Sorry is not going to do it. I'm going to do the same thing to you because that's the only fair thing to do. 
Simon: Wait, I don't even own a turtle neck.
Deena: That's not my problem. 

Matt is mopping the cafeteria floor at the hospital. Heather (Andrea Ferrell) comes over to him, and he is a little giddy when he says hi to her.

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

A blue screen with yellow writing comes up that says:
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things...

The phone rings at Matt and John's apartment. John (Chaz Lamar Shepherd) is studying and tries to turn it off. Then he picks it up and hangs up the phone. Matt and Heather come in. Matt asks John if Shana called, and he tells her more than once. Heather says she loves their bunk beds, and Matt tells her Shana hates them. John tells her that the bunkbeds were in his room at his parents' house. Heather says she doesn't know if she wants to get her own place or live with her mother. John asks her if she quit school, and she says she transferred to Crawford. John tells her that Matt never mentioned she was going to school with them.

Annie is cleaning the living room up. Eric pops up behind the couch and asks her if they have time for a Sunday afternoon nap. Annie tells him, "dream on." Mary enters the living room and asks if no one is allowed out on Valentine's Day because it's the twins' birthday. 

Annie: You are assuming correctly.

The phone rings and Lucy yells from upstairs that Robbie's on the phone. Mary runs upstairs. 

Annie tells Eric about Robbie's phone call. She tells him that Robbie and Mary have been dating for three months and have kept all their promises, plus they are teenagers. 

Annie: And he just wants Mary to meet his parents.
Eric: Yeah, I bet. Oh, did I say that out loud? I meant, oh, it must be love. 

Mary is talking to Robbie on the phone. She doesn't understand why he would want to come to the twins' birthday party. She tries to talk him out of it because the family birthday parties are corny, but he insists on coming anyway. She hangs up, and Lucy tells her sister that she looks funny.

Mary: Every time I talk to him, I feel like I have...just jumped off a cliff, and I'm helplessly falling, and falling, and falling. 

Lucy goes downstairs, and Annie asks her if she is still working. Lucy apologizes and explains she was getting a blister but is almost done. Annie asks Lucy if she'd like to invite anyone to the party. Lucy says there isn't. Annie asks if she heard from Andrew Nayloss, and Lucy says she hasn't. Then Annie asks her if she could go out with a guy for Valentine's Day, who would it be.

Lucy: I'm happy spending Valentine's Day with the family.
Annie: Brad's awfully cute.
Lucy: No chemistry.
Annie: Oh, what about Robbie's brother, Ricky?
Lucy: Girlfriend.
Annie: And Andrew Nayloss?
Lucy: Chemistry.
Annie: So?
Lucy: So, one, I haven't heard from him. And two, I want more than chemistry if I'm going to have a relationship with a guy.

Lucy leaves.

Annie: Yes! 

Lucy goes into the garage, and Deena and Simon are in there. Lucy is upset because she put up a sign telling everyone to stay out because she's working on a surprise. Simon and his girlfriend leave as Simon tells his sister, "don't say anything about this, ok?"

Ruthie comes out from behind the garbage cans by some trees and peeks in the garage.

Eric comes downstairs with trash from upstairs. Annie kisses him. She tells her husband what Lucy said about chemistry. He asks if it's Mary who said it, and she says it wasn't.

Eric: I want to like Robbie. I really want to like him 'cause Mary's in love with him. But I don't trust him yet. And I think it's because...
Annie: We don't trust her yet?
Eric: I feel bad for saying I don't trust my own kid.

Mary is in the stairwell listening to her parents.

Annie: I want to trust her; I'm trying to trust her. She's worked so hard to get her grades back, and she's gone way beyond the community service that was required, and she seems genuinely sorry for what she did. And yet...
Eric: Yeah. And yet...it's just a matter of time of her continuing to do the right thing over a long period.
Annie: And she will. I know she will.
Eric: Yeah, I know she will, too; she's a good kid.
Annie: I just want her to know how much we love her despite everything that's happened. 
Eric: I've been trying to make a point of letting her know.
Annie: Yeah, so have I.

Mary goes back upstairs.

Eric: Trust is a hard thing to get back once you've lost it. 

Matt and Heather come into the house. Eric and Annie are surprised to see Heather. 

Later that night, Annie is in the kitchen with Heather. Annie asks her what made them return. Heather tells Mrs. Camden that Crawford has a new special ed program. 

Meanwhile, Eric and Matt are in the living room talking. Matt accuses his father of acting weird. Eric asks him if the problems with Shana started when Heather returned to town. Matt tells him that he and Shana do not have any problems that weren't already there. 

Eric: Because Shanan doesn't know Heather's in town?
Matt: Well, not yet.
Eric: Do you love this woman?
Matt: Which woman?
Eric: Yes, that would be the question, wouldn't it? (Yes, it would). 

Heather tells Annie she's happy to be back because she missed everyone. Matt and Eric come into the kitchen, and Matt tells his parents he and Heather are going out "to get a cappuccino or something." They leave, and Simon comes downstairs wearing a turtleneck. He tells his mother how wonderful dinner was. Eric asks him how he liked dessert.

Simon: Dessert was the best!
Eric: We didn't have dessert. 
Simon: Oh...right. 

Annie asks if Deena is okay because she left so fast. Simon tells her everything is fine. He says he's gonna go watch TV as Ruthie comes down. She says she wants to watch TV, too, and suggests they put their pajamas on and watch tv until they fall asleep. Simon isn't interested and decides to go read in his room. Simon leaves the kitchen. Eric and Annie look at Ruthie.

Ruthie: What? I don't know why he's wearing Lucy's shirt, but you can bet he's not dressed like a girl for nothing.

The phone rings, and Mary answers. It's Shauna, but when she tells Matt, he says he's not there. Shauna asks Mary if Matt is seeing another woman. Mary tells her that he's not seeing anyone, just hanging out with Heather, but they are good friends, so Shauna doesn't have to worry. Shana gets quiet, and Mary says, "Shauna?" to see if she's still there. Shauna says she knew she was "just being silly" and "felt stupid for asking." Mary tells her that if Matt comes by the house she will have him call her. Mary then calls Robbie's house, as Lucy comes into their room. Lucy tells her not to torture herself, and Mary says she wants to trust Robbie, but also she wishes their parents trusted him. Lucy says their parents don't trust anyone. 

Mary: Right. They don't trust Robbie, they don't trust any guy we trust, and they don't trust me.
Lucy: They will. They'll trust you again. Hang in there.

Matt and Heather are eating outside somewhere. Heather asks why he hasn't told Shauna about her, and Matt says he has to time it carefully. Matt sees Robbie with Cheryl (Barret Swatek). Cheryl leaves, and Robbie sees Matt looking at him and goes over to Matt. Matt asks Robbie if he's having a good time without Mary. Robbie asks him the same question about Shauna. Matt explains Heather, Shauna, and he are all friends. Robbie turns to Heather and signs that he's happy to meet her. 

Robbie: Well, uh, I'd better get back to my friend. Actually, my brother's girlfriend. Goodnight.

Robbie leaves, and Matt says that the woman is not Robbie's brother's girlfriend. He says he's telling Mary about it and also that he is going to tell Shauna about Heather being back. He claims that he keeps forgetting when she calls.

Heather: You forget? I thought you said you were waiting for the right time? (He is clearly waiting for the right time to remember not to forget again). 

Robbie and Chery walk past, and Robbie waves to Matt. Matt waves back and says, "See ya, Slick."

Ruthie goes into Simon's room to ask him about the turtle neck. He kicks her out, and she says whatever trouble Simon is in, tomorrow will be interesting. He tells her they will if she doesn't come up with a present for the twins' birthdays as she leaves. 

Simon (to Happy): I bit a person, and I let a person bite me. What was I thinking?

Happy barks.

Simon (to Happy): Yeah, you said that before.

Matt returns to his apartment and asks John if Shauna called. John said she did, wants Matt to call no matter what time he gets back, and she's not happy. Matt says they keep missing each other, so she's probably annoyed. John says Matt's been avoiding her, and asks him if he still has friends for Heather.

Matt: Until I can answer that question honestly, I don't want to call Shauna.
John: I think that you just answered that question, honestly.

Matt says he has to call Mary to let her know Robbie is cheating on her. John puts his hands on his hips and looks at Matt.

Matt: I'm not cheating on anyone. Heather's a friend, our friend, mine, and Shauna's friend.

He gets a busy signal because Mary is on the phone with Robbie. 

Robbie tells Mary that he was with a friend who was a girl, Rick's girlfriend. And Matt thought he was cheating on Mary. He informs her that he was just helping her pick out a beeper to give Ricky for Valentine's Day. He tells her he's not seeing anyone else, and she says neither is she. Mary says they should tell each other how they feel about each other on Valentine's Day and says goodnight to him, and hangs. up.

Lucy: Falling and falling?
Mary: I landed. He loves me. 

Mary is excited, and Lucy asks if she can trust him.

Mary: He loves me. Of course, I can trust him. (Go back to the first instinct you had). 

Cheryl comes over to Robbie carrying two ice cream cones. They kiss, and she asks him if he reached his mom. He says he did, and she's doing better. 

Matt calls Mary, and she says she knows she saw him with Robbie, and she trusts her boyfriend because he loves her. She then tells him Shauna called and wants him to call her. She also says she told Shauna about Heather. Matt hangs up and looks quite upset and worried.

The next day, Ruthie comes in from school and says she isn't feeling well and wants to go lie down until tomorrow. Annie figures out she still doesn't have a gift for the boys and says she has until six to come up with one. 

Mary comes in and asks why dinner is so early. Annie lets her know when Robbie called, she let him know it was at six, not seven, as Mary told him. 

Ruthie asks Lucy if she finished building the surprise gift in the garage when Lucy comes in. 

Lucy: How did you know I was building a surprise gift?
Ruthie: It's in the garage. It's not in the Pentagon. I peeked in.
Lucy: But you didn't see what it was?
Ruthie: No, and I don't care. Nobody ever built me a birthday present, and I've been around a lot longer than those two mutts. 

Ruthie leaves the room. Annie goes on about how she had built Ruthie's presents and what they were. 

Simon comes in, and his mother says that he invited Deena over for dinner. He tells his mother that he wanted to show Deena how much he cared about her, and they both really messed up. However, he says he doesn't want to tell her how he messed up.

Ruthie comes back down and tells her mother that Sam and David are missing. Annie says Eric took them out while she gets ready for the party. 

Ruthie: That's what I figured. Oh, well.

Robbie and Matt arrive at the house at the same time. Matt asks Robbie about "his friend." Robbie asks Matt the same question about Matt's "friend." Deena arrives and says she's there for the party. They go inside. 

Matt yells up to Mary that her boyfriend is there. Simon introduces Deena to Robbie. Mary comes down, and she and Robbie go into the living room.

Simon finds out that Deena's parents know and punished her by making her come without a turtleneck, and she is getting punished more later. She says that she's embarrassed, and he says he is too; she also tells him that her parents aren't going to like him anymore. (Simon doesn't do well with parents, Cillia's father didn't like him either). 

Mary thanks Robbie for coming over. Robbie says he really cares about Mary but says he will tell her more later. He also tells him about the surprise he okayed with Mary's parents to go to Clarksville. She's thrilled that her parents trust her to do that. 

Annie comes in with the birthday cake, and the other kids come in as well, carrying gifts. Simon tells her they need to talk, and she says they will in a few minutes. She thanks Ruthie for being the official photographer and tells her to take a lot of pictures. She tells Robbie and Mary as soon as they cut the cake and open the presents to go out on their date. Lucy is the last one in the living room. 

Matt and Eric set the twins down by their birthday cake. Ruthie doesn't take pictures. (She's being quite the little brat). Lucy and Mary give them cowboy hats. Ruthie again doesn't take pictures that the Colonial and Grandma gave Simon and Matt. They apologize and say they will come up with something else. 

Simon says as his gift, he and Deena were going to offer to babysit. However, he thinks they may not allow it. Simon and Deena show them their hickeys. Ruthie takes a picture of this, and Annie takes the camera away from her. Matt laughs and then apologizes. He gives them their ID bracelets from the hospital when they were born. He had them laminated. (Aww). 

Ruthie hands the boys an egg. She asks her father what he got, and he says that he's recording their first birthday. Annie says the party is over and for Robbie and Mary to go. He tells Simon and Eric to go to the kitchen. Lucy says she will take Ruthie, and Annie asks her about that present in the garage. Lucy says it's a Valentine's present for Ruthie. 

Ruthie: If I'm not back in five minutes...
Annie: You don't want to be back in five minutes. 
Ruthie: Okay...Let's go Luce. I swear they love eggs.
Lucy: We all do.

Matt, Deena, and the twins are in the living room, and Matt asks who wants ice cream. 

Simon is in the kitchen with his parents, who ask about the hickeys. 

Simon: Or love bites. But hickey is fine. They still call them that.
Annie: Oh.
Eric: Okay. Now that we know what they are calling it...
Annie: Forget what they're calling it; I wanna know why.
Simon: We were just trying to show each other how much we cared.
Annie: And?
Simon: And then I realized that I was just trying to show other people that I cared and that she cared. It was stupid, and it's embarrassing.

Deena comes in and asks if she should go home. Annie says they still want her to stay and to also talk.

Simon: Oh...even worse. Can I talk to Deean alone first?
Annie: Oh, sure. We'll set the table.

His parents leave the kitchen, and Simon apologizes to Deena. He tells her he should have followed his first instinct.

Deena: Which was?
Simon: To tell you I love you. 
Deena: You do?
Simon: You're the first real girlfriend I've ever had. And I love you as much as I know how. Even though sometimes we might not know how to show it, I hope we can love each other for the rest of our lives.

They kiss.

Deena: I love you too. 

Eric and Annie listen outside the kitchen.

Annie: I could cry.
Eric: But, we're still gonna punish him?
Annie: Oh yeah. He'll twice before he bites someone else again. 

Eric laughs, and she tells him this is serious. He tells her that Fresh California eggs" go well with "serious stuff." She tells him she wanted the twins' birthday to be perfect. He kisses her and says, "this is much better." 

Ruthie sees her present, a big doll house. Lucy says she will have Matt and their dad put it in the backyard for her. 

Ruthie: Why me? Why did you do this for me?
Lucy: Because it's Valentine's Day, and I love you. And I thought if I showed you how much I love you, then you could show Sam and David how much you love them. 

Ruthie hugs her sister. 

Ruthie: I've been really, really bad.
Lucy: No, it was just a bad gift. (No, Ruthie's right. She's been a total brat since the boys were born). Why did you give them eggs?
Ruthie: Because there was only one pickle?

Lucy says she will help Ruthie try to find something better, and they hug again.

Robbie drives Mary to a motel. Mary asks him where the Tick-Tock coffee shop is. He says there isn't a cafe, but this was the hotel where his parents met on the first Valentine's Day together. He tells her they were married to other people at the time but met there to have sex, and he thought it would be romantic for them to have sex there as well. 

Mary: So you brought me here...
Robbie: Yeah, I did. 'Cause I love you, and I hope you love me.

Mary looks at him and then punches him in the mouth. (Second best part of this episode). 

Mary: Happy Valentine's Day.

Matt is on the phone with Shauna, who is upset he didn't tell her about Heather. He says she's making a big deal with them since she lives with three guys. She claims she is studying. He says she does go out with her friends, who are guys as well, and doesn't see a difference. 

Shauna (to Matt): The difference is you once told Heather you loved her. I've never told any of my roommates that I love them.
Brett (Matt Farnsworth): But you do love us, don't you, Shauna? Please say you do.
Shauna (to Brett): Shut up. 

Matt is upset that Shauna is talking to Brett instead of him. Shauna is upset that Matt didn't tell her about Heather. She wants to break up so he can be free, but he suspects she wants to be free. They hang up. Brett massages Shauna's shoulders and says he'll take her out, and kisses her. (This could be an issue later). 

Someone knocks on Matt and Shauna's door. Matt answers, and it's Heather. She tells him that they are playing a dangerous game and she shouldn't have told him she was back. He tells her that he thinks he and Shauna broke up. She tells him to work it out with Shauna, and one day a long time from now, maybe they can all be friends. They hug goodbye, and Heather leaves. Matt calls Shauna again, but no one is there. (Sorry, Matt. Your girlfriend has a date with her soon-to-be new boyfriend). 

Annie and Eric are cleaning the kitchen together. Mary comes home, crying, and tells her parents about Robbie taking her to the motel. Eric tells her that sometimes guys do those things. She says that her parents were right not to trust Robbie. 

Annie: I'm sorry that we were right. We didn't want to be right. You know that, don't you?
Mary: Yes, you did.
Eric: Okay, but not this right.
Annie: Well, we were right in starting to trust you again. And I can't tell you how much it helps that you've been honest with us about this. Thank you.

Annie tells her daughter they'll talk more tomorrow. They go upstairs, and Ruthie has a box in her hand. She tells her parents she made a real gift for Sam and David. 

Ruthie tells the boys all about her blanket, named Blinkie. She tells them that it got torn and sewn many times because of how often it was used. 

Ruthie: After many, many years, it got so bad that mom and dad made a special box for it and put it in the attic so it wouldn't get torn completely. So I could keep it forever. 

She pulls the blanket out of the box, now in two pieces.

Ruthie: But sooner or later, you'll learn that the only thing that lasts forever is love. But in the meantime, I want you to have a piece of blinkie to hold on to, so I cut it in half for you to share. Happy birthday. (to the rest of her family minus Matt): And Happy Valentine's Day one and all. (Best part of this episode, I was crying by the time she finished). 

Eric picks her up and hugs her, and everyone laughs and smiles. The babies coo and clap.

The closing credits come up.  

(I enjoyed this episode. It wasn't overly heavy in it's topic like many are, but it was nice and enjoyable to watch. Seeing Mary slug Robbie was priceless, and Ruthie's speech to her brothers was beautiful). 


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