7th Heaven: Season 4- Episode 9: Dirty Laundry


Ruthie (Mackenzie Rosman) learns about three-way calling with Chloe (Gretch Storms) and Nina (Sydney Berry)

Annie calls her husband at the church, frustrated that they haven't gone on their walk yet again. 

The phone rings, and Ruthie answers. It's her friends Chloe (Gretchen Storms) and 
They tell her she needs to get three-way calling because everyone has it. (Was this a California thing? I grew up in NY and didn't know anyone who had this). They also tell her she has to help them get rid of Sarah because she's "a total geek-loser." Ruthie reluctantly agrees to help. 

Simon is in his room reading "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton. (One of the most outstanding books ever). Ruthie comes into his room and asks him if he's going to cry. He tells her about the book and what happens to Johnny. (I won't spoil the ending for anyone who hasn't read the book or seen the movie)

Matt and Shana (Maureen Flannigan) bring their laundry to the Camden house. Shana is not happy about it because Annie already has all those other kids, plus her and Eric's laundry, to deal with. Annie goes upstairs as she tells them there is cheesecake in the fridge. Eric comes home and asks them if they're doing laundry. (He has an amazing grasp of the obvious). 

Matt wants Shana to do something, but she says she won't do it. He says he just wants her to consider it. She says she did, and the answer is "no." He suggests they wash their whites together, but she tells him it's too intimate. He says she can wash her whites while he gets rid of Mary and Lucy, who are eavesdropping. 

Annie tells Eric that Simon is watching the twins while they go on their walk. Eric has an envelope that someone slipped under his office door at church, but he didn't open it so he could get home. Annie tells him to open it. It's a check for $20,000. 

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Simon is eating a little breakfast, and he tells his father he can't eat because there are people who are starving. Eric tells him that not eating his breakfast will not help those who are hungry, but Simon says it's symbolic. Eric tells him about the check and helping the church.

Simon: Because no matter how much money it is, it will never be enough to help everyone. Is it?

Annie tells Ruthie that Ruthie needs to keep an eye on the babies every second. Ruthie says the only person who can do that every single second is God. Annie says God put people on earth to watch out for one another. Ruthie says she has enough trouble watching herself because "it's now every girl for herself." She tells Annie the ending of "The Outsiders" that Simon told her and explains being a hero is not worth it. (She's relatively young to be so cynical). 

Mary and Lucy discuss Matt and Shana. Annie overhears some of it. She says they'll talk about it later. 

Annie is in the nursery with the twins when Eric comes in. She says she wishes she could keep them young and innocent forever. (Don't we all)? She asks her husband if he's going to the bank and says he wants to talk to Sachiko Ishida about it first. Annie agrees it's a good idea. She asks him if he's spoken to Simon and claims Simon is a "black hole" because of his bad mood.

Shana knocks on Matt and John's door. She gives him some of his clothes mixed in her laundry. Shana also says that she thinks they are going too fast and wants to see other people. Matt tells her he doesn't believe she wants to see other people and is just trying to push him away. 

Shana: Oh, so you got it all figured out already, don't you, Dr. Freud?
Matt: No, I don't have it all figured out. I want this to work, and I'd love to find out why you're being like this.
Shana: Like what?
Matt: Like distant and completely and unrelentingly stubborn about something I want to do. Don't my needs count for anything?

Shana gets upset and walks out. Matt sees the shirt isn't his.

Ruthie is outside with her friends at recess. Sarah (Sarah Rayne) comes over and asks them what they are doing. They tell her they can't tell her because it's for girls, and Sarah's not a girl; she's a bird. Ruthie doesn't tease her, but she also doesn't defend her. Ruthie looks bothered and conflicted. (Hopefully, by the end of this episode she will do the right thing). 

Some girls at the high school are talking about the homecoming party. They are talking about how the girls' basketball team is "a bunch of screw-ups." Lucy's locker is by where they are talking, and she interrupts them and informs her they are talking about her sister, Mary. The girls tell Lucy she's not like Mary and invites her to the party but tell her not to bring Mary. Lucy declines and leaves. The two girls discuss that Lucy looks great, but, unfortunately, she's Mary's sister. Mary comes over to them and asks if they've seen Lucy. They point to where Lucy went. They give her a fake smile and then laugh when she turns around.

Sachiko (Takayo Fischer) knocks on Eric's office door at the church. He wants to make sure the check wans't a mistake. She says she's been holding on to it and explains it was the money from the government for putting her family in an internment camp during World War II. 

Sachiko: I don't want the money. It's blood money. Money cannot undo what's been done. Rights, dignity, and respect. I want it off my hands so I don't have to talk about it ever again. Please, just take the money. 

Ruthie comes into Eric's office at the house and asks her what she's doing. He tells her that he's reading about the internment camps. Ruthie says she wants to go to camp, and her father tells her an internment camp is not a camp you want to go to. (I like that he explains this to her and doesn't just brush her off because she's a kid). Eric explains to her about the WW2 internment camp that the Japanese were forced to live in, even the ones born in the United States. He says everything was taken away from them, and it was like they were in jail. He says the government finally admitted what they did to the Japanese was wrong and gave money as a way to apologize. 

Annie comes in and tells them she was on the phone with Ruthie's teacher, who said Ruthie and her friends made someone cry at school. Ruthie says that Sarah's not part of her group, and she can't be seen with her because it would look bad. Ruthie says that she, Chloe, and Nina shouldn't have called her names, but there was nothing she could do about it. Annie doesn't accept that. (Nice try, Ruthie). 

Ruthie: I'd give her some money to make it all better, but I don't have any.
Annie: I'm surprised at you. You know money doesn't make it all better.
Ruthie: Well, the government does it, so it must help.

Annie informs Ruthie she has to apologize to Sarah. 

Ruthie: But I didn't say anything.
Annie: That's just as bad or maybe even worse. How would you like to be in Sarah's place?
Ruthie: Well, if I apologize to her, I am going to be in her place.

Ruthie leaves.

Annie (to Eric): Well, she shouldn't have done it.
Eric: I didn't say anything.
Annie: Well, you could have.

Matt pulls out a lot of food from the fridge. Annie asks him if he's eating for two, and he tells her he had a fight with Shana, who now wants to see other people. She asks him what the argument was about as Lucy comes downstairs. 

Matt: I don't feel comfortable talking about it right now. 
Lucy: Don't worry, I'll eat somewhere else so you two can talk. The conversation is probably too intimate for me anyway.

Matt explains he is still part of the family, and as Lucy's older brother, he still gets to lecture her.

Matt: So hear this. My private life is still my private life.

Lucy runs upstairs. Matt tells his mother that he's not apologizing to his sister. Annie suggests that perhaps Matt could at least talk to her later. She asks him if he wants to talk about his private life, and he says he just wants to eat. 

Lucy is upstairs talking to Mary. She's upset because Matt never yelled at her, which hurt her feelings. Mary observes that Lucy doesn't like to be left out. Lucy tells her she has no idea what feeling left out is like. Mary tells her that she played basketball in the first place because she was constantly teased about her height. 

Mary: And after all that hard work, I'm nothing now. I'm just the tall bad girl, who let everybody down, and now I'm paying for it. (Well, yeah, but are we supposed to feel bad for you? Because I really don't). 

Mary leaves their room. 

Simon gives Matt some cookies, but Simon says no because of the ingredients. Eric takes the cookies and says he was looking forward to them. Simon says they are all manipulated by politics and big business who are more interested in making a buck than people's health and safety. 

The phone rings, and Lucy answers. She tells Tammy she has to think about whether or not to go to the party. 

Mary comes into the kitchen, and Matt tells her that he and Shana had a fight, and he wasn't talking about sex when he said "intimate." He asks her to tell Lucy the same thing.

Mary: I'm not your messenger, and I don't care what you and Shana are doing.
Matt: Oh, right, I forgot. You don't care about anybody but yourself. (I've noticed that, too). 

Matt grabs his coat and leaves the house as Mary looks over at him.

Matt checks his answering machine, and Shana left a message apologizing. She says she doesn't want to see other people but wants a time-out and will call him again later. (I heard this message, and all I could think was, "We were on a break! from "Friends"). 

Annie brings clothes into Simon's room. She asks him how he is doing and explains that the entire family is in a bad mood, thanks to him. Annie tells him that bad moods are contagious but so are good moods and that they will both be in a good mood. For now, she tells him to fake it until he truly feels in a good mood. Then, she wants him to help others, which helps with being in a good mood. 

Mary asks to speak to her sister, Lucy when she sees her in the hall at school. Mary apologizes to her sister. Someone comes over and mentions the party, and Lucy tells Mary she wans't going to go at first and thought maybe she would go.

Lucy: I mean, it's not like I got into trouble, right?
Mary: Right. You did nothing. Except join a whole group of people who are trying to exclude me.

Ruthie sees Sarah on the playground and apologizes to her. She just says, "Sorry," and walks away. (That sounded sincere). Sarah said she thought Ruthie might want to be her friend, but Ruthie reminded her she let Chloe and Nina make her cry. But Sarah doesn't think Ruthie is like the others.

Ruthie: Yes, I am.
Sarah: Fine, Then I don't wanna be your friend. I thought you were different.

Ruthie turns to leave, then turns back, but Sarah has left. 

Matt tells his mother that he and Shana are having problems, so he talked to John about it. However, that made Shana angry, so Matt suggested they try couples counseling since they have counselors on campus. However, Shana won't go, nor will she talk about what's bothering her. Annie suggests that Shana might like to speak to her, and Matt agrees since Shana's not close to her mother. 

Eric meets with Henry Muranaka (Mako) at the church and thanks Henry for coming. 

Henry: I'm happy I could finally do something for your father. I owe The Colonel. Your father has been very involved with aiding public awareness about the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, as well as many other veterans' groups and organizations. 

Eric tells him that after his dad went on a trip around the world, he became very politically active. Henry says he wanted to meet Sachiko because he served with her brother Jim. Eric says he didn't know that and wanted to talk to him about his thoughts on the reparation money. Henry said he was happy to get it because his grandson was born with many medical issues, and the money is helping him. 

Henry: Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying the reparation money evens things out or makes life fair. Life is not fair.

He says he'd like to try to offer a new perspective to Sachiko, but either way, he's looking forward to meeting her. He tells Eric that her brother, Jim, was killed in service. 

Simon is spinning around in the hallway upstairs. Lucy sees him, and he says he's now a happy man. Lucy says she wants to be happy, and Simon says they are having a clothing drive for Kosovo refugees, and she says she has some things and leaves. 

Ruthie comes out of her room. She tells Simon she's got the blues, and Simon tells her to help someone else and she'll feel better. (Yes, helping others does help you). 

Shana is in the kitchen with Annie, and it's a little awkward. Shana asks her what she knows, and Annie tells her what Matt said earlier. Shana says she doesn't want to tell Matt too much before she knows how close she and Matt will get. And she can't talk to her mom about her problems since her mom is the problem. She says that she doesn't understand even simple things because of how she grew up, such as whether she and Matt can do laundry together, where their underwear are in the same machine when they haven't seen each other in their underwear. She concludes she just wants to be her and thanks Annie, for listening. They hug.

Eric brings Henry over to see Sachiko. She is happy to meet Henry until he mentions her brother Jim, then she says she's not interested and closes the door.

Matt is in the closet, and Lucy comes over. They apologize to each other. Matt explains why he got upset and says that he and Shana aren't having sex, which was assumed when Lucy and Mary heard the word "intimacy." 

Lucy: I know, but you were doing your laundry together.
Matt: So?
Lucy: Are you kidding? I would have to be practically married to let some guy see my dirty clothes. Yuck.

Matt jumps up and hugs Lucy.

Matt: What was I thinking? Thanks. 

Matt runs downstairs as Eric comes in. Matt doesn't say anything to Eric, so Eric has a conversation with himself about how he screwed up a favor his dad did for him. 

Annie comes in and tells Eric he got a phone call. He thinks it was The Colonel calling to yell at him. She says it was Sachiko calling, and she wants him to return with Henry. Simon is heading upstairs and sees his dad.

Simon: Hey, you're home. How was your day?
Eric: Much better now that you asked. 
Simon: Good.

Eric tells Annie if The Colonel calls to thank him and leaves.

Matt and Shana are making up and kissing. They decided they need to spend more time together. Matt says he has to talk to Mary, and then they could spend time together tonight, but she has to work, and he has to study. She tells Matt that she wants to be a doctor, and Matt scares her as he might sidetrack her because her whole life, she's wanted to be a doctor, and for Matt, the idea of being one is new. She says she will make room for him but needs time. 

Ruthie is on the phone with Sarah. She thanks Sarah for still being her friend. Sarah suggests they use her conference calling so they, Chloe, and Nina can be friends because conference calling is better than three-way calling. Chloe and Nina get upset, claiming Sarah and Ruthie are showing off, and hang up. 

Ruthie: Well, we tried.
Sarah: Yeah, but they still don't wanna talk to me.
Ruthie: No, now they don't wanna talk to us. 
Sarah: Us, sounds nice. 

Matt is trying to get Mary to come out. He apologizes to Mary for calling her selfish. Mary says she's considering signing up for independent study at school and finishing school in her room. Mary says she has been very selfish. Matt says it's hard to grow up and leave his family. 

Mary: Is that about you? It sounds like it's about me?
Matt: How could it be about you? I'm the one who left.
Mary: And yet, you're still here.

Matt says it's comforting to come home, especially with relationship trouble outside the Camden home. He says it's getting better, and Mary kicks him out so she can talk to Lucy.

Lucy tells Mary she decided not to go to the party. Mary says she should go because Lucy didn't do anything. Lucy tells her by the end of the year, Mary will be invited to parties again. 

Eric and Henry are at Sachiko's house. She apologizes for her rudeness and explains that since Jim died, she's felt very bitter and regretful. She explains she used to feel ashamed she was Japanese. And then, she saw her brother proud of this country and willing to die for it, but still proud of his Japanese heritage. 

She apologizes to Henry for complaining when he fought in the war with her brother. He says they were all young then.

Henry: I made myself a promise after the war. To dedicate my life to helping others and never forget the past. And to make sure it will never happen again. Being engaged in life renewed my faith in mankind. 

He explains that everyone dealt with the war differently. Some bottled it up, some drank, some committed suicide, and some became bitter. 

Henry: It was a very dark time in history, but you have to believe there will be light after the darkness. But most of all, you have to recognize the light. 

Eric agrees with Henry. He returns the check to Sachiko and tells her that while the church could use the money, she should keep it. He says she needs to what happened and also forgive herself. 

Eric and Henry stand up to leave. Sachiko asks Henry if they could talk again if he's in the area. He asks her to go to dinner. She agrees to go. She turns to Eric and thanks him and says goodbye. Eric leaves. 

Eric (outside the house): I still got it. 

He does a kick in the air.

The closing credits come up. 

(This was an okay episode. I found the plot with Matt and Shana rather dull, but Ruthie's and Simon's stories were not bad, and the plot revolving around the check was good, so overall, it averages to okay). 


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