7th Heaven: Season 5 - Episode 10: Surprise


Reverend Camden (Stephen Collins) sees Robbie on the streets.

Reverend Camden is walking at night and sees Robbie on the street. Robbie (Adam LaVorgna) tells him that his mother moved, and he and Cheryl broke up. (And as LaVorgna is now part of the cast I will not be listing his name unless he is in a picture after this). Eric asks him if he has a place to live, and he says he does, just not one with laundry. He asks Eric if he's talked to Mary and Eric tells him no and thanks him for asking.

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays. 

Eric and Robbie are at an outdoor café. Robbie is drinking coffee, which he explains he put in a lot of sugar because he doesn't like coffee, but it's warm. He then explained how he became homeless. He tells him school is essential because that will let him have a better life. Eric points out that Robbie and Mary have very different views on school. Robbie says that's why he broke up with her. Eric is confused because he thought Mary dumped Robbie. Robbie tells him they got back together over the summer and that was when he dumped her. 

Eric brings Robbie home with him to spend the night. (Look dear, I was out walking and found a stray Robbie...can I keep him?)  Annie is already in bed when he gets home. He tells her he has a surprise, and she says she has one as well. Eric goes into the hall to grab Robbie. Annie pulls down the covers to reveal she is wearing a very sexy back negligee. Robbie sees Annie and they both scream. Robbie apologizes and Annie sends him down to the kitchen so she can speak to her husband. (Lesson here is if you are going to bring stay humans off the streets always call home to make sure you're significant other isn't dressed like a slut).   

Eric: I was only bringing Robbie home to spend the night; now he's gonna wanna live here. (Can you say foreshadowing?)

He asks Annie if there's some reason she's dressed like that and she tells him it's Friday. 

Eric: Ah, Friday, yes, TGIF.
Annie: Shut up! No, first tell me why you brought Robbie home with you, and why he's spending the night, and then shut up.

He explains to Annie that Robbie is now homeless. 

Meanwhile, Robbie is in the kitchen looking in the fridge when Lucy comes downstairs wearing a crop top, and short shorts. Robbie looks her over surprised.

Robbie: You know, I always pictured your family in robes. Really big, flannel, furry robes. 
Lucy: I always pictured you in your own house, not in our kitchen at 10:00 at night. 

Lucy tells him that Mary is in New York still, and he tells her that's not why he's there. He explains he's homeless and just there to clean up and get a good night's sleep. Lucy says goodnight to him.

She goes up to her parent's room to ask them about Robbie. They are there discussing Robbie when she comes in, and Eric asks her if she went downstairs the way she is dressed, and she explains she is hot. (And after seeing her, Robbie probably is too). 

Lucy leaves and goes to Simon's room. Simon is talking to some girl on the phone. She tells him to get off but he ignores her. 

Ruthie is in the kitchen talking to Robbie. She tells him they have a house rule that you can't walk around in your underwear. He tells her he will wear his clothes to bed, but Ruthie tries to convince him to wear Matt's old PJs since they would be more comfy. Eric comes downstairs and tells Ruthie she's supposed to be in bed. Ruthie says goodnight to Robbie and leaves. Eric tells Robbie that Annie says he can stay, and tells him about the no-naked rule. Robbie says he heard about that rule. 

Eric: Lucy came very close to not following the rules tonight.
Robbie: I didn't see anything. Honest.
Eric: Let's just keep it that way.
Robbie: No problem.

He runs upstairs.

Matt is at his apartment reading. John is making out with his girlfriend Priscilla (Andrea C. Pearson). Matt keeps coughing, and John finally gets annoyed and asks to speak with him outside. John says he's had to deal with Matt and Heather, Matt and Shawna, Matt and every other woman. (He has a point). Matt says that he acts like "this woman" had John under a spell. John says he is in love with Priscilla. He tells Matt to take a walk. Matt says he is in his pajamas. John opens the door and hands Matt his keys and pants. He locks him out of the apartment.

Simon is still talking to the mystery girl on the phone.

There is a knock on the door and Eric answers. It's Mike Pence (Jer Adrianne Lelliott). He says he had to tell Lucy something important face-to-face. Eric introduces him to Robbie and then goes up to get Lucy. Lucy comes down and they go to the living room. Eric tells Robbie they can talk while they wait.

Eric: How about a sandwich?
Robbie: Sure. What can I make you?
Eric: Uh, what do we have?

Mike tells Lucy that he got early acceptance. Lucy asks him why he didn't tell her sooner. Then realizes he was out on a date. She tells him they are not exclusive so it's okay that he was on a date, but she would have told him before the date if it were her, but "hey everyone is different, right?" (Lucy is growing and changing, but every so often the old insecure Lucy slips back in for a bit). 

Eric and Robbie are eating in the kitchen when Matt comes in. Matt says he needs the couch.  He is upset that Robbie is there, but Eric says there are two couches. (In all fairness, Matt was upset before he got there). Lucy comes in and tells them all that Mike had a date. Then she leaves again. Robbie says he will make up both couches, but Matt says he is not sleeping on the other couch, he will sleep in Mary's bed. Robbie says goodnight. Eric tells Matt he can't explain about Robbie right now because it's a "long personal confidential story." He asks Matt why he's spending the night.

Matt: I'd explain, but for now, it's a long, personal, confidential story too. (Matt is being a bit of a yutz in this episode). 

The phone rings, and Ruthie answers. It's Mary, but Ruthie hangs up on her. Mary calls back, and Ruthie hangs up on her again. She calls again and demands Ruthie put their Mom on the phone, and Ruthie hangs up again. It rings again, and Robbie answers, because the phone is in the bathroom. He comes out in a towel because Mary hearing his voice thought it was the wrong number. She calls again, Ruthe answers and says she should get their dad too and hangs up again. Ruthie asks Robbie if  Mary knows he is staying at their house. He doesn't think she does. Ruthie thinks that's interesting. Annie asks who has been calling. Ruthie says she's been hanging up all morning on Mary because she doesn't like her and no one can make her like Mary. Robbie says he needs to go put something on and was out of the bathroom because of the phone being in there. (This whole phone scene was great)! 

Eric says that they are gonna need to keep Robbie a little longer. Annie is not happy. 

Eric: Now, come on. Robbie is really trying. He has a 4.0 average at school. He's homeless, and he's made the Dean's List. If I hadn't known him for the last year, I'd want to adopt him. 
Annie: You should get the divorce first. 

Annie goes into Ruthie's room. She tells Ruthie that she needs to let Mary talk to people when she calls or not answer the phone. Ruthie wants to know if that includes Robbie.

Annie: Robbie won't be here for much longer.
Ruthie: Yeah, right.

Simon calls the girl again.

Lucy is waiting for the mail. She questions the mailman (Allen Lulu) about the size of the envelope she received. The mailman confirms that normally an acceptance letter comes in big envelopes. Lucy asks him to open the mail, and he tells her he can't because opening someone else's mail is a federal offense. (Sometimes TV just likes to impart random federal trivia to the world). He asks her why she doesn't want to open it and she says she hates surprises and tells him about the shoeshine kit she got from Jordan that was meant for his uncle's money. (Back in "Here Comes Santa Claus" season three, episode 10). The mailman tells her not to open it and leaves.

Eric asks Simon who he's been talking to all day on the phone. Simon doesn't want to tell him. Eric says he has the right has his parent to know, but Simon clarifies that he wants to know because he's curious not because Simon is in danger or doing anything wrong, so therefore he can't use his "parental rights."

Matt returns home, and John tells him that Priscilla is eating over. John says that she talked to Matt's Mom and was told Matt could go there for dinner.

Matt: One stop talking to my mother, and two stop telling me to go away. I don't want to eat with my family tonight. I want to eat here in my apartment tonight, and I'm going to eat here in my apartment tonight, and you can't stop me. 
John: You don't want to go home because Robbie's moved into your house.
Matt: Robbie didn't move in. And he's not going to move in. And if you don't stop talking to my mom, I'm gonna start talking to your mom. And you're not gonna like like. 

Matt complains that he has to go to the bathroom when he and John fight because it's the only other room in their apartment since they share a studio. 

Eric tells Robbie that he found him a shelter. Robbie thanks him, and Eric drives him over. When they get there, most of the people are sick. Robbie thanks him again and says that he'll be fine. Eric looks around.

Eric: Let's go home.

Annie is not happy that Eric brought Robbie home. She asks him how long they have to keep him, where they will put him, and who will tell Mary. Annie says that Eric wants to help Robbie just so Mary will forgive him. 

Simon is on the phone again, and they are both thinking the same thing at the same time. (This Simon plot is incredibly dumb). 

Eric goes into the kitchen and sees Robbie sitting at the table studying. He asks Robbie if starting dinner will disturb him. Robbie says no and offers to help, but Eric tells him to just study. Lucy comes down and says she's going to Mike's to surprise him with an apology for her reaction earlier. Both Robbie and Eric question if she wants to show up at Mike's house unexpectedly having never met Mike's mother. She gets defensive and says she does. She leaves and Robbie asks Eric about Mike. Eric tells Robbie that Mike had some mental health issues but is doing better. Robbie says that's why he doesn't look that bad, and Eric says it's not Robbie's fault he's homeless. Robbie tells the reverend it's not his fault either since he didn't know Cheryl was going to kick him out.

Ruthie sees his mother upstairs and happily tells her that she heard Robbie was back. Annie confirms. She says that now that Robbie isn't dating Mary, she is starting to like Robbie. Simon comes out and asks who they are talking about and she tells her brother that Robbie is back. Simon didn't know he even left. Simon doesn't want him sleeping in his room. Ruthie says he can sleep in her room, but Annie says no. Ruthie says to put him with Lucy, and Simon says that would be fun for different reasons. (Such as Robbie already tried to have sex with one Camden daughter, and Lucy is the make-out queen). 

Annie: New house rule - no unrelated co-ed roommates unless there is a marriage certificate.

Ruthie says to put her up with Lucy and let Robbie have her old room. She says she's always wanted to be in the attic. 

John and Priscilla are making out while Matt is asking them questions about dinner. Then Matt tells them he's hungry and is not going anywhere. 

The phone rings at the Camden house and Robbie answers. It's Mary. Mary assumes that he is there because he's now dating Lucy. Eric comes into the kitchen and he gives him the phone explaining what Mary thinks. Eric says hi to Mary, and that he misses her, and she promptly hangs up on her.

Lucy arrives at Mike's house. 

Mike: Look, if you come in there's no going back.

Lucy is confused but goes in. She meets Mike's Mom who is catatonic. He explains when his father died, he tried to kill himself, and his mother "just checked out." Mike says that it's okay because he understands better than anyone how great it is just to be alive, and that if you just hang on things get better.

Lucy: You're the most amazing guy I've ever not kissed.
Mike: The agreement was when you get your acceptance.

They hug goodnight so Mike can return to his mother. After he is gone Lucy pulls the unopened letter she got earlier from her pocket and looks at it, then puts it back in her pocket and leaves.

John, Priscilla, and Matt are eating dinner together. Matt is being ignored by John and Priscilla who are all into each other.

Robbie is eating dinner with the Camden feeling. Eric says they say grace before they have dinner. Robbie says he would like to say it. Robbie starts tearing up as he prays.

Robbie: Father, please know how grateful I am. I was homeless, but now I'm not. I haven't had a bed to sleep in and weeks and now I do. I've been hungry, and now I have a wonderful home-cooked dinner. I never really knew what a family was, or how a family acted, but now I do. Thank you. I'm the most grateful man that ever walked the earth. So please God bless the Camdens for their kindness and generosity. Amen. (By the end of this, I was tearing up as well. Well played writers Brenda Hampton and Chris Olsen). 

Ruthie says she knew he was staying.

John tries to get Matt to leave the apartment, but when Matt refuses he just proposes to Priscilla in front of Matt. Both Matt and Priscilla scream. (This was a good scene). 

Mary had some kid (Grady Hutt) who is a friend of George's to call and speak to Lucy. She tells him to use a deep voice. The kid doesn't want to but does it. When Lucy answers Mary takes the phone and yells at Lucy. Lucy tells her that it was their Dad's idea, and he brought Robbie home. This angers Mary even more and she hangs up. Then she tells the kid to get out. The kid asks if he can at least get a kiss, so Mary kisses him on the cheek before shoving him off.

Matt comes to the Camden house looking for a place to sleep. His parents tell him to sleep in Ruthie's room. He asks why he can't sleep in Mary's bed, and they explain Ruthie is sleeping there because Robbie is sleeping in Ruthie's room. Eric suggests that Matt could sleep in his own apartment. Matt tells him that John got engaged. 

Ruthie shows Robbie her room, and tells him he can touch "anything that is not "Hello Kitty."

Robbie looks around the room.

Robbie: The whole room is "Hello Kitty."
Ruthie: "Hello Kitty" is very important to me.
Robbie: I promise to be very careful.

Ruthie asks him to color. Matt comes in and says he wants to color, too. Ruthie is happy they both are coloring with her. Matt sees Robbie is wearing his pajamas. Robbie explains his clothes are in the wash, and Ruthie reminds Matt of the "no naked" rule. 

Simon is heading out and sees his dad, and says that no one likes Robbie so they shouldn't keep him. Eric agrees no one likes him but he is staying. The doorbell rings, and Simon rushes to try to get out before Eric sees who the mystery woman is, but Eric is fast so they get there at the same time. 

Eric: Oh, are you here for Matt?

Simon tells him she's there for him. And introduces Sasha (Sami Simkin), and Eric gives permission for Simon to go out with her. (And this incredibly boring subplot was an incredible letdown at the end as it is no one we've ever seen before, but according to IMDB she will be back for three more episodes during this season and the next).

Lucy is in the kitchen with her mother and asks if Robbie is staying. Annie says he is, and Lucy is happy they are helping. She is also good with sharing a room with Ruthie. She tells her mother that when you see how some people live you realize your life isn't that bad. Annie leaves to go check on the twins.

Lucy opens the letter and smiles. (She must have gotten in). She puts the letter away as Eric comes in. He asks her what it was and she says it was just some information about college and hugs him.

The closing credits come up.

(This was a great episode, as far as the main plot goes. The Simon plot sucked. I enjoyed Lucy's plot too, I love the way her character is changing and growing, and yet goes back to old Lucy sometimes because that's what we do as adolescents, we change, but sometimes we go back to our childhood ways as we are learning and growing). 


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