7th Heaven: Season 4 - Episode 10: Who Nose?


Annie (Catherine Hicks) talks to Eric about Matt.

Annie feeds the twins while Matt feeds himself. (Does this kid ever eat at his own apartment)? He tells his mother he's on break, and she asks Matt why he doesn't just eat at the hospital cafeteria since that's where he works. He explains that he doesn't eat there because he works there, then saves himself by adding, "and there's nothing like home cookin'." Eric comes in as Matt heads back to work. 

Eric tells Annie he misses Matt or will when Matt he's not there all the time. Annie says he thinks Matt and John are doing well on their own. Eric says they just use that to entertain women, and Annie is concerned something is going on with Matt and Shana that shouldn't be, especially when Eric doesn't say anything. 

Ruthie comes downstairs with some blue clay. She tells them the clay is an art project. Her mother tells her that it's not her art project; it's just something for her to do while Ruthie figures out what to do for the art project. Ruthie says she's sculpting her nose. Annie asks her daughter why she didn't have Simon help her. 

Ruthie: The artist, formally known as Simon, was busy writing some stupid paper.

Simon and Lucy enter the kitchen.

Simon: It's not a stupid paper. It's a book report. 

He seems happy with himself for writing a book report. Eric hands Lucy the keys, and she's thrilled she gets to drive. Annie asks where Mary is, and Lucy tells her mother that her sister is on the phone. 

Mary asks the person on the phone (I bet it's Robbie) what he is in for. She tells him she fell into a bad crowd - the girls' basketball team. She hears her parents coming and tells him she has to go. Eric tells Mary he needs the car, so he will drive her to her community service. They also remind her she's on restriction, and she says she told the person on the phone that. She leaves before everyone is late for school.

Annie: You think she's telling the truth?
Eric: The whole truth and nothing but the truth?
Both: Nah.

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Simon heads into school, high-fiving people. He sees Mrs. Jasper (Marianne Muelleraile) and says hello to her. She notes Simon's in a good mood, and Simon says he feels good to have finished something. He hands her his book report. He then asks for extra credit because he turned it in early. She says he doesn't get credit for that, but if he helps with the mural after school, she will give him extra credit. He's hesitant at first but then agrees to do it. 

Ruthie hands her teacher, Ms. Mason (Esther Scott), the blue clay. She explains it was her nose until she stepped on it and confesses she didn't put much work into her project; she just wanted to get it done. (Gotta give her credit for honesty). 

Ms. Mason: Well, deadlines are one way to motivate yourself to create, but why don't you try again and see where the muse takes you?
Ruthie: Well, if it's the same muse that took over when I was trying to get into band, it's not going to take me very far. (She is referring to "The Legacy" episode from the previous season). 

Mary goes to Lucy's locker at the school and tells Lucy she has to tell her something, but Lucy doesn't want to hear it. Mary tells her that she always tells her everything. 

Lucy: All right, I'll listen, but only if this something is nothing because if this something is really something, then forget it. 
Mary: Okay, fine, forget it. 

Matt meets Shana on campus and gives her a sandwich from lunch that he got at the hospital. She says the food is horrible, but it was sweet of him to bring it anyway. He tells her that she changed his life for the better and then asks her if something is wrong. She shakes her head, and they kiss.

Simon meets up with the guys doing the mural (Eric Kushnick, Jeffrey Shepard, Fred Myers, and Christopher Rodrigues Marquette). They tell him he can help by washing paint buckets and paintbrushes. Simon overhears them talking, and one of them says, "the real fun comes later." Simon asks what they mean, but they don't tell him. They think that Simon was sent in to spy on them. 

Carl Doker (Gregg Daniel) calls Eric. He says that he's from NYU and is calling about Shana. Eric gives Shana an excellent recommendation for getting into the school. Carl tells him that Shana's scholarship is to transfer in January. 

Ruthie goes into Simon's room with red clay. She tells him that she wants to take an impression of his nose. He protests at first and suggests there are other things she could do. 

Ruthie: There's a bazillion things that I could do, but this is what I'm doing. Now, pipe down, and let me do it.

She smashes the clay into his nose. 

Eric drops Mary off at community service. The man tells the teens that they will clean the park and the side of the road. Mary and Robbie (Adam LaVorgna) look at each other. Robbie gives her a big orange trash bag, and they say hi to each other. Eric pulls up near them and sees them together. (Uh oh, this could be bad for Mary).

That night, Mary is lying on her bed smiling, and Lucy is at the desk. Lucy asks if she met a guy, and Mary tells her about Robbie Palmer. Lucy says she doesn't want to know about it. 

Mary: Why is it that every time I do something, you stress out about it?
Lucy: Says the girl who was arrested. Maybe, just maybe, if you would quit doing these somethings, then I would have nothing to stress out about! 

Mary tells her sister to stop worrying so much. Mary says she's not on a crime wave.

Lucy: Yeah, but you're supposed to be on a punishment wave.
Mary: So? No one ever said punishment had to be a bad thing. (You might want to look up the meaning of the word, punishment, Mary). 
Lucy: Yeah, yeah, they did.

Matt is eating in the kitchen, and Annie is making a salad. Eric comes into the kitchen.

Eric: You know, the stray dog won't go away if you keep feeding him.

Annie chuckles. Matt asks his dad if Annie kisses funny when something is wrong because Shana is kissing weirdly. (Anyone else think this was a rather odd question). Eric hesitates since he can't answer and then tells Matt that they are both young and things can happen. Matt is annoyed with Eric's answer, and Annie is suspicious. 

The next day, Eric asks Mary if she has anything to tell him. She says she doesn't, and he tells her about lying by omission. She tells him about Robbie and that doing community service together is not "seeing someone." 

Mary: And, besides, why does punishment always have to be a bad thing? (Mary, I thought I told you to look up the word punishment). 
Eric: Well, because it's punishment.

Ruthie gives Ms. Mason the impression of Simon's nose. 

Ruthie: It's called 'Simon nose.'
Ms. Mason: Now you know...n-o-s-e and k-n-o-w-s are two different things.
Ruthie: Well, that's why I called it that because when someone knows something, they're usually sticking their nose into someone else's business.

Ms. Mason laughs and tells Ruthie she has more to do, but it's a good start. Ruthie is thrilled. 

Mary says she was giving Lucy the silent treatment in the car because Lucy told their father about Robbie. Lucy tells her she didn't say anything, and Mary realizes their dad must have seen her with Robbie. Mary tells her sister maybe God was responsible for her meeting Robbie. 

Matt runs over to Shana, and she quickly closes a folder she has. She asks him what's in the bag, and he says he made it himself. She starts to cry as she nibbles the sandwich. She thinks he shouldn't be worrying about her with all his school work and hospital work he has to do. Then asks for a hug but doesn't want to talk.

Pete and Simon are working on the mural. Pete pulls out the spray paint and explains it's faster and more fun. They both cough when Pete sprays it.

Simon: How do you breathe around that stuff?
Pete: Oh, you'll get used to it. Actually, you'll probably start to like it after a while.
Simon: Where are the other guys?
Pete: Oh, uh, they decided to catch a breather. 
Simon: We could use a breather too.

Pete laughs.

Simon: What?
Pete: You're too pure to understand. I'm gonna go check on the other guys. 

"Treasure" by Mary Heather plays while Mary and Robbie clean up the park. Robbie sees her by some leaves, walks over to her, and they throw leaves at each other. Then they see each other through a bush and smile at each other. They sit down together, and their pinkies connect, and they smile at each other again.

Eric and Annie are in their bedroom discussing Mary. Eric is frustrated that Mary is enjoying her punishment. Annie asks him about Shana. Eric tells her but makes her promise not to tell anyone, "especially Matt." He tells her about NYU, and she is happy for Shana but then tells Eric he needs to tell Matt. Eric explains Shana wants to be the one to tell Matt. 

Simon finds the other guys inhaling the paint fumes. Pete tells him it's called huffing and asks him to try. Chad warns Simon not to tell anyone. Chad and Mitch leave, and Pete's nose starts to gush blood. Simon wants to get help, but Pete tells him it always happens and is no big deal. (Yeah, it is). He reminds Simon not to tell anyone.

Shana calls Eric and tells him she got into NYU. He tells her she worked hard and should be proud of herself. She says she's having trouble telling Matt, and Eric says he needs to do it.

Simon throws his paint shirt in the garbage. Annie sees it, and he tells her he's quitting the visual-arts project. She asks him why and her son says the guys don't like him, and then he says he doesn't like them. She asks him to give them one more chance, and he reluctantly agrees.

Ruthie and Matt are in the kitchen. She has green clay on her brother's nose. Matt is upset that Shana is talking to his father since he doesn't know why. Eric comes in, and Ruthie tells him he's next. Matt tells his sister he needs to talk to their dad alone. She tells him not to touch the mold and leaves. Matt asks his dad why he was talking to Shana. Eric tells his son that it's pastor/parishioner privilege and he should speak with Shana. 

The doorbell rings, and Annie and Eric answer. It's Robbie. Eric tells him that Mary's on restriction. He says he wants to explain to them why he's doing community service. He was with some guys he didn't know well, and the driver was drunk and almost hit somebody. There was beer in the car, so he was charged with possession of alcohol by a minor. He says it was his only time getting in trouble; Lucy sees them from her window. Robbie asks for permission just to call Mary because he hopes one day he might be able to go out with him. 

Mary tells Lucy it's cool that Robbie is talking to their parents. Mary says she is in love for the very first time. Mary runs to the door and says she didn't know Robbie was coming. Her parents say they are going to need some time. Mary smiles and runs upstairs.

Matt is at Shana's apartment and asks her what his dad knows that she doesn't know. He tells her that she's going to NYU, and he's upset she didn't tell him sooner. She explains that she didn't want to tell him because he might try and talk her out of it. 

Matt: I don't know what hurts more, that you're going away or that you told my dad before you told me.
Shana: Come on, can't we talk about this?
Matt: I think it's too late for that.

Mary sees Lucy at school and asks her to put in a good word with their parents. Lucy tells her again she can't be her sister and their daughter.

Mary: You're a sister to six and a daughter to two. You're smart; do the math. 

Eric and Simon pull up to Simon's school. Mrs. Jasper comes over and tells them that Pete collapsed on the way to school and was unconscious with a bloody nose. She asks Simon if he knows anything. Simon hesitates, sees the other guys, and then says he doesn't know anything. Eric asks him if he'd like to be late for school. Simon nods, and they drive off.

Annie has just finished feeding the twins and is washing their dishes. Matt comes in and turns the water off. (Uh, rude)! 

Matt: Did you know Dad gave Shana a recommendation to go away to school, far away, New York away?
Annie: Good morning to you too.
Matt: Sorry. (You should be). 

She tells him she knew. He is upset that everyone knew except him. He doesn't understand why his father is sending the woman Matt loves so far away. Annie explains Eric is not sending Shana anywhere. He just gave her the recommendation for a school she applied to. Matt thinks Shana must not care much about him since she made these plans without him. 

Eric and Simon arrive at the hospital. Eric asks his son again if he knows anything. Simon says he might but doesn't want to rat the guys out, so he wants Eric to guess. He tells them the guys work with paint that has fumes. Eric guesses that it's huffing, and Simon says he's right.

Eric: Huffing is a serious problem. Why didn't you say something?
Simon: I didn't know it was serious, at least not this serious. I thought it can only make your nose bleed.
Eric: A bloody nose is the least of it. Huffing causes liver damage and, kidney failure, heart failure.
Simon: Can you die from it?
Eric: Kids do every year.

Pete's mother comes out, and Eric introduces himself. The mother is upset that Simon caused her son to be hospitalized. Pete told her Simon had gotten the spray paint out of his garage. She tells Simon to stay away from her son. She leaves, and Simon tells him he didn't do anything. Eric hugs him, and they see Pete lying in bed asleep with oxygen up his nose. 

Pete wakes up, and Simon is sitting next to the bed. Pete tells him to go away. Simon says he can't because Pete's mom blames him for what happened. Simon says he understands because Pete was probably scared and had to say something. (I'm not sure I would be that understanding, but Simon's a good kid). Pete explains that he will get his friend in trouble if he tells her the truth.

Simon: And that's better than getting one innocent guy in trouble?

He tells Pete that he and the others need to quit huffing because they could end up worse than Pete is right now. 

Ms. Mason puts the first-prize ribbon on Ruthie's project and tells her she's an artist. Ruthie says her family doesn't understand.

Ms. Mason: You know, sometimes those closest to us, like our family, can't see us for who we really are. Sometimes we need an outsider to acknowledge what our family can't. 

She says Ruthie has a lot of talent. 

That night, Matt comes into Eric's office and blames him for Shana going away. He tells his father he could have refused to help Shana because it must be a conflict of interest. Matt tells her father that Shana has him and doesn't need Eric, and Eric tells him that's not how it works.

Matt: But I love her.
Eric: Are you sure?
Matt: I just said I did. (I can say I'm a porcupine, but that doesn't make it true). 
Eric: Good, because if you love Shana, then you won't make the decision to go to NYU any more difficult for her than it already is. Someone that truly loves her would understand what a wonderful, exciting time this is and would be supportive and happy for her regardless of their own personal feelings. 
Matt: I don't know. I don't know if I could do that.
Eric: Then maybe you don't love her as much as you think you do.

Mary comes into her and Lucy's room angrily. She tells Lucy that her parents had Robbie transferred. Lucy asks Mary if she wants a sister or someone who will get angry with her. Mary says she wants her to be angry, but Lucy tells her that maybe their parents have a good reason for what they did because they've lived longer and no more. 

Mary: I guess I'll talk to Ruthie next time I need a sister. 
Lucy: Getting advice from an eight-year-old, how mature. 

Lucy tells Mary perhaps this isn't the best time for Mary to meet a guy. Mary thinks that everyone doesn't want her to be happy. 

Lucy: Yep, that's it. It's all a huge conspiracy. (Sometimes, it's hard to believe Mary is older than Lucy. And that's not because Beverly Mitchell is older than Jessica Biel). 

Simon is playing with the twins in the nursery. Annie comes in and asks how he's doing. She apologizes that she tried to make him continue with the V-A guys. Simon says he should have said something, but he didn't know what was happening since he had never heard of huffing. 

Eric tells them that Pete told his mom about him and the others huffing. (Good job, Pete)! Also, Pete will call the others and tell them why he ratted them out. Simon asks how Pete is. Eric tells his son and wife that Pete will be okay but needs to go through detox. Eric also recommended that Pete and his parents do some family counseling. 

Mary comes into the nursery and asks her parents if she can talk to them. They go out into the hall, and Mary tells them Robbie got transferred. She asks them why they did it, and they explain that community service is not for her but for the community. Mary is upset she has to "give him up." Eric tells Mary that they are allowing Robbie to call her. Annie tells her that if she does well after the first phase of her service, then maybe Robbie can come to the house so they can get to know him better. Mary says she's grateful, but a few minutes ago, she wasn't. (And I'm sure, knowing Mary, this gratitude will be shortlived). Ruthie comes down the hall with her project as Mary is talking. Eric and Annie notice it won first prize. 

Matt is lying on a bench on the campus when Shana comes over to him. She says she got his message and asks if they are breaking up. Matt says he doesn't want to break up and pulls out a bottle of champagne because he wants to celebrate. He tells her that it's cool she's going to NYU, but he's upset she's leaving. 

Matt: And I was being selfish, and I don't want to be selfish. I want to be happy for you and help you celebrate this impressive achievement. 

Shana starts to cry.

Matt: Okay, not the reaction I was going for. 
Shana: No, I'm crying because I'm happy. And the thing that makes me the happiest is that someone really does love me, loves me enough to let me go. You really do love me.
Matt: I really love you.

They kiss and hug. 

The closing credits come up. 

(This episode was good. I wish the writers had Ruthie explain her project to her family. Matt was a bit annoying, but how he would feel is understandable. Lucy still has her moments, but you can see her growing up). 


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