7th Heaven: Season 4 - Episode 11: Forget Me Not


Mary (Jessica Biel) learns from her parents that she got a tremendous thirty-day review in the diversion program.

John (Chaz Lamar Shepard) is trying to study, but Matt and Shana (Maureen Flannigan) keep making out in front of him. He finally gets annoyed and leaves for the library.

Shana has reservations about going to New York but is excited at the same time. Matt doesn't want her to go, but he encourages her to find an apartment anyway. She says they will find a way to make the long-distance relationship work. She kisses him and leaves a sad-looking Matt. 

Mary comes into the nursery because her parents are there and wanted to see her. They tell her she got an excellent thirty-day review from her supervisor in the diversion program. Mary credits Robbie for being so helpful since he understands what it's like to be arrested. She leaves the room, and Eric asks if Mary and Robbie are on separate shifts. Annie reminds him they gave permission for Robbie to call, and they both agree that was a mistake.

Lucy finds Mary in the kitchen and tells her that Brad Landers asked her out for a burger to thank her for helping him with math. The problem is Lucy is supposed to install toilets for Habitat for Humanity. Mary tells her to cancel with Habitat, but Lucy says she can't cancel for a guy. (Go with that thought, Luce). Mary tells her not to say to them why she's canceling. 

Simon tells his father it will be great spending the night at Matt's because although Matt is always at the house eating, they never get to hang out like they used to. 

Ruthie comes out of her room and tells Simon two weeks are left to Y2K. And when the year ends there will be problems. Simon laughs, and Ruthie tells him it's not funny. She explains how everything computerized will stop working when 2000 comes. (Yep, I remember when many people were in a state of panic over Y2K). 

The doorbell rings, and Annie answers. It's Ginger (Beverly Garland). Annie asks her where her father is, and Ginger doesn't know. As Ginger tries to explain, Eric joins Annie, but all she can say is, "I don't know where he is."

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Ginger is pacing while Eric is on the phone. Annie comes in with tea and tells her she can stay with them because she's family. Eric informs them that Sargeant Michaels is looking for Grandpa. Annie asks Ginger why she thinks Grandpa is coming to Glen Oak. 

Ginger: Well, ever since the diagnosis, I mean, he's been talking a lot about you and the kids. 
Annie: The diagnosis?
Ginger: Oh, I'm sorry. This is not the way I wanted to tell you.
Eric: Tell us what?
Ginger: About three months ago, I started noticing some little changes in Charles' behavior.
Annie: What changes?

She tells them all the issues Grandpa has been having. She says they went to the doctor, and after many tests, he was diagnosed as being in the early stages of Alzheimer's.

Lucy sees the other girls from Habitat and tells them she can't make it after school. They tell her they will cover for her because she's their friend.

Mary sees Robbie (Adam LaVorgna) at school. He says he should be at his school but wants to see her. (I know Robbie's been doing good, but cutting class at his school to visit Mary at her school isn't exactly responsible. Just sayin'). Mary tells him she did good on their thirty-day review and thinks maybe they can go out on a date.

Robbie: A date-date? You're dreaming. Your parents won't even let us pick up trash together. They're never gonna let me take you out on a date.
Mary: Never say never.

He kisses her and leaves. A teacher notices them but doesn't say anything.

After school, Simon is with the boys, discussing what they are doing over the weekend. Simon tells them he's going to Matt's apartment to do guy things, which is mainly talking about girls. 

Matt is sitting in the dark, eating cocoa puffs out of the box. John comes home and asks him what's going on. Matt says he's depressed because he realized Shana is really going to NYU; John tells her that it will just be a long-distance relationship.

Matt: Well, long-distance relationships never work out. She'll leave; I'll stay, and for the rest of my life, I'll always think of her as the one that got away. 

Ruthie and Mary are in the nursery with the babies. Mary laughs when Ruthie says there won't be toilet paper when Y2K comes. Mary asks her where she heard about Y2K. Ruthie says her friend Ben is on the computer all the time. Mary tells her to stay away from Ben. (Good advice). 

Lucy is at the pool hall with Brad (Sam Page). He tells Lucy that he's had a crush on her since ninth grade. He asks her if she knows Susan Gertz, she nods, and he says she and her friends have been staring at them since they arrived. She goes over to the girls and claims it's not what it looks like. They conclude she blew them off to get some burgers with a guy. (Gee, I wonder what gave them that idea). 

Mary goes to her father's office in the house. She asks for permission to go out with Robbie. Eric tells her she can't go out with Robbie because if something happens and she gets out of the program, she faces sentencing. They each think the other is unfair. 

The phone rings, and Ginger is next to Annie when Annie answers it. It's Grandpa (Graham Jarvis). Annie tells her they have been worried, but Grandpa already knows because he called Ginger's son. He says he was coming to Glenoak and saw a Sagebrush Motel and decided to stay because he and Annie's mom used to stay in them. He says he doesn't know where he is, then explains he doesn't know the city, but he knows how to get to Glenoak and will see them soon. Annie hangs up and tells Ginger Grandpa is on his way. (If my father went missing, I don't think I would let him come back on his own, I'd go get him. But I guess that's a hard thing since he doesn't believe there's a problem). Annie looks upset, and Ginger asks what's wrong. He says that her dad sounded normal like he always does. The two hug.

The doorbell rings, and Annie answers. It's Grandpa, and he hugs Annie, Ginger, and Eric. Ginger tells him she was worried, and he says he's fine. Annie asks to talk to her father alone. He is concerned that something is wrong with Eric, but Annie says her husband is fine, and Annie tells him Ginger told her about the Alzheimer's. Grandpa claims that Ginger has Alzheimer's, not him. Annie says that her father suddenly left Phoenix, but he claims he told Ginger two weeks ago, and she forgot. 

Simon is over at Matt and John's apartment. All Matt is doing is sitting on the floor, and he doesn't want to do anything. John comes in, and Simon asks him to stay, but he sees Matt is still in a catatonic state and leaves again. 

Eric sees Lucy in the hall and asks her if she's okay. She tells them that she "kind of lied" to the girls at Habitat to go out with a guy, but they saw her.

Lucy:...So now they know that...
Eric: That you lied? That you lied, no "kind of lied," but lied, right?
Lucy: Okay, I lied. 

She tells him she's sorry, and he tells her to tell her friends, not him. She thanks him and goes downstairs. 

Eric comes into Mary's room and tells her that Robbie can come over to the house and hang out so they can get to know him better. He says once they know him better, they will discuss dating again. Mary agrees that is fair.

Ruthie is in the kitchen with Ginger. Ginger is helping her get ready for the millennium, but she is understandably distracted. 

Lucy calls Susan (Annalea Rawicz) and asks her not to hang up since Carol and Lisa already have. Suan tells her it's because Lucy lied, and Lucy apologizes. Susan tells Lucy she has to prioritize and no one is forcing her to be a part of Habitat. However, if she wants to be, she has to be committed because people depend on her. 

Eric comes into the kitchen and says Ginger is upset. Annie tells him her father told her that Ginger is the one with Alzheimer's. Eric tells her he was upstairs with Charles and "there's definitely something off." Annie claims that her dad is just upset because he has to deal with Ginger's diagnosis. 

Annie: He's a little off because he's stressed. My father does not have Alzheimer's.

The phone rings at Matt's apartment, and Simon asks her brother if he's going to answer it. Matt tells him he's not answering it because it might be Shana, and he doesn't want her to know she misses him. Simon thinks her brother is nuts. As Shana leaves the message, Matt picks up the phone at the last minute. She says she found a place to live with a guy named Brett and some other guys who needed a fourth roommate. (I think Shana really should have talked to Matt about this first. She keeps things from him quite a bit. How can that relationship succeed)? She says he's throwing a party so she can meet people. While she is talking, Matt hangs up on her. 

Matt (to Simon or perhaps to himself): She's moving into a frat house. 

Mary is talking to Robbie on the phone. She explains they have to hang out at the house. He tells her it won't work because her parents only see trouble when they look at him. She asks him to just try. Robbie says he doesn't want to come over to the house tomorrow. Mary asks him if they are breaking up. (Wait, they haven't actually been out, so how can they break up)? No reply is given. 

Ruthie is outside with Grandpa. He lights a fire for her and asks her why they're doing it. Ruthie says she has to learn to cook over a fire. He asks her what they are cooking, and she realizes she forgot the food and tells him to watch the fire and goes inside. 

Grandpa sees a bike ad walks away from the fire. Everyone smells smoke and comes running downstairs, and Eric grabs the fire extinguisher and puts it out. Ruthie gets a pot from the kitchen and looks nervously at everyone outside. Grandpa is oblivious as she stares at the bike. 

Annie asks her dad if he's okay, and he tells her about the time he taught her to ride a bike. She asks him about the fire, and he has no idea what the commotion is about. 

Eric is in Ruthie's room with the girls telling them that Grandpa has Alzheimer's. He asks to speak to Ruthie alone, and Mary and Lucy leave. She asks if she's in trouble. 

Eric: Yes and no.
Ruthie: I get a choice?
Eric: No, what I mean is, you shouldn't have lit a fire in the barbeque, but you did ask an adult to help.

He asks her why she did it. Ruthie explains that she had to learn to cook over a fire because, in the new millennium, there won't be stoves. He asks her where she heard that, and she says her friend Ben told her. She says Ben probably heard from his parents, but there is information on the millennium everywhere. He tells her about the time Orsen Wells read "War of the Worlds" over the radio; everyone thought the planet was being invaded, and there was a lot of panic. Eric tells his daughter that there may be issues in the millennium, but not everything she hears is true. She asks if she learned a lesson and Happy barks. (That must mean yes). 

Grandpa apologizes to Annie for walking away from the fire. She says they need to talk, but he says she's overreacting.

Annie: Dad, you almost set the house on fire!
Grandpa: I do not have Alzheimer's.
Annie: Dad, don't be afraid. You don't have to go through this alone. I'm here. Eric's here, the kids, Ginger...
Grandpa: I do not have Alzheimer's! End of discussion!
Annie: Dad.
Grandpa: I think Ginger and I ought to go home.
Annie: It's too late.
Grandpa: We'll leave first thing in the morning.

Eric sees Mary in the hall and asks if Robbie is coming over. She accuses her father of wanting Robbie gone. Eric informs her that he wouldn't have asked Robbie to come over if he did. (Yeah, that makes sense). Mary says it doesn't matter because Robbie doesn't want to come over. 

Eric goes downstairs and asks Annie how her dad is. She tells him he's in denial, just like she was. Annie says she owes Ginger an apology. She asks why Ruthie set the fire, and he tells her the millennium. 

Annie: She's eight. What does she know about the millennium? (Why do people always assume kids are clueless just because they are young)?
Eric: You'd be surprised. 

Annie tells him that Simon called and doesn't want to stay at Matt's. He says he'll go get Simon, and she asks him to stop and get some milk. 

Lucy calls Brad and tells him she can't see him because he's "kryptonite" to her. She says she likes him so much she's willing to blow things off to be with him, and she doesn't want to do that. 

Eric sees Robbie working at the grocery store when he leaves. Robbie claims Eric doesn't know him as well as he thought she did. Eric says they should get to know each other. Robbie asks him why he cares, and Eric says, "because my daughter does." (I hope Mary appreciates you, Eric). 

Simon is sitting outside on the fire escape stairs. He tells Matt he's going home. Matt asks him why, and Simon says the weekend was supposed to be for the two of them.

Simon: But you know what it was instead? Me, watching you obsess over your girlfriend. 
Matt: I'm sorry.
Simon: I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry I came.

He sees Eric pull in, climbs back into the house, and leaves. 

John comes home and asks Matt what's going on. Matt grabs his box of Cocoa Puffs. John takes them  from him and tells Matt, "get ready for some tough love." 

Eric asks Simon what happened, and Simon says he doesn't want to talk about it. Then he talks about it. Eric tells him that change is all a part of life. 

Simon: At what point in this conversation do you start making me feel better? (Haha).

Eric and Annie are in the kitchen talking. Ginger tells Annie she understands that Annie has been in denial because she was at first. Annie tells her stepmother that she can't imagine what she's going through. Annie promises their family will be supportive, but the problem is he doesn't believe he has Alzheimer's. Grandpa is outside the kitchen listening. He comes in and apologizes for scaring everyone. Grandpa explains he doesn't know if he can deal with the diagnosis if he admits he has it. 

Annie: We're gonna get through this. We are you're not alone.

Matt knocks on Simon's door. 

Simon: I didn't recognize you without your pajamas. 

Matt apologizes to Simon for everything and invites him to the Crawford game this afternoon. John pops his head in and says that he and Nigel are going too.

John: Matt and I agree it's time to start a new tradition. Big brother-little brother day.
Simon: Really?
Matt: Yeah. You might not have realized it last night, but I miss having you around.

They hug.

John: If you guys are gonna start getting mushy, I'm outta here.

The doorbell rings, and Lucy answers. It's Brad; he's volunteered at Habitat so he could spend more time with Lucy. (Aww, that's sweet). 

Eric and Ruthie go over to Ben's house. Ben (Quinn Myers), his father, Ken (Matt McKenzie), and his mother, Sally (Kerry Catanese), are outside as they just got home. Eric tells them that Ruthie's been telling her stories about Y2K. Eric tells them he's concerned the mass hysteria may have scared Ben, and the father goes on about how prepared they are, and Eric and Ruthie leave.

Robbie comes over and tells Mary he talked with Rev. Camden last night. He says he's agreed to come over and get to know her parents, and Eric agreed not to judge him on his past. 

Mary: So, does this mean we're back together?

Robbie kisses her.

Robbie: What do you think?

With Grandpa and Ginny, Annie and Eric are at the gerontologist, Dr. Burns (Terri Garber). She informs them that Alzheimer's progresses slowly. There is also a program called Safe Return that uses ID bracelets and clothing labels to help return people back who might wander and forget where they are. (Here is the link for more info on Safe Return. https://www.alz.org/help-support/caregiving/safety/medicalert-with-24-7-wandering-support ). She tells them there are support groups and adult daycares. 

Dr. Burns: Give yourself some time to adjust.

She gives them some pamphlets and her business card and tells them to call anytime, day or night.

Dr. Burns: When faced with a physical or medical challenge, a positive attitude is the key. It may be hard to grasp right now. While it's true that your life is going to change, it is not over. It's just the beginning of a new chapter.

Grandpa thanks her and holds Ginger's hands. Eric has Annie's hands as tears form in her eyes.

Annie and Grandpa are looking at pictures of Annie's mother. He tells her stories about her mother and the day Annie was born. They tell each other they love each other, and then Grandpa says he wants to rest his eyes before dinner. 

Photos are shown as the music plays. 

The closing credits come up. 

(This was a great episode. Barry Watson did such a great job at acting totally depressed. I like that they gave information about Alzheimer's and Y2K hysteria). 


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