7th Heaven: Season 5 - Episode 11: Home

Ruthie (Mackenzie Rosman) chats with Robbie (Adam LaVorgna) while he makes her breakfast.

Robbie is making breakfast for Ruthie. He made pancakes for everyone else, but she wanted eggs. Annie comes in and is upset that Robbie made breakfast for her family. He offers to babysit until Matt arrives if that is why Matt is coming. She says she doesn't know why Matt is coming and goes upstairs.

Annie goes to her bedroom and asks Eric who they would get to babysit Sam and David. He says, Lucy or Simon. She asks what if there is an emergency and who else they would ask in the house. He says since Ruthie is too young, he would ask Robbie. Annie becomes upset and says that Robbie is "just a border" and you never leave your kids with someone who is "just the border." (So, she said someone in the house, and clarified Lucy and Simon are not options, does that mean she thinks Ruthie is old enough or that she would rather have Sam and David stay home alone than with "the border"?) Eric thinks his wife is worried about her father and suggests she flies to Arizona to see him. She becomes defensive and says that her anger over Robbie's existence has nothing to do with her concern about her Dad's dementia. Annie tells Eric when Mary comes home he won't like Robbie so much. Eric asks if Mary's coming home since she still has not talked to him since she left. Annie says Mary hasn't talked to her since Robbie moved in, but Robbie's living there will cause lots of problems with Mary. 

Annie: If she finds out he's living here, there's gonna be hell to pay. That's right I said it, 'HELL!' So get him out!" 

She pokes him in the chest and storms off.

The opening credits come up and the theme song plays.

Matt is cleaning up his apartment when the phone rings. He answers it, and it's Mary. She asks him about Robbie and Lucy's dating. (This was assumed by Mary in the previous episode when she called and Robbie answered the phone). Matt is surprised by this news but says he figured it would happen since Robbie is living at the Camden house now. (And apparently, Matt has issues with assuming things too). Mary hangs up on him. 

John comes home, and Matt says he's going home for a bit because his family needs him. John wants Matt to stay at the apartment with him when he meets Priscilla's parents. Matt tells John he doesn't agree with John and Priscilla getting married because they do not know each other well enough. 

John: Forget it. I don't even want you here. Just go home. And you can stay there, for all I care.

The phone rings at the Camden house and Ruthie answers. It's Mary, she promises to pay Ruthie if Ruthie doesn't hang up on her. Ruthie asks her what she wants, and she tells her she wants some information. 

Ruthie: Ten and I want the money first. (Ya really can't blame the kid). 

Ruthie ultimately agrees to do it "on credit." She tells her that Lucy and Robbie are not dating; Robbie just lives at the house. She tells her that Robbie looks great without his shirt, and has wonderful teeth. (This should clue at least Mary that her youngest sister has a crush on Robbie). She fills Mary in about the whole thing with Robbie and Cheryl. She also tells her sister about their father finding Robbie on the street. Mary asks again if Robbie and Lucy are dating and Ruthie confirms they are not and hangs up. Robbie walks into the kitchen.

Ruthie: You'd tell me if you were dating Lucy wouldn't you?
Robbie: Yeah, I'd tell you.
Ruthie: Are those your real teeth? (And she wants no secrets in her relationship).
Robbie: Yeah.
Ruthie: Beautiful.

Ruthie goes up to the attic and asks Lucy if she's dating Robbie. Lucy also confirms they are not dating. Lucy says she has no interest in him. Ruthie is ecstatic about this news and skips off. (And everyone is clueless). 

Matt enters the Camden house. He tells his other he needs to move home to protect the women. 

Annie: Congratulations. That is the most ridiculous reason you've used yet. 

Annie asks him if he and John are fighting. He ignores his mother and asks if she knows Robbie and Lucy are dating. (Of course, ignoring her question is basically an affirmation of her question). She asks if he told Mary that Robbie is living there. Matt says she thinks Mary had already hung up on him before then. He says it doesn't matter because Mary doesn't care about that she is upset about Lucy dating Robbie. Annie asks Ruthie if Lucy and Robbie are dating. Ruthie explains that she talked to Mary and clarified everything and that Matt told Mary that Robbie is living there. (I wonder if Ruthie is getting sick of explaining this). She asks Matt if he's moving back home. Matt says she is, but Ruthie says that once a child moves out they should stay out. (And a little child shall lead them, or at least give them the advice everyone else in the family is thinking). She leaves the two of them. Annie tells her son he can stay but theirs no room so he has to share a room with Robbie or get Robbie a job so he can move out.

Annie: Or you could move back to your apartment, and make up with John, who really needs you to be around when he meets Priscilla's parents. 

She goes into the kitchen and sees Eric sitting by the phone. She asks him if he's expecting a call, and he says he's hoping for one. He tells her that even if finds Robbie a job it will take a week or two for Robbie to earn the money and get paid to be able to move out. She tells him she can live with that. 

Robbie is in the nursery with the twins, when Simon comes in. He explains that he was walking by the room and saw them trying to climb out of their cribs. Simon says to be careful because soon Annie will be asking him to babysit. Robbie says that won't happen because Annie doesn't trust him that much. He asks Simon to get pizza with him and give him financial advice. At first, Simon thinks he's making fun of him because no one really takes him seriously. Robbie says he heard Simon was good with money. 

Matt comes in and tells Robbie to quit dating Lucy. Robbie says he isn't dating Lucy, but Matt says he is because "Mary said so." (And the lying child in another state who proved she cannot be trusted would know best). Eric overhears Matt and comes in and asks him if he talked to Mary. He says he did and that Robbie is dating Lucy even if Ruthie doesn't believe it. (And if we have been paying attention, Ruthie is the child who knows what is going on with everyone all the time). Ruthie comes in and reiterates what she said earlier. 

Lucy appears as well and wants to know what's going on. Robbie informs her that Mary thinks they are dating. Lucy is shocked and clarifies they are not dating. (I figured it out, Lucy and Robbie are dating, they just don't know it themselves. Don't you hate when you're dating someone and you don't know it?) They then argue over who will call Mary, but Ruthie explains, again, that she already straightened everything out with Mary. Eric says that since Ruthie talked to Mary no one needs to call, and Mary will call them if need be.  

Everyone leaves the nursery except for Robbie who stays with Sam and David. Annie comes into the room and asks where everyone else went. 

Robbie: I think they all went to call Mary. (Ah, you are wise, young grasshopper). 

Annie takes the twins and leaves. Robbie exhales deeply. 

Everyone is trying to make a phone call at the same time. The phone rings, and Eric answers. There is silence. He knows it's Mary, and he asks her to speak to him. She hangs up the phone. (Okay, how immature can she get with the hanging up on everyone every time she gets upset or doesn't like who answers the phone?) Annie asks if he knows that Robbie is living there. Eric confirms and says that she also knows that Lucy and Robbie are not dating. 

Annie: Don't be surprised if she never speaks to us again.

Matt is at Heather's house. He explains to Heather (Andrea Ferrell) and her boyfriend Thomas (Joe Michael Burke) how he is an unwanted third wheel everywhere he goes now. He tells them about Priscilla and John's engagement. Then he explains about Robbie. Heather is very amused. Matt goes to make himself a sandwich and Thomas asks Heather if Matt's a "little needy."

Heather: A little?

Ruthie and Lucy are in their room. Ruthie borrows makeup from Lucy and tells her that she's in love. She says she doesn't want to say who the man is, but she thinks the man loves her as well. Lucy hugs her and says she is happy for her and then starts removing the makeup. 

John and Priscilla (Andrea C. Pearson) are at John and Matt's apartment. Priscilla tells him not to worry about meeting her parents. She also tells him to go find Matt and makeup with him. They kiss, and she tells him she loves him.

Robbie calls Mary. He tells her that he heard that she thinks he's dating Lucy. She says because he is and hangs up on him. Eric is in the room and asks him to call her back. Mary answers and tells him he's a loser. Robbie agrees and explains about being homeless, and Reverned Camden letting him live there. She calls him a liar and she hangs up again.

Robbie: Oh, well, I tried.
Eric: Are you a man or a mouse? Try again.

Robbie calls back and tells her that he's telling the truth. Mary listens this time. She asks what happened, and he tells her it's hard to talk about. Then he asks about her.

Annie sees them as she passes by with a basket of laundry. Eric follows her into Simon's room and asks if she needs help folding clothes. She says they are already folded, not the way she folds but they are folded. She asks who they are talking to, and Eric tells him Mary. Annie asks if Mary knows he is listening. Eric says no, that he just wanted to hear Mary's voice. He offers to have Robbie let her eavesdrop as well.

Annie: No thanks, I'm gonna wait 'til Mary's ready. I don't need Robbie to get my daughter on the phone for me. 

She takes the basket and storms into the hall with her husband following. She turns.

Annie: And tell him if he's going to insist on folding the clothes, kindly fold the linens in thirds - the way I do it!

She goes into their room and slams the door closed. Eric runs back to Robbie's room and is upset he missed Mary. Robbie tells him not to worry because he thinks Mary will call. The phone rings and Eric answers, but it's only John looking for Matt. Eric tells him to try Heather's apartment and that he has to get off the phone because he's expecting an emergency call. 

Simon asks Annie if he can get pizza with Robbie. Annie becomes angrier. She tells him that he shouldn't hang around Robbie because Robbie is too old for him. Simon says he is allowed to hang out with Mary, and she says that Mary is his sister. Simon says she didn't say anything about Robbie not being related. She gets annoyed and tells him to get pizza. Simon tells him Robbie offered to help her with anything he needs to be done.

Annie: Need? Need him to do? I don't need him to do anything. I am fine. 

Simon leaves his parents' bedroom and runs into his father in the hallway. He asks his father why his mother is so upset. Eric tells her that it's hard to be a mother to so many children when you have a father with dementia and is possibly overwhelmed. Robbie comes out into the hall. He reminds them both to do their best to continue to lighten the load until Annie feels better.

Ruthie goes into her former room and leaves a note for Robbie.

Matt is sitting on the couch with Heather and Thomas. There is a knock on the door and Matt gets it. Thomas asks Heather how many ex-boyfriends she has. Matt opens the door and it's John. Matt and John argue. Thomas asks if they are talking about Priscilla Carter heir to Carter Mills - Carter sheets. Matt is now eager to help out John because he wants to find more information. John withdraws his invitation. They both leave.

Heather looks at Thomas and tells him he's a bad man. He tells her he is desperate because if he hadn't made something up, Matt and John would be arguing all night. 

Lucy is on the phone with Mary. Lucy tells her older sister that Matt has lost his confidence since Robbie moved in. Then she tells him how Simon started walking around without a shirt like Robbie. Matt comes in and has no shirt on. He's looking for "the jerk that doesn't belong there." (As I am editing this, I just realized, Matt fears being replaced by a new "older brother"). Simon also comes in sans shirt.  Lucy tells Mary she'll call her back. She then tells her brothers that Robbie only goes shirtless on his way to or from the shower. Matt explains they are men and men do not have to wear shirts. Then they both realize they are cold. Simon tells Matt that Robbie ironed her shirt. Matt and Simon run to get their shirts on. 

Lucy goes to the kitchen, and Annie tells her she heard her talking to Mary. Lucy tells her Mom that Mary will probably call now that the Lucy/Robbie issue has been straightened out. She also says that Mary probably doesn't care Robbie is living there since now Mary can find him easily. She wants to help but like Annie discovers there is nothing to do. 

Robbie and Simon come into the kitchen. Robbie informs Mrs. Camden that he cooked the pasta for her, and he steamed some artichokes for her because he heard she liked them. She thanks him, and he and Simon leave. 

Matt enters the kitchen with his bag, and Annie asks him if he needs to move in. He tells her not if things go as he hopes tonight and leaves. 

Ruthie comes back from walking Happy. She's upset that Robbie and Simon went to get pizza. Lucy asks why she cares.

Ruthie: You know why. Unless you're stupid.

She runs upstairs to the bathroom. (Poor Ruthie; it's hard to have crushes at that age on older men). 

Annie runs after her. However, Ruthie tells her mother she doesn't want to talk to her, she wants to talk to Lucy.

Annie tells Ruthie she'll go get Lucy. She then has a meltdown in the hall in front of Eric. She explains she's not needed at home because of Robbie. And because of Ginger, her father doesn't need her either. Lucy comes upstairs to find out what's going on. Ruthie calls her into the bathroom. Eric tells Lucy to go help Ruthie and hands her Sam and David as well. 

Eric explains to his wife that he is concerned she has so much to do. Therefore, he had everyone do more chores to make her life easier. 

Annie: But I still need to be needed.

Annie becomes angry and tells her husband to leave her alone as she goes into the bedroom and slams the door shut.

Lucy is surprised to learn the guy Ruthie is in love with is Robbie. Lucy explains that Mary is still in love with Robbie. Ruthe declares her hatred for her oldest sister. Lucy tells Ruthie, that Ruthie doesn't hate Mary, and Mary is struggling. Ruthie says that Mary's not part of the family so who cares, but Lucy corrects her again.

Ruthie: All right. All right. But he's gonna be so crushed. He made me eggs with cheese and ham you know? (I love Ruthie, she can be a brat sure, but she's awesome most of the time). 

Eric and Annie are in the bedroom arguing. Annie accuses Robbie and Eric of using each other of using each other to manipulate Mary. He explains he genuinely likes Robbie, and while he doesn't fully trust Robbie yet, he likes him now. 

Annie: Well, that makes me crazy?
Eric: Why does that make you crazy?
Annie: Because we're married. And you're not supposed to like anybody I don't like.

Robbie and Simon are at the pizza place. Robbie is telling Simon about a daycare center with too many boys in it. He explains that he wants to work with kids and is majoring in Early Childhood Education. Simon points out that Robbie and Mrs. Camden have the same major in school. Robbie says he knows, but doesn't think Mrs. Camden cares. He tells Simon if his parents aren't in a hurry for him to move out, he would like to move out, he would like to buy airplane tickets and rebuild his savings after. 

Simon: Still, it's a long way to fly and a lot of money to spend for just a day. 

Matt is late getting back to his apartment. John tells him that Priscilla's parents are not sheet designers, but are rich because Priscilla's father is Mr. Carter, the famous architect. He explains that Priscilla lost her car and tuition, and he is cutting off her allowance. John says Matt owes "us," just as there is a knock on the door. John answers, and it's Priscilla. John explains to Matt that Priscilla refused to quit seeing him, so her father took the apartment away, and now they are forced into living together premaritally. 

Matt: Oh no.

Robbie and Simon return home. Simon quickly goes upstairs so Robbie can talk to Reverend and Mrs. Camden. He tells them that he got a job as a sports director at a daycare center. But, he took his savings to buy them, and the twins to go see Annie's father in Arizona for the day. Robbie tells him he will be able to move in no time.

Annie: Well, when you can; I mean, if you want.

She thanks Robbie and hugs him. Robbie leaves the room as the phone rings. Simon tells his father from the top of the stairs that the phone is for him, and it's Mary.

Annie hands him the phone, and Mary thanks her father for taking Robbie in, and for everything else he's done. She says she is not ready to come home yet, but she is going to work harder. He tells his daughter that Robbie being there is not a permanent thing, they are just helping him get back on his feet. Mary apologizes for ungrateful and selfish she has been. They say they love each other, and then Eric gives Annie the phone, to talk to Mary as well.

Ruthie comes into her room (where Robbie is now staying). He asks her if she wrote the note, and she says it looks like Lucy's handwriting. 

Robbie: Oh no. Are you sure?
Ruthie: Just the idea of dating you probably set her off. Let her down easy, will ya?

Lucy comes into the room at that moment and Ruthie runs out. Robbie tells Lucy they should talk. Lucy is confused and then realizes what Ruthie must have told him.

Lucy: I didn't write that! 

She chases after her younger sister. 

Matt tells his parents that he has to move home, but Eric isn't concerned as he and his wife go upstairs. The phone rings and Matt answers, and it's Mary again. Matt tells her he may be moving, and makes up several excuses. Mary realizes that it's not just because of John and Priscilla. She figures out he's moving back because of Robbie moving in. She asks to speak to Robbie, and Matt tells her now and hangs up.

The phone rings as Robbie comes down, sans shirt, and says the shower is free. Matt hands him the phone and says the shower is free. 

Robbie: Hey, Mar, I think Matt is planning to move back home. Like one big happy family. Isn't that great?

A shirtless Simon opens the refrigerator as the closing credits come up



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