7th Heaven: Season 5 - Episode 8: Gossip


Rev Camden (Stephen Collins) prays.

Reverend Camden preaches about forgiveness. While he is preaching the congregation gossips about what happened to Mary Camden. Rumors fly that she was drinking, got pregnant, and was even "drinking and driving in the nude. (His sermon must be rather boring if the entire congregation is talking during it). 

Eric prays. 

Mrs. Beeker (Edie McClurg): It's just another case of a good girl gone bad.
Eric (done with prayer): Amen.

The opening credits come up and the theme song plays. 

After church, Eric and Annie are talking in his office. According to Annie, Mary has been gone for a week. Eric is feeling guilty for not seeing how much trouble Mary was in sooner. Annie tells him to stop beating himself up and be glad they have a supportive community. Just then they hear Mrs . Beeker and another woman discussing the possibility that Mary may have been pregnant and that's why they got her out of town so fast. Eric and Annie are shocked at what they hear. (How did Annie not hear an entire church gossiping about her family during the service). 

A woman in a wedding dress comes down asking Matt for directions to Saint Monica's church. Matt doesn't respond at first and she thinks he doesn't speak English. Then he snaps back to reality and gives her directions. 

Katie (Jamie Lauren) and Chris (Veronica Lauren), two teens, as, Lucy is it's true that Mary is pregnant. Lucy tells them Mary's not pregnant, and she isn't going to talk about her sister because it's a private family issue. (Lucy is growing up. Back in season two, there was "Says Who?" where she was gossiping about Shelby, and even in season four when she tries to get Mary to give her dish on a girl in "Talk to Me"). After the two girls leave, Ruthie asks Lucy if Mary is having a baby, and Lucy tells her it's not true and that Katie and Chris like to gossip. She explains to Ruthie what gossiping is, and says he hates it. Ruthie agrees.

Luke (Joey Zimmerman) tells Simon to use Mary's "bad girl" reputation to make himself look like a "bad boy" because girls love bad boys. Simon tells him no one thinks he's bad. Luke tells him the Murphy girls (Mary Kate as Carolyn and Ashley Olsen as Sue) think he is bad), and they are on their way to "Babe Town." 

Later that day, back at the house, Annie tells Eric that an old friend (who happened to also be an ex-boyfriend) called and wants to have dinner. Eric tells her she can't go. Annie explains that she does not need permission to see an old friend. 

Eric: The whole town is gossiping about Mary, and you wanna go out on a date?

Annie realizes he's been in a bad mood since church, and asks him why, since she knows that her going to see her friend is not the issue. He tells her about Ricky Nelson's death. (I thought, this is so random...until later when it made more sense). When he died, there were rumors he died because of drug use, however, it was found out that it was actually a faulty plane. 

Eric: So what do people remember? That Rick Nelson was a musical pioneer? To this day, he is the only artist ever to have a number-one TV show, a number-one album, and a number-one single all in the same week? No, they remember, the rumor, the gossip. Cause sometimes when you put something out there, even if it's not true, you never get it back. (I agree with what he is saying about rumors. However, I never heard anything about the drug part with Ricky Nelson and the plane. I only heard he was killed in a plane crash. What I remember is his music, but maybe it's because I am too young). 

Annie tells him she agrees but will still go out with her friend, Robin. 

John and Matt are at the Pool Hall. Matt at some point told John about the beautiful blonde he gave directions to earlier because John tells Matt she's there behind him at the pay phone. She kisses Matt and tells him he gave good directions. She says she wanted to kiss him since she saw him. Then she tussles his hair and says she has been wanting to do that as well. She leaves. 

Matt: I'm gonna marry that woman.
John: Well, you might want to get her name. 

Matt chases after her.

Eric is in his room sitting on his bed playing the guitar singing "Travelin Man" by Ricky Nelson. 

Mike Pierce (Jer Adrianne Lelliott) comes over that evening. Lucy says she forgot that they were studying together. He asks her if the gossip is getting to her. He suggests that she starts a rumor that makes people pity their family. Lucy says it's tempting but she's not that good at making up stories. Ruthie is in the stairwell listening and gets an idea. (Cause it's what she does). 

The next day at school, Ruthie tells Mrs. Carmen Mackoul (Brenda Strong), the principal of her school that Lucy "had a lot of disabilities." Then on Tuesday, she tells her that Simon can't talk. 

Ruthie: It's okay though, 'cause no one really liked it when he could talk. (My favorite line in the episode). 

On Wednesday, she tells Mrs. Mackoul that Matt lives in his car, which is better than when he was living in jail. On Thursday, she tells her that Reverend Camden lost his job, and on Friday she tells her that Mrs. Camden has a drinking problem. (I think, Mrs. Mackoul would start getting a bit suspicious when every day, Ruthie had something new and worse to report). 

As she is leaving for the weekend Ruthie asks her principal, "Do you feel sorry for me and my family?"
Mrs. Mackoul: Yes, I feel sorry for your whole family.
Ruthie: Good, spread it around. (This would be another clue, that Ruthie wasn't telling the truth). 

Eric is still playing Ricky Nelson songs. 

Annie:  Are you gonna stop playing Ricky Nelson songs and help me?
Eric (stops playing): No. (This made me laugh). 

He continues playing and singing. Annie glares at him, and he stops and asks how he can help her.

There's a knock on the door. Eric answers and it's Mrs. Beeker and her niece Pauline (who just happens to be played by Ricky Nelson's daughter, Tracy Nelson). (Which explains the random Ricky Nelson discussion earlier...it's a link). Mrs. Beeker thought they could use a counselor with all their problems. 

Pauline: Have you two hugged today? Hugging is very important. Hugs plus love equals marriage. In fact, I think hugs can solve all the problems in the world: Famine... disease...war... just give it a hug. 
Eric: Did you learn that in hug class? (Another great line). 

Eric explains that he knows about family counseling as he himself is also a family counselor.

Pauline: Counselor who counsels himself has a fool for a patient. (True, but she was a bit over the top. I loved her though. Tracy Nelson is a good actress). 

They leave. Annie tells Eric that she's still going out with Robin. Eric tells her to go so people can forget about Mary and gossip about "her tart of a mother." Annie becomes angry that her husband just called her a tart. (Yeah, that would upset most wives I reckon). 

Matt is at the pool hall, a week later still trying to figure out who the woman in the wedding dress was.

Katie and Chris see Lucy at school. They tell her they heard she's dating Mike. Lucy tells her that she's not dating him, and even when she tells them it's not true they still do not believe her. She tells them to listen to her, not to the gossip. They tell Lucy that because Mike tried to kill himself he is "prominent gossip." They warn Lucy that if he goes out with him, people will never stop gossiping about her either. 

Luke asks Simon when he's gonna make his move with the Murphy girls. Simon says he's waiting for the right moment. Simon gets as far as "Hey. I was uh.." and the girls agree to go out with him. Simon says his friend Luke can come and they can double. They agree to meet at the promenade at six. 

Lucy comes out of the school and Mike is sitting on the steps.  He asks her if she wants to get dinner before the dance. She tells him she can't go to the dance because "something came up." Mike says he is "disappointed but there will be other dances." He leaves, looking hurt. Lucy stands there looking guilty and ashamed. 

That evening, the doorbell rings at the Camden house. Eric answers and it's Robin (Michael Woods). Robin introduces himself, and Eric informs him they have met twice before.

Robin: Right..right Edward
Eric: Eric...It's Eric.
Robin: That's what I said. (Robin could win the award for Jerk of the Century). 

He tells Eric about his book, and seminar called, "L is for Loser: Don't Be One." He compares himself to "that guy who wrote the Bible." But he clearly states, "I am not God." He also claims that, while he is doing very well, he doesn't write books and do infomercials for the money, he does it to help people, and "for the love." 

Annie comes down, and Robin says he will have her home by midnight. Eric tells Happy, "I hate that guy. I really, really do."

He goes into the kitchen and asks Lucy to watch Ruthie and the twins so he can take Simon to the promenade. He offers to get her some Rocky Road ice cream and she doesn't care even though it's her favorite kind. He asks her about the dance, and she says she's not going and doesn't want to talk about it. 

Simon comes down followed by Ruthie, who is carrying a piece of paper. Ruthie hands Simon the paper. He reads the paper and informs Ruthie he is not asking Carolyn and Sue Murphy Ruthie's "stupid twin questions." 

Lucy is surprised Simon is going out with the Murphy girls and says that she heard they are wild. Simon tells her that she can't believe everything she hears. He reminds her that everyone is talking about Mary.

He leaves. Ruthie asks Lucy if she is sad about Mary. 

Lucy: In a way.
Ruthie: Don't worry. I took care of everything. (Worry, Lucy, worry). 

The bride (now in leather pants and a shirt and jacket) comes into the pool hall looking for "a guy." 

Steve (Michael Canavan): A guy is looking for you. (This line amused me, I don't know why). 

Simon and Luke are at the promenade waiting when the girls arrive. The girls inform them that their parents pick them up at ten, and they need thirty minutes to change and get their make-up off. They explain they are not allowed to leave the house looking like they look. 

The Murphy Twins (Played by the Olsen Twins) explain why they have to change before their parents pick them up. (I don't see what is wrong with what they are wearing. I see a lot wrong with what a lot of people in the 90's wore and onward growing up in the 80s and '90s, but, I see nothing wrong with it). 

They also explain there are no others in the group; they just tell their parents that so they can go out with boys.

Eric runs into Ruthie's principal and learns about all the problems Ruthie claims the Camden family has. Meanwhile, Ruthie has told Lucy the same thing back at home and explains she got the idea from overhearing Mike. Ruthie thinks her parents will be pleased with her, but Lucy thinks Ruthie is very wrong. 

Robin and Annie are eating at the Pool Hall. He asks her if she remembers Steve Philips from their high school class. Annie says she does, and he says that the guy is a waiter, at age forty and calls him a loser. He then says that a lot of the people they went to school with became losers.

Annie: Wait a minute. I thought your teachings were based upon positive thinking.
Robin: I am positive. I'm positive a lot of people we went to high school with are losers. 
Annie: That's not very nice.
Robin: Nice...is for wimps. (Did I mention he is a jerk)?

Mrs. Beeker and her niece see them in the pool hall, and think that Annie is dating another man...while still married to the reverend. (And with a title like "Gossip," I only wonder what they will do with this). 

Simon, Luke, Carolyn, and Sue are in a store. One of the girls sees barrettes and steals them. Simon says he will pay for them, but she doesn't see any reason to.

Simon: Because stuffing them down your shirt, is against the law... it's called shoplifting. 

They try to get the boys to do it, Luke does, but Simon is not willing to steal, proving he's not really a "bad boy" after all. Unfortunately, the candy Luke attempts to steal falls through his shirt and they run. Simon is the last to run and he is frustrated with the others at how the night is going.

Steve calls Matt to tell him the mystery woman's name is Julia (Natasha Allas) and she is a model. Matt thanks him and hangs up. He then tells John. John tells Matt that he's not that excited since Matt falls in love every other day. (Or at least every other episode). 

Simon, Luke, and the girls have dinner, and the the girls and Luke run out without paying for the check. Not wanting to look like a wuss Simon joins them even though he doesn't want to. 

Lucy is dressed up in a black dress. She wakes Ruthie up and tells her that they and the twins have to go to the dance so she can fix what she did earlier today. Ruthie asks if she's gonna get in trouble for the lies she told the principal and Lucy tells her "Big trouble.

Ruthie: So maybe we don't have to come home until after Mom and Dad are asleep.

The Murphy Twins, Simon, and Luke are in line at the movies. One of the girls pinches the butt of a girl in front of Simon. The girl thinks Simon did it. They run to avoid Simon getting clobbered by the girl's boyfriend. Simon informs them he's not going back to the line. (Meanwhile, Simon is thinking, you girls look a lot like that little girl on "Full House," she was a bit of a troublemaker too, wasn't she)? One of the girls tells him that they don't have to, and pulls him.

Mrs. Beeker and Pauline have a table with several other women all watching Annie and her "date" now. Eric shows up with Ruthie's principal. He tells Annie he needs to speak to her, so Annie gives Mrs. MacKoul her seat. Annie accuses her husband of coming there to break up her dinner with Robin. When he finally confesses she thanks him and says her friend Robin is horrible. 

Eric then goes over to the table of gossipy women. He tells them why Mary is in Buffalo, but then adds, "But that's a cover story.  The real story is Annie and me, she's dating an old boyfriend and I'm dating Ruthie's principal..." (Eric was in rare form). 

Simon tells one of the Murphy Twins that he can't take any more surprises because he's not a bad boy. She kisses him.

Simon: Forget everything I just said.

Just as they start to kiss again, an usher comes down with a flashlight looking to see ticket stubs, which they don't have because they snuck into the theater. 

Lucy arrives at the senior dance with her little sister and twin brothers. She apologizes to Mike who is totally forgiving because "she's there."

Simon is talking with Saegeant Michaels (Christopher Michael) and learns that there have been reports of all the stuff Simon and the other three have done all evening. Simon explains it's all Mary's fault because Mary is bad, and that makes Luke convince the Murphy girls that Simon is bad, but the Murphy girls are too bad and Simon can't handle them. (Michaels is like it's dude start taking responsibility for your actions because that's how your sister got in the mess she is in. It was always someone else's fault). 

Michaels: Simon, there's nothing good about being bad. And being bad has consequences. 

He tells them that if everything is paid and stolen items are returned no charges will be filed. 

At the Pool Hall, Eric. Annie takes it thinking that it's Lucy. Mrs. Beeker comes over apologizing for her gossiping and saying she never realized all the trouble that it causes. Annie returns and lets her know it was Sargeant Michaels on the phone. 

One of the Murphy Twins apologizes to Simon for all the trouble. He says they wanted to get back at Simon and Luke. She explains that everyone talks about how bad they are, but they are not that bad, but overheard them talking and wanted to teach them a lesson. They decided to try going out again without being bad on the first Friday night they were both not grounded.

They kiss as Eric and Annie arrive.

Matt tells a smiling John that he waited an hour for Julia but she wasn't there.

Matt: What are you smiling about?
John points and Julia appears.
John: Forget what I said. Don't let this one get away. This one's special.

Julia tells him briefly about being a model and then they decide to spend the evening making out before she has to take off on the plane to her next modeling job. 

Lucy asks Mike if he tried to kill himself because his girlfriend moved away. She explains that she is only asking because she heard it and wants to know if it's true so she's not believing a false rumor.

Mike: No. I heard that story before and I hate it. I hate it because it romanticizes suicide. There's nothing romantic about trying to take your life. It's scary, messy and painful. It's not a solution. Now if you want romantic. This is romantic. Being here, alive and happy, with the most beautiful woman in the senior class. (Well said, Mike). 

Annie and Eric arrive at the dance and Ruthie sees them and says, "Uh-oh."

They ask her why she made up the stories, and she explains how she wanted the gossiping to stop so she was trying to get people to feel sorry for the family. They agree not to punish her, but tell her not to tell any more false stories.

And it's time for the last dance. And who else could it be but good old Ricky Nelson with "Hello, Mary Lou."

Annie and Eric dance with the seniors since they are there and the closing credits come up

(This was a great episode. I like it partially because I am a fan of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. However, the entire plotline was very good. Everything blended well, from one storyline to the next with the main theme of gossip. Very well done. And as an added bonus - no Mary Camden which, as a general rule I am not a fan of that character. I think Jessica Biel did a great job playing her, I just do not care for the character). 


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