7th Heaven: Season 4 - Episode 4: Come Drive With Me


Eric (Stephen Collins) feeds the twins while talking to Annie (Catherine Hicks).

Annie informs Eric that the Meals on Wheels van has died, and they need to get another car since they no longer have the station wagon. Eric is worried about the church not giving him a raise. Ruthie comes downstairs, and Annie suggests Ruthie and Eric go together to pick out a new car. Ruthie is excited that she gets to go without the twins. (Is Ruthie still not over the twins taking the youngest child position)? She goes upstairs to get ready for school.

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Matt sweeps the floor in the hospital cafeteria. He crashes into a woman when he turns and spills her coffee. (I am not 100% sure if Matt hit her or if she hit him). While he's cleaning the spill, John (Chaz Lamar Shepherd) comes in and thanks Matt because he just got hired as the music program for the hospital. (Is this a real thing? I've never heard of it). A man tells Matt that there was a Jello spill in the back he needs to clean, so Matt tells John, "duty calls." 

Mary and Lucy have moved up to the attic after Matt moved because it has more room. Lucy informs her older sister that she is not moving the bed again. Mary tells her she wants to cut a hole in the floor and put in a fireman's pole to slide down to the bathroom right below. (Cause that's totally logical). Lucy tells her what would make more sense to put in their own bathroom. (Yup. That makes heaps more sense). 

Simon is in his room with Jim (Kyle Sabihy), who came over before school because he couldn't wait to tell Simon something. He shows Simon Beth Bagley's notebook, which she left on the bus yesterday. Inside the notebook is Simon's name written all over it. 

Simon: You know, if word of this gets out, I might have to leave school. (I'm not sure why this is so bad that he would need to leave school). 

Annie and Eric are in the kitchen with their two older daughters. Annie tells them a bathroom is a great idea, but Eric is concerned about the cost. Annie tells him that she and the girls will do the work themselves. 

Eric: But what about toilets, sinks, walls? Those things cost money.
Annie: A toilet only costs, what, $40? And we can take it out of the girls' allowance. And drywall is cheap. And I even know a place where we can get some scrap. 
Lucy: And it's so easy to work with. Practically all you need is a scoring knife.
Mary: Yeah, all you need is a scoring knife. Whatever that is.

Eric agrees as long they know what they are doing. The girls thank their mother and leave excitedly. Annie is happy because she gets to "saw into a good piece of wood." 

Annie tells Eric again to talk to the deacons if he is concerned about the raise. Eric says it's a "built-in annual raise." So she tells him to stop worrying. 

Matt is learning up in a room at the hospital when he drops a plate, and then while cleaning that, he bumps his head on the table. 

Matt: I hate this job! I hate this job! I hate this job!
Adam (Under the blanket in the bed): So let me ask you something. Do you hate this job?
Matt (looking all over, trying to figure out where the voice is coming from): Who's that?
Adam: The name's Adam.

Matt apologizes that he didn't know Adam was there. Adam tells him that he has an MPS disorder. Matt asks if he can do anything for Adam, and Adam says maybe he can do something for Matt. He asks Matt why Matt dislikes his job. Matt tells him his job sucks and about the job John got.

Adam: Did your job suck before your roommate started working here?
Matt: Yeah, but I didn't know how much until he showed up. 
Adam: Ah. So the real problem is that you're jealous that your roommate has a better job than you do. 
Matt: Basically, yeah.
Adam: So go climb a tree. It will give you a whole new perspective on things. (Adam is awesome)!

Adam tells him to come back later because he's a people person. 

Simon gives Beth (Brighton Hertford) her notebook and tells her he didn't look at it. She asks him why he's so nervous, and he says no one has to know about the notebook and gives away that he knows there were names written in it. 

Beth: So you were looking through my private, personal notebook, and I know you must have seen that I wrote the name, Simon. But did you notice anywhere on the pages the name Camden? I thought so. But you nevertheless assume that you were the Simon I was writing about. Look, don't worry. No one else has to know about this.

Matt talks to Adam about his job. Adam asks Matt what his goals are, and Matt doesn't know. So, Adam asks him what he likes to do, and Matt says he likes to help people, and Adam says he does too. 

Adam: Hey, why don't we team up and call ourselves Batman and Robin?

The two of them laugh, and then Adam tries to come up with suggestions. 

Matt: You know, every time I come in here, I feel like I'm visiting a Zen master or something. 
Adam: How do you know your not? Go climb a tree; then you'll know. Then it'll all make sense.

Ruthie is with her father at the church. Lou (Alan Fudge) sees Eric and asks him if he needs any help. 

Eric: No, I'm fine.
Ruthie: Aren't you going to ask him about your raise?

Lou tells him the raise shouldn't be an issue and will call him tomorrow when it's official. Lou leaves.

Ruthie: See, you almost forgot. What would you do without me?

Deena (Nicole Cherié Saletta) tells Simon that he doesn't know anything about women and that obviously, he was the Simon in  Beth's notebook. 

Simon: There are a lot of Simons in the world.
Deena: All I can think of is you, Simon in the Bible, and Alvin the Chipmunk's older brother. (There is Simon Cowell, but "American Idol" wasn't out at this time, so she probably didn't know the name, but she will one day). 

She explains that Beth was embarrassed that Simon saw the notebook.

Simon: You didn't see how unembarrassed she was.

Deena tells Simon to let Beth down gently, but he doesn't understand why he has to do anything since he didn't start it all. She suggests he invite Beth over as a friend tomorrow.

Deena: There's nothing wrong with your having friends who are girls.
Simon: Well, maybe in theory, but it seems like a bad idea.
Deena: Because you know nothing about women. 
Simon: Fine, all call her.

Annie and the older girls are in the kitchen going over the list of tools to make sure they have what they need. Annie and Lucy rush upstairs to get started.

Mary: Wait for me. (Poor Mary). 

Matt is talking to Cynthia (Juanita Jennings), a supervisor at the hospital. He tells her that he doesn't want to work in the cafeteria and wants to be a lab assistant. She tells him he could be qualified for the job; however, she is concerned that a patient named "Tree Boy" wrote a letter pleading that Matt gets a different position at the hospital because he is so unhappy with his current one. 

Eric and Ruthie are at the car dealership looking for a car. Eric sees a red sports car and is impressed. A car salesman (Thor Edgell) comes over, and Ruthie tells them they need a car "with a roof." But the car dealer gives Eric the keys and tells them they can take the sports car for a drive anyway. Eric says he can't buy that car, but the man insists they go ahead and enjoy driving it. 

Annie and Lucy are in the bedroom, working on a new bathroom. Mary is lying on her bed, bored since she doesn't know how to do anything. Annie starts drilling.

Mary: I'll just go downstairs and see if the drywall is here yet.
Annie: I can't hear you. Wait a second. What did you say?
Mary: I said, I think I'll go downstairs for a while. 
Annie: Sure. Fine. 

Annie returns to drilling. She and Lucy laugh as Mary looks left out and leaves. 

Simon calls Beth, and she suspects he is only being nice to keep her from telling everyone about the notebook incident. He tells her he just wants to be friends and invites her over tomorrow after school. She finally agrees.

Ruthie rides with her dad in the red sports car and asks him if they own it. He tells Ruthie they are just testing it, but it's way too expensive. Ruthie says she'll find the right car. 

Lou is outside the church with other deacons discussing the budget meeting tomorrow when Eric and Ruthie pass by in the sports car. Someone asks Lou about it, and Lou says it must be a mistake. Then the car drives past them again. 

Lou: Very nice car, Eric. 

Ruthie tells Simon she can't find a car that "speaks to her." 

Simon: Well, what do you want the car to say?
Ruthie: I'm economical, I'm good-looking, and I want to take you everywhere in style. 
Simon: Are you sure you're not looking for a husband? (Haha). 

Ruthie doesn't want to let her mother down, and Simon tells her their mother probably doesn't expect Ruthie and their dad to find anything anyway. 

The doorbell rings and Eric answers; it's Lou. He asks to speak to Eric about a "delicate matter." Eric thinks that Lou is referring to the fact they have been using the Meals on Wheels van all summer. He then tells him the station wagon was wrecked, and they don't have money for a new one but didn't want to beg the church for more money.

Lou: I can certainly see why. And I should be going. Eric, as your friend, I'm gonna do everything I can to smooth things over.
Eric: What's to smooth over? You wreck a car; you replace it.
Lou: Right.

Lou opens the door to leave, and some moving men bring some boxes into the house. Lou asks the men what they are bringing in, and they tell him fixtures for remodeling.

Lou: A new car and remodeling. (Lou, you should never assume). 

Ruthie comes into the kitchen with a car magazine and tells Mary she is not giving up, and Mary asks her what she's talking about. Ruthie explains she is going to learn about cars. 

Mary: Good for you.
Ruthie: Thank you. I could use some support around here.
Mary: Yeah, well, you're not the only one.
Ruthie: What do you mean?
Mary: Nothing. I gotta get this iced tea up to Mom and Lucy. I hope they're surprised. 

Lucy asks her mom if she had "any normal boyfriends" in high school. Annie tells her she didn't tell Eric because it's more a mother-daughter sharing thing than a wife-husband sharing thing. Lucy is excited that it looks like a bathroom and asks her mother if she should get Mary to help with getting the door plumped.

Annie (right as Mary gets to the doorway): No, that's okay, we don't need her. (And that gave Mary a nice warm fuzzy). 

Mary turns around and leaves without being seen by her mother and sister.

Lucy: You're right. We're doing just fine on our own. 

They decide since Mary doesn't enjoy it, there's no reason to make her do it.

Matt is sweeping the floor in the hallway. John sees him and asks him why he's so upset. Matt tells him about Adam telling his supervisor that Matt hates his job, and now he can't get the other job because he complained to a patient about hating his current job. Matt concludes he's really not mad at Adam but at himself, because he doesn't know what he wants to do with his life. They leave, and Adam has been standing outside his room listening to everything.

Simon and Beth are in the kitchen. Simon is trying to find something for her to drink, but she says "no" to everything he offers. He yells for Lucy and Mary to introduce them, not knowing what else to do. But no one comes. Then he calls Happy to try to introduce his dog to her. Beth decides to go home because she believes Simon can't find anything to talk about because he doesn't really like her. 

Simon: That's not true. I do like you.
Beth: Really?
Simon: Really. I like you.
Beth: You like me? You really, really like me?

Simon nods, and Beth hugs him.

Beth: I gotta go home and tell my mother.

Eric goes into his room to talk to Annie, who is there with the twins. He tells her about Lou's visit. Then he informs her he is being audited by the deacons. She tells him that is good because they will see just how poor they are and then asks him to watch the babies so she can finish the bathroom. 

That evening, Ruthie asks her mother if she was just trying to get Eric out of the house by asking him to pick a new car. She asks her mother what she's doing, and Annie explains she's adding receipts, so the church will see that Eric really needs that raise. Ruthie asks what her dad does for the church beside the Sunday sermons, so Annie lists everything he does for everyone. 

Annie: He really cares about everybody, and I care about him.
Ruthie: Well, I care about him too. That's why I'm really sincerely gonna help him by the right car. 

Adam goes to the supervisor's office at the hospital. He wants to talk to her about "a friend." 

Deena motions for Simon to talk to Beth the next day at school. He goes over and explains that he has a girlfriend. She tells him that he knows about his girlfriend. She tells him she's cool with being friends even if she did write his name in the notebook.

Simon: So that was me in your notebook?
Beth: No, it was Alvin, the Chipmunk's brother.

Some notebooks fall out of her locker, and he helps her pick them up. They all have different boys' names written in them. Beth sees Deana watching and waves. She asks Simon if Deena told him to invite her over, and he explains that Deena thought they should be friends.

Beth: What did you think?
Simon: At our age, a friend who is a girl, and a girl who is a girlfriend, it's still a little blurry for me. 
Beth: Yeah, I've got the same problem with guys. They wanna be friends, but I'd really like a boyfriend. Someone who likes me, only me.
Simon: Oh, I'm sure the right guy will come along.

He leaves and goes over to Deana, and she asks Simon if she explained to Beth about the friend-girlfriend thing. He says he did, and she understood. Jim comes over to his locker, which is next to Beth's. She "accidentally" drops another book that just happens to have his name written all over it. (Looking rather desperate Beth). She walks away as he picks it up and sees his name. 

The supervisor talks to Matt at the hospital and asks him how he's doing. Matt apologizes for the day before. Cynthia tells him that Adam came by and said to her that he wanted his "life in order" before his surgery today to explain that the letter he wrote might have been misinterpreted. 

Matt: What does he mean, 'affairs in order?'
Cynthia: It's surgery, and any surgery is life-threatening. But this one was pretty routine, at least for Adam. 'Put his affairs in order' was his way of tugging at my heartstrings. (She chuckles). And it worked. I might consider you for another job.
Matt: Thanks.

Matt leaves to see Adam, and the nurse (Ally Wolfe) tells him Adam is fine but sleeping, so he'll have to come back another time.

Matt: He's not okay to climb a tree, but he'll be up and around in a day or two?
Nurse: Right. He told you he likes to climb trees?
Matt: Yeah. 
Nurse: He can't climb trees. He's not allowed to climb trees. That would be a little too risky.
Matt: I can't believe I'm so gullible.
Nurse: Oh, it happens to all of us. See, Adam just imagines climbing a tree so vividly he's absolutely convincing. 

She tells him there's a tree right outside Adam's room and Adam won't be up until late afternoon. 

Annie and Lucy run downstairs, excited about the toilet. Mary doesn't see why they are so enthusiastic over it. Mary goes upstairs, and Annie follows. She is stopped by Eric, who informs her that he did not get the raise. Eric tells her that getting a car is not out, and she says they can talk more later because he has to find Mary. Eric says he has to give Ruthie the news. 

Ruthie is in the closet with Happy and overheard everything.

Ruthie (whispering to Happy): When something terrible happens, my dad doesn't have to think about it; he's just there. Well, same goes with me.

Annie finds Mary in the nursery. Annie apologizes to her daughter for how insensitive she has been. (Glad she finally realized it). She tells Mary that while she left her out of the bathroom thing, she doesn't have a favorite child. She suggests the two of them go to a movie or something on Saturday. 

Ruthie arrives with her bicycle at the church where the budget meeting is happening. 

Ruthie (after being asked where Eric is): He's at home, and he doesn't know I'm here. And I risk being punished to tell all of you that my dad really needs a raise so he can buy a new car. And I think you should change your minds.

She then tells them all the things her father does. 

Ruthie: And do you know why? Because my father cares. But don't worry, he'll keep caring whether he gets his raise or not.

Lou asks her if Eric has a red convertible. Ruthie is confused at first, then realizes what they are talking about.

Eric asks Annie if she's seen Ruthie. Annie tells her husband their daughter is probably in the garage fixing a flat tire on her bike. Eric says he will look and also go to the church. Lou and Ruthie come up the stairs, and Lou tells Eric, Eric doesn't need to go to the church. Lou explains Ruthie rode her bike into the board meeting and explained everything. Lou apologizes and lets Eric know that he's getting his annual raise. 

Lou: And, by the way, we think that the car Ruthie picked out for you is a superb idea. A good example for the entire community. 
Ruthie: Yet, I'm still going to be punished without telling anyone?

Annie and Eric look at each other. Then they look at Ruthie.

Eric and Annie: Yeah.

Adam wakes up at the hospital and pushes the nurse call button. The nurse comes into the room, and Adam asks her if he got any visitors.

Nurse: Practically everyone in the entire hospital. And there's someone outside to see you.

She goes over to the window.

Adam: Who is it?

She opens the window.

Nurse: It's your friend. I'll let the two of you talk. 
Matt: Hey, how you doing, pal? I've been sitting up here all day, and I finally got some on my life. I finally know what my goal is. I know what I wanna be in life.

Adam laughs. 

John comes into the room.

John: I'm sorry, I thought I heard Matt Camden.
Adam (still laughing): You did. Would you go and get him out of the tree before somebody fires him? 
John: That tree? What the?

John runs out of the room, and Adam laughs harder. A security guard tries to climb up after Matt, which makes Adam laugh even harder. 

Adam (Josh Ryan Evans) has the greatest laugh. 

Mary and Lucy are putting dishes in the dishwasher when they hear a beep. They run to the window and then call for Annie and Simon. They all (with the twins) come running out to see the new car. Ruthie tells them it's an electric car, which is why it's so quiet. 

Mary: So when did you get so smart?
Ruthie: I think it was in the middle of second grade.

Matt comes over and sees the car. 

Eric: We haven't seen you around. What, did you finally buy some groceries?
Matt: No, I've been busy deciding what I'm gonna be when I grow up.
Eric: Picking a major?
Matt: Yep. Pre-med. I'm gonna be a doctor. 
Annie (to Eric): Don't worry. We can pay for med school without fuel savings. 
Eric (as everyone gets out of the car): Yeah.

The closing credits come up. 

(This was a great episode. I LOVE Adam. He has such a great perspective on life. I also like how he helped Matt decide what he wanted to do with his life. The part with Beth was rather dumb however). 


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