7th Heaven: Season 3 - Episode 22: There Goes the Bride Part 2

 This episode starts with what happened in the first part.

Matt (Barry Watson) has a daydream that he's old and married to Heather and Shana. 

Matt is in the car with his eyes closed, daydreaming that he married Shana (Maureen Flannigan) and Heather (Andrea Ferell). They tell him they are leaving him since he won't choose one of them. (I'd choose Heather, but let's see what Matt will do). He is woken from the daydream by Heather asking him if he wants a doughnut. She asks him what he's thinking about, and he tells her, "nothing." He starts the car.

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

At the church, people are confused about what just happened. Mason tells everyone to stay because Heather will return, and they will get married as planned. Annie and Donna (Meg Wittner) see Mason (Koli Cutler) talking to Suzy (Heidi Kramer) talking. Donna says it's a friend of Mason's family. After she leaves, Annie decides she is "a little too friendly."

Ruthie believes it's her fault the wedding broke up. Simon tells her she's crazy.

Ruthie: Non-believer.

Ruthie leaves Simon as Deena (Nicole Cherié Saletta) comes over to him. Simon tells her about the kiss, but Deena already knows. Deena tells her it was a relationship test to see how good their relationship is based on how long it took Simon to tell Deena about it. (At least she knows it was a bad idea now). 

Mary is in Eric's office at the church with the babies. Eric comes in, and she leaves happy about the "shift change." Annie comes into the office concerned Matt and Heather eloped. 

Jordan (Wade Carpenter) arrives at the church as Mary comes outside. She tells him to leave before Lucy sees him.

Jordan: I'm through hiding and lying.

Lucy comes outside with Shelby (Julie Berman) and Joe (Shane Meier) and asks what's happening. Jordan tells Lucy she and Mary are together. 

Mary: I'm sorry, Luce.
Lucy: You and Jordan, together, dating?
Jordan: We never wanted to hurt you.
Lucy: It's a little late for that. You're my sister. How could you? (And again, I want to point out that Lucy dumped Jordan, and Mary was dating I'm before Lucy). 

Lucy returns to the church, and Jordan tries to go after her. Joe stops him.

Joe: I think you've done enough. 

Joe goes in after Lucy. Mary walks away from Jordan, who follows her. 

Matt pulls over to a phone booth and tells Heather he wants to call the church to let everyone know they are okay. Heather tells Matt when he kissed her last night, she knew she couldn't marry Mason. She kisses him, and Simon gets nervous and calls his father. (I feel bad for Heather, he's wanted to get back with her all that time, now she thinks he wants to get married, and she wants to be with him, but now he loves Shana. Ah, youth). 

Eric asks Matt if Matt and Heather got married. Matt tells him no, and that they will be back at the church after he talks to Heather. He then calls Shana and asks her not to hang up. Shana tells him she's not mad at him.

Shana: I'm not mad at you. I hate you. I wish you ill. I despise you. I have only feelings of malice toward you, but I'm not mad at you.
Matt: I can explain. 
Shana: No need to explain - just drop dead. 

She hangs up on him. He hangs up the phone he's on. 

Mason and Annie come into Eric's office. Annie asks her husband if he's heard from Matt, so Eric fills them in, then Mason leaves to tell Donna. 

Julie (Deborah Raffin) and Hank (Ed Begley, Jr.) come into Eric's office. They apologize for interrupting the wedding.

Annie: Don't worry. Matt already took care of that.

Julie tells them that she and Hank are getting married. Eric laughs, and Hank asks why.

Eric: I'm sorry. I was just thinking I can't wait for Dr. Hastings to meet dear old dad. The Colonel's gonna love this. Fresh meet. Welcome to the family. And good luck. (You'll have to wait until season four, Eric). 

Hank tells Julie he's surprised that Eric was so calm, but Julie informs him he's not calm; he's shocked. Annie comes over to them. She asks them to get the kids and take them home because she and Eric want to wait with Donna and Mason. 

Deena apologizes to Simon and asks if they can kiss and make up. He says yes, and they kiss.

Simon: What was that?
Deena: Something Cindy told me about. Like it?

Eric is in his office talking to the babies about life. Annie comes in and asks what he's doing, and he tells her. 

Annie: They don't know how to listen.
Eric: Does anyone?

She tells him that people are asking about him and want to know when he's coming out. He tells her never. Annie tells him to change his attitude, or the two of them will never have a date again. 

Heather asks Matt where they are going.

Matt: Back to the church.
Heather: Pull the car over! Pull it over now!

Matt pulls the car over onto some dirt. They get out of the vehicle. Heather asks why they are returning to the church. She tells Matt she wants to marry him and thinks he wanted to marry her. 

Lucy and Mary are in their room. Lucy tells her sister that she's not talking to her. Mary keeps pointing out that Jordan is her new boyfriend. Mary leaves the room, and Lucy calls Joe and invites him over. 

Jordan arrives at the Camden house and sees Simon in the yard. He asks Simon if he's okay. Simon asks him if he's ever been French kissed. Jordan asks for Simon's age and tells him he is thirteen. 

Jordan: Yeah, that's when it happened to me. So, what's the problem?
Simon: Well, Deena and I... And I'm not even sure I enjoyed it. 

Simon tells him how Deena caught him off guard and how nervous he was.

Jordan: Do you like Deena?
Simon: Very much.
Jordan: Then my advice to you is simple. Think less, kiss more.

Julie and Hank are in the living room. Hank asks when Annie and Eric will be back because he wants to take her out to celebrate. She tells him she doesn't feel like it.

Mary and Jordan come into the living room. Mary tells Jordan she talked to Lucy and everything is fine. Lucy comes into the living room and ignores them both. The doorbell rings, and it's Joe. Lucy brings him into the living room and tells Mary and Jordan that Joe is her new boyfriend. Mary says that's great now they can double. Then Lucy and Mary try to out-kiss the other with their boyfriends. (Way to use Jordan and Joe, gals). 

Simon calls Deena and asks her if she can come over after dinner. He says they can hang out in his room. He hangs up the phone. Ruthie enters his room and tells him he needs money.

Simon: I'm not giving you any money.
Ruthie: Okay. I'll just tell Aunt Julie that Deena is coming over to hang out in your room. 
Ruthie makes kissing noises.
Simon: Okay, you win.
He hands her a few bucks.
Ruthie: Consider this a down payment. 
Simon becomes angry and points to the door.
Ruthie: Pleasure doing business with you.
She leaves Simon's room.

Julie comes into the living room and finds everyone kissing. She sends Joe and Jordan home and the girls upstairs. 

Hank tells Julie they need to talk, but she doesn't want to talk. Then she tells him she's not even sure she wants to get married anymore. Hank leaves.

At the church, Eric asks Annie if Julie is okay. She tells him Hank is there to help, and Julie needs to spend time with the kids, especially the twins. (I am thinking Annie already suspects something). 

Matt and Heather return. He tells Mason to punch him, but Mason tells him he's not worth it. Mason asks Heather if they are getting married. She tells everyone to leave her alone and runs. Her mother chases after her.

Mason: You...Stay away from us, Camden.

Annie wants an explanation from Matt. He tells her he can explain it later, but he needs to go find Shana before he loses her for good. He leaves.

Annie (to Eric): If Matt's in love with Shana, then he didn't break up Heather's wedding because he loves her.
Eric: Then why'd he do it?
Annie: Good question. I wish I knew what the answer was. (I know! I know)!

Matt knocks on Shana's door. She answers and says she's glad he came over. She then throws a glass of water at him. 

Shana: I don't know about you, but I feel better.

She slams the door on him. Then she opens the door, throwss him a towel, and slams the door shut again.

Annie is in Eric's office when someone knocks. Suzy tells her she needs to tell her the truth about Mason. She has her interpreter with her.

Deena is with Simon in his room. They are deciding what to do, and Simon suggests kissing. She likes the idea, and Simon is excited that she doesn't think he's a lousy kisser. They kiss.

Lucy is on the phone with Shelby. Shelby tells Lucy Joe called excited that he thinks Lucy is now his girlfriend. Lucy says she better call him.

Shelby: Why'd you call me?
Lucy: Because I had a rough day, and I sure could use a best friend right now. 
Shelby: So could I. Do you know where I could find one? Because my last best friend's been kind of a disappointment. See, I liked this guy. The guy liked her. She said, 'Don't worry, I'll give you a makeover, and I'll fix you up with him.' She did, then she stole him back. Today you made me feel lonelier than I ever did before. Because this time, this time did I not only have a date or a boyfriend, but I also didn't have a best friend. 

Shelby hangs up the phone. Lucy hangs up and sighs. (You should sigh, Lucy. You were a jerk to your best friend in this episode). 

Shana comes out of her room, and Matt is sitting outside the door. He wants a chance to explain. Shana tells him he doesn't understand why she is so angry with him. She explains that men have always hurt her, but she trusted Matt, and he hurt her. She tells him to go home because their relationship is over.

Hank returns to the church. He tells Eric the kids are OK, but they (Eric and Hank) need to talk. The doctor tells Eric that Julie doesn't want to get married. He says he realized what she needs is for Eric to tell her he approves of the marriage. Eric suggests his sister isn't ready to get married.

Hank: No, she thinks you don't think she's ready. It's not the same thing.

Hank tells Eric how he feels about Julie, but Eric says he doesn't know if she should get involved. 

Hank: If you knew the whole story, you'd think differently.
Eric: The whole story?

Annie, Suzy, and the interpreter find Donna and says they need to talk to Heather right away. Donna tells her that Heather refuses to speak to anyone.

Annie: She has to talk to me.

They go into Heather's room, and Heather begs them to leave her alone.

Annie: I think you need to hear what this young lady has to say. 

The interpreter asks Heather to listen to Suzy. 

Eric comes into the room and asks to speak to Annie. He tells his wife he has to leave, which has something to do with Julie. She tells him to go. 

Matt calls Shana from a phone booth. He tells her he loves Heather like a sister, so he had to stop the wedding. He gets the machine, and Shana listens but doesn't answer. He says it's the first time he's ever told her that. (I feel badly for Matt right now, but why didn't he just tell her what was going on in the first place before the wedding)?

Heather says she's ready to go home. Mason thinks she is talking to him, but she says Matt told him everything. Mason says Matt's lying to get Heather back. Heather let's him know she heard the same story from Suzy. Mason blames Matt for breaking them up. 

Matt: I wasn't the one who broke Heather's heart; that was you. I ruined your wedding, but the day you decided to cheat, you ruined the relationship. You should be man enough to admit it.

Mason turns back to Heather, and she gives him back the engagement ring. Mason leaves. (Bye-bye Duchebag). 

Heather hugs her mother. 

Annie takes Heather's hand.

Annie: I'm sorry.
Heather: I'm not. (then to Matt): Thanks for ruining my wedding.
Matt: Anytime. 
Heather: Shana's a very lucky woman. 
Matt: Too bad she doesn't feel that way.

Annie tells Matt she's proud of him, and asks if everything is okay with him and Shana.

Matt: I think we broke up.

Annie hugs her oldest son.

Simon and Deena are in the kitchen. Simon grabs two drinks out of the fridge, and they head back upstairs to make out some more. 

Eric comes into the house and asks Julie about the kids. She asks him if Hank called him, and if he's glad, they broke up. She thinks Eric wants her to be happy because if she's not always happy, she will return to drinking. He tells her he doesn't think that, but thinks she does and that's why she dumped the doctor. Then he admits there was a time he thought the same thing, but now he sees a strong woman. He says Hank told him everything. Hank comes into the house. 

Eric goes into the kitchen and asks Ruthie what she's doing. She explains she is writing a note to the tooth fairy. He asks what the money is for, and she says a nice note won't do it, then explains about the hex she put on the wedding. Eric tells her the toothfairy wouldn't ruin a wedding. 

Mary is talking with Jordan and tells him again she chooses Lucy over him. Lucy is outside the door listening. Mary says they just have bad timing. Lucy comes into the room after Mary hangs the phone up. They apologize to each other. Lucy tells her older sister that she screwed things up with Shelby, and Mary says she can help. 

Ruthie is in her room searching for the quarter to see if it really wasn't her fault. She hears Deena and Simon in Simon's room and grins.

Eric is in the kitchen when Matt and Annie return home. Annie tells Eric about Mason cheating on Heather. Matt looks down.

Eric: I'm very proud of you. What you did today took guts, don't ever do it again.

They hug. Julie calls everyone because she and Hank have an announcement. She explains that they want to do it right away. Annie asks Julie about The Colonel and Ruth who are on a cruise for three more months. Julie says they can't wait. (And in case this line, and what Annie said earlier don't help, Eric will explain later). 

Annie pulls Eric outside the living room and tells her husband they can't let Julie and Hank get married in a 24-hour wedding chapel.

Eric: We can, and we should. Because if I marry them, I'll be risking my life. You remember my father, The Colonel? Big scary guy with access to guns? All right, all right.

Annie kisses him and reminds him about the date they were supposed to have. Eric is too tired, so they plan to have their date next weekend at the same time. 

Annie and Eric return to the living room, and Annie asks where Simon is.

Ruthie: Follow me.

Annie and Eric follow her upstairs to Simon's room. He's sitting on the floor with Deena kissing. 

Mary is at the church with Lucy. Shelby and Joe arrive, and Lucy apologizes as does Mary. She asks them to forgive her and to go back to being "Three Muskateers." Shelby forgives her, but Joe says he wants to date Lucy and turns to leave.

Mary: Jerk.

Joe stops, turns around, and walks back to them.

Joe: You're right. I am a jerk. One for all, all for one? 

The three friends hug.

Deena is sitting in one of the pews. Simon tells her it was nice her mom is letting her stay for his Aunt Julie's wedding. She tells him after the wedding, she is grounded for a month. Simon says he can't have girls in his room ever again, and now his dad wants to talk.

Simon: He says up until now, all the talks we've had have been hypothetical. Now he says I'm getting into the more practical.

Shana comes in and taps Matt on the shoulder, As soon as he turns she kisses him. 

Shana: I got your message. I love you too. 

She says Matt's mom told her he was at the church. Matt apologizes for everything again.

Shana: It's okay, a friend told me everything. 
Matt: A friend?

Heather comes out and Shana says she hopes they can all be friends. Heather says she'd like that too. Matt thanks Heather. 

Everyone takes their seats for the wedding. 

Simon walks Julie down the aisle, and Ruthie walks in front. She finally got her wish to be a flower girl. (Yay)! Eric begins the wedding.

Eric: So, before we begin, if there's anyone present who believe these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Matt is the best man, and everyone looks at him. They all chuckle. (I did too). 

Matt: Very funny.

That night, Annie and Eric are in their room with the twins. Annie says it was about a year ago she learned she was pregnant. 

Eric: Not again?
Annie: I'm not pregnant. If I were the zero-population control, people would come and take us away.
Eric: So, instead of two new Camdens, there's gonna be one new Hastings. (I told you he would explain everything). 
Annie: I know, Julie told me.
Eric: Hank told me. 
Annie: You called him Hank. 
She turns and looks at him.
Annie: What?
Eric: Well, Julie told you, and Hank told me, but who's gonna tell The Colonel?

Annie volunteers the baby she is holding.

Eric: Outstanding idea.
Annie: Of course, he won't be able to do it until he learns to talk.
Eric: I can wait. 

They chuckle and then kiss.

The closing credits come up. 

(I have mixed feelings about this episode. The writing and the acting were great, but it seemed like there was a little too much ativtiy packed into a short time frame. But over all, I still enjoyed it). 


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