7th Heaven: Season 3- Episode 21: There Goes the Bride Part 1


Simon (David Gallagher) is on the phone with Deena. 

Simon is talking to Deena (Nicole Cherié Saletta) about Heather's wedding. She tells him her cousin is in town, so she can't go with him to the wedding, and Simon tells her to bring her cousin.  

Eric is in the kitchen with Annie and tells her he's concerned about how Matt will deal with Heather getting married. They both always thought she'd end up with Heather. (I would have liked that, I loved Heather). Matt comes into the room, and they stop talking. He tells them to stop talking about him because he's okay about the wedding and is happy for Heather. Matt tells them he has Shana now. Annie asks her son if Shana is OK with going to Matt's ex-girlfriend's wedding, and he says she loves weddings. 

Matt: I'm gonna leave now so you guys can go back to talking about me behind my back.
Eric: Thanks. We appreciate it.

He leaves as his sister, Mary, comes into the kitchen carrying her basketball. Eric grabs the ball from her hands.

Eric: For a second there, I thought it was permanently attached.
Annie: You have been playing a lot of basketball. 
Mary: What can I say? I love the game.

She leaves, and they decide she's happy about some boy, not basketball. Ruthie enters the kitchen dressed as a bride and announces she's getting married because people pay attention to you, and you get gifts. Eric says he like that idea too, but Ruthie tells him he can't be a bride since he's a boy. 

Annie: You're going to make a beautiful bride, but don't you need a groom?
Ruthie: I knew I forgot something. 

Lucy comes into the kitchen with two of her friends: Joe (Shane Meier) and Shelby (Julie Berman). Ruthie asks Joe to marry her, and he agrees.

Ruthie: Great. If anyone asks, I need a toaster and an elephant. (I heard she is registered at the zoo). 

Lucy tells her friends to go into the living room and find something to watch on TV while she gets the snacks. Her parents ask her if it's Lucy or Shelby who is dating Joe, but Lucy informs them they are all just friends "like the Three Muskateers." After Lucy leaves the kitchen, her parents decide that "The Three Muskateers thing" won't last very long. 

Annie tells Eric that she saw Julie coming out of Dr. Hastings' office yesterday. 

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Annie and Eric are in their room getting the babies dressed. Eric wants to know why Julie would be at an obstetrician's office. He first says his sister might need her parking validated but then concludes she must be pregnant. He wants to call Julie, but Annie says whatever Julie was doing, she obviously doesn't want to tell them about it yet, or she would have. The couple kiss.

Matt is on the phone with Shana (Maureen Flannigan), discussing the wedding. Shana informs him that she lied about wanting to go to the wedding. Matt says he has to go meet Heather at the church because she has a question. 

Simon enters his little sister's room. He tells her that Deena and her cousin, Cindy, are coming over today, so he wants her to behave. Ruthie tells her she has "bigger fish to fry." She says she wants to be a flower girl. 

Simon leaves Ruthie's room and sees Matt in the hall. He asks if he can bring an extra person to the wedding, and Matt tells him "no." Simon says he's desperate, and Matt says he will talk to Heather since Simon already invited someone but tells him not to invite anyone else. 

Annie and Eric are in the kitchen with the twins. Eric is walking around with one while Annie feeds the other. She is now bottle feeding. Mary comes down, and Annie tells Mary eventually that Mary will have to tell them what she's up to. She also asks if Mary has a date for the wedding because Heather's mom needs a final head count. Mary tells her parents she doesn't have a date. 

Ruthie is walking around carrying Matt's t-shirt to show him how well he carries things. She tells them she's going outside to pick flowers.

Ruthie: I love flowers, and I love carrying things. Wouldn't it be great if I could do both of those things at once? 
Ruthie leaves.
Annie: What was that about?
Matt: Well, it's just a guess, but I think she's given up on bride and lowered the bar to a flower girl. I'll ask Heather.

Matt leaves then Annie tells her husband that the babies are fed and burped, and the other children are busy. She kisses him, and he says he has errands to run. Annie warns him to stay out of Julie's apartment. 

The doorbell rings, and Lucy answers. It's Joe. He tells her he has a secret to tell her but asks her to close her eyes. Joe kisses Lucy.

Ruthie: Keep your lips off my fiancé. Okay, I'm going. I'm going. These long engagements never work.

Joe tells Lucy he's in love with her. Lucy tells him she doesn't feel that way about him. 

Heather (Andrea Ferrell) comes out of the church and tells Mason (Koli Cutler) that she asked Matt to meet her at the church because she wants Matt to be an usher at the wedding. 

Mason: It's not enough your ex-boyfriend's father is marrying us? Now you want your ex-boyfriend to be in the wedding too?
Heather: He's more than an ex-boyfriend. He's a very good friend, and my getting married hasn't been easy on him. (Get the warning signs, Heather, Mason is a douchebag). 

She explains how the Camden family is like family to her. He asks how many of the Camdens will be at their wedding. Matt arrives, and Mason tells him that he and Heather have something to ask him. 

Eric arrives at Dr. Hastings' (Ed Begley, Jr.) office. He asks him why Julie was at his office, but the doctor tells Eric to talk to Julie. 

Matt is on the phone with Shana again. She is angry that he is now in the wedding. Matt also tells her he has to cancel their date later because he has to go to Mason's bachelor party. However, since that's not until later, he can go to Shana's apartment and hang out for a bit. 

Shana: Sure. Come on over. 
Matt: Oh, great.
Shana: I'll decide when you get here whether I'm gonna let you in or not. (Ooh, Matthew's in trouble). 

The doorbell rings, and Simon answers. It's Deena and her cousin Cindy (Kaitlin Cullum). He suggests they watch TV, but Cindy gives him a dirty look, so he suggests they play a game.

Cindy: I'm fourteen. The only game I play is spin the bottle, and we're not gonna play that. So let's just watch some stupid TV show and get this fun fest started. 

She heads to the living room.

Deena (to Simon): Isn't she great? She's so mature.

She goes into the living room.

Simon (to himself): Yeah, she's something.

Lucy and Shelby are on the phone talking about Joe. Shelby thinks Joe is cute and can't believe Lucy isn't interested in him. 

Mary comes into their room. Lucy is surprised that she has been playing basketball for two hours yet is not sweaty. Mary says she showered but tells Lucy she is seeing Michael Towner and has to sneak around because their parents don't like the age difference. (I'm surprised Lucy bought this since it's a totally dumb lie). 

Eric tells Annie he went to Dr. Hastings' office, but the doctor wouldn't tell him anything. The phone rings, and Annie answers. After talking for a bit, she hangs up and informs Eric that Julie is coming over for dinner because she has something to tell them. 

Annie: We've got some time before dinner; you wanna fool around?
Eric: My sister could be pregnant, and you wanna fool around?
Annie: Yes.
Eric: Okay. (No wonder all the kids are makeout champs). 

Ruthie sees Eric in the hall and tells him that she wants to do what she can to show her appreciation for how great a brother he is. 

Ruthie: Like wash your car. But ever since the great flood of '97, I'm not allowed to use the garden hose unsupervised. (This episode was in 1999, and Ruthie is eight, so two years before, in 1997, she was six, why wasn't she being supervised, to begin with, at that age)?

She gives him a card she made. Inside it says: Roses are red, violates are blue. I wanna be a flower girl. I really do. 

Matt tells his little sister that he talked to Heather, and she's seeing what she can do. He tells her not to get her hopes up, however. 

Simon is sitting in the middle of Cindy and Deena on the couch in the living room. Cindy is annoyed with Simon because the Camden family doesn't have cable. (They don't call waiting or cell phones either, Cindy). He suggests they all go to his room because he has a comic book collection, especially "The Tick." She tells him that "The Tick" is stupid. Simon excuses himself and goes into the kitchen and tells Matt that Cindy hates him, and if she hates him, eventually Deena will also. 

Jordan (Wade Carpenter) comes to the house to see if Mary wants to play basketball. Lucy tells him that Mary is probably out with Michael Towner. 

While Deena is in the bathroom, Simon tells Cindy she can go freshen up in the other bathroom in the house. He then tells her he knows she doesn't like him. She kisses him. Deena comes back and asks Simon why he's smiling. 

Simon: No reason. Who wants a Coke? 

Simon leaves the room, and the two cousins look at each other.

Matt arrives at the bridal shop to pick up Heather. Heather has on her dress and asks Matt what he thinks.

At home, Eric and Annie are making out on the couch. The doorbell rings, and it's Julie (Deborah Raffin). She introduces them to her boyfriend...Hank Hasting. Both Annie and Eric are surprised.

The four of them are uncomfortably sitting in the living room. Annie asks if anyone wants more coffee and asks Eric to help her in the kitchen. Ruthie comes into the living room practicing to be a flower girl. 

Ruthie (to Hank): Are you the same guy who almost killed Matt? (Poor Hank, he must be tired of hearing that). 
Hank: That's me.
Ruthie: You do card tricks, right?
Hank: As a matter of fact, I do.
Ruthie: You ever saw anybody in half?
Hank: As a magician or a doctor?
Ruthie giggles.
Ruthie: You're funny.

Eric is upset about his sister dating Dr. Hastings. Annie tells him that Hank is a nice man. The phone rings, and Annie answers. She talks to the person on the phone and then hangs up. She informs Eric that Ruthie can't be the flower girl. They return to the living room. 

Annie informs Ruthie that she won't be able to be the flower girl at Heather and Mason's wedding. Ruthie is disappointed but then gets an idea and tells her aunt and Hank to get married.

Julie: We're not getting married. 
Ruthie: Well, somebody in this stinking house better get married because I was born to be a flower girl. And right now, I've got nowhere to flower.

She storms off.

They hear a baby crying on the baby monitor. Julie wants to go up, but Annie says Eric and Hank should do it. So the two men leave to tend to the babies.

Matt is at the pool hall for Mason's bridal shower. An angry Shana arrives and asks what happened to Matt. Matt tells her he forgot. (I'm sure that makes her feel special). Shana asks him if he is still in love with Heather. Matt denies it.

Shana: Don't break my heart, Camden.

Mary comes into the kitchen with her basketball and sees Simon. She asks him if something is wrong, and he tells his oldest sister about Cindy kissing him. He tells his sister that he feels guilty. Mary goes on a tangent about guilt, and Simon leaves the room.

Lucy is in her room with Shelby doing Shelby's nails. Lucy tells her she wants to help Shelby get together with Joe. 

Mary goes outside and runs into Jordan. She tells him Lucy is inside, and Jordan tells him that he knows Mary is seeing Michael Towner; Mary leads him somewhere to talk. (Or whatever). 

Annie is talking to Julie about Hank. She can tell Julie is in love with him and is happy for her sister-in-law. Julie says she wishes her brother felt the same way. She tells them they've been dating for about six months now. 

Eric is with Hank changing the babies. They are getting along quite well.

Eric: You're alright.
Hank: So, it's okay for me to go out with your sister?
Eric: No.

Annie hears a noise outside and goes to investigate. She sees Mary and Jordan making out.

At the bachelor party, Matt is sitting with some other guys. They tell Matt that Mason is dating Suzy (Heidi Kramer) and invited Suzy to his wedding. (Did I mention that Mason is a douchebag)? Matt walks over to Mason and says they need to talk.

Julie turns the baby monitor on to listen to Hank and Eric. Eric tells Hank about his sister's drinking problems. Hanks says he knows about Julie's issues with alcohol. Julie yells for Hank and says she wants to go. Eric tells his sister he loves her and doesn't want her to get hurt. (Being the youngest child and female in my family, I get the overprotective brother thing, but you can't control her life. She has to live it herself, Eric). 

Julie: Because you think if my life doesn't go exactly the way I want it to go, I can't handle it. 

Julie and Hank leave.

Matt goes to Heather's house to tell her not to marry Mason. Heather tells Matt that Mason called to warn her Matt was acting crazy and was coming over to try and stop the wedding. Heather tells Matt not to go to her wedding tomorrow and to stay away from her forever. 

Matt: You don't mean that.
Heather: I think I do. And there is nothing you can do to stop me from marrying Mason.

Matt kisses her, and she shuts the door in his face. 

Mary goes into her parents' room to talk to her mother. 

Mary: It wasn't my fault.
Annie: So, what, you were running around the backyard, you tripped, and Jordan caught you with his lips?

Annie asks her daughter how long she's been seeing Jordan and what happened to Michael. She says Michael's parents don't want her to see him because they think the minister's kids are trouble. Then she was playing basketball with Jordan, and they were soon together.

Mary: I like him.
Annie: Well, that's good. Because I'd hate to see, you jeopardize your relationship with your sister over someone you didn't really like. (In all fairness, Mary dated him first, and Lucy dumped him). 

Annie tells her daughter she must be responsible and accept it's her fault.

Simon goes to Ruthie's room and asks her why she's not getting ready for the wedding. She explains to her brother she put a hex on the wedding, so there won't be a wedding. She says she learned about hexes from children's books with witches, and Simon laughs at her. 

Eric tells Matt that Matt needs to wear a tuxedo to the wedding, and Matt tells his dad he doesn't want to go. Eric asks him if he's still in love with Heather, and Matt dumps his orange juice back into the orange juice container and leaves the kitchen.

Annie: Maybe it's for the best.

Shelby is concerned Joe won't be at the wedding, and Lucy tells her to stop worrying. 

Mary calls Jordan and tells him that she chooses Lucy over him. He wants to talk to Lucy, but Mary tells him he can't. Jordan says he's not asking for permission. 

Hank is with Julie at her apartment and asks her to marry him. Julie accepts and says she wants to go to the church to tell Eric. 

Shelby is anxiously waiting for Joe to arrive. He is late due to car trouble. Donna (Meg Wittner) sees Ruthie and apologizes that she couldn't be the flower girl, but they promised Mason's nieces they could be flower girls.

Ruthie: I'm sorry too. 
Donna: For what?
Ruthie: You'll see.

Deena finds Simon and tells her that Cindy left early. She tells Simon they have to have a serious talk. 

Everyone takes their seats as the wedding starts. Then they stand up as Heather comes down the aisle. Eric begins but is stopped by Matt at the "speak now or forever hold your peace" section.

Matt: Don't do it.
Everyone gasps and looks back. Heather turns to see what everyone is looking at.
Matt: Heather, don't do it.
Heather (to Mason): Sorry. 
Ruthie: Wow!

Matt and Heather hug, then run out of the church. They get into Matt's car, and Matt drives off. Everyone runs outside after them. Heather tosses her veil out of the car onto the road. 

The closing credits come up. 


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