7th Heaven: Season 4 - Episode 1: The Tattle Tale Heart


Simon (David Gallagher) shows his new haircut. 

Eric is at the hospital with someone. (Probably some pastor). 

Then it flashes back to the house, and Eric, Annie, Matt, and the twins, are in the living room with The Colonel (Peter Graves) and Grandma Ruth (Barbara Rush). Simon comes into the house with a hat on his head.

Simon: Hey, Grandpa.
Matt: I believe Grandpa's still going by Colonel.

His grandmother tells him to take off his hat, and when he does, he reveals his new hairstyle. Everyone is surprised that The Colonel and Ruth aren't upset by it. But Grandma Ruth explains they've seen a loss of individual freedom in many countries, and they like George to do what he wants whenever possible.

George (Sam Saletta) comes into the room and now has dreadlocks. 

Ruthie, Mary, and Lucy are in the kitchen, dishing out ice cream. Lucy says she didn't eat much at dinner because she is nervous about the Colonel and Grandma Ruth's reaction to seeing Julie. After all, they don't know she is married or pregnant. Mary informs Ruthie that none of them will be telling their grandparents about Julie. 

It returns back to Eric talking to someone in the hospital. (I bet his initials are something like E.C.). 

Eric: Really, it's gonna be fine. It's all gonna be fine.

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

The following day, The Colonel is in the kitchen baking pancakes. Eric comes down and asks his dad why he didn't eat breakfast in the hotel. The Colonel tells him that Ruth and George were asleep, but he's sick of hotel food. He asks Eric why he's up so early, and Eric explains he's got a lot on his mind. The Colonel asks his son about it, and Eric tells him things happening but avoids Julie's marriage and impending motherhood.

The Colonel: Is everything okay with Julie?
Eric: I told you, everything is fine with Julie, Julie's fine. 

The Colonel doesn't understand why Julie didn't come over for dinner last night because her "boyfriend" had an emergency at the hospital. Eric tells him it's not a big deal if she came last night or today.

Lucy and Mary are standing in Matt's doorway, trying to figure out how to make Matt's room into a good room for one of them so that they can have their own rooms for the first time in their lives. Matt informs them he has nowhere else to live. They let him know that he is now twenty-one and needs to get his own place. (Feeling the love here, Matt)?

Ruthie comes downstairs, and her grandfather gives her a blueberry pancake.

Eric and Annie are in their room talking. Eric tells her he is angry that Julie didn't come over last night. 

Eric: I can't take the pressure.
Annie: If that's how you feel, imagine how Julie feels.

Eric explains Julie doesn't have seven kids and 27 people to do counseling for. Annie tells him she wants to go car shopping today, and Eric tells her they will go tomorrow, which he's been saying all summer. He's been driving the Meals on Wheels van since Mary wrecked the car. He tells her they need to keep a close watch on the children to make sure no one tells The Colonel and Ruth about Julie. (Let's see how well that plan works). 

Eric: Remember, no one is to be left alone with them, and no trips to the mall. I know my parents. They'll bribe them. 

Annie goes downstairs to get the children breakfast.

Simon is in the kitchen with Happy and The Colonel. Simon tells his grandfather that he has a girlfriend. Annie and Eric come downstairs with the twins. The Colonel says George is planning to continue with his independent study. He hopes Julie will dump her "new boyfriend" and return to New York to teach George. (I don't know, Colonel, she's become rather fond of people she has met here in Glen Oak). 

Annie asks where Ruthie is, and The Colonel tells her that Ruthie is watching cartoons. They are surprised he allowed her to do so. He says he's never objected to cartoons.

Eric: You, who never thought Popeye was fit to wear the uniform? You who thought Gotham City was a communist utopia and Betty Boop was a loose woman? (Haha)!
The Colonel: Well, yes, but I never said she wasn't funny.
Eric: Yes, you did.

The Colonel offers his son some pancakes, but Eric tells him he has to go to work. His father is surprised since it's a Saturday and tells Eric to stop working so hard. (You should listen to your father, Eric). Annie leaves the room to go check on Ruthie. 

Annie goes into the living room and asks Ruthie if she talked to the Colonel while he was making pancakes. (Now, would Ruthie really do that, Annie? I'd say she would). Matt comes in, and Ruthie sneaks off. Matt tells his mother that he's going to look at an apartment. Annie says he needs a job first, but he explains if he finds an apartment, he might be more willing to keep a job. Annie tries to talk him into fixing the garage as an apartment instead of moving out, but Matt is not interested. 

Eric arrives at his office at the church. The phone is ringing, and he answers and finds that Andy Lawrence (someone from the church) has to undergo another surgery. Eric tells the person he will try to get there tomorrow afternoon but possibly not until Monday as Sunday is family day while taking some Asprin. (Uh-oh, Eric, be careful, there could be something wrong). A couple knocks on the door, and he tells them about Andy's surgery. Jack (David Milbern) and Cathy (Andrea Sabesin) tell Eric they decided to sell their house, but it's hard since they inherited it from Cathy's parents. 

The phone rings, and Eric tries to ignore it. But the machine picks up, and he hears Julie (Deborah Ruffin). He tells Julie if she doesn't come to the house, he will tell their father about her. She tells him they will be there by six. Eric hangs up the phone and momentarily forgets people are in his office.

John (Chaz Lamar Shepherd) sees Matt as they both arrive at an apartment to look at. Matt explains he wants to get out as soon as possible because he can't take it. John says his family can't take him living at home any longer. (And his sisters have informed him he's worn out his welcome at Chez Camden). John has a job to get an apartment but no car, so he's restricted to where he can live; meanwhile, Matt has a car but no job. 

Mary and Lucy are planning how to remodel Matt's room once he leaves. Annie. Annie comes into Matt's room and asks them what they are doing. They tell her their plans, and she explains it would take money. Simon and Ruthie come into the room, and Ruthie suggests the twins go to Simon's room, then Simon goes to her room, and Ruthie could take Lucy and Mary's room. Then Simon suggests the twins go to Ruthie's room, and she moves to Lucy and Mary's room. He can put his bed in Ruthie's room for sleeping and make his room into an entertainment den. Annie says no to everything, however. She leaves the room, and the kids decide that Matt needs to move out, and the garage would be best. 

Ruth arrives at the house and yells for Annie. She tells Annie that she went over to Eric's with George, and he "shooed them away." Ruth wants to take Julie and the kids to go shopping, but Annie tells her "no." She says everyone is moving to their new rooms now. Ruth thinks Annie is hiding something, but Annie denies it. 

Julie and Mary are in their rooms cleaning out the closets for the move. Lucy suggests they find a job for Matt instead of waiting for Matt to find a job himself. Lucy comes up with different people who might help, but then Lucy suggests Hank, and Mary says he could get Matt a job at the hospital but isn't sure what Matt could do. 

Lucy: Doesn't matter. Hank will find him something. Nepotism is the backbone of the American workforce. (Best line in this episode). 

George and Simon are in the living room, and George tells his nephew not to worry. Simon says he is worried as Eric comes into the room.

Eric: Worried about what?
Simon: I'm worried about school starting again.

Simon asks his father if he's okay, and Eric says yes. (Liar, liar, pants on fire)! The Colonel and Ruth come into the living room and asks Eric and Simon if they want to go to the hardware store. Simon says they can't because they are moving rooms. Eric is surprised by the news but glad. Annie comes into the room and tells Eric that a police officer was stabbed, and Sargeant Michaels wants him to go with him to tell the officer's wife. Eric tells them Julie is coming for dinner at six on this way out.

Matt and John are waiting at the apartment for the person to arrive and show them the apartment. They've been waiting a while and are ready to give up but decide to wait a couple more minutes. A woman carrying groceries (Edrie Warner) asks them if they are there about the apartment, and when they say yes, she tells them it's unlocked. 

They go to the apartment, and the water is dripping; the place is a mess, but they both love it. 

Matt: If I had money, I'd take it.
John: Maybe we can work something out.
Matt: Yeah. Yeah. Maybe I could drive you around everywhere, and in return, you could pay the whole rent, utilities, and the groceries.
John: You've got to get a job.
Matt: You've got to get a car.
John: But we're taking it?
Matt: Of course!

Annie is in her room with the babies. The phone rings, and it's Eric asking if Lou called because he was beeped. She tells him he was with his son and just wanted to say hello, but it wasn't an emergency. He asks if she needs anything, and she tells him to pick up some extra hamburger meat to do some grilling for dinner. 

Eric: Uh, if you're just trying to soften up The Colonel for the big blow by preparing his favorite meal, I'm not sure it will work. In fact, I have a feeling nobody is going to be eating anything. (I hear heart attacks can ruin a good dinner). 

Any asks him if he ate lunch and is concerned he's been looking tired. He tells his wife that he's not hungry. Then he gets beeped and has to go, so they hang up. He calls the person who beeped him, Mrs. Hinkle, and tells her he will pick up her blood pressure meds. He calls Annie back, forgetting what he was supposed to pick up.

Matt comes running in looking for his mother. Lucy and Mary inform him that he has got a job then Matt tells them he got an apartment. Simon comes into the kitchen to find out what's going on.

Matt: Uh, John Hamilton and I found an apartment. We're moving in together. 
Simon: So, you're just taking off, just like that? I mean, no warning, nothing? You're just abandoning me?
Matt: No, I'm not abandoning anyone. I'm just moving across town, 
Simon: Well, congratulations.

A dejected Simon leaves.

Matt: This isn't how I wanted to tell him. 
Lucy: Sorry.

Julie and Hank (Ed Begley Jr) come in with some food. Hank got Matt a job in the hospital cafeteria, and they are willing to work around his school schedule. He starts tomorrow morning at five. Matt accepts. He thanks everyone about a million times. Lucy and Mary thank Hank as well.

After they leave, Julie feels the baby kicking.

Annie is getting the twins ready to move to their new room. Matt comes into the nursery and picks up one of the babies. He tells them and his mother that he is moving out and will miss them. He also tells her that Hank got her a job. Annie is upset her son is leaving home but offers to help him, and John get situated. 

Matt is in his room when Simon comes in and tells her to call Shana. 

Matt: Did she call?
Simon: No, she didn't call. But I wouldn't want her to find out at the last minute that you're moving out of the house. I know how that feels. 

Matt apologizes to his brother for how he found out.

Simon: But couldn't you wait another year or so when I'm not smack in the middle of puberty? I mean, this is a rough time for a guy, and I need a brother right now. (Second best line in this episode).
Matt: We're still brothers, and we'll always be brothers.

Matt tells Simon the two of them and John can hang out. Matt tells his little brother he loves him. 

Simon: Yeah, I know. That's why I'm gonna miss you.

Ruthie is talking to her dolls and stuffed animals about moving. (I loved this scene. She was like a drill sergeant). Annie asks her what the cheering is about. Ruthie tells her mother that she gets a room with a phone, and Annie explains it has a phone jack, but she doesn't get the phone until she proves she's old enough. Ruthie doesn't like this. 

Annie leaves the room, looking for Matt. Matt tells her she's on the phone with Shana. Mary and Lucy come into the hall and tell their mother that Hank and Julie are downstairs. Annie asks the girls how Matt got a job. She tells them to think about how they can get by with less.

Matt comes out of his room, and Annie tells him he has to tell Ruthie he's moving. Matt asks his mother to tell Ruthie since it didn't go well with Simon, or Shana, who is mad he didn't talk to her first. Annie tells him he has to do it. 

Matt goes into Ruthie's room. She asks if they're eating yet. Matt tells her they're not, but Julie and Hank are there. She asks about The Colonel and then avoids looking at her brother. Matt figures out she told them. Simon, Lucy, and Mary are outside the room eavesdropping. Mary and Lucy are holding the babies. 

Matt: You really shouldn't have done that. When you do something you shouldn't do, there are consequences. 

Simon enters the room.

Simon: Don't yell at her. I told George; I'm sure he told them by now.
Matt: Simon! 
Simon: Well, they were gonna find out anyway.
Matt: But we agreed Dad would tell them. 

Mary and Lucy enter the room.

Mary: Well, you might as well yell at all of us because we practically told Grandma Ruth.
Lucy: Yeah, make it your last big lecture before you move out because we're all guilty.
Mary: Yep, one for the road.
Ruthie: You're moving out?

Matt sighs, and the older girls realize he hasn't told them yet and cringe.

Matt: It's time for me to move on. I'm getting an apartment with John Hamilton, but I'll be around. Just time I grew up, got my own place.
Ruthie: No kidding. For the past year, I've been telling my friends you're my dad. (Another excellent line)!

Everyone laughs.

Matt realizes they've never been altogether without their parents in the same room. Simon points out they may never do so again either. 

Everyone gets tense again.

Mary: So, what are you leaving behind?

Everyone laughs again.

Hank and Julie are outside. Hank has gloves on because he doesn't want his hands to get dirty because he's a doctor, but promises to take the gloves off when Ruth and The Colonel arrive. (Does Hank not know he can wash his hands)? Eric comes into the yard. Annie comes out to announce The Colonel and Ruth have arrived. Hank asks Eric if he's okay, and Eric tells him he just has some indigestion.

Eric and Julie's parents come out into the yard. Eric introduces them to Hank, and Julie tells them Hank is her husband. 

Julie: The father of your grandchild.

The Colonel and Ruth are happy and congratulate their daughter. 

Annie (to Eric): I have a feeling they've been warned.
Eric (to Annie): My parents have been abducted by aliens. 

The Colonel wants to find Geoge to share the news with him. 

Hank: Sir, maybe there is one thing we should talk about. Julie and I want you to know...
The Colonel: Oh, no one is doing the math on this miracle, son. (Third best line in this episode). 

Eric grabs his arm and sits down. Dr. Hastings tells Julie to call Dr. Peterson at his office. She leaves to make the call, and Dr. Hastings runs to his car to get his doctor's bag.

Annie: Eric...
Eric: I think I'm having a heart attack.

Back at Glenoak Hospital, Eric is watching himself in the bed. Now, Eric that is in the bed is saying, "everything is going to be fine." 

Dr. Peterson (Steve Stapenhorst) enters the room, followed by Annie. He tells Eric that "everything is going to be fine." Eric did have a minor heart attack, will need cardio rehab, and will need to change his diet and relax more. (The words "minor heart attack" always make me laugh because there is nothing minor about having a heart attack). Eric's parents come into the room as well. The Colonel thinks it's his or Ruth's fault because he heard Eric was afraid to tell him about Julie. 

The Colonel: When did I get to be the bad guy?

Eric laughs.

The Colonel: What's so funny?
Eric: I don't know. When did you get to be the bad guy? Okay, you're not the bad guy. It's just that I didn't anticipate you're being happy about Julie. 

The Colonel tells him, of course, he'd be happy because Julie married a doctor and is pregnant. 

Eric: Were you two abducted by aliens? (This episode had a lot of good lines)!

The Colonel tells him it's terrific that Julie is finally settling down. He tells Eric that the two are very similar because they are both Type A personalities, and that's not bad.

The Colonel: So all you have to do is just ease up a bit, son, that's all.

Dr. Peterson comes in, and The Colonel tells him they are going. Ruth tells her son they are leaving tomorrow. The Colonel tells Annie they will meet her out front, and he and his wife leave.

Eric (to Annie): Everything's gonna be fine. 
Annie: I never realized you were so stressed.
Eric: I did, but I didn't realize my heart wasn't up to it.
Annie: I never should have bugged you about the car and moving the kids...
Eric: This is not your fault. So please don't blame yourself, and please don't let the kids blame themselves, okay?

George is in the waiting room waiting for The Colonel and Ruth to come out. He feels he is too much trouble for them because they are old, and he thinks their hearts might not do well. 

Dr. Hastings and Julie arrive in the waiting room as well. Hank says Eric should be home in a day or two. 

Hank: He's gonna be fine.
The Colonel: You saved his life, you know?
Hank: I can't take credit for that.

John and Eric are outside in the Camden's yard. John tells Matt that Eric will be fine, but Matt feels guilty for not getting a job and moving out sooner. (Lots of guilty feelings in this episode, but don't worry because Eric will be "fine"). John tells him that Reverend Camden would have had a heart attack whether Matt had a job or not or lived at home or not. 

Lucy and Mary are in the nursery feeding the babies. They blame themselves for Eric's heart attack because they were selfish about wanting more storage space. 

Ruthie and Simon are in their parents' room, lying on their bed.

Ruthie: Why did Daddy's heart attack him? (I love how Ruthie can go from future president with what she knows back to an innocent child full of questions). 
Simon: Sometimes hearts just do that, I guess. But Dad's was just a little attack. It was scary, but he's okay. 

Ruthie is concerned she did something to cause the heart attack because she bugged him for new tennis shoes. Simon says all the Camden kids have been asking for shoes for years.

Ruthie: Then maybe you guys caused it.
Simon: No. No one caused it. 

Mary and Lucy come into the room with the twins.

Mary: That's right. No one caused it. It just happened. So the thing is, we can't do anything about what happened before Dad's heart attack. The only thing we can do is make sure that him and everybody else in the family is healthy starting now. 

Matt comes into the room with blankets and pillows so they can all sleep in the room. Annie comes into the room, and they all ask her how their dad is. Annie says he's fine and then calls him to prove it. They all tell their father that they love him and goodnight. 

Annie (on the phone to Eric): Will see you tomorrow.

They hang up.

Eric(to himself): Tomorrow. Tomorrow. (to God): Thank you. Thank you very much for tomorrow.

The closing credits come up. 

(I love this episode! The writing was phenomenal. There was plenty of foreshadowing, starting with the previous episode, as to what would happen. They showed the seriousness of what stress can do to a person but also had a lot of light moments. Very well done). 


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