7th Heaven: Season 3 - Episode 18: We the People


Matt (Barry Watson) talks with Shana and Scott.

Eric is reading "The Crawford Courier," and the headline reads "Crawford President In Alleged Extracurricular Activities With Co-Ed." Jack Brenner (David Dukes), the "Crawford President" in question, is talking to Eric and says it's true, not alleged. 

Matt is out with Shana (Maureen Flannigan) on a date discussing Brenner getting fired. Their friend Scott (Michael Sullivan) comes in and tells them some students are staging a walkout. Matt says Brenner's private life is his own business. (Unfortunately, when you are in a public position, you forfeit your personal life - sad but true). Shana said she disagreed with what he did. However, the girl he had an affair with wasn't a victim because she was a third-year grad student and knew the man was married. (Good point)!

Simon is on the phone with his boss, Mr. Daniels (Andrew Benne), at the Glenoak Gazette. He is having trouble collecting the newspaper money and wants an extension, but Mr. Daniels tells him to either get the customers to pay or he will be fired. Simon says he will get it and tells Ruthie what his boss said.

Ruthie: As your assistant, that means me too, right?
Simon nods.
Ruthie: Great. Just great.

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Simon, Ruthie, and Happy are out delivering papers. Simon falls, and the man helps him back up. 

Mary and Lucy are in their bedroom talking. Lucy is surprised Mary hit a car and then didn't even stay until the owner showed up. 

Mary: We couldn't. We had to pick up the captains of industry so they could get home to their precious paper route. 

She explains she did leave a note, however. However, she says they can't let their parents find out because she's already wrecked the station wagon, leaving them to use the meals van. She thinks she can pay off the damage herself if the person she "barely touched" is a guy by the fact, "I'm me." 

Simon and Ruthie arrive at Mr. Malone's house and try to get him to pay. However, he runs into the house and slams the door closed, so they still do not have their money. (This guy is a total jerk; he bothers me more than Jack Brenner in this episode). 

Simon says he can pay out of pocket to buy themselves more time. Ruthie suggests they get their mother's help, but Simon doesn't want his mom to think they cannot handle the job. 

Ruthie: We need Jean-Claude Van Damme. He could do it. Do we know him? 
Simon: Nope. Not yet.
Ruthie: Rats. (It would have been cool if he guest-starred on the show as himself and just randomly showed up in Glenoak). 

Eric comes home, and Annie is in the living room holding Sam and David. He kisses his wife, tells her about Brenner, and says he's not offered to resign yet. He says that legally he didn't do anything wrong. 

Annie: There's no moral clause?
Eric: The involvement was not legally immoral.
Annie: Just realistically. 

She asks him if he thinks Brenner is fit to be president. Eric says he doesn't know.

Simon and Ruthie arrive at Mrs. Hinkle's (Peg Phillips) house, and she gives them juice boxes and asks them about them. Simon tells her about Mr. Malone not paying for his paper delivery. Mrs. Hinkle tells the younger kids she can help them.

Miles Olsen (Dublin James) calls, and Mary answers. He says she left a note on his car. Mary wants to get together and talk, but he tells her he's not interested in her; however, he thinks Lucy is "a goddess." Mary agrees that Lucy will go out on a date with him tomorrow at the pool hall. (Maybe you should talk to Lucy about that first, Mary). Mary hangs up the phone and tells Lucy that a junior wants to go out with him. Lucy doesn't know who that is but is excited someone wants to go out with her. (Sad, Lucy, very sad). 

At the university, Doug Lightener (Steve Lipinsky), a student, speaks out against Brenner, calling him "a cancer on the backbone of this institution." 

Shana: I think he's about to tell us what time the stoning starts tonight.
Doug: If you don't like what I'm saying, why don't you leave?
Matt: Because you don't speak for me. You don't speak for most of the people on this campus, and I wanna make sure the board knows that. Just because you have the loudest voice doesn't mean you're the only one who should be heard.

Someone shoves a student into Matt, and a fight breaks out.

That evening, Annie asks her youngest two about their paperwork. Simon tells her it's going well. 

The phone rings, and it's Mr. Hinkle for Simon. Simon finishes talking and hangs up. He tells Ruthie that Mrs. Hinkle has a plan. 

Eric runs into Brenner, and Brenner tells him about his marriage. Brenner says that he kept wanting more.

Eric: We all have things we wish we had, things we regret not doing.
Jack: Yeah, well, this one time, I decided to regret something I did do. And I do.

Simon is showing Ruthie the babies' fontanels. Ruthie is grossed out. Annie asks them what they are doing, and Simon explains Ruthie didn't believe the babies had them. 

Annie: Would you like to know why they have them?
Ruthie: Not really. I just ate. (I don't understand why this grosses her out). 

Simon asks his mother if they have fishing supplies, and she tells them to "try the garage but stay away from the hooks." 

Mary and Lucy come into the living room. They tell their mother that dinner was great, and Annie is suspicious that they want something, and they do. Lucy asks to go out with Miles. Annie allows it. 

Lucy tells Mary she wants to find her yearbook to see what Miles looks like. 

Eric comes home and tells Annie he ran into Jack. Annie asks him how it went, and he says he doesn't excuse what Jack did but can better understand it. 

Annie: Really? Because I understand that he hurt his entire family and the university with one irrevocable selfish act. 

Matt and Shana come into the house. Matt looks like he's been in a fight. Matt explains to his parents about the rally at the school to run Jack Brenner out of Dodge. Shana says they were fined $200 for disturbing the peace. Matt tells Eric he will pay for it but couldn't just stand there and not say anything. 

Matt: I don't like what he did. I don't respect him for it, but I know what it's like to live in a fish bowl. I'm a minister's kid, and people judge the things I do, as if they have a right to, and harshly. Like somehow, I'm supposed to be better than everyone else. (directly to his father): I don't know how you do it. 

Eric tells him that it's how he always wanted to live. 

Annie says they will help Matt with the ticket and tells Matt to get an ice pack. 

Matt: Is the kitchen still open?
Eric: Yeah, and what you don't eat, put on your face.

Ruthie is asleep in her bed, still fully dressed. Simon apologizes to her for causing her to be so tired that she couldn't get through "Xena." 

Lucy tells Mary she (Lucy) had seen Miles around but never knew his name. Mary explains that it was Miles' car that she hit. Lucy initially refuses to go out with him, but then she relents because Mary will "owe me for the rest of time as we know it." 

The next day, Mary and Lucy are in the living room with their parents. Lucy is waiting for Miles. He comes to the house, and Miles tells them about himself and gives him phone numbers, a copy of his license, and his car information, including the plate number. 

Eric says Miles doesn't seem like Lucy's type. Mary says maybe Lucy is searching for a deeper man after Jordan. (Seriously, Mary)?

Mary leaves the room, and then Eric leaves the house. Simon and Ruthie come downstairs to start their route. Annie offers to get them a snack, but Simon says that they usually have a snack for Mrs. Hinkle's house. Annie tells them not to create work for her. Simon explains they like to check in on her while they are out.

Ruthie: Yeah, and sometimes use her bathroom. But mostly, we need her. She's our Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Annie asks them about the route, and Simon says it has its ups and downs, but they are responsible to the customers.

Matt and Shana are at the pool hall and run into Doug. Matt apologizes to Doug for everything getting so out of control. 

Matt: I don't have a handle on this whole situation, but why do people care so much?
Doug: It's weird because I don't understand why people care so little.

Simon and Ruthie are at Mrs. Hinkle when Annie also shows up. She tells her kids she's not checking up on them but was just in the area. (Right, Mom, we believe you). Mrs. Hinkle tells the kids to go inside and make their mom a snack. After they are gone, Annie tells them not to go through extra trouble for them, but she says she doesn't mind it at all. 

Annie: I understand your helping Simon and Ruthie out with a little something.
Mrs. Hinkle: I don't know what you're talking about.
Annie kisses Mrs. Hinkle on the cheek.
Annie: Thanks for helping my kids.
Mrs. Hinkle: Thanks for sharing your kids.

The kids come out with a snack to go for their mother. Annie leaves. Mrs. Hinkle and the kids get ready to get the money from Mr. Malone.

Lucy and Miles are on their date at the pool hall. Matt and Shana are also there.

Mr. Malone goes to get his paper, but it's tied with a long string which Ruthie pulls to force him to come out farther. 

Simon: That'll be $18.50, please.

Mr. Malone tries to move, but he's stuck on the "no-pest strip." (I love the name of this strip and how well it fits with Mr. Malone). 

Mrs. Hinkle lectures Mr. Malone about his actions having consequences for others, not just himself. He reluctantly pays Simon. 

Scott enters the pool hall and asks Matt if that's his little sister. Matt says it is but not to let Lucy know they are there. Scott is confused, so Shana explains it would be embarrassing for Lucy. Scott says he left his last class because they are debating Brenner, and he's sick of hearing about it. Shana agrees, plus no one cared when two frat guys drugged and raped a girl on campus last year. 

Doug is watching them, and Scott invites him over to join them for pizza. 

Annie stops to see Gillian (Kerrie Keane), Jack's wife. She tells Annie she's not sure how she's doing, but it's hard because people forget she also has worked hard at the university for fifteen years. They see her as "the pitiful wronged wife, the victim."

Gillian (regarding the possibility of the girl sleeping with her husband to get ahead in her career): I don't understand where in 1999, girls are getting the message that that's the way to go. What are we teaching our daughters? What am I teaching my own?

Lucy and Miles are in the living room, and Miles is telling her about his 8th-grade presidential fitness award. 

Mary tells Lucy their mother needs Lucy's help, and Miles leaves. Lucy says she will never go out with Miles again, but Mary explains she needs to keep seeing him so he won't charge her for any car damage. Lucy says she loves Mary, and that's why she helped. Mary tells Lucy she loves her as well.

Lucy: Okay, fine, you love me. But you love driving and not getting killed by Mom and Dad more. 

Eric is talking with Jack. Jack tells him that Annie stopped by to see Gillian, and Eric asks him if he's spoken to his wife. Brenner says that once the school board votes and kicks him out of the university, he will have plenty of time to talk with his wife and contemplates resigning. Eric tells him that the university is like his family, and Jack has to do what is best for the family. Jack says he can't do it without his wife and doesn't know how she feels about him anymore. 

Gillian overhears this last part.

Gillian: I don't think you should resign. I think you should fight. I think we both should. 

They hug, and Eric puts his hand on Jack's shoulder.

The next day, Miles is talking to Mary. She tells him that Lucy's not interested in him. Mary says she's not interested either. She tells him about hitting his car, and he tells her that the spot on it wasn't from her; it happened last year. 

Mary: Oh, cool. That's great.
Miles: I'm glad you think so.
Mary: Look, Miles, I'm really sorry about everything.

She tries to give Miles some advice on getting women to date him. 

Mary is in the living room with her mother, and Lucy enters the room. Mary confesses to her mother about the accident. Annie is not happy with Mary.

Annie: A family is a lot like a pond. If something happens to one of us, it's like dropping a stone in that pond. It makes ripples. And no matter what you did or didn't mean to do, those ripples inevitably extend outwards and touched other people. Now Lucy learned that from you at Miles' expense. Now it's your turn. Go help your brother and sister with their route.
Mary: Why? They wanted the paper route, not me. (Time to think of someone besides Mary, Mary). 
Annie: Because I'm asking you to. And because 20 minutes of your time will save them one hour. Maybe if you watch them, you might learn something about commitment to someone other than yourself, diligence, and compassion. 
Mary: I'm really sorry. I know that's not enough. But I am.
Annie: No, it's not enough, but at least you know that.

After Mary leaves, Annie questions Lucy about her desperation for a date. She indirectly suggests Lucy help Simon and Ruthie as well.

Matt and Shana come in, and Annie asks them for a favor. Mary and Lucy are walking with Ruthie, Simon, and Happy, delivering the papers. Mrs. Hinkle drives to Mr. Morten's driveway on her motorized scooter to ensure Simon gets paid. 

Eric is at the hearing for Brenner and speaks on his behalf about Jack and Gillian's right to deal with the issue of privacy, but then again, his position at the university makes his life more public. However, while he disagrees with what Jack Brenner did, he's not sure it's their job to punish him. While Eric speaks, Annie and Gillian come into the hearing and sit next to Jack. He uses the pond analogy that Annie used earlier. 

While he is talking, the camera switches back to the kids and Shana, who are all working on getting the newspapers delivered. 

The closing credits come up. 

(I have a lot of mixed feelings about this episode; I neither hated nor loved it. I am also not sure what my opinion about Jack Brenner is, but I agree with Matt. I don't agree with it, nor do I have respect for anyone who cheats. However, he is remorseful. Eric is right. It's hard to answer the questions without more questions coming up. Mary was just a bratty twit in this episode, and Lucy was trying to help but also looking a wee bit too desperate. Simon, Ruthie and Mrs. Hinkle were the best)! 



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