7th Heaven: Season 3 - Episode 16: Paranoia
Eric (Stephen Collins) at church talking with Jimmy Moon's parents.
Jimmy Moon's parents, Fred (Frank Collison) and Norma (Jessica Harper), are at church talking to Eric because they are concerned about Jimmy (Matthew Linville) because they think he is doing drugs. (Hey, Jimmy's father was Horace in "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman").
The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.
Annie is in the kitchen slicing a long loaf of bread, which she then puts into the oven. Matt comes into the kitchen and asks his mother if Shana has called. Eric returns home and tells Annie that the Moons dropped in unexpectedly while he was at the church. Eric also tells her that Lou (Alan Fudge) stopped by the office and was surprised to see him. Eric suspects he's up to something.
Simon comes inside with a baseball glove and cooking oil. Matt tells him he's not supposed to use cooking oil to oil his glove, and Simon throws the ball to him. Matt throws it back, Simon misses it, and a window is broken. (Simon broke a window with a golf ball once too. Maybe he should try something that doesn't cause broken windows).
Mary and Lucy are in their room. Lucy is concerned because she hasn't seen Jimmy Moon in a while but suspects Jimmy is doing drugs because the last time she did see him, he looked "out of it."
Mary: Okay, listen to me. This is your big sister talking to you. I know you want to jump in and save this guy, but drugs are serious business., so stay away from Jimmy Moon.
Matt calls Shana's and gets her voicemail, and hangs up. He tries again but hangs up again.
Shana (Maureen Flannigan) calls from a pay phone and asks Ruthie to give Matt a message that Shana's phone is broken and if he calls, she won't get his message, but she's sorry about their fight earlier.
Ruthie: You're talking to an eight-year-old, you know.
Shana: Oh, I'm sorry. Just tell your brother, Shana called.
Ruthie goes into the hall and sees Matt. Matt tells her that Shana might call , and if she does to let him know because he likes her. Ruthie says okay but doesn't tell him that Shana already called. (Uh oh).
Eric tells his wife that he doesn't have an idea for the sermon on Sunday.
Annie: Look on the bright side. It's only Tuesday.
Matt goes into his parents' room to ask them if Shana called on their line. They inform Matt their line has the caller ID blocking.
Eric: Unless she has that new feature that defeats called ID blocking.
Annie: You mean the thing that de-blocks caller ID blocking?
Eric: Yeah, the called ID blocking de-blocker. (Haha, this conversation made me laugh).
Matt wants the number because the other kids tie up the other line. Annie tells them to tell the others to get off the line to Matt can make his "very important phone call."
Matt leaves, and Annie tells Eric not to worry about the thing with Lou at church earlier. He tells her he is concerned about getting fired. Annie tells him Lou probably had a good reason for being at the church since he is a deacon and has a key.
The phone rings and Matt gives his dad the phone and says it's Lou. Matt asks his dad to call Lou back on the private line the parents have since he's waiting on Shana to call still.
Lou asks Eric what Eric's sermon title for Sunday is, but since Eric doesn't know, he has to think of something on the spot.
Eric: The title of the sermon? It's....20 Years of My Life.
Eric hangs up the phone.
Deacon Sid (Tom Yi) asks Lou when they will tell Eric, and Lou tells him on Sunday.
Mary and Lucy are leaving school, and Mary is in a hurry because she has so much to do. They see Jimmy Moon in a car with people smoking pot. The police arrive, and everyone in the car is busted. They find a lot of weed on Jimmy. (That's probably not a good thing since it was still illegal at that time).
Eric is at the church writing his sermon. However, he's having trouble because she's so paranoid he is getting fired soon. Sid and Lou come into the office surprised again to see Eric, who is supposed to be working at home. They tell him they need paper for the bulletin. Eric tells him the place that copies the bulletins donates the paper.
Lou and Sid leave, and the phone in Eric's office rings. Eric answers and the person asks him about the delivery of a desk. Eric asks who ordered this, and the person says it was Reverend Bergan. (Ugh oh, Eric, why is another Reverend getting a desk delivered to your office)?
Lucy comes into Eric's office at the church and tells her father about Jimmy Moon. She wants him to "spring" and get Jimmy out of trouble. She is upset that he isn't moving fast enough.
Simon is on the ballfield trying out for the catcher position on the baseball team, but the coach's son is also trying out for that position. Mary comes to the field, and Simon tells the coach (Don Dowe) and lets him know that Mary Camden is his sister and the star of the high school basketball team. Simon throws the ball to Mary, but when she throws back a "sinking fastball," Simon fails to catch it.
Lucy is talking on the phone in her room. Shana tries to call Matt again but cannot get through since the Camdens do not have call-waiting. Matt goes to Shana's apartment, but she's not there because she's on the pay phone trying to call him. Shana screams in frustration.
Matt sees Ruthie in the hall, and she tells him not to look so sad. He tells her he is tired of women dumping him all the time.
Ruthie: You still have me. (And I plan to keep all the other women out of your life).
Matt: Yeah, thanks.
Simon is sitting at the kitchen table when Mary comes in to get some milk. He tells Mary he is filled with team spirit and would do anything just to be on the team, even if it's not as a catcher. (Do you mean it, Simon)?
Lucy comes into Eric's office at the house, and Eric tells her that Jimmy is okay and will be at school tomorrow. He cannot tell her anything else, and she is angry and confused. (How are these kids not used to this with Eric)?
Lucy: Fine. We both know he's in trouble, and if you don't want to help him, I will.
When Matt comes into the room, Simon is in the kitchen with his ball and glove. Matt wishes him good luck, but Simon says he doesn't need it. He asks Matt if she's seen Mary because they are supposed to practice outside.
Annie asks Lucy to help her with the twins, but Lucy wants Mary to do it.
Mary: I have been doing it. And now I have to put some clothes on to go to the backyard and throw the ball around with Simon.
Ruthie comes into the kitchen then the phone rings. Ruthie answers, and it's Shana. She tells her that Matt's not there.
Simon: Is that Shana?
Ruthie shakes her head no.
Shana tells Ruthie she was in the phone book "half the night" trying to call Matt, and now she's sick. (And it's all your fault, Ruthie).
Ruthie hangs up and leaves the kitchen, not telling Simon anything.
Lucy is holding Sam while her mother changes David. Lucy says she can't tell the twins apart, and Annie explains she can because she's their mother.
Annie: And one day, you'll probably be a mother too, and a very good one, because you have a strong sense of nurturing.
Lucy: You're saying babies, but you're talking Jimmy Moon, aren't you?
Annie: Honey, I know you want to help him because he's in trouble, and the need to take care of others is a natural instinct and a good one.
Lucy: Yeah, but...
Annie explains that while it's good to help others, you must take care of yourself first. Lucy thinks her father got to her mother.
Annie: I assure you I still have a mind of my own.
She tells Lucy that Eric may know more than he's telling them, but she is okay with being told what he needs to tell her when she needs to.
Lucy: Well, that just wound the clock back fifty years.
The next day at school, Lucy tells Jimmy he saw him in the parking lot. Lucy tells him that it's all her fault what happened. She offers to help him, and he yells at her that no matter who dumped who, he does not need her help.
Annie puts away the clean towels and drops some. She asks Eric to put pick up the ones she dropped. Eric says he was at the church, and the deacons were having a "secret meeting." He says he can probably keep his desk because "the new guy is having one delivered." Then, he tells her he went to the police station to see Sargeant Michaels, and Sargeant Michaels is also avoiding him.
Simon is at the field with Mary. Mary tells the coach that Simon wanted to be on the team, even if he was only the equipment manager. (Anyoneelse think Simon was just saying that)?
That evening Ruthie sees Matt in the hall. He asks her why she's up so late, and she says she wants him to read her a story. He can't because he spent all day trying to get Shana and needs to get a school paper done. He leaves, and Ruthie sighs, looking sad. (Poor Matt).
Lucy stops at her father's office but sighs and goes into the kitchen instead. Annie is in there with Sam trying to get him to sleep without waking David up; Annie warns Lucy to stay away from Jimmy because whatever is going on could be "very dangerous."
The doorbell rings, and Matt and Ruthie both go to the door. It's Shana, and Ruthie tries to run, but Matt grabs her. She explains to her brother she didn't give him the messages because she thought it would be better for her if he didn't know Shana called.
Matt: Why?
Ruthie: Because Mom and Dad have each other, and Mary and Lucy have each other, and Simon has the twins, and that just leaves the two of us, right? Only you're always busy.
Matt and Shana decide to get together to talk on Saturday at 8 o'clock. Matt is holding Ruthie still as he kisses Shana. Ruthie moves in close, watching their mouths and grinning. (That awkward moment when you're eight-year-old sister gets a close-up of you making out with your girlfriend). Shana leaves to get ready for classes.
Ruthie: I'm sorry; please don't be mad.
Matt: I'm not mad. Not anymore, really. You know what? I'm going to pick you up after school today. And...
Ruthie: And what?
Matt: And we're gonna spend the whole afternoon together. (I still love Matt, he's an awesome big brother)!
They hug.
At Simon's school, the boys are all checking the baseball list. They boys tease Simon because he is the equipment manager.
Simon calls Mary at her school; he is upset. He blames her since he is now the team equipment manager. (But you said you would like that if you were just on the team, Simon. Where you lying to your sister and all your loyal viewers out there in TV Land)? He tells her to talk to the coach since it was her fault to begin with. She says she will speak with him but doesn't know what she can say. Simon hangs up the phone and then hits the pay phone with his glove. Mary sees the team manager for the varsity basketball.
Mary: Hey, you're the equipment manager for varsity basketball, aren't you?
Girl: Yeah.
Mary: I never realized all the cruddy stuff you have to put up with, so thanks for all your hard work this season.
Mary leaves, and the girl smiles at the show of gratitude. (I love when the background people get recognized in activities).
Eric is at the church meeting with Jimmy's parents in his office. He thinks that Jimmy was offered a deal by the police. (Did you read ahead on the script)? They may have offered him leniency to participate in a dangerous sting operation. (Can he legally do that without his parents knowing since he's a minor)? He tells Jimmy's parents to confront Jimmy about it. The phone rings, and Eric answers. He tells them it's Mary, and she needs him to get Lucy so she can work out with Simon. As they are leaving, Lou appears at the door.
Mrs. Moon: Does that man ever knock?
Lucy is standing by the fence, waiting to get picked up when she sees Jimmy and the other guys walking. She watches them, trying not to be noticed by Jimmy. One of the guys gives Jimmy a bag of weed, and Jimmy gives him money. Two police officers show up with guns. He tells everyone to get down. Lucy is close enough that he includes her. He gives them the Miranda rights.
Mary knocks on Simon's bedroom door. She tells Simon he was going to make the team, but she blew it for him. Simon thinks she is lying. He demands to know what the coach really said, and she tells him the coach doesn't think Simon is quite ready to be on the team, but he can and should workout with the team. Simon decides to be the best equipment manager ever, and Mary agrees to help him get ready for next year's tryouts.
Lucy is in the kitchen with her parents. She says she knows she will be lectured but tells her what Jimmy told her. Lucy tells them she was wrong and they were right; she not ready to be an adult yet. She offers to stay home on Sunday with the twins so Annie can attend church with the family.
Eric: That was a better lecture than the lecture I was gonna give.
Matt comes in carrying a barely awake Ruthie.
Ruthie: I love you, Matt
Matt: I love you, Ruthie.
Eric is doing his sermon at his church on being paranoid. Doctor (previously Reverend) Bergan (Richard Roat). He introduces himself to Eric and says he knows Eric has been paranoid all week. He says everyone in the church has been "planning and scheming" because it's Eric's 20th anniversary as minister of Glenoak Community Church. He cuts Eric's sermon short because there is a special pot luck lunch with an ice cream cake waiting. (Do people really do this? All pastoral aninverary meals like that I have been to, they were after the sermon was over).
Lou apologizes for barging into Eric's office all week and says he had to check the answering machine for the desk delivery. Dr. Bergan explains to Eric that he was giving him the desk he used to use, and that's why a desk was being delivered.
Eric hugs his wife and some of his children.
Eric: Don't tell me, all of you knew?
Annie: It was so hard watching you suffer all week.
Eric: Oh yeah. You loved every minute of it. And you know it.
Annie: Well, yeah.
They hug and kiss.
The closing credits come up.
(I enjoyed this episode quite a bit. It was probably because Jimmy Moon got arrested, and even if it was only a sting operation, it was still fun to watch. It was also intense when Lucy was following Jimmy. The storyline with Matt, Shana and Ruthie seemed random however since in the previous episode he just hooked up with her and there was no fighting. But overall it was a great episode).
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