It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown


Marcie (voiced by Jimmy Ahrens) has brought eggs over to Peppermint Patty's (voiced by Linda Ercoli) house. 

Marcie walks to Peppermint Patty's house with eggs and knocks on the door. Peppermint Patty invites her inside. They are going to color eggs, but Marcie has never done it. She fries the eggs and asks how they color them once they are fried. Peppermint Patty yells, "Aah!"

The opening credits come up.

Schroeder (voiced by Todd Barbee) is playing his toy piano. Lucy (voiced by Melanie Kohn) lies on the floor, leaning against it, talking to him. She tells him he can give presents to "pretty girls." Schroder tells her all she thinks about is getting things. (I noticed that too). 

Woodstock (voiced by Bill Melendez) is in his nest while it rains. His nest is filled with water. He goes down to the ground and walks to Snoopy's dog house. Snoopy (also voiced by Melendez) is asleep on top of it, and Woodstock wakes him up. Snoopy rings the bird out. (I loved this)! They return to Woodstock's nest, and Woodstock dumps the water and nest on Snoopy.

Sally (voiced by Lynn Mortensen) is talking to her brother, Charlie Brown (Todd Barbee), about her lack of clothes to wear despite showing him a full closet. Lucy and her brother Linus (voiced by Stephen Shea) come in. Lucy tells them they are going to the store for Easter supplies and asks them if they want to come in. Linus tells them they don't need to waste their time because the Easter Beagle is coming. Lucy is frustrated, but Sally wants to know more. Charlie Brown reminds Sally she wants to get new shoes, and they all leave. 

Outside the store, they run into Peppermint Patty and Marcie. Peppermint asks Charlie Brown what he's up to. She tells them they need more eggs because Marcie fried the last ones. Linus brings up the Easter beagle again, and Peppermint Patty tells Charlie Brown he has strange friends. 

Inside the store, they look around, and the store has its Christmas decorations up. 

Lucy: I told you it's the gift-getting season. (Actually, she told Schroder, but maybe she told her brother off-camera).

Sally tries on a red hat, and Snoopy tries on a top hat. They are laughing and start trying on different hats. Charlie Brown comes over to get them. The kids go up the escalator, but Snoopy goes down the other. Sally picks out a pair of pink shoes and tries them on. 

Snoopy puts money in the gumball machine, and all the gumballs come out. He goes over to some colored Easter eggs and looks inside one. Rabbits are dancing in a circle, and Snoopy goes in and joins them. (I think he might have been daydreaming this part, not totally sure, though). He is seen looking inside the egg once again.

Peppermint Patty tells Charlie Brown they have their eggs, so she can show Marcie how to color eggs correctly. Linus brings up the Easter beagle again. Sally asks him if he is sure.

Lucy: Oh, good grief. He's crazy, Sally. There's no Easter Beagle.

Snoopy is now looking at birdhouses. He picks out a yellow one and pays for it. He has money in his fur. (This is where most dogs keep their money). 

He hangs it on a tree for Woodstock. Woodstock tries to go in, but the hole is too small. He yells at Snoopy. Snoopy makes the hole bigger for him. When Woodstock refuses to try to go back inside, Snoopy hits him with the birdhouse causing Woodstock to go inside. Inside, Woodstock is dizzy and is seeing stars.

Linus is telling Sally all about the Easter Beagle. Sally reminds him about the Great Pumpkin. 

Marcie is making eggs in the waffle maker, then she tries to toast them, then she bakes them. Peppermint Patty once again yells, "Aah!"

They head back to the store and see Linus on the way. Peppermint Patty tells him that Marcie ruined the eggs again. Linus tells her again about the Easter Beagle. Marcie asks Peppermint Patty if this is true, and Peppermint Patty yells at Linus about his "fantastic stories." 

Woodstock is in his house with a hammer and saw. Snoopy looks in, and the house is fully decorated with furniture and everything. Snoopy gets his snout stuck in it and breaks the house trying to get it out. Woodstock tells him off. 

Woodstock and Snoopy head to the store and run into Peppermint Patty and Marcie. Peppermint Patty doesn't realize he's a dog and refers to him as "a cool kid." Marcie, Peppermint Patty, and Snoopy go inside, but the door closes on Woodstock. The three go to the Christmas music boxes and play them all. They dance to the music. When it's over, they bow, and Snoopy kisses them. Peppermint Patty says Snoopy is a good dancer but a strange-looking kid. Marcie agrees

Marcie: "He has a very strange nose, doesn't he, sir?"

Snoopy gets another yellow birdhouse and pays for it. He hangs it up again for Woodstock with a ladder to help him.

Peppermint Patty tells Marcie the eggs need to be boiled. Marcie fills a pot with water and puts it on the stove. Peppermint Patty tells Marcie to let her know when the water is boiling and to put the eggs in. Marcie breaks the eggs and puts them into the water. Marcie tells her they look done, and Peppermint Patty looks.

Peppermint Patty: Marcie, you made egg soup! Aah!

Outside, Peppermint Patty tells Charlie Brown and Linus what Marcie did. Linus tells her again about the Easter Beagle. Peppermint Patty tells him she hopes he's right so Marcie won't be disappointed. 

Linus sees Lucy coloring eggs inside his house and tells her she's wasting her time. Lucy tells him to stop telling her about the Easter Beagle. She hides eggs to find herself later. (Interesting way to do an egg hunt). Snoopy steals the eggs Lucy hides. 

It's Easter morning. Peppermint Patty and Marcie are sitting on a bench outside near a bush. Peppermint Patty apologizes to Marcie that they don't have any eggs. 

Sally yells at Linus because she has been waiting since dawn and never saw the Easter Beagle. 

Charlie Brown is sulking on his front steps. 

Lucy is excited about the Easter egg hunt. 

Woodstock is asleep in his house (no furniture this time).

Sally is still yelling at Linus. 

Sally: Never trust a man with a blanket. Get me, my lawyer. I've been humiliated!

Snoopy has a basket of eggs that he is throwing around. Linus is excited that the Easter Beagle is coming. Snoopy gives everyone an egg. He throws one in Woodstock's birdhouse and hits him in the head. Once again, Woodstock sees stars. Snoopy gets to Charlie Brown, goes to hand him an egg, and they're all gone. (Poor, Charlie Brown).  

Sally tells Lucy that Linus was right. Lucy says he gave her her own egg. (Haha).

Marcie asks Peppermint Patty what to do with the Easter egg. Peppermint Patty tells her to put salt on it and eat it. Marcie just happens to have salt on her outside and puts it on the egg. She bites into the shell. (Wow, she hasn't got a clue). 

Marcie: Tastes terrible, sir.

Peppermint Patty smacks herself on her forehead. 

Lucy is in a bad mood. Linus tells her it's been ten weeks, and he should go talk to Snoopy. Lucy goes to Snoopy's house. He's asleep on top but comes down. She tells him, "put up your dukes." Snoopy kisses her.

Lucy (sighs happily): The Easter Beagle. (I am surprised she didn't spazz out like she usually does when Snoopy kisses her). 

The closing credits come up. 

(I love all-things Peanuts, so naturally, I enjoyed this. Marcie was a trip). 


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