7th Heaven: Season 3 - Episode 3: Cutters


Lucy (Beverly Mitchell) and her friend Nicole (Allison Mack) should be studying, but instead, they are talking about boys. 

Lucy and her friend Nicole annoy Mary as they discuss boys instead of studying biology. Mary storms out of the room, and Lucy tells Nicole she hates being the middle child. 

Annie is in the kitchen dipping a corn dog into a jar of Miracle Whip and eating it. It is her sixth one. Mary comes down complaining about Lucy and Nicole. She has to finish "Hamlet" by tomorrow, and they are making it hard for her to read. (Nothing like waiting till the last minute to do an assignment). Eric tells his daughter to read in his office, and Annie tells her she shouldn't have waited so long to start the book. (Oh, look, Annie agrees with me). Mary thinks she's in trouble, and Annie insures her she isn't. Mary leaves, and Annie tells Eric she's happy Lucy has a new best friend. 

Eric: Well, Lucy and Nicole were destined to find one another. Basically, Nicole is Lucy with blonde hair. 

Upstairs, Ruthie sneaks up on Simon and steals his textbook. Simon tells her to give it back because he has to study. Ruthie claims she doesn't need to study because she is naturally smart. (And naturally conceited). Simon tells her that it's good she doesn't need help with the twins coming. He explains that Lucy gets the attention because "no one squeaks more than Lucy." 

Matt is at the library and asks a girl if he can sit with her. Her name is Becky (Michele Abrams), and she is in his psychology class. She didn't do well on the test, but he got an A. He wants to get together on a study date, but she turns him down, and he's upset by the rejection. (It's okay, Matt, you're still hot). 

The theme song plays, and the opening credits come up.

Lucy is at her locker spraying body perfume on herself. Then she applies some make-up. She catches up to Nicole and apologizes to her for being late. Nicole doesn't think Mary likes her, but Lucy tells her Mary's just upset about Wilson going away to school. Lucy tells Nicole that she heard Danny Johnson broke up with his girlfriend. She encourages Nicole to say hello to Danny (Mikel Jollett), but he laughs at her when she does. (Wow, seriously, what a jerk). 

Lucy: Sure, Danny laughs today, but fifteen years from now, when he's bald and gets fired from Starbucks because the glare off his head is blinding the foam girl, and his wife leaves him for a dentist with hair plugs who will be laughing then? That's right, we will. 

The bell rings, and they rush to their biology class. Mr. Jackson (Aaron Seville) hands out a pop quiz. He tells Lucy and Nicole he wants to see them after class.

Matt is in the kitchen with his father. Eric asks him if he's going out later, and Matt complains that he doesn't have to have a date every night. Eric figures out Matt got rejected, and Matt wants to know what's wrong with him. Eric explains that just because a girl doesn't want to go out with him doesn't mean something is wrong with him. Annie comes into the kitchen and asks what's wrong because Matt "looks terrible." 

Eric: It finally happened. Our son got rejected by a girl.

Annie tells him there must be something wrong with the girl. Matt says his parents remind him of June and Ward Cleaver, and Eric tells him that until today Matt reminded him of Wally. (I wonder which kid is the Beaver. I would say Ruthie is a female version of that character if I had to choose one). Matt leaves, and Annie tells her husband that "Matt's situation isn't funny." He tells her he's trying to make it seem less important and offers his sandwich. She says it needs more mayo.

Mr. Jackson tells the girls they are currently failing science. He says they have to have their tests signed, and if they don't do better, they will be repeating biology next year. Mary is outside the room and hears everything. Lucy asks Mary not to tell their parents. Mary says she won't, but Lucy will do it herself.

Nicole eats dinner at the Camden house. Annie asks how school was, and Lucy replies, "school was great." Simon tells his mother that he likes the food they get to eat when she's pregnant, and Ruthie agrees.

Ruthie: Maybe you could be pregnant all the time.
Annie: Uh... I don't think so.
Ruthie: Well, I had to ask.

Ruthie hands her mother a math test that needs to be signed because she failed it. She put "51" for every answer because she liked the number. Ruthie asks Annie for help, and Annie says she will help her. Ruthie gives Simon the thumbs up, and Annie and Eric look at Simon, who chuckles and follows after his little sister. He asks her what that was all about, and she explains she is making sure she will get attention after the twins are born. 

Matt asks Simon what's wrong with him (Matt), and Ruthie tells Matt that her imaginary friend Hoowie doesn't think he smells good. 

Mary tells Lucy she needs to talk to her alone, and Nicole says she will just go up to the room. Mary is upset that Lucy lied to their parents. Lucy claims she didn't lie; she just didn't tell the whole truth. 

Mary: A lie is a lie.

Mary tells Lucy that Nicole is a bad influence on her. She also thinks Nicole is weird. 

Simon tells Ruthie she can't keep failing her tests because she will be put in a special school. Ruthie doesn't want to stop, and Simon blames himself. Ruthie agrees with him.

Mary tells her parents about Lucy's Science test. (So much for not telling them). She says that the only class Lucy is failing is Science, and it's the only class she has with Nicole. Annie tells Mary they will wait to see if Lucy comes to them herself. Eric tells Mary it's out of character for her to rat on her sister, and Mary thinks she's in trouble yet again. 

Eric: So now we've got two underachievers, one squealer, one reject, and one blond boy we know is up to something.
Annie: And two more on the way.

Matt goes to Mary in the hall and says he needs to talk to her in his room. He tells her about Becky turning him down. Mary lists a string of things wrong with Matt, and he thanks her and asks her to leave. Simon is outside the door and tells him perhaps Becky doesn't like how he dresses. 

Annie enters Ruthie's room, and she is playing dress-up with Happy. She tells Annie she didn't want to start studying without her. They work on addition, and Ruthie intentionally answers wrong. 

Lucy goes into Eric's office, and he tells his daughter that he knows about her grade. He says that perhaps Lucy and Nicole need to spend time apart. She claims it's not because of Nicole; it's just high school science is harder than middle school science. He tells her he will help her with her science every night until she gets her grades up. He says he will help Nicole too if her parents want him to. 

Mary goes into the bathroom and sees Nicole. Nicole panics and asks Mary not to say anything.

Mary asks her father if she can talk to him. She asks him to stop Lucy from seeing Nicole again, but her father tells her that Nicole is Lucy's best friend, and it's been a long time since she's had one. Mary says she will talk to Lucy herself. 

Simon is trying to find a boot for Ruthie. Simon asks her if the boots are for good luck to pass the math test. She tells him failing is better. He tells her she needs to start passing, but she says if she fails every subject, she will really get attention from their mother. Simon tells her he will pay 50 cents for every question she gets correct. 

Ruthie: There are twenty questions on the test. That's ten dollars.
Simon: Oh yeah, you have a problem with math. 

Annie is eating a corn dog in the kitchen when Matt comes down. Annie tells him it's not like him to be so concerned about one girl. He leaves. Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie come downstairs and get their lunches. Eric and Mary follow. The kids all go out to the car. Eric tells his wife that he and Lucy have their first study session today. Annie tells Eric that Ruthie just did badly to get attention, and now that she got it, she will do better. 

Eric: So, basically, you're reinforcing bad behavior.
Annie: Uh, I'm taking care of a family of 7. I'm carrying twins, I'm tired, and I have to do the laundry and cook dinner. I say whatever works, we use.  What do you say?
Eric: Good plan.
Annie: Good answer. 

Mary tells Lucy they have to talk. Lucy is angry, however, and asks if their dad was too busy. 

Lucy gets to biology class, and Nicole isn't there. Mary sees this as well in the window of the classroom door. 

At the college, Matt sees Becky and offers to study with her again. She asks if it's just to study. He says yes, and she agrees. 

Ruthie, Simon, and Eric come into the house. Ruthie tells her mother she aced her test and got to take the test she failed yesterday and aced that as well. She and Simon go upstairs, and Annie asks Eric where the older girls are. Eric tells her that Lucy won't talk to Mary and Mary won't let Lucy out of the car until she does. He thinks they need to work the issue out themselves and that something might be going on with Nicole. 

The girls come inside, and Lucy tells Mary to stay away from her, but Mary refuses. Lucy wants to know why Mary doesn't like Nicole and Mary denies disliking Nicole. She tells Lucy and her parents she saw Nicole cutting herself with a razor. Lucy doesn't believe it, but Eric says he does. (I can understand Lucy not believing her sister. If you aren't familiar with cutting, that does seem strange). Lucy claims Mary just wants to split them up. Mary is upset and tells her she was only looking out for her and Nicole. (I like the fact she included Nicole in this statement). Lucy asks Eric if he really believes what Mary said, and Eric says it's hard to believe, but it sounds like Nicole is a cutter. 

Lucy: I don't understand why Nicole would cut herself, why anyone would.
Eric: Well, a lot of girls do it. (I'd like to point out that while females do it more, males also do it).  In fact, some experts believe that cutting or self-mutilation is the fastest-growing problem with teenage girls outside of eating disorders. 

He explains to her that nobody talks about it, however. He tells her that it comes with a lot of shame, so people hide it. Lucy doesn't understand why Nicole doesn't stop if she's ashamed, and he tells her it's not that simple. He explains that people sometimes cut themselves to cause physical pain when they can't deal with emotional pain. Lucy says she and Nicole are the same, and Eric says they aren't because Lucy always lets people know how she's feeling. He says he will talk to Nicole's parents and hugs Lucy.

Simon is hiding from Ruthie. She tells Happy to find him. He pays her and says, "it's expensive being your big brother," She replies, "Yeah, but I'm worth it." 

The doorbell rings, and Eric answers it. It's Ted Jacobs (Joel Polis), Nicole's father. Eric tells him that Mary found Nicole cutting herself in the bathroom. Ted tells Eric that they moved to Glenoak to give Nicole a fresh start after she stopped cutting the last time. He says he and his wife saw the warning signs. He asks Eric what he can do if therapy didn't help, and Eric, some people need more help than others. He tells him about a place in Chicago called S.A.F.E. Alternatives. He explains the place is more specialized in dealing with cutters. He tells them Mary and Lucy will help however they can because they are not scared of Nicole or her cutting issue. 

Matt is helping Becky study. Jeff (Tim Owen), Becky's boyfriend, comes in, and Becky introduces the two men. Matt accuses her of using him to make Jeff jealous. She explains that Jeff isn't the jealous type, and she just needed help studying. Matt abruptly leaves. 

Mary goes into her and Lucy's room and sees Lucy. She starts to leave, but Lucy asks her to stay. When she doesn't want to stay to be insulted, Lucy asks how she will apologize if she doesn't come into the room. The sisters make up. Then they have a pillow fight.

Simon and Annie are in the kitchen. She asks Simon if she wants her twenty dollars back.

Simon: How did you know?
Annie: Oh, trade secrets. Someday, when you're a mother... oops, I guess you'll never know. 
Simon: Ha. Ruthie told you, didn't she?
Annie: My lips are sealed. 
Simon: Women.

Matt comes into the house. His mother asks him how the date went, and Matt takes off his jacket and stomps all over it. (I was totally laughing). She explains that he had a boyfriend, and Annie says it's great. It means Matt doesn't have anything wrong with him. Becky just had a boyfriend. Eric comes in and asks why his sports coat is on the floor. Annie tells him that it must have fallen off of Matt when he came skipping after his date. 

The doorbell rings, and Annie says it's probably Nicole. Lucy has been worried, and Annie thought it would be best to let the girls talk. Eric goes to answer at the same time Lucy and Mary come down the stairs to answer it. Lucy and Nicole hug, and then Lucy sees Nicole's father and asks what's going on. He says Nicole came over to say goodbye. Nicole tells her she's going to Chicago to get help and hopes to be back next semester. Mary tells them she's going upstairs so they can talk. Before she leaves, Nicole thanks her. 

Nicole's father tells Eric he "owes him one." Eric says he can't wait to have Nicole back in Glen Oak. Lucy shows Eric the calling card Nicole gave her so they can stay in touch while Nicole is in Chicago. 

That evening Eric is helping Lucy study biology. She apologizes to him for being stupid, and he says he never wants to hear her call herself stupid again. She asks if Nicole will be okay. He thinks she will be. He tells his daughter he is always there if she needs him. They hug.

The closing credits come up. 

(I really liked this episode as it was well done. Cutting is a tough subject, and as Eric pointed out, it's rarely talked about). 

 (NB: Eric said S.A.F.E. Alternatives was in Chicago, but when I looked it up it was in St. Louis per the link). 


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