7th Heaven: Season 2 - Episode 22d: ... And Girlfriends


Eric (Stephen Collins) and Annie (Catherine Hicks) discuss Mary's pregnancy. 

The episode starts with a recap of the previous episode. 

Annie and Eric are in the kitchen discussing the pregnancy. Annie wonders if it was their fault. Eric says he is too upset to deal with whose fault it is. Annie says Mary must not have any idea she is pregnant or wouldn't have taken the physical. 

Mary tells Matt to care about her less because she is sick of him butting in her life. 

Simon is upset Happy didn't get a plaque or trophy for doing the dead dog trick. The doorbell rings, and it's The Colonel (Peter Graves) and Grandma Ruth (Barbara Rush)

The theme song plays, and the opening credits come up.

Everyone has to step over Happy, who is lying on the floor pretending to be dead. Annie tells The Colonel and Ruth about Matt's job and missing graduation. The Colonel doesn't understand why they are so upset about Matt missing graduation. Eric says the family earned the right to see him walk across the stage. The Colonel gets on Matt's case about his long hair. Matt tells him he cut the hair, but it grew back. (Dude, get over the hair long hair. Matt looks great and is such a great guy). 

When the others leave the kitchen, Annie and Eric discuss Mary again. They are concerned about having to talk to her now that Eric's parents are there.

Rod (Toran Caudell) and Jimmy (Matthew Linville) come into the kitchen. They want something to do for entertainment. Eric explains that ministers listen to people even when they don't feel like it. They are there to help people, not to be entertained by the people. Annie further explains as Jimmy is writing everything down. After Reverend and Mrs. Camden leave, Rod tells Jimmy they should right big and double space so it will take up more room. (Haha, I remember doing that in school). 

Eric and Annie go upstairs to Mary and Lucy's room. The girls are on their way out to get dinner with some friends. 

The Colonel and Ruth meet Wilson (Andrew Keegan) and Kenny (Hunter Garner). Wilson has Billy (Casey Boersma and Dylan Boersma) and says they have to stay in because he couldn't get a babysitter. Rod and Jimmy offer to babysit since they will be at the Camden's all evening, and Mrs. Camden can help if needed. (Annie looks thrilled). Mary asks again if they can get "quick burgers," Eric says, "very quick." 

After they all leave, The Colonel asks why Lucy's ex-boyfriends are babysitting Wilson's brother. Annie tells them that Billy is Wilson's son.

Eric: And Rod and Jimmy practically live here. I'm not sure why. I don't think they have a key.
Ruth: Well, things couldn't get much worse.
Annie: Yeah, you'd like to think that'd be true, wouldn't you?

The Colonel and Ruth leave, and Eric bangs his head on the wall.

Lucy and Kenny play pool at the pool hall while Wilson and Mary make out. Kenny tells Lucy he wants to learn all about her.

Eric talks to his father outside the house about Matt. He tells his father that Matt is valedictorian. The Colonel says he will have to make another phone call, and Matt overhears. He is upset because he wanted to get the job on his own. 

Jack (Rick Scarry) comes to the house to see Happy. He tells the Camdens that he believes Happy is their dog, "Whitey." Eric tells Jack he will get back to him. Jack leaves after stating, "we'll see." Granda (Graham Jarvis) and Ginger (Beverly Garland) show up as Jack goes. (There are a lot of guest stars in this episode). 

Annie and Eric are outside on a bench glider waiting for Mary. When they arrive, Annie tells Lucy and Kenny to go inside. Mary asks if everything is okay, and Eric tells Mary she's pregnant. 

Mary: I don't think so.
Annie: Why, because you're birth control is infallible?
Mary: Yeah, it's called not having sex. It works 100% of the time. 

Mary is upset that her parents think she would have betrayed their trust. 

Simon and Ruthie are discussing Happy.

Simon: What if that guy takes Happy away from us?
Ruthie: That would be... 
 (Happy barks)
Ruthie: Heck. That would be heck. Bad heck. It's a phase. It'll pass. But I think bad words make me sound bad.
Simon: Bad words make you sound stupid. (Yes, Simon, they do). 

Simon believes Happy is indeed Whitey because she looks like a Whitey. Ruthie suggests they could change that. And Simon likes the idea.

Jimmy, Lucy, Rod, and Billy are in the kitchen. Lucy tells them something is wrong because Kenny is great, and she "doesn't get great." Rod tells her she should because she deserves it. Lucy asks them why they are there.

Mary and Wilson come in, and Wilson thanks Rod and Jimmy for watching Billy. He offers to take them home.

Rod: Who said we were leaving?
Mary: The "who didn't" list is shorter.

That night, Simon and Ruthie are in a tent (or fort perhaps) with a purple-looking Happy. 

Ruthie: I'm a genius.
Simon: You would be if she were black. So goodbye Whitey, Hello Barney. We're dead.
Ruthie: Oh, poop. (The writers did a good job conveying this bad words phase on television). 
Simon: This is a really unattractive phase for you.

The following day, Matt and Mary are in the kitchen. Mary is still angry with Matt, but now Matt is also angry with Mary. 

The doorbell rings, and it's Jack with another man and papers saying he can take Happy. Ruthie says they must have made a mistake because she's not Whitey. Jack says he would have tried to color her too. He takes Happy, and Simon is crying and hugs his mother. Eric picks up Ruthie and hugs her. 

Simon and Ruthie are in the bathroom cleaning the tub out. Ruthie tells him, "Mr. Martin can bite me." And Simon tells her if she keeps talking like that, she's going to get in trouble. (This is weird, however, that it is only happening around Simon). Matt comes into the bathroom and tells them their parents are trying to contact lawyers at church to help. Ruthie is crying, and Simon is concerned that the Martins are mean to Happy. 

Lucy is talking to Kenny on the phone. She tells him she doesn't think things will work out. Rod and Jimmy come into the living room and see Lucy is upset. She tells them nothing is wrong and then says she broke up with Kenny before anything happened because she figured she would get dumped anyway. (There is no way this was something smart. Go to the low-self-esteem camp, Lucy. You need it...badly). 

Jimmy: Just because you can't see how charming and caring you are, doesn't mean someone else can't. (He's still an idiot, but this is so true). 

They try to convince her to call Kenny back, but she says she can't. After she leaves, they see her notebook with Kenny's number. (Gee, I bet they have a plan). 

Matt goes into the kitchen and asks Mary if it's Wilson on the phone. He tells her that Simon and Ruthie are upstairs crying because Happy was taken away. And Lucy is upset because she dumped Kenny. Matt points out she doesn't know what's happening because she's so absorbed with Wilson. (Just a wee bit absorbed). She gets off the phone.

The phone rings, and it's for Matt. Everyone is in the hall listening as Matt says, "okay, thank you," and hangs up. When he gets off the phone, he tells them it was Mrs. Clinton (as in Hilary) congratulating him on being valedictorian. She told him to make his speech and come out after graduation.

Mary tells Lucy she's sorry about Kenny and asks if she can help. Lucy thanks her but doesn't wish to talk about it. She goes outside and asks Simon and Ruthie if they want to hang out at the park, but they tell her no. Rod and Jimmy are outside and say they feel bad for them, and Mary says it all seems hopeless.

Rod and Jimmy ask The Colonel and Ruth if they can talk to them. And they share an idea they have.

Grandpa and Ginger come back and tell Annie and Eric they are engaged. They congratulate Matt, but Matt says not to congratulate them because he still has to do the speech which he's having trouble writing.

Annie asks The Colonel and Ruth where the kids are. She notices handprints on The Colonel belonging to the kids. 

Ginger and Grandpa are outside, and Grandpa asks Ginger to marry him (apparently, they were only joking the first time)

At dinner, Simon asks when Ginger and Grandpa are getting ready. Annie says they won't rush, but Ruthie disagrees. The door opens, and it's Grandpa and Ginger with a still purple Happy. Simon and Ruthie are happy to see Happy. She ran away and back to them. Eric is concerned.

Mary goes into Matt's room to apologize to Matt for how she's been acting towards him lately. 

Jack returns to the house, and Eric tells him he can't have Happy. Jack tells him that Happy can stay with the Camdens because this is clearly where she wants to be. (I am glad he let Happy stay). Simon happily shows Jack out of the house without Happy. 

Grandpa tells them that the engagement last night was just a diversion, but now they are engaged for real. Everyone hugs them and congratulates them, everyone, that is except Annie.  

Everyone is at church. Ruthie drops her hymnal and yells, "Darn it!"

Simon: You and your mouth are treading a mighty fine line, Sister.
Ruthie: Don't worry; this phase is practically out of my system. I can feel it. 

Kenny is there, and Lucy apologizes to him. Wilson tells Mary that he is going away to school because he's moving in with his cousin.

The choir finishes singing, and Eric goes up to the podium and tells everyone there is a special sermon. Rod and Jimmy do the sermon. Rod plays the guitar while Jimmy speaks. Jimmy does a sermon on being ambidextrous "because the Lord wants us to be God with both hands." After they finish, the choir sings again while others are leaving.

Matt gives his speech at the graduation. Annie tells Eric they are having a baby. The doctor got hers and Mary's tests mixed up. (Really, she decides to tell him while her son is giving his big speech at graduation)?  

After the graduation, Rod and Jimmy thank Eric. They tell him they can't do his job because it's hard to care about everyone all the time.

Eric: Well, it's the job.
Rod: Maybe. But we think it's' the man. (Rod is so much better than Jimmy). 

Everyone is in the living room except Matt, who comes in late. Eric and Annie announce that they are having a baby. 

Ruthie: Oh...
(Happy barks).
Ruthie: I've got nothing. The phase is over. I'm clean.

Matt tells them he's still going, but he will be coming back. Ruthie cheers and hugs her brother. Then everyone laughs and embraces each other. 

Annie mouths to Eric that she loves him, and he says it back.

The closing credits come up. 

(This was a good episode. They tied up the season very well). 


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