7th Heaven: Season 3 - Episode 2: Drunk Like Me


Matt (Barry Watson) checks out a frat house.

Matt is checking out a frat house with his friend. They are instructed to be prepared for anything in initiation. 

The theme song plays, and the opening credits come up.

The girls are in the kitchen getting themselves breakfast. Mary helps Ruthie reach the cereal she wants. They are all sharing a gigantic bowl of mixed cereals. Annie comes downstairs, and Mary asks if she and her sisters can name the babies. Annie tells them the parents get to do that, but Ruthie explains by now, Annie and Eric must be out of names. Simon enters the kitchen and gets a bowl of cereal. Lucy asks her mother what she thinks the babies are, and Annie says, "girls."(I bet she's wrong, just sayin'). She tells them that Matt's car is coming and says they can have it ready in a week. Simon is upset because he thinks the girls don't know anything about cars. He tells his mother that if the girls are doing it, he won't be. 

Simon tells his father that Annie is allowing the girls to work with the car. He leaves, and Annie comes in and asks her husband if he talked to Simon. She tries to get Eric to help with the car, but Eric's not interested. She tells him that he and Simon need to do a guy thing. 

Eric is talking to a Nancy (Kim Johnston Urich), who just joined the church in his office at the church. He tells her the choir director will be happy because she's a soprano. He tells her that she went back to school when her husband left her to get her music degree. Matt comes in, and Eric introduces them. Nancy leaves, and Matt tells Eric that Nancy is good-looking. Matt tells his father that he no longer wants to be in the fraternity, but Kevin (Steve Monroe), the guy he was looking at the frat house with at the beginning, will be angry with him.

Annie drives the car for Matt into the garage and asks the girls what they think.

Lucy: Sounds like it could use a new set of plugs? I'm just guessing here.
Annie: You guessed exactly right. Congratulations!
Mary: Weird. You're like an auto repair idiot savant.
(Ruthie laughs)
Lucy: You don't even know what savant means.
Ruthie: I don't care. I'm laughing at the idiot part. 

Mary asks how they will hide the car from Matt, and Ruthie suggests Matt might be an idiot too. Annie says they will tell Matt the garage door is broken, so he won't go in. Then she has to explain to Ruthie that they are telling Matt a fib, not a lie. She then shows them two books called "Auto Repair for Dummies" (written by Deanna Sclar)

Kevin tells Matt he (Kevin) can't believe they are going to be frat brothers. Kevin's dad told him that being in a frat is a great way to make connections. (It can be Kevin, but you need to use common sense too). Matt tells Kevin he's changed his mind. Kevin tries to get Matt to change his mind back. Kevin explains that, unlike Matt, who has a big family with both parents, all he has is his father, who is often away. He then accuses Matt of not being a true friend.

Lucy is in the garage working on installing a new fan belt when Annie comes in. Lucy says Mary and Ruthie took off somewhere. 

Simon is searching for Happy in the house when he sees a note left by Mary that she, Ruthie, and Happy went to the park. Simon is upset that "those girls" took Happy without asking. He says they aren't allowed to take her without permission from now on. Annie says she will notify the girls of this new rule. Eric comes in and asks what this new rule is. Simon tells his father about Happy. Eric asks Simon if he wants to go to the pool hall and hang out. Simon says not until Happy returns. Simon leaves, and Annie asks Eric to convince Simon to help out with the car. 

At the college, Matt finds Kevin and tells him he's not going to join the fraternity because his situation is different. Kevin explains to Matt exactly what a fraternity is, "It's about being brothers!" He accuses Matt of being too wussy to show up for the initiation. 

Mary is trying to meet a guy using Ruthie and Happy's cuteness to help. She tells Ruthie she met Wilson by taking Ruthie to the park. 

Ruthie: I'm not as cute as I used to be. Now I'm downright pretty.

She tells Mary soon, she will be dating her boyfriend just like Lucy did in the previous episode. They are about to go when Jay Thompson (David Koplan), who was in her biology class the previous year. She tells him they have to get back to help her mom get a car ready for Matt. Jay is interested because his dad is a car dealer, so he always gets new vehicles. Mary tells Jay she's into cars and invites him to see the car they are working on. They head back, with Ruthie behind, telling Happy, "We've just been replaced by a lousy car." (Sad but true, Ruthie). 

Matt asks his mother to borrow the station wagon, and she says yes. Eric then invites Matt to join him and Simon on the guys not out, but Matt says not tonight. He then tells Matt if he drinks not to drive and reminds him since Matt's only 18, he isn't even legally allowed to drink. (Cause that always stops college students under 21 from drinking, but maybe Matt won't).  

Mary introduces Jay to Lucy and her mother. Annie tells Mary that she's going to change the oil, but Lucy saves her by saying it's her turn to change it because Mary always does it. (Aww, what a nice sister).

Matt arrives at the frat house and sees Kevin go inside, but Matt stays in his car. 

Eric and Simon see Nancy at the pool hall. Simon asks her if she's on the rebound when she tells him she's divorced. Eric pays for her meal, and she leaves. Eric asks his son what is going on with him, and Simon tells him that Nancy was hitting on him, but Eric denies it. Simon is angry and tries to run away, but Eric tells him they need to talk.

Matt is at the saloon where he meets Rita (Christina Solis), who notices that besides her, he is the only person not drinking alcohol at the bar. Rita is a first-year med student. Matt asks her why she is at a bar when she doesn't drink, and she says she likes it and a lot of college students hang out there. 

Eric and Simon are outside walking. Eric tells him again that Nancy wasn't hitting on him. Simon tells him to drop it and then tells him that Annie thinks the babies will be girls. They stop in front of the bar where Matt and Rita are and see Matt in the window. 

Lucy and Mary are in their room. Lucy is quizzing her sister on car maintenance. Mary thinks she's losing her touch because she must learn how to take care of a car to impress Jay. 

Mary: But you think Jay's cute, right?
Lucy: Yeah.
Mary: So why don't you want him?
Lucy: Because you saw him first. Finders keepers. And if you want him to be interested in you, I'll be glad to help. 
Mary: Oh, what, so how you're throwing me a pity guy? I don't need your help or your pity, thank you very much. 
Lucy: Suit yourself.
Mary: Idiot!
Lucy: (sing-songy voice): Savant!

Mary then asks Lucy what the carburetor is again. (She got over that anger fast). 

Kevin is being initiated into the fraternity and drinking like crazy. 

Annie asks Simon about his dinner with his dad. Simon tells her he has to tell her something, but he can't. Annie knows because Eric already talked to her. Simon tells her about being upset because she thinks the babies will be girls. 

Eric is in the kitchen when Matt comes in. Matt tells him that he wasn't drinking. Eric tells his son that Simon thinks Nancy was flirting with him. Matt tells him he never knows when a woman is coming on to him, and usually, it's Annie that tells him, but this time it was Simon. The phone rings, and Matt answers. George (Randy Josselyn) from the frat house called to tell Matt that Kevin was in his car and in trouble. He tells Matt to hurry. Matt goes to get him.

Matt finds Kevin unconscious in his car. He tells some guys to call 911, but they won't do it. Matt picks Kevin up, puts him in his car, and drives him to the hospital. 

Eric meets him at the hospital. The doctor (Keith MacKechnie) comes out and asks Matt about how much Kevin was drinking. He says he may not wake up because his BAC is five times over the legal limit. (Yeah, that's not good). He runs into Rita, who is working at the hospital. She tells Matt that Kevin is okay. Matt calls Eric to tell him Kevin is okay. Eric offers to return to the hospital, but Matt tells him not to and thanks him. Annie comes down and asks Eric if he was talking to Matt. Eric relays the info about Kevin. 

Simon comes down and says he's a man on a mission. Ruthie comes down and says that Simon is going "to kick some guy's butt." Annie tells her husband that she explained to their younger son about the advantages of being a brother to a bunch of sisters. 

Mary and Jay are in the garage; Lucy is under the car and pops out, asking Simon why he is there. Simon explains Annie is on a break, so he's come to help. Jay tells Simon he drives a Prowler. Simon thinks that it is totes cool and wants to go see it. But Jay tells him it's not at the Camden house because he only lives six blocks away. Simon tells him he better make sure the car is still at his house. Jay and  Simon leave. 

Lucy: What just happened?
Mary: I'm not sure, but there was something totally weird about Simon.
Ruthie: He was wearing a jumpsuit. 

Mary asks Lucy how the "exhaust thingamajig is coming." Lucy asks her if she really wants to know, and Mary tells her she doesn't. Mary and Ruthie leave the garage, and Lucy returns to work. 

Simon, Jay, and Happy are walking to Jay's house. Simon asks Jay which sister he likes, and Jay tells him neither of them. Jay just wanted to see the car. (See that, Mary, you didn't need to be interested in cars, he's not even interested).  

Nancy comes to the house to see Eric. She apologizes to him for flirting and says she should go to another church. After she leaves, Annie tells him that Simon's radar "was pretty good." (Eric has no clue). 

Matt knocks on Kevin's hospital door before entering. Kevin asks him why he's there. Matt tells Kevin that he (Matt) brought him to the hospital. Kevin tells him he's grateful to Matt for saving him, but he's not about to back out of getting into the fraternity at this point because he's already done too much. (Because who doesn't want to be friends with guys who left them for dead)? Matt wishes him good luck and leaves. 

Matt runs into George in the hallway of the hospital. Matt is angry that George and the others didn't help Kevin or stop him from drinking before it got out of control. Matt asks him why he's there, and George tells him he has to tell Kevin he is out of the fraternity. He tells Matt he's just the messenger, and Matt tells him he's kidding himself.

Lucy tells Simon and Annie about the work she's done on the car. Simon is impressed by how much she could do, as is Lucy herself. Annie tells Lucy she should be the one to give Matt the vehicle. Matt comes in and asks what the car is, and Lucy tells him that it will be his. She gives him the keys, and he drives to the frat house. 

The guys are cleaning up the yard. He grabs Brad (Jeremy John Wells) by the shirt and tells him how rotten they all are for leaving Kevin to die in his car. He tells Brad he's not worth hitting and drops him to the ground. George asks Matt for a ride and tells him he's leaving the fraternity because he "can't do it anymore." They get in the car and drive off

The closing credits come up. 


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