7th Heaven: Season 4-Episode 8: ...And Expiation

 The episode starts with a recap of the previous episode.

Sargeant Michaels (Christopher Michael) releases Mary (Jessica Biel) to her parents. 

Sargeant Michaels releases Mary to her parents and tells them they will need a lawyer. 

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Matt, Lucy, Simon, and Ruthie are in the living room eating chips and discussing Mary. Ruthie points out that her mother left the house without lipstick, and she always wears it, even for Home Depot. (Good observational skills). 

Ruthie: No lipstick is no good.
Lucy: I hate to say it, but she's right.
Ruthie: You better get used to saying it because I'm older now; I'm in the game.
Lucy: What game?
Ruthie: The game of life.

Ruthie burps and explains she wasn't trying to be a guy, but when she gets nervous, she burps. Simon says he does too. 

Eric, Annie, and Mary come in, and the younger children act like they are asleep. Their parents tell them they will talk about it in the morning, and Matt leaves the room. Annie clears her throat, and the others go upstairs. Annie and Eric sit on the couch, and Eric says they have to get a lawyer.

Eric: I didn't see this one coming.
Annie: Not this, no. Not in a million years. (I am guessing, as a general rule, most parents of relatively good kids would not see this coming). 

Mary tells Lucy what happened. Mary says they were talking  about the lockout, and "it just happened." She said they must have set off the alarm and Sargeant Michaels said she needed a lawyer. 

Simon tells Ruthie that they never told their parents that they overheard the other day. Also, if they had, perhaps Mary wouldn't have been in trouble, and then their parents wouldn't be so upset. 

Ruthie: That's in then; we're going to Hell. 

Simon gives his sister a look.

Ruthie: Don't give me that look. I didn't mean it like a bad word. I meant it like the place.
Simon: I know. I gave you that look because you might be right.

They both burp.

Both: Excuse me.

Matt is on the phone with Shana (Maureen Flannigan), who tells him he thinks he must move back home. Shana tells him not to make any decisions until he hears the entire story. (Wise advice). 

The following day, Eric goes into the school and sees the trashed gym. Principal Russel (Nancy Lee Grahn) is in there with someone. She walks over to Eric, who apologizes to her. 

Simon asks Ruthie if Mary looked more dangerous today. They also think their parents look different. They blame themselves.

Simon: Does your stomach feel like it's kind of sick?

Ruthie nods her head.

Simon: Guilt gut.
Ruthie: What's that?
Simon: When you feel so bad about something, your stomach hurts.

Ruthie says they have to do something to get rid of the guilt gut and stay out of Hell. They decide to seek out God and then burp again.

Eric comes home and asks if Bill Mays (the lawyer) called back. Annie tells him that he called and is coming over. The doorbell rings, and it's Bill (Allan Wasserman). Eric thanks him for coming over and calls Mary down. He tells Mary that she has to appear in student court, where they have a chance of being expelled. However, the bigger issue is the criminal charges.

Bill: After reviewing Sargeant Michaels' report, I'm pretty sure you're gonna be charged with wanton destruction of property and vandalism. Not that means a fine of  $1500, or three times the value of the damage, whatever's more. It also means no more than two and a half years in jail, no less than two and a half months.

Annie reminds him that Mary's a minor because she is only seventeen. He tells her that because she is almost an adult, the court will treat her as if she already is. He says he will try getting her on the Diversion Program, which is probation and community service, counseling, classes on victim impact, and anything else the probation officer says. However, it's a one-time shot, and if she gets in any more trouble, that's it. However, if she finishes the program, all charges are dropped, and there will not be anything on her permanent record.

Annie asks how they get her into the program. Bill says he will try to hold off the trial date and get Mary into the program, but if she doesn't get into the program, she could very well go to jail. 

Lucy, Rod (Toran Caudell), and Shelby (Julie Berman) look at the gym and are shocked. Lucy says she can't believe her sister was a part of it. 

Simon and Ruthie go to see a priest (J.J. Wall) and tell him what happened. Simon tells the priests how they were eavesdropping and forgot to tell their parents what happened. He also says he gave the finger, as did Ruthie, but she just wanted to know what it meant. The priest tells them to form an "Act of Contrition." 

Simon: Okay, what is that?
Priest: A task that will help you get back on track.
Simon: Oh, yeah. That's exactly what we're looking for. 

He tells them to tell their parents the truth and blesses them, and they leave.

Ruthie: I heard confession is good for the soul. And I have to say, it gets my thumbs up. 
Simon: My guilt gut is still killing me.

Matt and Shana go to Matt and John's apartment, where someone is leaving. John (Chaz Lemar Shepherd) explains someone is interested in Matt's half of the apartment should Matt move out but isn't trying to push Matt out. He asks about Mary.

Matt: She's in major, 'get a lawyer' trouble.

John says that Matt is obviously done thinking about moving home and hopes everything works out for Mary, and leaves. Matt tells Shana it's for the best. Shana tells him that living alone is hard, but at some point, you realize you can't always help your family. (Also good advice). Matt tells Shana that she doesn't know him at all.

Simon and Ruthie go into a synagogue and talk to Rabbi Cohen (Murray Rubinstein). Ruthie tells the Rabbi he doesn't want to go to Hell, and the Rabbi tells her that the Jewish people don't believe in Hell. Simon tells them about Yom Kippur (aka The Day of Atonement). However, Simon says they can't wait that long, so he tells them to talk to their parents. (I see a theme). 

Matt tells Eric that he is moving back home. He says he is going to help take care of things. Mary comes downstairs and tells them she lost her scholarship because of everything that has happened. (I don't think she fully grasps that it's her fault yet). 

Simon asks Matt how long he is staying. He tells Simon and Ruthie that he is moving back home. Simon points out all the trouble happening while Matt is home, but Matt says if he was home, he might have seen the thing with Mary coming. 

Simon: We've been told it's not always possible to see these things ahead of time.
Matt: All that means is that sometimes it is.

Ruthie and Simon both burp.

Simon and Ruthie: Excuse me.

Annie comes home with pizza. She and Eric discuss how they should punish Mary. Eric informs his wife that Mary has lost her scholarship. Annie says that while it is all bad, nothing matters compared to the thought of her daughter going to jail. (For sure). Annie is in tears as she explains she feels like a bad parent because she never saw what Mary did coming. The phone rings.

Annie: I'm afraid to answer it. Do we know where all our kids are?
Eric: Approximately. 

He answers, and it's Bill. Eric gets off the phone and tells Annie Bill got Mary's application through the red tape. The head of probation will meet with them tomorrow, and Mary has one chance. 

It is Sunday after church, and Matt is in the laundry room and smells his clothes.

Matt: Thank you, Mom.

Lucy comes in with a basket of laundry.

Lucy: You can thank me. I did a couple of color loads yesterday, and Mary went to the grocery store last week. But I've moved on to the whites now.

Lucy tells Matt that Simon and Ruthie went to the park, and their parent and Mary had left already as well. Matt is upset they left without him. 

Lucy: They seemed under control when they left.

Matt is a little disappointed no one seems to need him. 

Mary and her parents are sitting in a room at the probation office. Ms. Williams (Amy Aquino), the probation officer, introduces herself. She then tells Eric and Annie that Mary's not a baby, nor is she home. (I already like this woman). 

She and Mary go into another room. She tells Mary that major favors were called in to get her to come in to see Mary on a Sunday. (I was surprised about the whole being a Sunday thing). 

Ms. Williams: So Mary, what happened to your grades? Drugs?
Mary: No.
Ms. Williams: Booze? Boyfriend you couldn't get enough of?
Mary: No, none of that.
Ms. Williams: No? Did you see something on T.V. or at the movies that you had to copy? Did Marilyn Manson hypnotize you with one of his songs? Your parents just not love you enough?
Mary: No.
Ms. Williams: Well then, I heard about the team lockout and everything, so I'm guessing that the coach and the school did you so wrong you had to get back at them. And basically, they had it coming.
Mary: No.
Ms. Williams: Come on, Mary. There's gotta be some reason you did this that has nothing to do with it being your fault. (Like being an entitled brat?)

Mary exhales in frustration.

Ms. Williams asks her why she should be in the Diversion Program, and Mary tells her she's basically a good kid. 

Ms. Williams: Pretty good kids don't trash other peoples' property. What else have you got? (I wish they let Mary answer this before going to the next scene). 

Matt goes to Shana's apartment. He tells Shana that he is the "appendix of his family." He is upset that no one needs him, and she says he'll always be an essential part of the family, but things change when you grow up. He tells her she was right about him trying to avoid being responsible for himself. He tells her he is going to go apologize to John and kick John's new roommate out. He kisses his girlfriend and leaves her apartment.

Ruthie and Simon go to a Vihara and talk to the Buddhist Priest (Ming Lo). He tells them if they tried to help but didn't do it fast enough, it's not their fault. He tells them to meditate on how to not make the same mistake again, now or in the next lifetime.

Ruthie: So you mean we get more than one chance at this?
Buddhist Priest: We believe the soul moves on from lifetime to lifetime, looking for enlightenment. 

He also tells them to talk to their parents. He leaves them.

Ruthie (to Simon): Okay, so if I don't get it right in this life, I'll just get it in the next one. (Careful, Ruthie). 
Simon: You feel better in every religion. 
Ruthie: I can't help it. These mysterious ways really work for me.

Mary and Ms. Williams come out of the room.

Ms. Williams: I don't know what kind of senior year you thought you were going to have, but now it belongs to me. I'll let you know how many after that are going to be mine too. 

She leaves, and Mary tells her parents she got into the program. Anne and Eric sigh with relief. 

Matt goes to his apartment carrying a paper bag and tells John he wants to stay. John tells the guy looking at the apartment that he doesn't think it will work. 

Matt (pulls out laundry detergent from the bag): And I got us something to celebrate. (Haha, I love it. Matt learned a lot, and it showed). 

John chuckles. Matt apologizes to John, but John says he understands as he had thought about moving before too. 

Simon and Ruthie go into the living room, where Eric and Annie sit on the couch. Annie tells them that Mary got into the program, and the kids burp and then excuse themselves. Simon explains that they are responsible for what Mary did because they overheard something and didn't say anything. Simon tells them that they were talking to different religious people and tried to do what they said so they would feel better. 

Ruthie: And not make us go, well you know where. Like a campfire where you have fun making s'mores, but it's not so fun when you're the s'more.

Eric says he knew they were out because the people they went to are friends of his, so they called to let him know. Simon says they still have "guilt gut," Eric explains that the words and doing what you say are not the same, and doing takes longer. (Very true)!

Matt comes in, and Eric tells him Mary got in, then he tells the younger two they didn't do anything wrong. Annie tells them they did. However, lie and tell Lucy they were going to the park. Simon says it was all his fault, but Ruthie insists she has a mind of her own, so it was her fault as well. (I love that Ruthie wants to be acknowledged as her own person enough to get in trouble). Eric tells them that Mary's situation was not their fault. 

Matt says it was his fault because he knew Mary was mad. He says he was so into his own life he failed to see it coming. Mary is outside the room and overhears them. Eric says it wasn't Matt's fault either because it was his. Lucy comes downstairs, and Mary pulls her into the living room with everyone else.

Mary: Okay, this wasn't your fault, or your fault, or yours. It was mine. I knew the choice I was making was wrong, and I did it anyway. (By George, I think she's got it)! 
Ruthie: Oy.
Simon: Ooh. Bad karma.

Eric looks at them, and Annie looks at Eric.

Annie (to Eric): We got bigger fish to fry. (I would say a person's soul is the biggest fish one can fry, but I get where you're coming from, Annie). 

Mary: And I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I did it. I'm sorry for the way I've been acting, and I am sorry for everything everyone's gone through because of me. And it kills me to know that sorry doesn't make a difference. And it doesn't undo what I did, and it doesn't make my family like me again.
Eric: Hang on.
Mary: Look, I know that you love me. But how could you like me? I don't even like myself. And I don't know what to do to make things to make things better.

Simon tells his older sister everything he learned while out with Ruthie.

Mary: Okay.
Ruthie: Do you feel better now?
Mary: Not really. 
Ruthie: Maybe you'll get it in the next life.
Mary: Look, I'm sorry for everything, including putting more stress on your heart. Because I know losing my scholarship made it worse.
Simon: I'm really sorry too.
Matt: Yeah, me too. I didn't mean to...

Eric jumps up and yells: OH SAVE IT!

He tells them everything is fine and they don't need to keep secrets. However, he knows them all, and he will always find out.

Eric: Oh yes, I know your ways. So, listen up. Make room for Daddy because Daddy's home. (Haha, the kids all think their dad's gone nutso).

The children look at each other and quickly leave the room. Eric sits back down next to Annie, and they both laugh. 

Matt tells Simon that taking responsibility for everything and trying to protect Ruthie was a very man-thing to do. He then says it looks like Simon has a chest hair. Simon agrees and leaves. 

Ruthie: It's probably just sweatshirt fuzz, but hey, why kill his dream?
Matt: You're a good man, Ruthie Camden.

Matt goes into his parents' room, thanks them, and says he's going home. Eric thinks his speech motivated Matt not to move back home. (To quote Ruthie, why kill his dream)? They see Mary in the hall and ask her to enter their room. She lays between them on their bed. She explains her mind is racing and is scared about student court and getting expelled. Eric says they must wait to see what happens and then deal with it. (Easy to say, hard to do). 

Mary says she was a good kid before and never realized that one mistake could ruin a person's life. Annie says adults know that one mistake can ruin a life. However, Mary's life is not ruined unless Mary chooses to let the mistake ruin her life since she is still young to learn and move on. 

Lucy lies in her bed and sadly looks at her sister's empty bed.

The next day parents and students attend student court. Ms. Russell bangs the gavel and announces that today's court will be to deal with the vandalism. She says she will consider everything, but the final ruling is hers. She reads the police report and asks if there is any dispute. The girls from the basketball team say there is no dispute. 

Lucy: There are a couple of things I'd like you to consider. I'm in the unique position of seeing a lot of sides of this case. My sister is, or was, an honor roll student and captain of the varsity basketball team. And even though we fight and argue, and I've never told her this, I've always admired her. She's also one of the people who trashed the school gym, and I saw the gym afterward; I also saw my family afterward. And I saw my sister's mistake not only screwed up her life but my whole family's. She learned, and because of her, my brothers, my sister, and I also learned that one mistake can ruin your life. And when I thought about it, it made sense. What I didn't expect, though, was how much one person's mistake can ruin other people's lives too. 

Lucy continues explaining how they got made and did something that greatly affected many other people, including their own teammates who were not involved in the vandalism. And how that makes her really mad.

Lucy: And it would be easy to make you write a check and then kick you out. But this is your school too. And I want you to make up for what you did to all of us. If only by showing us every day in the hall as examples of the best and worst we can be by reminding us how close we are, on any given day, to both. Gandhi said we're supposed to be the change we want to see in the world, so maybe part of the way you can make things up to us is by showing us how. I know it's probably an unbelievably hard thing to do. But if anyone can do it, my sister can. (This speech was amazing)!

The girls' who destroyed the gym go and help the school custodians clean it up. Mary looks around, realizing just how bad what she did really was. 

The closing credits come up. 

(This was a good episode. Matt learned to be more responsible at the adult level; Mary learned that she couldn't blame everyone else for what she did wrong. Lucy didn't act like a helpless victim, which was rare and great to see. Simon and Ruthie learned the importance of talking to their parents. I would say this was one of the best episodes). 


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