7th Heaven: Season 4- Episode 6: Just You Wait and See


Lucy is now a licensed driver. (Catharine Hicks and Beverly Mitchell)

Ruthie comes home from school and gets the mail out of the mailbox. A kitten runs over to her, and she picks it up and hugs it.

Lucy, Simon, and Mary come inside. Annie asks Lucy how it feels to have her license.

Lucy: Fantastic. I love the freedom of driving down the road with the wind in my hair. It's very exhilarating.

Mary and Simon complain that Lucy drives so slowly. Lucy says she has to move slowly because Mary sticks her feet out the window.

Mary: Hey, I gotta give my dogs some air.
Annie: From now on, keep your dogs in the car.
Simon: Dogs? Try horses.

Annie asks where Ruthie is, and Lucy says she's getting the mail. Annie says she already got it and hands Lucy mail from the DMV. It's her license. She's horrified when she sees her picture. Simon and Mary are blatantly laughing, and Annie is stifling her laugh. 

Ruthie comes inside, and Annie apologizes for getting the mail when it's Ruthie's job. She asks her daughter why she's in a good mood, and Ruthie tells her she loves school and is going upstairs to do homework because she loves that too.

Eric comes in and gives Annie flowers. He is in a good mood because his checkup went really well. He says he's learning how to deal with stress. The doorbell rings, and Annie tells him not to answer, but he says he has to answer it. 

Julie (Deborah Raffin) is at the door and says she is leaving Hank.

Eric: I am strong. I am calm. I am capable of handling any challenge.
Julie: Great. Are you capable of carrying my suitcase?

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Eric and Annie are in the living room with Julie, and now one is talking. Eric and Annie are mouthing to each other to ask Julie. Eric finally asks Julie. She tells him that the marriage was a big mistake. She then blames Eric for disliking him, saying that's why she married him. 

Annie: Honey, go make some tea.

Eric leaves as he recites his mantra. 

Annie asks if she only married Hank because Eric disliked him, and she says that she only dated him because of Eric's dislike, but dating led to her getting pregnant. 

Simon comes into the kitchen and asks Eric if there will be dinner tonight. Eric tells his son he will order pizza. Simon reminds his father about his cholesterol, so Eric says he'll grab food at the hospital when he talks to Hank. 

Simon: Shouldn't you ask Aunt Julie first? Maybe she doesn't want you to talk to Hank.

Eric leaves the house.

Simon: I'm only thirteen, and even I know he should ask Aunt Julie first.

The girls are in the bedroom discussing the lack of dinner and maybe being allowed to go out and get dinner. The phone rings, and Mary answers. She hands it to Lucy and tells her it's Andrew Nayloss (Will Estes). He asks her to go to the movies, and when she says yes, he tells her to pick him up at seven. Lucy is surprised that he isn't going to pick her up. 

She hangs up the phone, and she and Mary argue over who will get to use which car tonight. They race downstairs to be the first to ask their mother. 

Julie is pacing around as she tells Annie about Hank recleaning everything she cleans. Annie says it's because doctors are very clean.

Lucy gets to her mother first and asks permission to go on a date and use the new car. Annie says she can. Mary tells her she needs the new car but doesn't know where she wants to go, so Annie won't let her use it. (You mean you won't let your teenage daughter drive aimlessly around California)?

Julie: You don't want to end up like me, do you?
Mary: Married to a doctor wouldn't be so bad.

Mary offers to take the other kids out for dinner so that Annie and Julie can have the house to themselves. She tells Mary to get cash from the coffee can and to take Eric's minivan. Julie remembers Eric was supposed to be making tea.

Julie: That's just like a man; you can't depend on them to do anything.
Annie: Would you like some tea?
Julie: No. 

Mary tells Simon to get ready to go out to dinner. Lucy tells her brother she has a date and has to pick him up. Simon asks how they will go out to eat because their dad took his car to the hospital. 

Mary: Big mistake.
Simon: No one ever listens to the kids.

Mary returns to the living room and tells Annie that Eric took the minivan. Annie is surprised he left without telling anyone. 

Mary: I think he went to visit someone. 
Julie: Oh no. Eric better not have. 

Eric is at the hospital cafeteria getting food, and Matt is working. Eric gets some Jell-o. He tells Matt that he's waiting to talk to Hank because Julie is at the house because Hank isn't treating her well. 

Mary, Annie, and Julie are in the kitchen. Julie tries to call Hank but can't reach him. She claims that he's never there when she needs him. Julie is upset because one of Hank's patients is a supermodel. She throws her car keys to Mary and tells her to take it. She starts to cry and leaves the room. 

Mary knocks on Ruthie's door and tells her they are going to dinner. Ruthie says she doesn't want to go because she wants to stay home and watch the twins. Mary shrugs and says, "okay." She and Simon leave. (Wasn't the whole point for her to get Simon and Ruthie out of the house).

Ruthie takes the kitten out of the blanket she was hiding her in. Happy scratches at Ruthie's door. 

Lucy arrives at Andrew's house and sees his parents (Ray Bengston and Moria Price). Mrs. Nayloss goes into the house to get Andrew while Mr. Nayloss questions Lucy about her driving. He tells her to have Andrew home by 10. He asks Lucy if she's ever been arrested. Andrew and his mother come out. (This is one wacked family). 

Mr. Nayloss (whispering to Lucy): Ten o'clock. Not one minute late, or I call the police.

Andrew waits for Lucy to open the door for him. Then tells her he can do it himself when she doesn't open it. (Dude grow a couple, k)?

Hank comes out and sees Eric eating Jell-o and says he has to go. Eric tells him Julie left him, stopping Hank in his tracks. 

Hank: This is about the supermodel, isn't it?
Matt: You're seeing a supermodel?
Hank: She's a patient. Supermodels go through difficult pregnancies too.

Hank tells them that Julie knew what he did for a living, and since he is an ob-gyn, all his patients are women. He says she will be fine when she calms down, but he's got to get back into the delivery and will call Julie ASAP. 

Matt: Supermodel - wow!

Eric gets up, smacks his son in the head, and follows Hank. Eric is angry that Hank isn't trying hard enough. Hank tells him that Julie is totally irrational and a "complete basket case." He asks Eric if he knows what that is like. (Now, how could Eric know he's never had a pregnant wife before....oh wait...). 

Eric: Yes, I do. I've experienced it now, let's see, six wonderful times. I think the bigger issue is you've never had to live with it once. 
Hank: I've spent my entire life around pregnant women.
Eric: Yes, but never the same pregnant woman, and never your pregnant wife.

Hank is called to the delivery room over the PA.

Hank: You don't know what you're talking about.

Matt asks his dad if he's going home, and Eric says he's staying there. 

Julie tells Annie the problem is she and Hank aren't ready to be parents since they only just became husband and wife. She tells her sister-in-law that now she's making bad decisions sober and that she could blame the alcohol when she was drinking. (Unfortunately, even sober people can still make bad choices, but in this case, you didn't. It'll be alright, Julie). Then she says her back is in a lot of pain, so Annie gets a hot water bottle to help. 

Lucy and Andrew go to the movies, and he has Lucy pay for their tickets. Then he goes into the theatre and doesn't hold the door for her. Simon and Mary are eating at the pool hall. Simon tells Mary that he and Deena were caught making out in the den at Deena's parents' house. (While the whole, Simon is sexually active later in the series, while unplanned at this point isn't unimaginable the way he's obsessed with making out at thirteen). And now they can only date once a week. They thought since her dad wasn't a minister, he'd be more liberal, but they were wrong 'bout that.

Mary: Who are you?
Simon: Camden. Simon Camden.

A teenager comes over and introduces herself to Mary as Diane Hardt (Cara Jedell) and tells Mary she has seen her play basketball. Diane asks if Simon is her date.

Simon: No, I'm not her date; I'm her brother. 
Diane: Glad to hear that.
Mary: My thirteen-year-old brother. 

Simon invites Diane to join them, and Mary asks how old Diane is. Diane tells her she's a young fifteen.

Matt is sweeping the cafeteria when Hank comes in, and Matt asks him about the deliveries.

Hank: Twins. Six pounds each, mother and babies are doing great. 
Eric: So what you're saying is.... no matter how many pregnant women you've been around, you still don't know how to cope with your pregnant wife?
Hank: Really? Well, I think you're...I think you're....absolutely right. 

He tells his brother-in-law how hard it's been with Julie the last few months. Eric offers to take him to dinner so they can talk. 

Matt: So where we going?
Eric: Well, we're...
Matt: Well, you're not just gonna leave me here all by myself on a Friday night. (Sounding a little desperate, Matt). 
Eric: I...
Hank: I have an idea. Why doesn't Matt join us?
Eric: Why didn't I think of that?

Ruthie is in the nursery showing the boys the kitten. Annie is in the hall and sees Happy scratching at the nursery door. She yells for Ruthie, who opens the door. Annie questions Ruthie about why she's there and why she's been outside. She says she is going to take the water bottle down to Julie and then will be back to get the boys ready for bed.

Ruthie: I'll give them their bottles.
Annie: That's very sweet. I still think you're up to something. 

Julie yells for Annie to hurry because she needs help. Annie asks Julie what's wrong, and Julie says she doesn't feel well.

Julie: I have this cramping thing.

Annie tells her she thinks Julie is in labor. Julie says she can't be since she's only eight months pregnant and doesn't want to have a baby with Hank. Then she realizes she is having a baby. 

Hank and Eric argue over where to go for dinner. Matt is frustrated they can't make a decision. They decide on a health-food store. Hank wants to call Julie, but Eric tells him to let her just talk with Annie, and everything will be fine. 

Annie calls the hospital to page both Hank and Eric. She also left a message on Hank's machine and his answering service. Annie says she doesn't know how they will get to the hospital and Julie is concerned about being embarrassed since she doesn't know where her husband is. (I'm thinking right now that's the least of your worries). Julie says she feels fine and wants to see a movie, but the contractions start again. Julie says Hank is with the supermodel. Annie tells her they are going to the hospital when Mary and Simon come home. 

Simon is talking to Diane, and Mary is bored listening. Diane leaves the table, and Mary complains she feels like a chaperone. Diane returns and asks Simon to play a game of pool. Mary says they must go home, but Simon says he has time for a quick game. 

Simon and Diane play pool, and she asks him if she's "holding this stick-thingy right." He helps her hold it correctly as Deena (Nicole Cherié Saletta) walks in with her father (Terry V. Hart).

Simon (nervously): Deena, this is my girlfriend, Diane. I mean... Diane, this is my girlfriend, Deena. And her father.
Diane: I didn't realize you had a girlfriend.

The hospital pages Hank and Eric again.

A waitress (Sheila Dionne) brings the check over to Eric, Hank, and Matt. Hank realizes he doesn't have his wallet or beeper. Eric covers the bill. Hank asks Eric how he handles going through six pregnancies, and Eric tells him the first is the worst. He says that after that, you realize you can't be prepared, so all you can do is "love your wife and buy a lot of ice cream." 

Matt tells them he can't wait to have a baby with Shana. 

Hank: I didn't know you and Shana were that serious.
Matt: Well, I didn't say I was having a baby with Shana; I said I want to have a baby with Shana. Hey, look at the time. I'll see you guys later.

The hospital pages Hank and Eric again. A man (Robert Guillaume) walks over to the nurse's station. He offers them twenty bucks to stop paging them. (Haha)!

Ruthie tells her aunt they need to talk. She asks her if she's having the baby, and Julie says she might be. Ruthie shows her aunt the kitten and says no one knows.

Ruthie: That's where you come in. When you scream, if you me-ouch instead of ouch whenever my kitten meows, then everyone will think it's you. (Julie chuckles). Let's practice.
Julie: Me-ouch.
Ruthie: That was good, but could you put a little more cat into it?
Julie: I'll try. (The cat meows).
Ruthie: Like that.

Simon is talking to Deena and tells her that nothing is going on with Diane. She tells him that because they got caught making out by her dad, and now this with Diane, he thinks Simon is "some sort of middle school Romeo." 

Mr. Stewart talks to Mary about his belief that Deena is too young to date. Then he tells Mary she is too young to date, and Mary informs him she's seventeen. She tells him she doesn't have a boyfriend because her last boyfriend moved out of state with his son for college.

Mr. Stewart: I'm sorry, did you say your last boyfriend had a son? (Wilson)!
Mary: Yeah.
Mr. Stewart: How old was he?
Mary: A year older than me.
Mr. Stewart: What happened to his wife?
Mary: She died in childbirth.

The phone at the pool hall rings. The bartender (Lee Warren Jones) announces there is a phone call for Dr. Hastings or Reverend Camden. Mary takes the call, and Annie tells him to get home right away because Julie is in labor.

Mary: You should go to the hospital.
Annie: Hospital? And how do you want us to get to the hospital? There are no cars here. Of course, I could go out, I guess, into the garage and build myself a go-cart. (This response was fantastic). 
Mary: I'm on my way.
Annie: Good. 

Lucy brings Andrew home, opens the car door for him, and walks him to the door. He tells her he had a good time and kisses her. Andrew's parents come out, and his father tells them they're late. Andrew asks her if she's free next Friday, and she tells him "no" and leaves.

Mary and Simon return home. Annie takes the keys from Mary and says she is taking Julie to the hospital. She asks Mary to keep an eye on everything in the house. Annie heads toward the door.

Simon: Mom? 

Annie stops and turns.

Mary: What about Aunt Julie.
Annie: Six pregnancies. You know, I've just never been on this side before. Yeah. 

Julie enters the kitchen and informs then it's too late to go to the hospital. 

Matt enters the restaurant to inform them that Julie is at the house, ready to deliver. He says Annie has been calling all over town and left a message at his apartment, but he forgot the restaurant's name. 

Ruthie is pouring milk in a bowl when Lucy comes into the house. She asks why Mary left the car halfway in the street. Ruthie tells her that Julie is having her baby, and Mary tells her sister that Julie is upstairs in their parents' room. Everyone looks at Ruthie.

Ruthie: What? I like my milk in a bowl. (And you know it's crazy at the house because no one questions this). 

Julie asks where Hank is and tells Annie she is scared; Annie tells her the ambulance is coming. 

Julie: What if something is wrong?
Annie: A lot of first babies come early. There's nothing to worry about.

Eric and Hank arrive. Julie tells Hank to get out and then asks him where he was all night. Hank tells her that he was delivering twins. She tells him she doesn't want to give birth. (A wee bit late for that). 

Hank: I think your baby is coming, whether we're ready or not.

She apologizes to him for how she's been acting and tells him she is scared - of everything.

Hank: I love you more than life itself. And I will never leave you. And we're gonna make fabulous parents. True, you'll be doing the pushing, but I'll be there every step of the way. And you've never looked more beautiful.

Julie cries.

Hank: Don't cry.
Julie: I can't help it. It hurts.

The doorbell rings and Eric and Annie go downstairs to answer it, thinking it's the EMT.

Billy (William Knowle II) and his mother are at the door. Billy lost her cat, and they heard Ruthie was seen with a cat. Annie calls Ruthie downstairs. Ruthie comes down, and they tell her Billy lost his kitten, and Billy shows her a picture.

Ruthie: That's sad.
Annie: Do you know anything about it?

The cat meows.

Ruthie: That was Aunt Julie.

She sighs and takes the kitten out of her book bag. 

Billy (excitedly): Norton!

Eric and Annie look confused.

Billy: The Honeymooners?!

His mother gives Ruthie twenty dollars as a reward. Eric and Annie tell the mother she doesn't have to give Ruthie anything, but Billy's mother insists. Ruthie thanks them, and they leave. 

Julie screams, and Hanks says the contractions are less than a minute apart, so it's too late for the ambulance. He tells his wife to push and that the baby's head is crowning. 

Lucy tells her siblings (sans Ruthie) that she hopes that if the baby is a boy, he's nothing like Andrew. 

Lucy: I had to pick him up, open doors for him, pay for everything, and be grilled by his father.

Simon laughs.

Matt: Welcome to our world.

The phone rings and Matt hands the phone to Simon as it's Deena calling. 

He hangs up and asks someone to drive him to Deena's house. 

Matt: Hello, we're having a baby here. (We, I think it's Julie who's having a baby, y'all are just hanging around to be supportive). 
Simon: I almost forgot.
Mary: Yeah, we haven't heard any screaming in a while.

They hear Hank cheering upstairs, followed by a baby crying.

Matt: The baby has landed.

Ruthie comes downstairs and tells them Julie had the baby. (I think the crying gave it away). They ask her if it was a boy or a girl.

Ruthie: I don't know. I'm just glad she didn't have it in my bed.

Ruthie offers to treat them to ice cream and shows them her twenty-dollar bill. They leave, and Simon asks to be dropped off at Deena's on the way. He tells Mary to burn Diane's number. (Ah, you are wise, young grasshopper). 

After they leave, Eric and Annie come downstairs. Annie is surprised the kids all left. Eric realizes they are an aunt and an uncle for the first time. 

Hank and Julie are in Eric and Annie's bed with the baby, now wrapped in a blanket. The couple discusses what to name the baby.

Hank: We could name her after Eric and Annie.
Hank and Julie: Erica.
Julie: Erica Camden Hastings. 

The doorbell rings, and Annie and Eric answer it. It's the paramedics. The paramedics said that they had the wrong address. Eric and Annie let them know that Hank, Julie, and the baby are all upstairs and doing well. The EMT goes upstairs, and Annie asks her husband how he is doing.

Eric: Calm, strong, and capable of handling any challenge. As long as it doesn't happen tonight.
Annie: You know what we have to do tomorrow, Uncle Eric?
Eric: What's that, Aunt Annie?
Annie: Buy a new bed. I think Julie's earned the right to take that one with her.
Eric: Good point.

They kiss on the stairs before going all the way up.

The closing credits come up.

(Albeit this episode was totally predictable, it was also enjoyable to watch). 


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