7th Heaven: Season 2 - Episode 20: Like a Harlot


Simon (David Gallagher) talking to his friend Kyle (Jonathan Patterson) after school. 

Simon comes home from school with his friend Kyle. He asks his mother to leave so they can talk because they had a rough day at school. Annie leaves. The boys are upset about a video about sex they had to watch in health class. 

Annie comes back in along with Mary and Lucy. Mary and Lucy are excited about the senior prom and hope that Matt still doesn't have a date. The girls figure if Matt doesn't have a date, he can take one of them. (I am guessing no on that one). 

Kyle and Simon head upstairs, and Kyle tells Simon his sisters are foxes. Simon asks him not to use "animal references" (at first, I thought Simon was just grossed out by his friend finding his sisters attractive, then I recalled what he said about the monkey. I used to totally find it gross when my friends thought my brothers were good-looking). and Ruthie, who is coming down, overhears and says, "I don't mind being called a fox."

Ruthie skips into the kitchen. She tells Annie that Snappy the Stegasaurus, "only the coolest stegosaurus in the whole world," is doing a live show in Glenoak. Annie says she will try to get tickets but not to get her hopes up.

Matt comes in and tells his mother that he's not going to the prom. (I guess he wasn't into dating his sisters). 

At the church, John (William Francis McGuire) asks to speak to Eric. He tells Eric that his daughter doesn't have a date and wants Eric to ask Matt to ask Connie. Eric says he can ask, but Matt may have a date already. John assures him Matt doesn't because the whole school is talking about that fact.

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Annie is trying to get tickets to take Ruthie to see Snappy. She finds out that the show was sold out. Ruthie comes into the kitchen, and Annie breaks the news to her. She tells Ruthie that she did make lasagna (Ruthie's favorite) for dinner; however, Ruthie states that she's too depressed to eat.

Eric comes into the house and tells Annie about the conversation with John. Matt comes into the kitchen and says he doesn't think it's a good idea to take Connie. 

Eric: Why?
Matt: I have my reasons.
Eric: Not pretty enough? Not popular enough?
Matt: You know, I can't believe you think I'm that shallow and superficial. You know what, you want me to take Connie to the prom; I'll do it.
Eric: Well, great.
Matt: But when you find out the reason I didn't want to take her, I don't wanna hear one word about it.
Eric: Fine.

After Matt leaves the room, Annie tells her husband to talk about Simon because he saw "the film today." (Anyone else wonder about this film)? 

Matt stops Simon in the hall and asks him why he's acting so weird. Matt figures out that Simon saw "the film" today. He congratulates him on being a man. 

Simon: Thanks, but I'd be better off if I were a monkey. 

Lucy is throwing popcorn at Mary's mouth for Mary to catch in their room. (That's fun to do). The phone rings, and it's one of Matt's friends. (Or is it)? He wants to go on a double date with Mary and Lucy because he has a younger brother. The girls are cheering when they get off the phone. (Getting a little desperate, girls). 

Annie is trying to win tickets on the radio for Snappy. Eric says he went out with Snappy's creator, Debbie Miller. Ruthie comes downstairs and is excited when she learns Eric knows Snappy because she believes he can get the tickets.

Simon comes downstairs, looks at his parents and younger sister, and then runs out the door. Ruthie says that "something bad happened at school yesterday." 

Matt comes down, and Eric Mat's going to tell why he didn't want to go out with Connie. Matt tells him, "no, but don't worry, you'll figure it out." 

The older girls come down and say good morning to their parents. They don't say anything else since Matt is there. Annie and Eric conclude their kids are weird. (Yup). 

Matt sees Connie (Sheeri Rappaport) at school and asks her to the prom. She figures out that her dad was involved with Matt asking. Matt says they can still have fun, and his mom and sisters can help her get something together. She agrees to go.

Mary and Lucy see them talking. And don't think their parents would approve, but hope they don't stop Matt so they can date Matt's friend and younger brother without Matt finding out. 

Kyle sees Simon at school and tells him that he and his brother have dates later that night. Simon asks who they are going out with, and Kyle says he's not allowed to say anything but that Simon will find out "soon enough."

Eric has two tickets to see Snappy, which means Annie won't be going with him and Ruthie. (Be glad you're not going, Annie). 

Matt asks Annie to help Connie with something to wear from the prom. 

Ruthie comes out of her room, and Eric tells her about the tickets. She is really excited. 

Ruthie: You're the best daddy in the whole world. I'll be back in a mano second. 
(During this time, the older girls are in the hall and hear Ruthie)
Mary: It's nanosecond.
Lucy: But she's right, you are the best daddy in the world.
Eric: Thank you. What makes me think you two want something?

They tell him about the double date, he says to ask their mother. (Typical response). 

Simon tries to sneak into the house, but  Eric is coming down just as he tries to go up. Eric asks him about the film. Simon tells him he doesn't want to talk, but Eric says they are going to when he gets back from seeing Snappy.

Eric and Ruthie are heading out, and Annie tells them not to linger. Eric suspects Annie is jealous. 

Ruthie:  You know I love you guys almost as much as Snappy.

The girls come into the living room and offer to help Annie. She suspects they want something, so they tell her about the double date. They explain they just met the guys, and Annie is rather suspicious. (I would be too, Annie). 

Matt comes in with Connie and introduces her to his mother and sisters. Annie tells everyone to leave because she and Connie don't have much time. 

She looks at her curtains and then pulls them down. Meanwhile, Matt grabs a book and lies on his bed. The girls help Connie with makeup. (During this time, the song "The World Is New" by Save Ferris is playing, and there is no dialogue)

As they put the final touches together, Matt, who had fallen asleep, wakes up. He grabs his tuxedo jacket and heads out of his room. He knocks on his parents' door. Annie answers and says, "give us another five minutes." 

Simon asks Matt where everyone is because he's "starving." Matt tells his brother that the others are helping his date get ready for the prom. 

Ruthie and Eric return, and Ruthie is upset because she learned that Snappy isn't real. 

Ruthie: Why didn't you tell me Snappy's not really real. What's next? Santa Claus? The Easter Bunny? How many years have you been lying to me? Am I really six?
Annie (to Eric): You went backstage?
Ruthie: And on top of everything else, that stupid Snappy lady made me spill grape juice all over myself. I hate her! This dress is ruined! There is no Snappy! (Ruthie runs upstairs)
Eric: Going backstage might have been a mistake.

He tells Annie that Debbie is coming over to talk to Ruthie. Annie's not thrilled about that.

Connie comes downstairs. 

Matt: Wow. I mean, you look beautiful.

Connie thanks Matt and says she owes it all to his mom and sisters. Annie takes pictures before Connie and Matt leave.

Eric says he doesn't understand why Matt was hesitant about going out with Connie. The girls and Simon laugh. 

Simon: Hey, it's not like I'm a kid. I know things. I saw the movie. (What on earth was in this film, monkeys who are harlots)? 
Mary: How can I explain it in words you'll understand. 
Lucy: I think there's a Biblical word for it.
Mary: You just sent Matt off to the prom with...
Lucy: The high school harlot.

Ruthie comes down and tells them, "I don't believe in God either." (Ruthie is training to become a drama queen like her sister, Lucy). 

The doorbell rings, and Kyle and Casey (Joshua Patterson) are at the door. 

Annie tells Eric not to worry because she doesn't believe the rumors about Connie are not valid.

Eric is upset, however.

Eric: I shouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning. I turned Ruthie into an atheist, I forced Matt to go out with... Connie, Lucy, and Mary are both dating eleven-year-olds, and I still have to talk to Simon about that movie. 
Annie: Well, maybe you could get Snappy to talk to Ruthie about God and Simon about sex and kill two birds with one dinosaur. 
Eric: I forgot Debbie, or Snappy, or whatever she's calling herself these days was even here. Although I do remember why we broke up. It's that baby talk. Ewic, so gwad to see ou." 

Snappy (Dawn Jeffory) is sitting next to Ruthie. She tells them they should say a "bwessing" before they eat. 

Ruthie: To who?

Eric sighs but then says grace. 

No one at the table is very happy outside of Snappy, Kyle, and Casey. 

Connie goes to kiss Matt outside the school, and he stops her. She says she just wanted to thank him for dinner. He tells her to just say, "Thank you." He asks if she wants to talk, and she says yes because when they go inside, everyone will talk because they will think there's only one reason Matt took her to the dance. 

Matt: That doesn't mean we have to do anything.
Connie: But we could.
Matt: Yes, we could, but we don't even know each other. 

Matt asks Connie what it's like to grow up an only child, and she says it's lonely. She says that her father is very overprotective, making her act out more. 

Connie: And he's always so stern and threatening and always telling me guys want one thing. I always wanted guys to like me, so why not give them the one thing they really want?
Matt: Have you found a return on that investment?
Connie: What?
Matt: Have you found a guy who really likes you for that? (Matt's such an awesome guy). 

Matt explains that she shouldn't be so easy. He tells her to make him dance because he hates it. Then kisses her. 

Matt: Make me be a gentleman, too.
Connie: Just so I get this straight, you're not completely ruling out...
Matt: Dancing? No, not at all. (Haha, this was great)!

They head into the school.

At the house, Annie tells Eric to stop worrying about Matt and Connie. She says they can't make themselves crazy with "what ifs." She tells him that he needs to entertain Snappy, but he doesn't want to. (I fully understand, she's rather annoying). Mary comes into the kitchen, begging her parents to take Kyle and Casey home. 

Annie: Those boys are at that sensitive age where rejection might permanently damage them. Go. Be nice. And never try tricking us into letting you and your sister double date with two guys you don't even know again.

Snappy is upstairs in Ruthie's room dancing with Ruthie. When they stop, Ruthie tells her she's fine and can go. She tells Ruthie that kids rely on Snappy for guidance, and that's why she does shows, books, and videos.

Ruthie: Yeah, but does Debbie make a lot of money from that Snappy stuff?
Snappy: Maybe it is time to go. As long as you're not mad at Snappy anymore.
Ruthie (makes crossies behind her back): Oh, I'm not mad at anyone anymore.
Snappy: Okay then. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. 
Ruthie (picks up the stuffed Snappy after Debbie leaves): But I still don't believe in God. (She throws the stuffed dinosaur in the garbage). 

Simon is in the living room with his sister and their dates. He is amused by the entire thing. (So am I). 

Eric thanks Debbie for coming over. She hugs him, and when Annie comes in, she clears her throat. Debbie hugs Annie and then leaves. 

Annie: Go and see if Snappy did any permanent damage. 

Eric goes upstairs, and Annie asks the other kids if they want ice cream. She asks Simon to help her. Lucy and Mary offer to help, but Annie says they need to stay with their dates. Mary tells Kyle and Casey it wasn't nice to them to trick her and Lucy. 

Kyle: What trick? I called, I asked you said you'd go.
Mary: Yeah, but you said you were a friend of Matt's.
Kyle: No, I said I was a friend of your brother's - you know, Simon.

Connie and Matt are talking outside again. Connie tells him he's a good dancer, but Matt says he can't dance. They both had fun. They kiss. (Which I guess means they had even more fun). 

Eric is in Ruthie's room, and Ruthie says she doesn't want "to talk to about that God thing" because she's exhausted. He apologizes and explains he thought she knew Snappy was a person in a suit. 

Eric: You don't believe in God, huh?
Ruthie shakes her head no.
Eric: It kind of gets me right in the heart, 'cause God is so...so real to me.
Ruthie: But you can't see God.

Eric explains that you can't see the wind, but it's real. 

Ruthie wants to know what will happen if she does or doesn't believe in God. She has decided if good things will happen, then she believes in God, and if bad things happen, if she doesn't, she will believe in Him, but if nothing will happen, she is undecided. Her dad explains that good and bad things happen to him, and he believes in God. He says that his belief in God helps him get through the bad stuff to enjoy the good things. While he is talking, Ruthie falls asleep. 

Annie puts ice cream from the bowl back into the container when Eric comes down. She says the boys' mother picked them up, and Simon, Mary, and Lucy went to bed. Eric tells her it's 10:30. They decide to wait up for Matt, and Annie re-scoops the ice cream into bowls. 

Connie and Matt are making out in the car. (They are having an enjoyable prom night). 

Connie: Uh, no, um...I think that's enough.
Matt: Okay.
Connie: That's it? End of discussion?
Matt: I'm man enough to hear the word no.

Matt says he should let his dad fix him up more often.

Annie is lying on the couch. Eric comes in with more ice cream, and Annie says it's his third bowl.

Mary, Lucy, and Simon sneak down to get some pizza. Eric catches them and tells the girls not to make dates with strangers.

He tells Simon they need to talk. After the girls leave, he asks his son why he had his friends make dates with Lucy and Mary. Simon says it wasn't him and blames the film for making everyone nuts.

Simon: Whatever happened to romance and feelings and falling in love? All they showed was a bunch of animals and a singing zookeeper. If I want to know how monkeys mate, I could talk to Matt, or Mom, or even you. (Haha, "or even you").

Simon goes to bed, and Eric eats pizza.

Matt brings Connie home, and she wakes up her father. Matt says he had a good time, and they say goodnight.

Matt returns home, and Annie and Eric have fallen asleep on the couch. He turns the light off, and they wake up. Eric asks him if he had a nice time.

Matt: Yes, I did. Connie's a really nice girl. Thanks.
Eric: For?
Matt: For everything. 

Matt heads upstairs.

Annie: We'll get it out of him tomorrow. 
Eric looks at his watch.
Eric: It's tomorrow. 
Annie: Let's go.

The two dash upstairs after Matt. 

The closing credits come up. 

(I loved this episode! I love how everything went together. It all revolved around lies (or perceived lies) and assumptions. Very well done)! 


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