7th Heaven: Season 2 - Episode 16: It Takes a Village


Eric (Stephen Collins) kisses his wife (Catherine Hickman).

Eric and Morgan want to have a guys' night out, but Annie wants the two families to go out together since Matt and John will soon be in college. Annie finally agrees, and Eric kisses her on the cheek.

John (Chaz Lamar Shepherd) and Matt are in the hall discussing the Mint Club, a 21-club. Matt points out that they are not twenty-one but agrees to go. 

Lucy is talking to another student (Jordan Brower) who offers to help her in algebra. Mary runs over to Lucy and asks her who the kid is, and Lucy says he's only fourteen and "totally stuck on himself and kind of weird." (I think they call that adolescence). Keisha (Gabrielle Union) comes over to Lucy's locker to ask Lucy for a favor. Reverend and Mrs. Hamilton have made Keisha stop seeing her boyfriend because of her grades, so she wants Lucy to go to the movies with her so she can see her boyfriend and use Lucy as a cover. Lucy loves the idea and hopes Keisha can someday return the favor.

At Ruthie's school, Ruthie and Lynn (Camille Winbush) both have a crush on their substitute teacher, Mr. Lim. 

Simon and Nigel (David Netter) are invited to a "make-out party." Laura (Kirsten Storms) asks Simon to be her date at the party, and he agrees.

Nigel: Way to go, stud. Laura is the make-out champion of all time.

Simon suddenly looks very anxious as the opening credits come up and the theme song plays

(Terry Rhoads)
Morgan hangs up the phone as Patricia (Olivia Brown) comes into their house with groceries. He tells her that Eric needs a guys' night out, but Patricia is suspicious. 

Lucy tells her mother that Scott is coming over to help her with math and also asks to go with Keisha later. Annie is hesitant at first but then allows Lucy to go. After she goes upstairs, Annie asks Mary what her excuse is, and Mary says, "I don't have one yet, but I'll work on it." (Gee, that won't make your mom suspicious or anything). 

Matt comes in and tells Annie that Simon is acting weird than usual. Also, John has better plans for them as well.

Annie: What's better?
Matt: Just about anything. 

Simon comes into the house and asks to go to a party. However, he seems to be talking her out of allowing him to go. Annie tells him he can go. (Guess that didn't work the way you wanted, Simon). 

Ruthie comes into the house, and her mother asks her about school. Ruthie tells her that the cafeteria woman smells bad. (That was so random, yet funny). Ruthie asks her mother if anyone liked Eric when Annie and Eric were just dating. Annie asks her about going out with Lynn and Patricia, but Ruthie informs her she doesn't like Lynn. Annie tells Ruthie not only is she going, but she is also going to enjoy it. (Haha, I remember my dad saying that to us growing up). 

The doorbell rings, and Mary and Lucy answer it. It's Scott. 

At the Hamilton's house, John reminds his mother that he has plans with Matt. Keisha gets permission to go with Lucy. Nigel receives permission to go to the party, and Matt and John will drop him and Simon off and then pick them up later. (And at first, Patricia thought it was a make-out party, yet believed her son when he said it wasn't). Lynn wants to know how to make a boy fall in love with her.

Scott goes into the kitchen, where Mary is putting dishes away. He tells Mary he offered to help Lucy so he could meet her. Mary agrees to go out with him, and they will meet at the movies. Mary convinces Matt to drop her off, and he believes Mary thinks their parents won't approve of the guy.

Morgan and Eric are discussing the plans. Eric says he is going to keep Morgan out of trouble. 

Morgan arrives at the Camden house, and we learn that Morgan is going to face Patricia's ex-husband because he calls every year on Valentine's Day (like in the episode "Happy's Valentine" in season one), and Morgan wants it to stop. Matt and John take their younger brothers to the party. Mary is with them and learns her younger brother and Nigel are going to a make-out party. 

Lucy meets Keisha's boyfriend, Rick (Ryan Odum), at the movie theatre. Rick tells Lucy that he brought a friend, Brian Dunne, who is in Lucy's English Lit class. The four of them decide to see a cartoon so that nothing gets back to their parents. (Unless their mothers happen to be at the same cartoon). Rick says he didn't come to watch the movie anyway.

Matt and John drop Mary off. Matt is nervous about going to the 21-club tonight, and John tells him to relax. 

Scott meets up with Mary, and they try to get tickets for "Love Doesn't Matter." However, Scott doesn't have an ID, so they have to see the cartoon. 

The younger girls are having dinner at a restaurant with their mothers. Ruthie takes off her coat and has a bra (stuffed) on. Lynn says that Ruthie is trying to steal her boyfriend. The two girls are arguing. Annie tells the girls that if they stop fighting, she and Patricia will take them to see the cartoon at the movies. Neither Ruthie nor Lynn want to go.

At the make-out party, the parents unknowingly leave the kids alone, and the kids are slow dancing with the lights dimmed.

John is singing at the club he and Matt go to.

Morgan and Eric are waiting for Kevin, Patricia's ex-husband, at the pool hall. Morgan tells Eric that John got a record deal. He says he wants John to go to college at Tuskegee as planned, but he wants John to want to go. A man in a wheelchair comes over to them and introduces himself as Kevin (Terry Rhoads)

At the movies, Scott tries to put his arm around Mary, and she reminds him that he's fourteen. (And yet you were the one who wanted to date said fourteen-year-old. I don't see what the big deal is, but to me, age isn't essential as long as it's legal). 

Meanwhile, Keisha and Rick are making out. Brian puts his arm around Lucy and kisses her on the cheek. Annie, Patricia, Ruthie, and Lynn arrive and find seats. 

Back at the club, John tells Matt about the record deal. He wants Matt to be there when he tells his father he wants to pursue his music career. Matt thinks John needs to get his college degree. (I believe education is essential; however, college isn't for everyone, and sometimes people go, but they go later when they are ready). 

At the party, the kids are playing Seven Minutes in Heaven, where a boy and a girl go into the closet for seven minutes to make out. Laura volunteers to go first with Simon. The kids are all cheering Simon on. Laura says she likes to go first to get it over with. They are discussing The Tick in the closet.

Kevin tells Eric and Morgan that he was injured in Vietnam. He says he calls Patricia every year to be reminded of his carefree days. (And yet, it's still weird to me). 

Simon tells Laura he's never kissed a girl before. Laura tells him she's also never been kissed, and Doug Peterson spread a rumor about her because she wouldn't kiss him. Nigel tells them they need to come out, but Simon and Laura kiss before they come out of the closet. Jessica's father (Richard Redlin) opens the closet door and catches them. (I bet that's not a good thing for Simon, but at least he enjoyed his first kiss). 

Ruthie and Lynn pretend to make out like they saw Rick and Keisha do. 

Patricia: If I saw one of my daughters making out like these two, I'd send her to a convent.

Annie: I mean, this is a kid's movie, for goodness sakes.

Patricia: Keisha?

Annie: Lucy?

Mary: Dear God, my mom's here.

Morgan suggests that Kevin come over to the house to see Patricia. They decide to do it tonight, and Eric tells Morgan they are in "big trouble." (Yup). 

Lucy and Keisha ask their mothers not to tell their fathers, but Patricia says, "they're as good as told." Ruthie and Lynn giggle and run upstairs together. Annie tells Lucy she's grounded for three months. Patricia tells Keisha the same, "and probably more." 

Matt and John drive to the party to pick up Simon and Nigel. John apologizes to Matt, and Matt tells John he can really sing. John says he got an early acceptance to Tuskegee. Both guys want to go out of state to school so they can get out on their own. Simon and Nigel get into the car. Simon tells them he was banned from parties at Jessica's house. 

Eric, Mogan, and Kevin arrive at the Camden house. Patricia is shocked at first but then hugs Kevin and says it is good to see him. She then sees her husband looking at them, and there is some silence. (It's that awkward moment when your husband brings your ex-husband home with him). 

John and Matt pick up Mary after dropping the younger boys off. Scott tries to kiss her, and Mary shakes her hand and again reminds him he is only fourteen. (And again, you wanted to go out with him). She tells her brother and John about Lucy and Keisha. 

Patricia says goodbye to Kevin; Kevin drives off. John, Matt, and Mary arrive home, having just missed Kevin. 

Jessica's father called and ratted out Simon. 

Nigel: I didn't do anything, I swear.

Patricia: At this moment, Nigel, no matter what you did, your father is in more trouble than you are.

Nigel: Cool.

Annie tells the boys to go into the kitchen and get a snack. Once they are gone, Eric and Morgan have to face the music. 

Upstairs, Matt and John are yelling at Lucy and Keisha. (I always love how Matt looks after his siblings, and I see John does too). 

The phone rings and Simon answers it. It's Scott for Mary. 

Ruthie helps Lynn look more grown up with a bra like she had. (Cause all 6-year-olds need them). 

The fathers overhear the sons lecturing their daughters. Morgan and Eric suggest going to dinner with Matt and John to discuss college. But Annie and Patricia tell their husbands that the older boys will make the college decision on their own. (I think Morgan and Eric have been grounded). 

They are listening outside the door.  

Keisha: We don't need you to yell at us.

Lucy: Yeah, we've got parents.

Matt: They don't know anything. 

The closing credits come up. 

(This was an okay episode. It gets Lucy on the road to becoming the "make-out queen." It was not a favorite, but it wasn't horrible either). 


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