7th Heaven: Season 2 - Episode 18: My Kinda Guy


Ruthie (Mackenzie Rosman) and Simon (David Gallagher) are going through boxes of cereal trying to find the prize when Eric (Stephen Collins) comes into the room. 

The younger two are looking for a prize in the cereal when Eric comes into the kitchen. He tells them they have a foreign exchange student from France. Matt comes into the kitchen to get something out of the refrigerator and hears about the foreign exchange student. He doesn't like the idea since there is nowhere to sleep. Mary and Lucy come into the room as Eric asks for volunteers. They turn to leave but are stopped by their father. Ruthie tells the other girls about the guy from France. Mary is excited about it since it's a guy. Eric says he's "about Matt's age." Matt tells Ruthie they eat snails in France, and Ruthie is grossed out. (Escargot still grosses me out). Matt asks his father if their mother knows about it, as Annie comes in with two bags full of groceries. She asks what they are talking about.

Ruthie: We're gonna have a change student that eats snails come and live with us. 
Annie: Oh, I don't think so, honey. 

Eric explains what Ruthie means. The kids run out of the room as Annie is clearly not happy.

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Eric explains he didn't ask Annie first because he didn't think it would be an inconvenience. (Guess you thought wrong, Eric). Annie explains to him they have no space, not to mention that teenage boys eat a lot, the cost, and the laundry. 

She asks when the French man is coming, and he says soon. She asks how soon. The doorbell rings. It is Guy (Steven Roy), the guy from France. (The actor playing Guy is actually from Canada). He thanks Eric and Annie for inviting him to stay. He compliments Annie saying she "looks like a model from a fashion magazine." He gives Eric a bottle of wine and Cuban cigars. 

Eric calls the girls downstairs to meet Guy. 

Guy: Bonjour, Ruthie. (Hello, Ruthie).
Ruthie: This is America; speak English. 

She rolls her eyes and sits on the couch.

Mary over enunciates and speaks loudly. 

Eric: Mary, he's French, not deaf. He also speaks English very well. 

He compliments Mary's sweater, then her looks. 

Eric excuses himself, and Lucy introduces herself in French.  

Lucy: Bonjour. Je m'apelle Lucy Camden. Çomment ça va? (Hello. My name is Lucy Camden. How's it going)?
Guy:  Enchanté, mademoiselle Lucy. Ça va bien. Merci. (Pleased to meet you, Miss Lucy. It's going well. Thanks). 

The three girls sit on the couch, and Guy sits across from them on a chair. Ruthie asks him if he really eats snails, and he says yes.

Eric talks to Simon about moving back in with Ruthie for a few weeks. Simon reluctantly agrees if Ruthie lets him have the top bunk. 

Eric goes down to the kitchen to tell Annie Simon can move in with Ruthie, and the girls like him as well. Annie says Guy is "cute and charming." She then realizes this could be a problem with two adolescent teen girls in the house. (I'd put money on that). Eric says they will just keep them away from Guy, and it won't be a problem. (Let me know how that works for you). 

Ruthie comes into the kitchen and tells her parents she doesn't like Guy. 

Ruthie: He's a chauvinist pig. 
Annie: Ruthie. I don't even think you know what that means.                     
Ruthie: Well, I know what pig means.

In the older girls' room, Lucy asks Mary if she thinks "French guys are born knowing how to French kiss." (Haha, I once got mad in French class and told the teacher the only thing good about French was the kissing). Mary tells her that is stupid and not to bring it up to Guy as it will sound like an invitation. Mary tells Lucy that as long as Guy is living in their house, he is just like another brother. Lucy questions Mary about why she got so cleaned up for dinner, and Mary says she was "sweaty from shooting hoops earlier." Lucy doesn't believe her and suggests they take the compatibility test in her magazine to see who would be better suited for Guy. 

Simon informs Ruthie he is only moving back in with her because he is doing a favor for their father. Eric comes up with Guy and introduces him to Matt and Simon. Guy asks Matt if he's the one to talk to "about going out in this town." He tells Matt that there were some French airline attendants he met and asks Matt about double dating. 

Matt: Unfortunately, I have a date tonight.
Guy: Not a problem. Tonight I am a little fatigued. Tomorrow night?
Matt: Sure. Sounds good. 

Matt leaves as Simon returns with some bedding for Guy. Simon tells Guy there's only one phone line, so he shouldn't go online during peak times in the house. Guy says he isn't fond of the internet because it's "too complicated." Simon offers to help him with the internet if he needs it. Then he offers to translate for him.

Guy: How would that work? You know French?
Simon: No, but I sure know English. (You may want to think that over again, Simon). 

Guy tells Simon he wants to get washed up because Annie made him a sandwich. Simon tells him where the bathroom is. Guy waves to the older girls and then sees Ruthie in the hallway.

Guy: Oh. Excuse moi, ma petite fleur. (Oh. Excuse me, my little flower). 
Ruthie: Ruthie. It's Ruth-ie. 

Guy goes into the bathroom, pulls out a cigarette, opens a window, and lights the cigarette. As he is smoking, he says to himself, "Stupid Americans." 

Matt is getting ready to go out on his date when Eric stops him. When Eric tries to make Matt stay, Matt asks him why he isn't staying home to entertain Guy since he's the one who invited him. Eric relents and tells Matt to go and have a good time. 

Lucy is talking to Guy in the living room. She asks him what the most beautiful part of a woman is, and he says the eyes, "the window to her soul." 

Annie is upstairs making Guy's bed. She's not very happy about it since Guy should be doing it himself. Eric tells her he's going to the church to get his computer. He leaves. 

Simon comes into the room, looking for "Dad's computer plug thingamajig." (That description was beneficial). He tells her that Guy loaned him his laptop, and he wants to get as much use as he can before he has to give it back. Annie asks her son if he has homework, and he says he wants to do it Sunday because he "works best under pressure." When that doesn't work, he asks if he can do it on Saturday (It's Friday night). She agrees and tells him, "Don't wait till the last minute." He gets permission to go into Eric's office to surf the net. 

Mary comes into the living room, and Guy asks her where she's going. She tells him she doesn't have plans but is open to suggestions. (Shouldn't she be giving the suggestions since he's not from there)? Guy asks where the young people go for fun in Glen Oak. Lucy mentions the pool hall, Guy says they should go, and Mary says all the cars are gone, so they can't get there. Guy suggests le métro. The girls don't know what that is, so he explains. They tell him they don't have any mass public transportation. Guy suggested a taxi and plans to pay for it himself. 

Guy tells Mary he hoped they would be going alone, and Mary agrees that would be nice. However, she can't leave Lucy. They decide to get together alone tomorrow. 

Lucy tells her mother about the plans. Annie wants to call Eric to bring the van home, but Lucy is afraid Eric will tag along. Annie allows them to go, but they need to return by ten. Lucy is mad about the curfew. 

Simon is in a "Fans of the Tick" chatroom. Annie comes in and is surprised there is a chatroom for that. She asks Simon how to look up "families hosting foreign exchange students." She is amazed at how much information there is. Simon has her sit and tells her to narrow the site to just French students. They see a chatroom and notice Rev. Camden is logged into the chat. Annie tries to call him, but Simon tells his mother that she can't use the phone and the internet simultaneously. He then suggests his mother talk to Eric in the chat, which she does. 

Annie asks Simon if she can talk to Eric in private, so Simon sets it up. She thanks her son and asks him to leave so she can talk to Eric in private.

The girls arrive with Guy at the pool hall. Guy lights up another cigarette. (And apparently, the girls are cool with secondhand smoke. 

Simon sees Ruthie snooping in Guy's room. She finds his pack of cigarettes. Simon wants her to put them away, but she wants to try one. 

Simon: If I were Dad, I'd make you smoke the whole pack in one sitting, and then you'd never wanna smoke again.
Ruthie: Cool, where's Dad?
Simon: He's at the church. 
Ruthie: Where's Matt? He's a real man.
Simon: He's out. But hey, I'm a real man. 
Ruthie: Oh yeah? Light one up, bro.
Simon: Oh no, I'm not gonna light it. If you're old enough to smoke, you're old enough to light it. 
Ruthie: I can't. I'm not allowed to play with matches.
Simon: You're not allowed to smoke either, Einstein.

Ruthie tries to convince Simon to smoke.

Eric and Annie are doing a PG version of cybering with each other. Two brothers (Garron Tshushima and Marcus Toji) are lurking in the chat, amused that Annie and Eric think they are in a private chat. Their mother (Alice Kushida) comes in, and they quickly switch sites, so it looks like they are doing homework. 

At the pool hall, Guy asks Lucy what she thinks about kissing on the first date. 

Matt sees them, comes over with his date Michelle, and introduces everyone. Michelle had studied in Paris for a summer. She and Guy hit it off since she can speak French. 

Simon and Ruthie are sitting on the bathroom floor, not feeling well after smoking. Simon says he doesn't understand how people can smoke everyday pack after pack for years. (And I don't know how you let a six-year-old get you to do something you didn't want to do). Ruthie tells her brother he shouldn't have made her smoke because "these things cause cancer." Simon reminds her it was her idea in the first place.

Ruthie: Yeah, like Mom and Dad are going to believe that one. 

Happy scratches at the door, and Simon tells her to get their mother. (I bet Happy watches Lassie and takes good notes). 

Happy runs down to Eric's office to get Annie. Annie follows the dog back to the bathroom and asks them what's wrong. She smells smoke, and Ruthie says Simon made her do it, but Simon says it was Ruthie who made him do it. Annie doesn't believe a six-year-old could make Simon smoke. (It is hard to believe, and I saw the earlier part of this episode). She asks them if they belong to Guy. Simon tells their mother that Ruthe found them in Guy's suitcase. 

Annie: What were you doing in his suitcase?
Ruthie: My head hurts too bad to remember. 

Annie tells the two of them to go to bed, and they will feel better in the morning. She tells Simon he should have known better "than to give a six-year-old a cigarette." Ruthie smirks at her brother. 

At the pool hall, Guy and Michelle are speaking in French while Matt, Mary, and Lucy sit there. Guy asks Matt to take the girls home so he can take Michelle home. 

Eric is still talking with Annie, only now Annie is two Japanese boys using her name. 

The older kids come home, and Annie asks where Guy is. Matt tells her Guy is still at the pool hall with his (Matt's) date. Matt is not in a good mood. Mary and Lucy are fighting over Guy and are also not in good spirits. Annie informs her older daughters they are not dating anyone who lives in the house. (Yeah, right). 

Annie goes back into the chat room and tells Eric to get off the phone and call her because they have a problem. 

Eric shows up at the pool hall. He takes the cigarette Guy is smoking and puts it out, saying they need to talk. Reverend Camden asks Guy how Simon and Ruthie have cigarettes. Guy says he didn't give it to the kids; they took it. Eric concurs that the kids were wrong to go through his things; however, there is no smoking in the house. He says everyone smokes in Europe, but he's been trying to quit since coming to America. He claims that the French are tightly targeted by tobacco companies. 

Eric also lets Guy know that the older girls think Guy is interested in them. Guy denies it. He tells Eric that he has a girlfriend at home, but they are too young to be serious and was hoping for advice from Mary and Lucy. (Anyone else think Guy's lying)? He tells Eric how generous Matt was to let him talk to stay with Michelle to converse in French. Guy asks Eric to play a game of pool, and Eric agrees. 

Eric had told Annie about his conversation with Guy up in their bedroom. Annie isn't convinced, plus she doesn't feel comfortable with him and her teenage daughters. 

Ruthie comes into their room.

Ruthie: So when are we getting rid of the pig?
Eric: Insulting our guest isn't doing anything to foster international relations. (Ruthie looks up at Simon). 
Simon: That means we're supposed to make all of France like all of America by being nice to this guy. 

Eric brings up the going through Guy's things and smoking. He tells them to apologize to him. Their parents tell them they are not allowed to smoke again - ever. 

Lucy and Mary come into the room.

Lucy: So when are we kicking out the creep?
Ruthie: We can't. We have to make France like us first. 

Annie tells the older girls to stay away from Guy, and they happily agree. 

Eric asks if he is the only one happy to have Guy stay with them, and the kids all answer "yes." 

Guy overhears them and says he will leave immediately. After he is gone, Eric tells them they need to all apologize. When no one bothers to go first, he says they will go by size-order with Ruthie first. Simon goes with Ruthie since "sometimes her apologies don't sound like apologies." 

Ruthie offers to help Guy (leave), but Simon says Ruthie meant "help him not have not to leave." After Simon apologizes, the older girls come in and apologize. They try to convince him to stay, but he says he misses his girlfriend. Matt comes into the room after the girls leave.

Matt: Have a nice trip.
Guy: Au revoir. (Goodbye). 
Matt: Ah, whatever. 

After Matt leaves, Eric and Annie come in to try and convince him to stay. Guy tells them he wants to go home, and Eric offers to drive him to the airport. 

Guy: Merci. (Thank you).

(Guy leaves his suitcase, which Eric picks up)

Guy (in the hall): Stupid Americans. 
Camden Family: We heard that. 

That evening, Annie brings Eric a snack. He is disappointed that things didn't work out.

Annie: I can't believe a country as culturally rich as France, a country who gave us its wine and cheeses, Monet, Molière, Deneuve, Depardieu, the Statute of Liberty, also gave us Guy. 

The two Japanese Brothers are disappointed the chatting stopped. 

One of the brothers: Well, vive la France. 

Annie sits on Eric's lap, and they kiss. 

The closing credits come up.  

(I have mixed feelings about this episode. I have known people from France who were just like Guy, but I have also known many nice ones. Ruthie doesn't seem very realistic here. She is six. How does she have an issue with Guy speaking French? I get the snail thing, but the language shouldn't be an issue for her. She's too young, in my opinion. But overall, it was a pretty good episode). 


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