Double, Double, Toil and Trouble


Kelly (Mary-Kate Olsen) and Lynn (Ashley Olsen) at a Halloween carnival.

The Farmer sisters are at a Halloween carnival with other children. They are having fun but are sick of always being together and always having to share because they are twins. Oscar (Phil Fondacaro) gives them a wand which they have to share. Kelly declares she's going first, but they both say magic words, and Oscar starts to spin around on a turn table thing. 

Don (Eric McCormack) and his wife, Christine (Kelli Fox), pick the girls up late because they are trying to figure out how to get the money they need. Christine suggests they go to her Aunt Agatha (Cloris Leachman), who is rich but evil and hateful. The girls tell their parents they don't want to wear the same costumes because "it's so dorky." They arrive at Aunt Agatha's, and the girls are told to wait in the car because Agatha doesn't like children. The girls are shocked that anyone wouldn't like a child. 

The butler, George (Matthew Walker), tells her someone is at the door and asks if he should answer it. 

Agatha: No, I'll answer it; you sit here and be filthy rich.

Lynn is playing with the wand in the front seat while Kelly is asleep in the back. The wand flies out of Lynn's, and she wakes her sister up so they can get it. 

Christine tells Agatha who she is, and Agatha is like yeah, no kidding, why are you here. Christine tells her aunt they just want to talk to her. 

The girls find their wand and see a gravedigger (Wayne Robson) who screams because he thinks there is one girl in multiple places at once, and they tell him they're twins. 

Kelly: Do you drink a lot of coffee?
Lynn: You might want to switch to decaf.

They ask him who he's building a grave for, and he says he doesn't know and doesn't care; he just wants to finish and leave. He asks them if they know what happens on Halloween.

Kelly: Yeah, you go trick-or-treating. (to Lynn): This guy needs to get out more.

Lynn nods. 

The man climbs out of the grade and tells them about the Yearly Festival of the Witches. He tells them that the woman who owns the house (i.e., Aunt Agatha) is an evil witch. 

Inside the house, Christine says she hasn't seen Agatha since Sophia left. She says it must be hard on Agatha, but Agatha tells her niece she's glad that Sophia is gone. 

The gravedigger tells the girls about another set of twins (Agatha and Sophia as children, also played by the Olsen Twins). He says they heard the legend of the moonstone and tried to find it. Little Agatha sees something glowing green and reaches into the mirror. She gets excited and calls Little Sophia but then decides to tell her she didn't find it. Little Agatha tells Little Sophia that the stone is only make-believe and asks her sister if she believes in it.

Lynn asks the gravedigger if Agatha ever told Sophia about the moonstone, and he says she never shared anything with her sister. Lynn gives Kelly the wand and tells her she can hold it for a while. The gravedigger says that Sofia's spirit is trapped in the house. Kelly asks if anyone can do anything, and he says it can only be broken at midnight on Halloween.

Lynn: How?
Gravedigger: Well, someone would have to rub the moonstone and say and say the right incantation.
All three: What's an incantation?

He explains to them what an incantation is. He hears a noise, gets scared, and says she shouldn't have told them anything, and runs off, stopping only enough to say goodbye.

Christina and Don ask for a loan, so they won't lose their house. Agatha is angry that they came to get money. George comes in with some tea, and Agatha tells him, "drop it," which he literally does. She tells him to show "these two beggars to the door." Agatha hears her cat and runs outside, and sees the twins and the dog by the tree. The dog has the cat trapped. The girls see the moonstone around Agatha's neck, and she covers it with her hands and tells them to leave. 

Agatha returns to her house and speaks to Sofia, who is on the other side of the mirror. Agatha tells her sister not to get her hopes up because midnight will be seven years since she banished Sophia, and it becomes permanent when the spell hits seven years. 

Lynn asks if she can have a nose job when she's older so they won't look like twins. She says she'd rather have Kelly get the nose job. Kelly says she doesn't want a nose job but a tattoo. Lynn asks if Agastha's house has a curse on it.

Don: There's certainly a curse in that house. 

Kelly asks if Agatha is a witch. 

Don: You bet she is.
Kelly and Lynn: She is a witch.

A man (Meshach Taylor) starts cleaning the windshield, and Don says he doesn't have spare change. The girls give him their lollipops. Agatha says if Kelly and Lynn come near the house, she will take care of them as well, which must be witch-o-vision. Christine tells her daughters about Sophia and her disappearance. The doorbell rings, and she leaves to answer it. The girls discuss Sophia being trapped in the house. 

The man at the door is Bernard Brewster (Gary Jones), who has come to see the house since it's going to be foreclosed on Monday. Don is annoyed and kicks the man out. The girls look concerned, so Don calls a family conference. 

They tuck the girls in and tell them not to worry. Christine is concerned that Lynn is sick of being a twin, and Don says they want to be recognized as individuals, which is normal. 

The girls can't sleep and get out of bed. They look at their growth charts. They decide they have to free Aunt Sophia tomorrow. 

The gravedigger nervously goes to get his money from Agatha. She asks if he finished his job and accuses him of telling the girls things they shouldn't have been told. He runs away. 

The girls are trick-or-treating. She calls two boys over and bribes them with a lot of candy to change costumes. The boys go with the Farmer parents. Kelly and Lynn are trying to figure out where a witches' gathering will be held. One of them tosses a penny, and it hits Mr. N (Taylor, the man from earlier) in the head. He recognizes the girls as the ones who gave them their lollipops. He tells them they shouldn't be out alone and tells them to go home. They say they can't until they free Aunt Sophia. Mr. N learns the moonstone is an expensive gem and decides to stay with them. (And I am sure it has nothing to do with his obsession with having a lot of money and not having to work for it). 

They go to a psychic to find out where the witch festival is and then stow away on a truck carrying pumpkins. Mr. N falls asleep, and when he wakes up, he finds out he's going the wrong way. Mr. N peeks in the driver's window, which scares the driver, and pumpkins go flying. Mr. N and the girls run for their lives. They start walking through some woods and come to a little house. It turns out the house belongs to Oscar, the clown from the party yesterday.

The girls think Oscar is mad at him, and he explains that he doesn't like being seen outside his clown costume. He says when he's a clown, people laugh with him, but as a little person, they laugh at him. The girls tell him they wouldn't do that because they're little themselves. 

The boys are still with the girls' parents. The parents think it's the girls.

Oscar says he will help the girls get to the witch's festival, but Mr. N finds it hard to believe the girls' story. 

Oscar: The problem is that as people get bigger, their imaginations get smaller.

Agatha is excited the girls are going because she will have them where she wants them. She rushes the driver to get her to the festival. 

Meanwhile, Oscar has the girls, Mr. N, and himself in the clown car driving to get there as well. 

The Farmers call the "girls" to go home, and the boys take off their face coverings and tell them they want to go to their own homes. They ask the boys if the girls told them anything after returning them to their parents. The boys say no, and the parents leave.

The girls, Oscar and Mr. N, arrive at the witch's festival. The man doesn't want to let them in when they don't have an invitation, but one of the girls moves the wand around, and he lets them in. Agatha is asked to lead in the incantation. Then business is conducted as to money being owed. Agatha tells the gang about casting away Sophia, tells them about the twins who are trying to stop the spell from becoming permanent, and asks the others for help. 

A man (Mr. N and Oscar combined) offers to double Agatha's power for the moonstone. She agrees but finds out it's them and the girls and the two men run again. Lynn takes the moonstone and leaves with Oscar, Mr. N leaves with Kelly, and they will meet up at Oscar's car. 

Kelly and Mr. N get trapped in a building. Mr. N says he will tell Agatha they don't have the moonstone. However, he gets outside and tries to negotiate with Agatha to help her get the moonstone back. She turns him into a crow. 

Agatha poses as Sophia, but Kelly is too smart to fall for it. She traps Agatha and runs out but gets caught by someone she thought was Mr. N. 

Oscar and Lynn get back to the car, and Mr. N is there waiting. He tells them Agatha turned him into a crow, grabbed Kelly, and took her back to Agatha's house. Lynn is upset and explains she hasn't been nice to Kelly lately. However, they don't know how to get to the house, but Lynn says the gravedigger knows, and he says he lives where the sun always shines. She points to a building with a sun, and sure enough, he lives there. But he's afraid and doesn't want to help. Lynn says she's going outside, and Oscar tries to change the gravedigger's mind; while he's doing that, Lynn switches the lights out, and then says they will stay with him on the way to Aunt Agatha's. They get into Oscar's car, and Mr. N (the crow) talks it scares the gravedigger, but they keep him from running away. 

Agatha, the man, and Kelly get to the car, and it has a flat tire caused by a crow's beak. Agatha tries to reinflate the tire but overinflates it, and it explodes. 

Lynn, Oscar, the gravedigger, and Mr. N. arrive at Aunt Agatha's. Lynn says because it's her aunt, she should go first. But the door is locked. Oscar sees an open window high up and uses a bunch of helium balloons to float up. Mr. N is up there waiting (but can't open the door). Oscar opens the doors for the others to come inside. 

Lynn searches for the mirror where Sophia is trapped. Sophia calls for help from the attic. They run upstairs and find her, but Lynn can't break the curse without Kelly since The Curse of the Twins trapped her. She tells them how much she and Agatha hated being twins. She tells them about George, who she was going to marry and move far away. But Agatha cursed Sophia to the mirror and also put a spell on George. 

Agatha threatens Lynn, but Lynn says she's safe since she has the moonstone. So Agatha tries to appeal to Lynn's dislike of being a twin, but that doesn't work either. So she tells Lynn that Kelly doesn't have anything protecting her. She tricks Lynn into dropping the moonstone in exchange for Kelly. But before Agatha can get the gem, Mr. N swoops down and grabs it. She offers Mr. N the initial $50,000 he wanted, but Mr. N turns it down and says she's ashamed he almost sold the girls out. Agatha tells George to get the gun so they can go "crow hunting." Mr. N flies out the window. The girls have moved something to block the door of the attack to keep Agatha out. The golddigger and Oscar refuse to leave, and Agatha tells the gravedigger he's scared. He says he is, but he's staying there, and Oscar agrees. 

Gravedigger: I guess being brave isn't about not being scared. It's about being scared but doing what you have to do anyway.
Agatha: Isn't that nice? He found the moral of the story. 

She turns Oscar and the gravedigger into turtles. 

Mr. N arrives at the attack window, and the girls get the moonstone. They ask Sofia for the incantation, but she can't tell them. She says, "it has to come from the heart." The girls tell each other they love each other and don't mind being twins. Suddenly Mr. N is back to a human, as are Oscar and the gravedigger. George is no longer under a spell, and Aunt Sophia is free. 

Agatha doesn't understand how the spell could be broken after midnight, and one of the girls says she pushed the clock ahead by five minutes. Agatha tries to push Sophia back into the mirror but ends up in the mirror herself. 

Don and Christine get to the house and are surprised to see Sophia. The girls and Sophia says they were having a Halloween party and forgot to call.

Christine: Where's Aunt Agatha?
Sophia: She decided to go on a long journey. She thought she needed time to reflect. (Haha, I like what she did there). 

The girls tell the gravedigger they are proud of him for being brave. Then they tell Oscar he was fabulous, and he agrees but says they all were. They tell Mr. N they wish they could give him a million dollars, and he says he learned that friendship is worth much more than money. (Good lesson to learn). 

Sophia made cinnamon cookies and are outside with George, Christine, and Don. Sophia says she heard they need some help with their house payment, and Don admits they do, but it would only be a loan. 

The girls are in the addict cleaning up the mirror that was broken. Agatha asks for help, and they refuse and leave holding hands. 

Agatha: I hate Halloween!

The closing credits come up. 

(I love this movie. I am a fan of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. It is a very adorable movie, and since I don't care for scary movies, it's perfect for me on Halloween). 


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