7th Heaven: Season 3 - Episode 12: All That Jazz


Simon (David Gallagher) tells Nigel (David Netter) that he doesn't know what to get Deena for their anniversary.

Nigel doesn't want to spend his weekend searching for a gift for Simon to give to Deena. Simon tells him three months is a big deal, but Nigel says "anniversary implies yearly." Ruthie comes into Simon's room singing the "K-I-S-S-I-N-G Song" about Simon and Deena. She wants to play, but Simon says he is busy; Ruthie reminds him he is babysitting her while his parents are at the hospital. Nigel asks if Mrs. Camden is having the twins.

Simon: Don't you think I would have told you that?
Nigel: Not unless Deena was with them. (Haha, great reply)! 

Lucy is picking out clothes for a date with Mary's help. Mary tells her the white one, so Lucy puts on the blue one. She tells her sister that it's ironic when Mary was with Wilson, all the other guys wanted to date her, and now that she's single, she can't get a date. Lucy points out the last guy Mary went on a date with was Jordan, who is now Lucy's boyfriend. 

Matt enters their room, and Lucy tells their brother that they saw Heather at the mall. He is upset they didn't tell him sooner.

Annie and Eric are at the hospital and see Dr. Hastings (Ed Begley Jr.) and become upset and turn around and go the opposite direction. 

The doorbell rings at the house. Lucy answers, and it's Rod (Toran Caudell), and Lucy scolds him for coming over.

Rod: I didn't know where else to go. My mom died. (Bet you feel like a jerk now, Lucy). 

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Rod is in the room with Lucy and Mary. Lucy says she wants to let Rod sleep in the closet, and Rod explains he doesn't want to talk to anyone. Lucy says that Rod's father thinks Rod is staying at Jimmy Moon's house. 

Matt calls Heather's house. Heather's mom (Meg Wittner) answers and lets Heather (Andrea Ferrell) know who's on the phone. She doesn't want Matt to know she's home, so her mother lies for her. Matt hangs up the phone as his parents come into the house. Annie hugs Matt and tells him he's a miracle. Eric tells Matt that they saw the doctor who delivered Matt.

Matt: The one who almost killed me, Dr. Hastings.
Eric: That's the one.

Eric says they thought Dr. Hastings was fired after that incident.

Annie calls the hospital concerned she might get Dr. Hastings if she goes into labor early. The receptionist confirms that it is possible. Annie is visibly upset. (Poor Annie). 

Ruthie is helping her father clean up after dinner. She lets Happy lick the plates and then puts them away. (Eeew)! Eric sees her and stops her from putting the plate in the cupboard. (Nice save, but I wonder if she got any past him before he noticed). Nigel and Simon come downstairs. Eric asks them where they are going, and Simon says, "nowhere." Ruthie fills her father in about Nigel and Simon fighting all morning because Simon is so worried about finding the perfect gift for Deena. Matt is taking Simon to the mall because he heard Heather is back. Eric asks if anything else is happening at the house, so Ruthie fills her father in on Wilson and Mary being back together, "according to Mary." She says Lucy broke her date with Jordan because Lucy's friend is having a problem. She tells her father to check back with her later because "stuff happens." 

Lucy and Mary are on the lookout as Rod runs to the bathroom. Mary tells Lucy that Rod needs to go home and deal with the death of his mother. Lucy begs her sister to give Rod more time. Ruthie comes out into the hall and asks her sisters what they are doing and wants to know who's in the bathroom. Rod comes out, and the girls carry Ruthie into their room.

Matt stops outside Heather's house, and Simon explains to Nigel that Heather dumped Matt. Matt says he's deciding if he wants to go in or not. Simon suggests they pass the time by thinking of the perfect gift for Deena, and Nigel wants to go home. Heather looks out the window and sees them. Her mother tells her she has to let Matt know she's engaged, especially since she wants Rev. Camden to perform the wedding ceremony. 

Annie asks Eric where he was, and he tells her he was taking out the trash. He tells her that he saw Emily Grew, a neighbor, and she told Eric that Rod's mother had died. He asks if anyone told Lucy and Annie says if Lucy knew, she'd tell them. (Don't be too sure). She tells her husband they can talk to Lucy later because right now, they have to get to the hospital because she thinks something is wrong.

 Dr. Warren (Tyrees Allen) tells Annie she has slightly high blood pressure. Annie is upset about Dr. Hastings being back at the hospital. 

Dr. Warren: For the sake of the babies, you're gonna have to let it go. 
Annie: I just want to make sure that he never comes near me again.

Dr. Warren tells her he will put a note in her chart that they cannot call Dr. Hastings in an emergency. (Um, if it's an emergency, they may not have any other choice). However, Annie has to calm down, or she won't be able to leave. He tells Eric to calm down as well.

After the doctor leaves the room, Eric suggests that he and Annie talk to Dr. Hastings. He thinks it will make them feel better, but Annie disagrees. Eric says they will just lay around their bedroom holding each other.

Lucy brings Rod some food. He is sitting in the closet. She says she doesn't want to talk if he doesn't, but she understands because she lost her best friend last year.

Rod: You lost your best friend. You didn't lose your mother.

The phone rings, and it's a guy calling to talk to Mary. Lucy leaves to get Mary and Rod closes the closet door again (he is still inside the closet). Mary says she feels terrible about getting back together with Wilson with Rod's mother passing away. 

Lucy: It's not like you could have planned when you were going to get back together with Wilson. Although it is a little freighting how quickly people found out.
Ruthie: She made some calls.

Mary goes to answer the phone.

Nigel and Simon are chatting in Matt's room. Simon is talking about how he found the perfect gift for Deena, and Nigel is frustrated that he's still talking about her and the present. 

Simon: I mean butterflies for her hair. It's so "Titanic," so Kate Winslet.

Nigel tells him that someone might make a movie about Simon finding a gift for Deena someday. He tells Simon they were half-butterfly/half dragonfly that Kate Winslet wore. Matt asks them why they are still in his room, and Nigel says after waiting two hours for him to buy pants, he deserved to see how they look. 

Simon: They make you look too hippie. Too hippie -like the 60s. I wasn't saying you have a big butt. 
Nigel: I think it's a combination of the hippie and your long hair that's just not working for me. 
Matt: You can leave now. Go on.

The phone rings again, and Mary answers. It's Michael Towner (the guy who hit Mary with his car in the season one finale). Michael (Donnie Jeffcoat) wants to get together with Mary to talk. He has wanted to talk to her since he hit her with the car. He suggests he could pick her up, and they could go to the pool hall. However, Mary says she will go there because her parents might disapprove of her hanging out with the guy that almost put her in a wheelchair for life. 

Mary hangs up the phone as Lucy comes in. Lucy asks who was on the phone, and Mary tells her it was Wilson. (Mary, didn't you just learn last episode that you can't lie to save your life)?

Lucy: Wilson's in town?
Mary: No.
Lucy: Then how are you gonna meet him in five minutes.
Mary: Well, I won't if I stand around here talking all day.

After Mary leaves, Lucy opens the closet door and sees Ruthie sitting with Rod. 

Ruthie: Do you mind? We're talking. 

Ruthie tells Rod about losing her hamster once. She says he didn't die, just literally got lost, but she didn't know what else to say. 

Mary tells her parents she's going to the pool hall for an hour.

Eric (to Annie): Don't worry. I'll ask Ruthie.

Matt tells his parents he's going to Heather's house even though he wasn't invited. They ask Matt what Simon got for Deena, and he tells them about the butterfly hair combs. Matt says that Nigel isn't having a very good time. They tell Matt about the scare with the babies.

Matt: How come you two never tell anyone anything?
Annie: That's what we have Ruthie for. 

Matt says he bought new pants, hoping to get back together with Heather. Eric says he will talk to Lucy, and Annie insists on going with him. 

Simon can't find the butterfly combs he got for Deena. Nigel is lying in bed, upset about how Simon's treating him when they are supposed to be hanging out for the weekend. Simon says they cost three dollars, and Lucy says he can't put a price on love. 

Eric and Annie go into Lucy and Mary's room. They hear a noise in the closet and think Lucy's in there but see Rod and Ruthie.

Ruthie: Rod spent the night here. His mom died, and he's mad at his father.
Rod: What she said. 

Matt returns to Heather's house and tries to talk himself into going into the house. Heather comes out and gets in his car. She tells him she's engaged. 

Mary is at the pool hall with Mike. They are talking about the fact they never dated because he "was such a jerk." He tells her he's changed since she flushed his head in the toilet (back in season one)(Haha, that was classic). He asks her out if things don't work with Wilson. She says she doesn't know since he ran her over and all. 

Mike: Oh yeah, I almost forgot.
Mary: Me too.

He reaches over and puts his hand on hers, and she smiles.

Rod tells Rev. Camden that his dad said he can stay at the Camden house as long as he wants. Eric tells Rod he's welcome to stay but thinks he'd want to be with his family during this time. Rod is angry because his father has managed to keep busy the entire time his mother was dying. When his mother lost her hair, he let her shave off his mustache. Rod was sitting with her through everything and was at her side when she died. He says his father was busy putting linoleum down while she was there dying. 

Eric: I'm sorry. I had no idea.
Rod: Yeah. I'm not just a formerly-mustache-wearing, scooter-driving, daughter-chasing kind of a guy, you know? Still, waters run deep, my friend. 

Rod leaves to return to the closet in Mary and Lucy's room.

Simon passes Ruthie in the hallway and sees she is wearing the butterfly combs; He chases after her.

Matt and Heather are outside her house talking. He is upset that she is getting married. Heather tells him she wants Matt's dad to perform the ceremony. 

Matt: If you don't want me. You don't get my dad. We're a packaged deal. So don't even ask him. Just forget it. And while you're at it, forget me too! (Matt, this is like saying you are gonna take your toys and go home). 

Lucy comes into her room and asks Rod what he's doing. 

Rod: Reading your diary.

Lucy runs over to him. 

Rod: I'm kidding, okay? I lost my mom, not my sense of humor.

Lucy apologizes to Rod about her father, and Rod is okay with it because he knows he can't hide in a closet forever. Lucy tries to talk Rod into going to his mother's funeral because she kind of regrets not going to Sarah's funeral (back in season 2) when she was killed. Rod reminds her he was with his mother when she died and had already said goodbye. Lucy tells him to go for his father because his father is not as strong as Rod. 

Annie asks Eric how everything went with Rod. Eric tells his wife what Rod told him. He also says that he talked to Rod's dad before Rod did. Eric then tells his wife that talking can be good, and Annie tells him she doesn't want to talk to Dr. Hastings. Eric says he called and left a message with Dr. Hastings and Annie becomes angry with her husband. However, Eric tells her they need to let Dr. Hasitngs know about being angry with him for the past twenty years. 

Michael Towers and Mary are walking to the Camden house holding hands. Mary says it may not be a good idea for him to walk her to the door. Mike tells her that hitting her changed his life. He says his timing is bad, and then they kiss. Matt comes out and sees them, and Mary hits Michael. 

Matt and Mary go into the house. Matt asks his sister why she was kissing Michael Towner. Mary reminds everyone that it was an accident when Mike hit her, and he's apologized many times. Eric asks his daughter about Wilson and explains he heard from Ruthie. After Mary leaves, Annie asks Matt about Heather. He tells his parents that Heather is engaged to her boyfriend. 

Matt: I feel like such a fool. I bought new pants.

Simon is still chasing Ruthie. Eric asks what's going on, and Simon tells them that Ruthie stole the butterflies. Ruthie says she "found them in Simon's dresser." Nigel comes down, and Simon tells him he has Deena's gift back. Nigel says he wants to go home because Simon sucks as a friend. Eric says he will take Nigel home. Simon stops Nigel, and Annie tells Ruthie they will have a talk later about finding versus stealing. 

The phone rings, and Annie answers and tells Dr. Hastings they will be there.  

They meet Dr. Hastings in his office. Annie tells him why she's angry. Annie had eclampsia (An attack of convulsions during pregnancy or childbirth) and Dr. Hastings has never seen that in delivery and panicked. He says he never apologized because he was too scared to face them. Annie tells him he shouldn't be practicing medicine. He explains that he went back to medical school to do another three-year residency, where he decided to dedicate his life to "working with high-risk babies." He was hesitant to return to Glen Oak Hospital because of Annie and Eric. Dr. Hastings gets called to another room, but he learns that Annie and Eric have forgiven him before he does. 

Mary and Lucy are in their room talking. Mary blames Lucy for the fact that Mary told everyone she and Wilson got back together. Lucy tells her that Wilson called and asked if he heard they were together. Mary is upset she doesn't get her messages, plus she doesn't want to talk to Wilson; she wants to speak to Michael. 

Ruthie comes into Simon's room. He is lying on his bed on his stomach.

Simon: Do you think I'm obsessed with Deena?
Ruthie: I may not be the best person to ask.
Simon: Why?
Ruthie: Because I don't even know what obsessed means. 

Simon explains what obsessed means; Ruthie agrees he is obsessed. He tells her Nigel may never speak to him again. Ruthie says the hair clips are nice and might be worth losing a friend for. Simon tells her to keep the butterflies because he can just make Deena a card. 

Ruthie leaves as Nigel comes into the room. He tells Simon he was halfway home and remembered nobody was home. Simon says it's hard to balance love and friendship. Nigel doesn't see why they have to be separated. He wants to be friends with Deena too. He asks Nigel for another chance, and Nigel forgives him. Ruthie is at the door and starts doing the "K-I-S-S-I-N-G Song" using Simon and Nigel's names. They chase her. 

Heather goes into Matt's room. She asks about Rod, and Matt tells her "it's a long story." She tells him she wants Rev Camden to marry her, and he says he wants to be with her. She informs him that he doesn't get to decide who she dates or marries. They hug.

Rod is talking to Annie in the living room. She tells him they will go with him if he decides he wants to go to his mother's funeral. 

At church, Eric talks about doing your best with what is given you. He encourages the congregation to use the week to reconcile with someone. 

Mary talks to Mike after the service, and they walk out together.

Rod decides to go to the funeral. He makes up with his father, and they hug. 

The closing credits come up. 

(This was a great episode. It was nice how different people were angry at others for various reasons, yet they all, in time, were able to forgive). 



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