7th Heaven: Season 3 - Episode 10: Here Comes Santa Claus


Ruthie (Mackenzie Rosman) is baking cookies and dancing with her mother (Catharine Hicks)

Ruthie and her mother dance in the kitchen while making cookies. Simon comes in and shows them how to really dance. He is wearing his candy cane pajamas which he has outgrown. Annie tells him he needs new ones, but he is upset and doesn't want new ones. (It's time, Simon). The older girls come into the kitchen complaining to their mother about their father. They are upset they are being forced to volunteer on their Christmas vacation. Matt asks if they are getting someone else to do the Living Nativity scene, and Annie says she hopes not because she loves doing it. Matt tells her she doesn't need to worry. Annie tells Matt that his father wants to see him in the garage. Simon tells him, "the last two who went in there ended up with jobs." Simon asks his mother when they will put the Christmas lights up. She tells him, "how about next December." Simon says he can put the lights up himself. 

Mary (with her mouth full): You can't even dress yourself. 

Annie hugs Simon.

Eric is in the garage, moving things around. He is looking at records when Matt comes in. Matt tells his father to keep the records because they will be worth a lot of money one day. Eric says he'd never get rid of them as they reminded him of when he was younger. Eric tells Matt that he got him a job playing Santa Claus. It is only a one-day long job, and it pays $100. 

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Annie is in the kitchen writing everyone's names on pieces of paper which she then puts into a bowl. Eric comes in, and she shows him she has cheated by folding the paper with his name on it so that she can draw it (Not the best example to set for the kiddos). They are kissing as the kids come down.

Ruthie: If they get another baby in there, mom's going to explode. (They must have finally told her where babies come from). 

They laugh as Annie grabs the bowl. Each person picks a name without looking. They then get a gift for that person they made or do something for that person. Annie draws first, then Eric. Ruthie is after her Dad, then Simon, Lucy, Mary, and Matt. Annie asks her youngest daughter if she needs help and Ruthie tells her, "not this year."

The doorbell rings, and Lucy says it must be Jordan, and everyone leaves. She answers the door, and Jordan says, "Merry Christmas." Lucy is upset they won't be together on Christmas, and Jordan says he will miss her too. Jordan gives Lucy a gift and tells her not to open it until Christmas. 

Lucy: But I thought we weren't going to exchange gifts until you got back. Of course, I got you something weeks ago. I just haven't had time to wrap it. 
Ruthie: Go ahead, go wrap it. We can talk while you're upstairs. 

Lucy looks annoyed at Ruthie. A car horn beeps. (Saved by the bell, or horn in this case). 

Jordan: That's my mom. We gotta get to the airport. You can just give it to me when I get back.

Lucy and Jordan kiss, and then he leaves. Ruthie asks her sister when Jordan's big gift is, then says, "that's what I thought." 

Mary and Eric are at the soup kitchen. Mary is complaining about having to volunteer. A woman named Joyce (Anna Maria Horsford) says she will be right with them. Eric tells Mary that Joyce runs the soup kitchen, then he asks his daughter if he knows what he should get Annie. Mary tells him they should know what to buy each other before they cheat. (Haha...yup)!

Lucy is talking to her mother. She says the gift from Jordan probably cost $100 because that's what couples now spend. Annie tells her she and Eric have never spent $100 on each other at Christmas.

Annie: And yet, whenever we've drawn each other's names, we've always managed to get each other something special. You just have to be creative. 
Lucy: First of all, it's not 'whenever.' It's every year because we all know you guys cheat.

She tells her mother she's busy trying to get the Living Nativity together and doesn't have time to be creative. Annie tells her daughter to hold auditions for the Living Nativity, and Lucy thinks her mother is insane. Annie gives up and asks Lucy what she thinks Eric would like for Christmas. 

Eric tells Simon that Simon is too young to hang lights. Simon asks if he can hang the outside lights inside just so at least there would be lights for Christmas. Eric agrees as long as Simon doesn't let Anine help him. 

Joyce comes in with Carlos (Carlos Ponce) and introduces Mary. He kisses Mary's hand, and they smile at each other. 

Ruthie is questioning Simon about Santa Claus. He tells her that, like himself, Santa has a system. 

Ruthie: You don't even know when you've outgrown your pajamas.
Simon: Enough about my nightwear.

Matt is on the phone with Jenny (Amy Weber). He tells her they are going to the university charity ball as she wants to do. He refuses to tell her what his job is, however. 

At the mall, Joe the Elf (Joe Geib) tells Matt (now in the Santa outfit) that he should sue. Joe doesn't think it's fair he can't be Santa because he is too short when Matt can, even though he's so young. (True, especially since the older Santa pictures I have seen, Santa is the same height as the elves). 

Eric goes to the soup kitchen and offers to help. Mary tells him about Carlos. She tells him Carlos is homeless and was hit by a bus. She also tells her Dad she thinks Carlos is cute. (I have never told my Dad about a guy I thought was cute, not directly at any rate). Also, she invited him to stay with the Camdens for Christmas. 

Carlos is in the kitchen talking to Eric and Annie. He offers to go to a shelter since they have too many kids to take care of, but Annie tells him that it's "part of the magic of Christmas." Annie goes to get an air mattress. Eric asks Carlos if he's from back east. Carlos tells him he's from New York but left because he and his father had a fight. 

A girl (Leslie Lunceford) tells Santa Matt to repeat her list back to her. She gets irritated when he can't remember which charms she wants and kicks him.

Lucy asks Simon for $20 and calls him Ebeneezer Camden when he refuses. Annie comes into the garage with Carlos and introduces him to Lucy and Simon. She tells them that he's staying in the garage over the holidays. After Lucy and Annie are gone, Simon and Carlos chat. Carlos tells Simon he's from New York. Simon asks him if he's ever seen the musical "Cats" and informs Carlos that they aren't real cats. (Yeah, my guess is he and everyone over like five knew that). 

Ruthie comes into the kitchen with Jenny and tells her mother that she's going with Jenny to get mistletoe. Annie tells Jenny to put Ruthie in the backseat and keep her away from the airbag. Ruthie wants to go to the mall to see Santa as well. (No, you don't, Ruthie, no, you don't). 

Eric is on the phone in Matt's room with some guy. Annie comes into the office, and he pretends he is speaking to a "Mrs. Thomas" from his church. He tells his wife it's church business. 

Annie: Why are you doing church business in Matt's room?
Eric: It's in the attic, one floor closer to God. Where are you going?
Annie: Wouldn't you like to know?

Lucy and Mary are chatting in their room. Lucy is amazed that Mary brought "a Latin hottie" home from the soup kitchen. She tells Mary that Jordan will probably dump her because she won't have a good enough gift to compete with his present. (Still insecure as ever, Lucy). Mary tells her to peek at the gift before going "Christmas crazy." When Lucy says she can't because she promised Jordan, Mary grabs the present, telling Lucy, "Well, I didn't." She tells Lucy it's a shoe shine kit. Lucy doesn't believe her until she sees it for herself. 

Annie goes to the pawn shop and talks to Rocky (Tim Conway), the owner. She asks him if he still has the jukebox in the store. When he says he still has it, Annie asks if she can trade the cross necklace her mother left her for the jukebox. Rocky tries to talk her out of it, but she really wants the jukebox for her husband to play his records. (So, ever read the "Gift of the Magi," Annie; how about you, Eric)?

At the mall, Joe the Elf rushes Ruthie to see Santa. She sits on his lap and immediately recognizes her brother Matt. She pulls off the beard and screams. (And boy can she scream)! 

Eric asks Lucy if she's ready to go, and Lucy tells her Dad that she's been on the phone calling everyone in the church directory to get people to come to the auditions. 

Lucy: I'll probably just be sitting there all afternoon staring at the rec room walls.
Eric: Take your shoe shine kit; I'll give you something to do. 
Lucy: Yeah, Merry Christmas to you too

(Eric chuckles).

Lucy: It's not funny. 

(Lucy leaves).

Eric: Yes, it is.

Simon tells Carlos that "Cats" was based on a poem. Carlos asks if they can talk about something else. (Haha, I guess he's not a fan of the show). Simon tells him that Eric and Annie will learn Carlos' story sooner or later, and they can take it. Simon asks him if he's seen the way Mary looks at him and informs him that Eric has seen it even if he hasn't seen it. 

Lucy is at the church and amazed at all the people who showed to audition for the Living Nativity Scene. One guy says he wants to be Jesus. 

Lucy: He's an infant in the Christmas story.
Guy: I thought you said, all ages, all ethnicities. (She didn't say all ages could be Baby Jesus, Nitwit). 

Eric is at the pawnshop selling his records. He tells Rocky he wants to get a chain for the necklace his mother-in-law left his wife. (Let me introduce you to a man named O'Henry). 

Carlos is cleaning the jukebox with Annie. He tells her that he comes from a very religious family. She tells him people forget the real meaning of Christmas. (Sad, but true). 

Matt and Ruthie come into the garage, and Matt tells his mother that Ruthie got him fired.

Ruthie: And you've ruined Christmas for me forever.
Matt: There is a Santa Claus!
Ruthie: Why don't they arrest you for pretending to be him?
Matt: Because I'm working for him. How many times do I have to explain it?

Annie asks them what happened. Matt sees Carlos and asks him who he is. 

Ruthie: If you were really working for Santa, you'd know that impostor. 

Mary is on the phone with an operator (Ruth Buzzi) trying to find someone named Sal. Because it's a small town, she thought the operator could find the person with the first name only because it was an emergency. She explains the gift and how Lucy is a "rules girl." The operator says she understands because she is also a rules girl. Carlos opens the door, and when Mary looks at him, he apologizes to her and explains he just wanted a place to hide out. The operator tells Mary that she found the number and gives it to her. Mary calls her a genius and thanks her. 

Lucy is holding tryouts and dismisses everyone as she sees them looking bored. She leans back in her chair, and it tips over. (Haha). Eric joins her and also agrees no one is very good. At last, she tells the people, "you're hired." Eric looks at her in amazement. 

Simon has all the lights up and plugs them in. All the power goes out. Simon says it must be "some sort of an electrical problem." (I am sure it's nothing to do with too many outdoor lights inside the house). Annie puts her sunglasses on because the outdoor lights inside are very bright. The doorbell rings and Matt asks if someone is going to get it. Simon answers it. Annie asks Matt what the problem is, and he explains he still has on the Santa pants. It's Jenny, all dressed up. Matt tells her he got fired, so he doesn't have the money to take her to the dance. She tells him to get his coat and boots because she has a surprise. 

Ruthie (heading to the stairs): I'm not over this, you know, I'll never be over it.
Annie: Don't worry, she'll get over it. 

After Jenny and Matt leave, Annie tells her younger son to take another look at the lights. They both put on their sunglasses. Annie rings the doorbell, and the lights blink. Simon looks satisfied with his work. 

Carlos, Mary, and Eric are playing Go Fish. Mary asks Eric if he wants to know who's at the door and when he says "no," she goes to check. Eric tells Carlos that he talked to Carlos' father, and his family wants him home for Christmas Eve tomorrow. He says an anonymous person at the soup kitchen got Carlos a  plane ticket back to New York that leaves at midnight. Mary returns and tells them that it was just her mom at the door. Eric quits the game and goes upstairs. Mary and Carlos smile at each other. 

Jenny tells Matt to pull over. He asks where they are, and she says, "you'll see." Matt has trouble getting the seatbelt off with his Santa suit on. (I get that; when I have my thick winter coat on, I have trouble getting my seatbelt on). They are by a fountain dancing, and he apologizes for not taking her to the ball. She says she feels terrible about taking Ruthie to the mall but has decided to allow herself not to feel guilty for Christmas. 

Christmas Eve day, Jordan calls Lucy and asks her if she opened the gift. She tells him not officially. He explains the shoe shine kit was for his Uncle Sal's monkey. She asks him what she was supposed to get.

Jordan: The game ball from the Christmas tournament when I made the winning shot. I took it and wrote something that I've been waiting until Christmas to tell you. I love you, Lucy Camden. 
Lucy: I love you too. 

Mary tells Joyce that Carlos left without saying goodbye but left a note. Mary reads the letter in which Carlos says he never believed in miracles until someone left that ticket for him. Mary thanks Joyce, and she tells Mary she makes one charitable donation each year. Mary tells Joyce that she owns the building and runs the soup kitchen all year.

Joyce: Darling, I don't consider this a charity. This is a gift I give myself. 

A boy (Curtis Williams) asks where the real Santa is at the mall. The kid says he was expecting a big fat guy and that Joe is too small. Joe gets upset and knocks the kid off his lap. Matt tells everyone that just because Joe is little shouldn't mean he always has to "play an elf, munchkin or leprechaun." Joe breaks out into Shylock's speech in "The Merchant of Venice" about "if you prick us do we not bleed..." (My favorite part of "The Merchant of Venice"). 

Matt: There's a reason they don't do Shakespeare at malls. The other elf tells Matt and Joe they are scaring the kids. Matt and Joe hug, and then Matt leaves.

At the house, Simon is stressing out about what to get Ruthie. He wants to get something to get her to believe in Santa again.

Eric: Well, maybe you should pray about it.
Simon: Do you think surgeons practice on their own children. 
Eric: Sorry. My mistake. It's Christmas, and I was thinking about...well, Christ.

After Eric leaves the room, Simon prays, asking God to restore Ruthie's faith in Santa Claus. Ruthie comes into the kitchen and asks her brother what he is doing.

Simon: I was...washing the floor. It's not like Mom can do it in her condition. 
Annie: Thank you, Simon, it's the best Christmas present you could ever have given me. 
Ruthie: I'll get you a bucket. (Well, that didn't go as planned; did it, Simon)?

The family is by the tree in the living room opening gifts. Simon tells Ruthie he has her gift, but it's not there yet.

Ruthie: And you were all hoping he'd get your name. Is it too late to switch?

However, he gives Ruthie his prized candy cane pajamas. (I knew he could do it, all he needed was time and the writer's to tell him to do so). 

Matt drew Simon's name, and it was a $50 bill. He explains he wanted to end the year by paying back some of what he owed Simon. (How is this a gift? He owed the money; it wasn't like he got him something special. He paid a debt). 

Simon: Let's just call it even. (Aww, what a nice brother). 

Lucy says she got her gift earlier and thanks Mary for calling Jordan. She explains the shoe-shining kit was a mistake, and her real present is that Joran loves her. Lucy then gives Mary her gift. Mary opens it, and it's a card saying she's going to work on Saturdays at the soup kitchen for three months. Ruthie gave Matt a heart shape card with the picture of her on his lap right after Ruthie pulledMatt's beard down and screamed. She explains that it was just the card. He opens the fit, and they are fuzzy dice made from her stuffed animal. (That was rather creative). 

Eric gives Annie her gift, a gold chain. He tells her it's for the cross necklace. He wanted to put the cross on it but couldn't find it. He offers to go get it, and she says she'll do it after he opens his gift behind the curtain.

Eric goes to the curtain and opens his gift, the jukebox. She tells him that all that was missing was his 45s. They kiss, and the kids all leave the living room. 

It is 5:00 am, and Ruthie and Simon are creeping down the stairs because Ruthie heard something. Simon tells her not to open the door but is not fast enough. Outside the house is Rocky dressed as Santa bringing something for Eric and Annie. After he leaves, Ruthie asks if that was her Christmas present. 

Simon: From me and a friend. 

Ruthie runs upstairs with excitement to tell her parents she saw Santa. 

Simon (to God): Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

The entire cast of The Living Nativity backed out at the last minute, so the Camdens are doing all the roles.

Eric: I can't believe the entire cast backed out at the last minute.
Annie: I'm glad they did.
Matt: I thought you would be.
Lucy: We made a few phone calls. 
Mary: We told them we couldn't break the tradition. Christmas wouldn't be Christmas.
Simon: So, from all of us to all you, merry Christmas.

Ruthie is up on top of the stable as an angel.

Ruthie: Fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be unto all people. For unto you is born this day, in the City of David, a Savior which is Christ the Lord. Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth, peace, goodwill toward men.

Annie (as Mary) looks up to Eric (as Joseph) and mouths, "Merry Christmas." He mouths it back, and they go back to their positions.

The closing credits come up. 

(I enjoyed this episode. I love the ending, especially how the children all decided to make Annie happy by doing the Living Nativity as a family again). 


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