7th Heaven: Season 3 - Episode 9: Let's Talk About Sex


Mary (Jessica Biel) tells Lucy about the co-ed sleepover.

Jordan (Wade Carpenter) is carrying Lucy to the door. Jordan tells Mary he'll see her tomorrow night. Mary shoots him a look as Lucy asks how the two of them will see each other. Mary, now upstairs, yells down to Lucy, saying their mom wants her. 

Lucy goes upstairs, and Mary tells her she just wanted to get her upstairs. She informs Lucy that the basketball sleepovers are co-ed. Mary says they just hang out. Mary tells her sister that their mother doesn't have a problem with the co-ed sleepovers because she doesn't know they are co-ed. Lucy asks if anyone is making out at the sleepovers, and Mary tells her no, but Lucy doesn't believe her. Matt passes between them, listening to music. He suspects they are talking about sex, but they both deny it. However, Matt doesn't believe it. Mary accuses him of accusing them because he can't find a topic for his Human Sexuality class project. He tells them if they have any ideas to let him know and that neither of them better be planning to have sex anytime soon.

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays.

Annie is looking for an alternative birthing class, but she has the wrong day. The instructor for the first baby birthing class (Judith Moreland) invites her to stay and share expertise when Annie tells her she has five children at home. Annie rambles about not being a single mom. Eric comes in, and she introduces him as "my partner and husband." The woman asked them if they were staying or not, and they decided to stay. 

Lucy is questioning Mary about the sleepover. Mary tells her sister she's not planning to have sex in marriage in high school. Mary says she's not going to say she won't have sex until marriage because that is too long, so she's just doing the short term - high school. (Interesting, Mary. I never thought about it that way). 

The phone rings and Lucy answers it. It's Jordan; he tells Lucy he decided to skip the sleepover and hang out with her instead. Lucy is upset that he didn't tell her about the sleepover in the first place. (You are wise, young grasshopper). 

Lucy: I'm only gonna ask this one, so pay attention, and I want the truth.
Jordan: Okay.
Lucy: Have you ever had sex?
Jordan: Yes, and that's as much as I want to say about it. 

Simon comes into the house with his parents. He tells them about the babysitter certification class he is taking. He is upset he has to take it because he already knows how to take care of a baby. Annie tells him she'll be glad to have him help with the twins, and he tells his mother she won't be able to afford him. Annie tells Eric that she invited Barbara and Cassandra over to teach them how to cook a vegetarian meal they can strain for baby food. Annie asks Eric to talk to Cassandra's boyfriend to get him to come to the class. She also wants him to help Barabara's boyfriend find a job, even though he has very little education and a criminal record. She says she and the girls will be eating the vegetarian dinner at the pool hall because the girls are teenagers and don't want to hang around a house. 

Ruthie asks Simon how his babysitting class went.

Simon: Well, I don't wanna brag.
Ruthie: Since when?

She asks him to babysit her dolls, and he tells her it's $2 per hour per kid. She gives him a fake $20 bill. 

Simon: This money isn't real.
Ruthie (whispers): Neither are they. (Good logic). 

Simon gives her the dolls back and kicks her out of his room.

Matt talks to someone on campus about his trouble finding a topic for the Human Sexuality class. 

Lucy is annoying Jordan at the high school because she's trying to find out who he had sex with. (Insecure much)? After Jordan leaves, Mary tells her sister if she doesn't stop bothering Jordan about his past, he will dump her. Lucy tells Mary she's thinking about having sex with Jordan because Jordan has already had sex. (That's always a good reason to have sex...NOT)! Lucy tells her she's too young, plus Lucy just started dating Jordan. (Yes, Mary). 

Annie is in the kitchen with Simon and Ruthie. She asks Simon what his plans are for the night. 

Simon: Well, I was hoping to try out my babysitting expertise, but I can't seem to find anyone to babysit. Deena's been trying to help me out, but no one will hire anyone without experience, and you can't get experience unless someone hires you.
Ruthie: It's a fishy circle.
Annie: I think you mean 'vicious.' It's a vicious circle.
Ruthie: And it should stay that way. 

Simon and Annie look at Ruthie.

Annie: Don't look at me. I mean it; don't look at me. 

Annie tells Ruthie if Ruthie doesn't want to stay home with Simon, she doesn't have to. After Ruthie leaves, she tells Simon to make Ruthie wish to stay with him. Simon tells her he's a fun guy.

Simon goes to Ruthie's room to convince her to let him babysit her. Simon says he will pay her half of what he makes, but Ruthie informs him he's not going to get paid to watch his own sister. Ruthie agrees to let Simon babysit if she can do what she wants when she wants to do it. 

Simon: No fire, shop objects, or playing in the car. (Let me know how this works for you, Simon). 
Ruthie: Done.

Matt is near his car when two girls invite him to get pizza. He tells them he can't because of the project. They tell him that they have turned their projects in already. 

Lucy is on the phone with Jordan. She tells him she wants to be alone with him tonight. She suggests they go for a drive, and Jordan reminds her their parents don't like the idea of them alone together. (If only you didn't give in to her insanity). Lucy tells him not to ask her parents for permission. She gets annoyed and tells him to just pick her up at eight. After she hangs up, Mary asks her what they are planning to do, but Lucy refuses to tell her anything.

Downstairs, Annie is dancing with Barbara and Cassandra in the kitchen. Mary and Lucy come down and join the dancing. Cassandra turns the music off, and Annie introduces her daughters to the pregnant teens. Lucy tells the girls she is fifteen and Mary is sixteen. The girls say they are also sixteen. Annie invites her daughters to join in the cooking lesson, but both declined. When Lucy says she will get a burger with Jordan, Cassandra warns her to be careful. Annie gets nervous and asks Lucy where she will be with Jordan. 

Mary and Lucy leave the kitchen. Barbara and Cassandra suddenly get quiet. Cassandra tells Annie and Barbara she wishes she had waited until she finished high school, and Annie tells her she can still finish, and Annie will help. Barbara wishes she had the courage to say no when her boyfriend pressured her. 

At the pool hall, Eric is helping Barbara's boyfriend, Sam (Matt Schulze), get a job. He is concerned about his record, but Eric tells him they know about the cocaine possession, but they also know he did rehab. Sam then tells Eric he can't read, so Eric says he will "interview" Sam and fill out his application. (I am surprised that Eric didn't offer to set Sam up with a reading tutor). Sam says he asks Barbara to marry him, but she won't until he gets a job. 

Barbara tells Cassandra and Annie that she told Sam he had to get a job before she would marry him; however, she doesn't want to get married either way. She says he's a twenty-five-year-old man with a record, and she is only sixteen. She says the baby needs a father, but she doesn't want a husband because she doesn't love him. (Perhaps you shouldn't have doinked him if you didn't love him).

Cassandra tells them that her boyfriend Roger has a bad temper and doesn't know she's pregnant. She didn't tell him because Roger was already mad at her for going out with his brother. (Good to keep it in the family? Nah)!

Eric meets with Roger (Michael Peña) at the pool hall. Roger thinks he was sent to see Eric because Cassandra is dying. Sam congratulates Roger on the baby, which Roger didn't know about. Roger sits down.

Matt is in his bedroom when Lucy comes in. He snaps at her and then apologizes. He tells her he's upset about the human sexuality project. She suggests he does something on first-time experiences. He thanks her, but she gets defensive when he tells her he can't believe she came up with it.

Jordan and Lucy are heading out on their date. Annie reminds them that the curfew is 11:00 pm. Mary comes downstairs and asks Jordan and Lucy to drop her off. Jordan says that they are also sneaking around, only he has no idea why.

Annie tells Simon that tonight he isn't Ruthie's brother or friend. He is her babysitter. 

She goes into Ruthie's room and tells her she's leaving. She reminds Ruthie of all the other siblings' first time babysitting her and how much trouble she's caused them. She bit Matt, locked Mary in the linen closet, left the house with Simon, and got lost while Lucy watched them. (Be afraid, Simon. Be very afraid)!

Eric is talking to Roger, who is upset about Cassandra being pregnant and not telling him. Eric suggests he...

Eric is interrupted by Annie and the two pregnant teens coming into the pool hall.

Sam tells Barbara that he got a job. She congratulates him. 

Roger asks Cassandra how she could do this but then breaks down crying. (With Roger's anger issues, I didn't see that coming). 

Lucy and Jordan order burgers and the Dairy Shack. Arnold (Jeff Payton) is the cashier. Jordan tells Arnold they will eat at the Dairy Shack, but Lucy says they want the burgers to go. She suggests they go to MacArthur's Point and park and eat. Jordan tells her that her parents would disapprove. 

Arnold: I know they wouldn't.
Lucy: Shut up, Arnold!

Lucy tells Jordan that Arnold recently joined their church. She thinks that Jordan doesn't find her attractive. 

Ruthie is wearing her bike helmet and skating around the house. Simon begs her to stop. He tells her that she will get them both in trouble.

Ruthie: I won't get in any trouble. You're the babysitter.

She wants to jump rope inside the house. She says they can tie one end to the staircase, and if they move the table, they will have plenty of room. He tells her to get the rope. She leaves as Matt comes downstairs. He asks Matt to help move the table, and Matt tells him he can't stop because he doesn't want to lose his train of thought on his project.

Ruthie returns with the rope, and Simon tells her they can't play because he can't move the table. She suggests they use the jump rope to play cops and robbers. 

Matt is in the kitchen eating cookies. He hears Lucy's voice telling him she is thinking about his project. He puts the cookies and declares, "I'm an idiot," as he leaves the room.

Sam and Barbara are taking at the pool hall. Babara tells Sam if he loved her, he wouldn't have had sex with her because he is older and should look out for her. She tells him he only wants to get married because of the baby, and she doesn't want to get married when they aren't in love.

Cassandra and Roger are talking. Roger tells her they need to be friends because of the baby. He asks her how she could go out with his brother, and she says she wants to get back at Roger for getting her pregnant. (So Cassandra, you had nothing to do with it)? She tells him the baby is a boy.

Eric and Annie are discussing the pregnant teens. Eric says there's nothing good about teen pregnancy. Annie tells her husband they are lucky to have the kids they have.

Matt goes to the Dairy Shack and asks Arnold if he knows where Lucy and Jordan went. He tells her Lucy wanted to go with Jordan to MacArthur's Point. Matt runs out of the restaurant.

Matt parks next to Lucy and Jordan. He tells Lucy to get in his car. He tells Jordan he doesn't want to talk to him. He threatens Jordan to get back in his car before he gets pounded. Jordan leaves. Lucy screams at Matt as she hits him. He tells her that he didn't want her to do something stupid. (Matt is a great brother even if the others don't always see it. He's not perfect, of course, but who is)? She tells him about Mary and the co-ed sleepover.

Ruthie has tied up Simon. She tells him she can't untie him because she's only the banker. He tells her to pretend to be the cops, but his little sister thinks he looks cute tied up. She goes up the stairs, sticks her head between two rails, and tells him he still looks cute. Ruthie's head gets stuck, and she screams. Simon tells her not to panic. (Judging by the scream, I'd say it's too late to tell her not to panic). He tells Happy to untie him, but Happy just lays down. Eric and Annie return home. 

Ruthie: Hi, Mommy.
Simon: She didn't want to play board games.

Mary gets into the car and tells Matt she is never speaking to him again. Lucy asks Matt not to tell their parents what happened. 

Jordan is at the Camden house telling Lucy's parents what happened with Matt showing up at MacArthur's Point when he was with Lucy. He also tells them about Mary's sleepover having boys and then says he's an idiot when he realizes Mary's parents didn't know the sleepover was co-ed. Eric tells Jordan that he is brave to tell them and, therefore, must be telling the truth. However, he is no longer allowed to be alone with Lucy. Also, Annie says she wants to meet his parents and keep talking to him and get to know him more. She likes Jordan because she believes he respects Lucy. Eric tells Jordan he probably doesn't want to be at the house when Lucy, Matt, and Mary return. Jordan heads to the door, but it's too late; the kids are home.

Annie tells Mary she wants to talk to her in the kitchen, and Lucy can speak with her father. Then Annie will speak to Lucy, and Mary can talk to Eric. Matt asks if he can tape them for his project.

Mary tells her mother she isn't going to have sex, especially not at a party. Annie asks her daughter when she would consider sex.

Lucy tells Eric that Romeo and Juliet were only fourteen. Eric tells them they also committed suicide and that she is only fifteen and too young. Lucy asks how she knows when she is ready and wants to know why she should wait until she is married. 

Mary tells her father there was nothing wrong with what she was doing, even if he and her mother thought so. He asks her why she had to sneak around and if she was mature enough to decide independently and thought she was making the right decision.

Annie tells Lucy it's crucial to plan and would like her plan to be to wait until marriage. Lucy asks her what she can do that's more than kissing but less than sex. She wants to know when to draw the line. (It's a hard thing, Lucy). 

Simon and Ruthie come down.

Simon: Kids shouldn't be taking care of kids. I"m too young. (Try to remember that, Simon). 

Simon leaves, and Ruthie walks over to her parents. 

Ruthie: Mommy, where do babies come from?

Matt turns off the camera.

Lucy: Why didn't you put in the answers.
Matt: Because not everyone would answer the questions the same.
Mary: What are you gonna call it?
Matt: 'The Talk.' 'The 19-Year Talk.'
(Matt leaves).
Mary: You know, there are a few things I'd like to ask him.
Lucy: Me too.
The girls run after Matt as the closing credits come up. 

(This episode was excellent. I like that Matt left the answers out of his video because it makes you think). 


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