7th Heaven: Season 5 - Episode 12: One Hundred


Annie (Catherine Hicks) tries to get her husband out of the house.

Annie suggests Eric go to church to finish his sermon. She says she's spring cleaning and he's in the way. He tells her it's winter. He finally gives in and leaves, although he doesn't understand why he has to go. However, first he calls Mary. George (Sam Saletta) answers and tells his brother, Eric, that Mary is on her way to Glen Oak. Annie asks if he talked to her.

Eric: Mary's run away.
Annie: From home.
Eric: To home.

The opening credit comes up, and the theme song plays.

Eric keeps trying to call The Colonel's house. Ruth and George ignore the phone because Ruth doesn't want to explain anything.  Eric claims Robbie is responsible for Mary coming home, and they planned it all from the beginning. Annie tells him that is illogical to think Mary planned to spin out of control, and that Robbie planned to become homeless all so that Robbie could get Mary from Buffalo, NY. 

Ruthie enters the kitchen, and Eric questions her about Mary and Robbie. Ruthie says she heard Mary might be coming home to see Robbie. He asks who told her, and she replies, "You!" (I love that!)

Annie says she has to check on the twins and goes upstairs with Ruthie.

Ruthie: Daddy's crazy.

Annie explains that their dad thinks that Mary ran away. The older kids think Ruthie told him that, but Annie clarifies it was George who told him. Annie tells them to do their jobs still and leave the house quickly. She is trying to figure out what to do with Mrs. Binks since Eric isn't in the best condition to help her. Matt says that he and Simon can do their errands and help Mrs. Binks so Annie can clean. Annie tells Ruthie she's gonna help clean the house. 

The phone rings and Eric answers. It's Mike Pierce (Jer Adrianne Lelliott) calling for Lucy. Eric asks him if he knows about Mary, and Mike says no, so Eric calls Lucy, and tells her it's the phone. He tells them they have two minutes exactly because they need to keep the line open. Lucy tells her father to get off the phone, and he hangs up. 

Robbie comes home.  Eric starts drilling him with questions. He tells Robbie they are easy questions if he's not hiding anything, then snaps at Robbie when Robbie looks at Mrs. Camden. Robbie says that he went to meet a friend but "he" didn't show.

Eric: Is he code for Mary? (Did Eric and Annie just randomly switch sides...now Eric hates Robbie and Annie loves him?)

Robbie looks at Mrs. Camden again, and Eric gets angry. He warns Robbie that if he finds out as he expects to that Robbie helped Mary run away and lied about he will be out of the house permanently. Robbie sighs and leaves the room. Annie convinces Eric to go to the church finally and write his sermon.

Matt and Simon are with Mrs. Binks (Eileen Brennan). They take her to Glen Oak Community Hospital and are surprised that is where she needs to go, and even more surprised when she tells them she has a date there. Matt tells Simon she's lying, but he will find out what's going on because the hospital is his turf. 

Lucy comes to see her father at the church. Mike wants Lucy to sit with her mother (who is catatonic at the moment) because the neighbor who usually does is sick and Mike has to work. Lucy explains she would like to but doesn't know how to sit with Mrs. Pierce the way she is. He tells her to talk to her like she would anyone because even though she isn't responding she can hear her. She says she will try, and he offers to go with her. Lucy tells her he can do it. 

Ruthie is watching TV in the living room. Annie yells down from upstairs asking if she finished cleaning the living room.

Ruthie: Yes!
Annie: Are you telling the truth?
Ruthie: No! (At least she is honest about her lying).

Annie tells her to bring her laundry upstairs and put it away. Ruthie sits there watching TV. 

Annie: I don't hear you moving.

Ruthie picks up her clothes from the floor, and heads upstairs, but stops when she hears a baby. Happy barks at the door so she opens it, and a baby girl is sitting outside.

Ruthie: Cool!

Annie asks Robbie if he's okay, and tells him that eventually, Eric will calm down again. She leaves the room, and Robbie calls the airport. The flight from Buffalo to Glen Oak was delayed and he is checking on the status. 

Eric calls his parents' house again. George answers but pretends to speak only Spanish.

George (speaking in Spanish): "George is not here. Mary is not here. The cat and the monkey are under the table."

George explains that was all he could remember from his Spanish class.

Lucy arrives at Mike's house. She tells him not to worry. He leaves, and she starts rambling about the rotissererator infomercial that Mrs. Pierce (Ellen Crawford) is staring at. 

Annie tries to get into the nursery, but Ruthie says she is naked so she can't let her other in. Her mom asks her why she's naked, and she says she was cleaning naked but got cold and ran up to get clothes. 

Matt and Simon still haven't found Mrs. Binks. Simon thinks they should call their dad, but Matt says their Dad wouldn't call for help they would just find her, so that's what they will do. They see John and he tells them that he saw Mrs. Binks go to Radiology, and they take off for radiology without saying anything to John. 

Eric talks to Sargeant Michaels (Christopher Michael). He asks him to stake out the airport. Michaels tells him the Glen Oak PD doesn't have the manpower to do a stakeout, plus Eric doesn't know if Mary is coming for sure, or when, or on what airline, or any important information like that. 

Ruthie is in the kitchen making baby cereal and bananas. Annie asks her what she's doing, and Ruthie says she's making a snack. Annie tells her she doesn't have time today to try to figure out what is going on, and asks Ruthie to give her a break. Ruthie shows her the baby she found. Robbie comes in and asks about the baby, that belongs to the people from Pete's Pizza. Annie then realizes it's Mercy, the baby that Frankie and Johnny had. Annie says she will handle the situation, but needs Robbie's help. Robbie tells her he can help, but he needs to tell her something about Mary first. 

Lucy brings a bunch of sandwiches out to Mrs. Pierce. They are different kinds since Lucy didn't know what she would want. The woman takes a turkey sandwich and Lucy says she likes turkey too. Lucy sits down, and Mrs. Pierce speaks.

Mrs. Pierce: I want Mike to put me in a hospital.
Lucy: What?

Mike's mother explains that Mike has taken care of her for too long and is too good of a son to consider having her committed. She says she's not strong enough to leave on her own. Lucy is caught off guard 

Eric is trying to call his parents' house again. Robbie calls Reverend Camden and explains Mary is coming to Glen Oak. He tells him that Annie had to run an errand to run, and Robbie volunteered to watch the babies. So, they need Reverend Camden to pick up Mary at the airport. He tells the reverend that if, after speaking with Mary, he still wants Robbie to leave, Robbie will understand. Eric hangs up, and so does Robbie. 

Ruthie: Nice job.
Robbie: Now, let's get this place spic and span. 
Ruthie: I'll help you if you help me.

Matt knocks on the door, and Mrs. Binks tells him to come in. Matt has no idea why she's there, and she says she's there for her Mammogram. Then she tells Matt if he's gonna be a doctor he needs to work on his reactions. She says she has been ready to leave, but the doctor asked her to wait.

Annie goes to Pete Pizza looking for Frankie. Pete (James Keane) tells Annie that Frankie has been sick and that Johnny is due to work any minute.  Pete suddenly tells everyone in the restaurant to leave, and that the pizza is on the house, but they have to leave, because of a family emergency.  Pete explains he knew something was wrong, and tells Annie that Frankie's gone.

Mrs. Bink and Matt are in the doctor's office playing cards when the doctor (Blake Boyd) comes in and tells her "Everything is fine, you can go now." Matt is upset and tells the doctor that having her wait all afternoon and scaring her by making her wait, only to tell her that everything is fine, doesn't work for him. 

Mrs. Bink: My hero.

Simon is talking to a nurse at the nurse's station about what's happening where Mrs. Binks is and says "ow" when he realizes what's happening. 

Annie calls the house and Robbie fills him in on everything. Annie is amazed and pleased. She tells him she will be home ASAP.

Eric finds out that the plane won't be in for another hour. 

Ruth Camden says that Mary should now be in Glen Oak. George asks if Eric will speak to them, and he says when Eric knows Mary has come home, he is gonna call. 

Mike comes home from work, and Lucy meets him at the door. She tells him right away that his mother spoke, and wants him to put her in a hospital. Lucy explains that she thinks his mother blames herself for Mike's attempted suicide and his dad's death. Mike doesn't understand, and Lucy tells him about her friend who was killed in a car accident a couple of years ago (in the season two episode, "Nothing Endures But Changes"), and how she blamed herself for the death. 

Robbie and Ruthie are with the twins in the kitchen playing with PlayDough. Ruthie asks him what's going on between him and Mary. He says they are just friends but doesn't want to discuss it since it's none of Ruthie's business. 

Ruthie: You're new here so maybe you haven't heard, everything that happens at this house is my business. 
Robbie: I'll try to remember that.
Ruthie: Things will go much easier for you if you do. 

She asks him if he thinks her dad will be surprised. 

Robbie: Big time.

Johnny (Nathan West) comes into work. His Uncle Pete tells him he has to explain. Annie accuses Johnny of beating Frankie so badly she had to leave Mercy at the Camden house while she went into hiding until the bruises healed. 

Frankie: What's the use, you're never gonna believe me anyway. (Yeah, Annie did kind of jump him without even giving him a chance, but then again, Frankie sort of brought that on himself). 

He runs out of the pizza shop. 

Annie asks about Frankie's parents. Pete says that they know about Frankie and Johnny, but they don't know Mercy and refuse to see her. Annie sighs.

Mike talks to his mother and tells her he will never put her in an institution. He tells her that it was his dad that killed himself and that it was his dad who was selfish and that nothing that she did or that he did. It was his dad's choice to kill himself. Then he tells her that when he tried to end his life he tried to do it, not her.

Mike: I took the pills. I drank the vodka. I locked the door. And I waited to die. I gave up on life. Me, not you. I failed. I...I...I...not dad...not you. Not anyone. I thought giving up would be easier than getting over Dad. I was wrong. And it was not in your power to stop me. I'm sorry, but that's the truth. I have free will. I just exercised it in the wrong direction... (Without a doubt, the best scene in the entire episode. His performance was perfect. I was in tears before he finished this speech. So well done). 

He tells his mom how great she is, and that he wants her to start living life again. He looks back at a teary-eyed Lucy. His mother asks if he can forgive him. He tells her there's nothing to forgive and they hug and they cry. 

Simon and Matt are in the hospital waiting room waiting for Mrs. Bink. Simon asks if she's okay, and he explains she's just giving the doctor a hard time, but the doctor deserves it. He says that Mrs. Bink won't feel like going to the party so they will drop her off and then go to the mall. 

Annie finds Johnny outside the pizza shop. He explains that Frankie left with the pot dealer and wants a divorce, so he left Mercy at their doorstep. He says that he never hit anyone until he hit Eric at the restaurant before. He then explains he is having massive anger issues and does not know how to deal with them, but he doesn't think his parents would understand. Annie informs him that she talked to his parents and they want to help him but he needs to call. 

Johnny: It's not gonna be easy.
Annie: Being a parent never is.

Mary gets off the plane and sees her father. She is surprised to see him.  He is upset that she snuck home to see Robbie. She tells him that she flew home to see him, and wishes him a happy birthday. Eric completely forgot that it was his birthday, and Mary says she has an hour before she flies back. She explained she was supposed to get in last night but the flight got snowed in. Then today the flight was also delayed. She has classes at home, and today she's keeping her commitments. 

Eric returns home and everyone yells "Surprise!" when he turns on the lights. He apologizes to Robbie for how he acted. Annie asks where Mary is, and he explains that she couldn't come home. Annie is disappointed, but glad that he got to see their daughter since it's his birthday. Annie says they have cake and dinner in the other room, and everyone leaves the kitchen. 

Lucy stops her father, to give him the college acceptance papers she got. She tells him she decided to go into seminary and become a minister like him. She found out a while ago but wanted to surprise him on his birthday. She says she wanted to give him that or a tie.

Eric: Ties I have. But this... 

He asks her what made her decide, and she tells him to close his eyes and take her hand. She leads him to the living room where the entire community is there to celebrate his birthday, including his former bandmates. He goes around shaking people's hands and then his family all hug him. (This scene made me cry too). 

The closing credits come up. 

(This was a great episode. I loved the insanity of Eric, and how he was so stressed about Mary coming home, that he forgot it was his birthday. It was a great way to introduce Lucy wanting to go into the seminary to become a pastor herself. It is also great to see how well Lelliott explained as Pierce the reality of what suicide does to the people left behind, and how it's not the fault of those left behind. So well done all around. One of their best yet episodes!) 



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