7th Heaven: Season 5: Episode 4- Busted


Eric (Stephen Collins) talking to Mary in the kitchen. 

Eric is in the kitchen feeding Sam and David when Mary comes home. He thinks Annie sent her home to check on him, and she tells him that she just needs to find her mother because she asked her to pick up some soap. He tells her that she's upstairs. 

Then Lucy comes in and puts a stack of college brochures on the table. Mary assumes Eric had her sister put them there because he is planning to get on her case about not going to college again. Lucy walks into the kitchen and explains that they are for her because she is applying for early acceptance.

Mary then assumes that Lucy is only applying for early acceptance to make Mary bad. Lucy informs them that Mary is wrong, and it has nothing to do with her. (Lot of assuming going on in this scene. Don't they know what happens when you assume something)?

Mary: Oh, right, that's why you put that stuff down right in front of my face.

The phone rings and Mary answers. It's Frankie. 

Eric asks Lucy if she is trying to motivate Mary, Lucy says she isn't but Eric says it might anyway. However, he says he's still happy Lucy wants to go to school just for the sake of Lucy going to school. 

They leave with the twins as Mary talks on the phone.

Frankie (Chyler Leight) tells Mary she always wanted to go to college. Johnny (Nathan West) yells that it isn't his fault. She tells Mary to bring the brochures for local colleges over and they can discuss them and maybe take classes together next semester. Mary agrees that it won't hurt to just talk about school, and hangs up.

The opening credit comes up and the theme song plays. 

Ruthie puts a chair against the door. Then she gets a key goes into her closet shuts the door and takes out a diary. She sits down and tries to write in it. She has already written "Dear Diary" and does not get any further when Annie knocks on the door. She scrambles to do everything in reverse and opens the door. Annie asks her why the chair was against the door, and Ruthie said she didn't want anyone to come in but there was no reason. (Yep, nothing to arouse suspicion there). 

Simon says he has a date with Marcia Chalker. He then says he and Matt were going to go pick up chicks if he didn't get a date but since he does they don't have to do that. She tells him that he can't go pick up chicks because his mother won't let him. 

Simon: It's not a thing a guy asks permission from his mother for....it's just a thing guys do.

Annie tells him there are a lot of things wrong with the conversation starting with the word "chicks." Then she informs him he needs her permission to do things still. Then she tells him that dating is not a right, not a privilege. 

Annie: The difference between a right and a privilege is...
Simon: A privilege can be taken away.
Annie: Exactly. 

However, she does not take it away at this point, she just tells him to call Matt to let him know that he has a date with Marcia and will not be cruising. 

After Annie leaves, Ruthie thanks her brother for taking the tension off of her. She then says it's good he found someone desperate enough to date him at the last minute. 

Eric asks Ruthie what movie she wants to watch because the youngest gets to pick for family movie night (except Sam and David are too young to pick). She informs them they will never really have another family movie night with the entire family there again.

Ruthie: I mean, out of the five of us who speak English, you've already got four daters. Face it. It's over. 

He tells her it's not over and asks her to pick a movie. She wants to watch a PG-13 movie, but Eric informs her she is not thirteen. 

Ruthie: With parental guidance any movie is okay. As long as parents explain the sex, and violence, and bad words, what's the harm?
Eric: I'll pick.
Ruthie: Whatever. I've got a school project. I'm out.

Ruthie closes the door as Annie returns, and Eric tells her Ruthie is not coming to family movie night. She tells him that Simon has a date so he's out too. Lucy says that with Matt and Simon not doing it she isn't either. 

Eric and Annie are happy to spend the evening alone together in the living room watching a movie together. 

Lucy asks to invite Mike Pierce over so they can look at the college brochures together. She says it's not a date and they give permission but tell her they have to stay in the kitchen so the parents can use the living room. After she leaves Annie asks her husband how long it will take before Lucy is making out with Mike. Eric says he doesn't care because they will be making out over college brochures. He is happy because Lucy is getting the Camden kids back on track with college. 

Mary arrives at Frankie and Johnny's house. Frankie and Johnny have been arguing, and Johnny freaks Mary out when he gives her this hug like they are long-lost friends. 

Matt questions Simon as to why they are picking Marcia up so early, and Simon explains Marcia has an early curfew. Simon goes to the door and rings the bell. Marcia (Brooke Anne Smith) answers.

Simon: Wow.
Brooke: Wow. W-o-w. Wow. 
Simon nods stupidly. 

Mike Pierce (Jer Adrianne Lelliott) is at the Camden house. Lucy can't find the college brochures but he is okay with that because he doesn't want to discuss college tonight anyway. 

Eric tells his wife that the twins are in bed. Annie tells him she rented "The Graduate." She also picked up some chocolate-coved strawberries.  (Annie is hoping for some quality time of a very special variety with Eric tonight). 

Ruthie is in her closet desperately trying to write in her diary but upset that she doesn't have a life like everyone else in the house does and therefore nothing to write about. (Could be that you're nine and they're all dating). 

Mike wants Lucy to agree to go out to every major senior event with him in return for him filling out her college applications to help her maximize her chances of getting into the best schools possible. Lucy is not sure she likes the idea. 

Marcia is in the front seat with Matt chatting, and Simon is in the backseat upset they missed the first movie because Marcia and Matt have been chatting. Simon and Marcia go to see the second movie, and Simon tells Matt to "knock it off." Matt is not sure what it is he did.

Mary is sitting with Mercy (Frankie and Johnny's baby) on their couch next to Frankie. Frankie and Johnny are still bickering while Frankie chats with Mary.

Annie and Eric are on the couch together. Annie tells him she's going to go check on Sam and David. He's like okay. She repeats it again and he's like "Oh, you're going to check on Sam and David." 

Ruthie comes into the living room after her mother leaves. Eric asks if she wants to join them, and she says she just came to get a snack and go back to her project. She still won't tell him what she is doing. 

Annie looks in on the boys and is happy they are sleeping. Then she runs into Lucy and tells her she was just checking on the boys. Lucy explains she was just getting a pen and a piece of paper. Annie asks her if she picked out a college and she tells her mom she hasn't. Annie is not surprised. 

Lucy heads back downstairs and runs into her father who says he's just going to check on Annie. Lucy asks if she can have a pen from his office and he tells her to take all she wants, and to fill out all the applications she wants but to remember applications come with application fees. He then tells her again that he's going to check on his wife. Lucy is grossed out.

Ruthie is in the kitchen trying to convince Mike to kiss Lucy. Mike asks her if she's too young to discuss the whole kissing thing, and asks her how old she is. She asks him the same thing. 

Mike: Ten?
Ruthie: Nine. Seventeen?
Mike: Nineteen. And nine is too young.

Lucy returns and hears the last part of what Mike said. 

Lucy: Too young for what?
Mike: Your little sister was advising me to go ahead and kiss you.
Lucy: You were listening to us?
Ruthie: It's what I do.

Lucy figures out she's writing or is supposed to be writing something. Ruthie says she is but has nothing to write. Lucy suggests that she and Mike give Ruthie something to write about. He tells her "no", because they have to write themselves, and asks for some paper and pen. 

Simon and the spelling bee champ come out of the movie. Matt asks them how it was.

Marcia: Inspid I-n-s-i-p-i-d. Inspid. 

Simon tells his older brother that he and Marcia were going to get a pizza and that Matt can wait for them where he is. Marcia tells Simon that he is rude and Matt should get to have pizza too since he drove them and all.

Simon: I'm sure he doesn't want to entrude e-n-t-r-u-d-e entrude. 
Marcia (makes buzzer sound): Intrude. I - n - t- r - u -d - e. Intrude. 

Annie and Eric are in the bedroom. They have just gotten re-dressed and have decided to go down and finish watching the movie so no one will suspect anything. (Annie got her wish). 

Eric asks if the door was unlocked and Annie tells him he is always paranoid. As they rush downstairs, it shows Ruthie happily writing in her diary about what her mom and dad were doing. (I am sure her teacher will enjoy reading that on school Monday morning. "A Nine-Year-Old's Guide to the Karma Sutra." ). 

Johnny is watching TV while Mary and Frankie are in the kitchen. Frankie asks her husband to check on the baby and he doesn't want to. Mary says she'll do it. She leaves, and Frankie and Johnny have another fight. This time Johnny leaves the house and drives off. Frankie asks Mary to stay so she will have someone besides a baby to talk to. Mary stays and Frankie lights up a joint. (Remember boys and girls, this was 2000, joints were still illegal in the United States back then). 

Frankie and Mary are discussing their lives. They want to help each other become better people and make positive changes. They decide tomorrow they will look at the school brochures and apply to a college. Mary offers to help clean up before she goes home, but Frankie says Johnny can do it when he gets home, and tells Mary he is not that bad. 

Lucy and Mike are discussing their dating agreement and college applications. They are free to date others as long as it does not conflict with their arrangement. However, he refused to kiss her her says until she gets an acceptance letter. Eric welcomes Mike and says he can come over anytime for dinner, a movie, to do laundry whatever he wants anytime he wants. 

Mary comes home and sets the brochures on the table. 

Mary: Here, I took these, and now I am giving them back, and I may want to borrow them again, but don't make any big deal out of this.
Mary goes upstairs as Ruthie is coming down.
Eric (to God): Could my life get any better?
Ruthie: I hope not.
Eric goes upstairs.
Lucy: What did you mean by that?
Ruthie: Nothing. (I've just been traumatized watching Mom and Dad doinking and don't want to see THAT  ever again)! (she picks up a cookie) Boy, writing sure makes you hungry.
Lucy watches as Ruthie goes back upstairs.

Simon is saying goodnight to Marcia, the spelling bee champion. She tells him she had a great night and enjoyed meeting his brother as well. She then gives him a long kiss goodbye. 

Simon returns to the car where Matt is waiting.

Matt: I thought if anybody was going to get a goodnight kiss, it would be me.
Simon: S-H-U-T-U-P.
Matt laughs.
Matt: Come on. It's still early. Let's go to the promenade and pick up chicks who ... who don't spell.
Simon: I can't.
Matt: Can't?
Simon: Well, maybe I can.

They drive off.

Mary comes into the kitchen and Lucy asks Mary how dinner was. Mary says it was fine. Lucy comments about her smelling like smoke and asks her if she smokes after Mary says Frankie sometimes smokes. Mary says she doesn't, and ask Lucy if she does. Lucy tells Mary that Mary knows how Lucy feels about the dangers of cigarette smoking.

Mary: Well, they are probably no more dangerous for your health than dating a mental patient.
Lucy: Run that by me again. Mental patient?
Mary: I saw your friend when he was leaving.
Lucy: So?
Mary: Mike, right? Mike Pierce. Didn't anyone tell you he missed a year of school while he was hospitalized? 
Lucy: What are you talking about?
Mary: I'm talking about he used to be in my class. And he took a year off when he went mental. He tried to kill himself. But... I don't think he smokes.

Mary leaves the kitchen. Ruthie heads to her bedroom, and Lucy now upstairs sees her and asks if she was listening. Ruthie denies it, but Lucy doesn't believe her. Ruthie is like okay so I was whatever, your boyfriend is crazy, all of them are who cares. Lucy wants to see Ruthie's diary, but Ruthie won't let her. Lucy says okay fine and leaves. Ruthie puts the chair to block the door to hide the diary. Meanwhile, Lucy lies on the floor to look under the door to watch her little sister's feet to see where she puts the diary. 

Eric and Annie are back on the couch watching the movie. The phone rings and no one answers. Eric picks up and Annie wonders if the others have left. It's Marcia, looking for Matt - not Simon. Annie says she knows where her sons had better not be. 

Simon and Matt are where they had better not be, doing what Annie told Simon he was not allowed to do. 

Eric suggests they head to bed, but Annie says not before Simon gets home. Eric doesn't see why it's a big deal since he's with Matt.

Annie: I think Simon's too young to be hanging out with Matt. (Uh, Simon's been younger in the past than he is now and they have hung out together). 

The phone rings again and Eric answers. It's the police. (Love how it's always for whoever happens to answer).  Frankie and Johnny were busted for smoking pot. 

Lucy comes into the living room with Ruthie's diary. 

Lucy: Did you know Ruthie is keeping a diary.
Annie: Not now Luce.
Lucy: Okay, no now, but you may want to get to it before Monday when she hands it to her teacher. 
Eric: Lucy, the diary is going to have to wait.
Lucy: Fine, if you don't care she saw you having sex, why should I? (Bet ya wanna listen to her now don't ya)?

She leaves and they run after her.

Mary comes downstairs and tells her dad that Lucy told her Eric wanted to see her. Eric asks her if she smokes pot. She is offended that she assumes because she's not in school she is smoking. He tells them that their friends were busted for smoking. They have a huge argument. Eric tells her he will not bail them out and Mary says she will do it. Eric tells her she has no money to help others she can't even help herself. He then bands her from seeing them again but says he will go down and talk to them and help but will not give them money.

Eric opens the door and is scared by Mike. He asks to speak to Lucy and explains that he thinks Mary told Lucy about his suicide attempt. He says the doctor says he's okay and ready to be social again. Eric says Lucy is "very fickle. she's nice, but she's fickle." 

Eric invites him in and calls Lucy down.

Lucy comes down and Eric tells him his daughter that Mike wants to see her in the living room. 

Lucy: Mary said he tried to commit suicide. He's a mental patient. Or he was a mental patient. 
Eric: Have you ever been sick? Have you ever seen a doctor? Did the doctor help you get well?
Lucy: Thanks, Dad. 

Simon and Matt come into the kitchen. Simon shows Eric a piece of paper, "I got a phone number."
Eric takes the paper away and tells him, "You're mother told you not to hang out with Matt and pick up chicks."

He leaves the house.

Matt: Mom told you that?
Simon: Yeah but.
Matt: You're never too old or too cool to do what your mother tells you.

Annie is in Ruthie's room talking to Ruthie about having watched her and Eric doinking earlier. Ruthie finds it very funny and Annie tells her it isn't funny.

Ruthie: No, believe me, it's plenty funny. I always thought it was so serious because you always have this serious face when you talk about sex. But it was funny. 

Annie tells her that it's also very private and intimate. She says it's not meant to be watched, and Ruthie's like I don't want to see that stuff ever again.

She tells her daughter goodnight, turns out the light, and leaves the room.

She runs into her two older sons in the hall. Matt tells her that she didn't know Simon was not supposed to hang out with him. Simon explains he had a bad date with Marcia and it was a bad night. Annie tells them it's been a bad night so they can discuss it another night. They ask her what's wrong, but she doesn't want to talk about it, so she says that Eric went to help Mary's friends who got into legal trouble but Mary is okay. Then she says there was an incident in the house. 

Annie: Ruthie saw something she shouldn't have. A private moment between your father and me.
Matt: She saw you guys, uh...
Simon: Having S-E-X (He's been around the spelling be champ too long tonight). 
Annie: Yes.
Matt: Well it was bound to happen sooner or later.
Annie: No it wasn't. It's never happened before. 
Simon: Never happened before?
Matt: We've all seen you. I've seen you, Mary's seen you, Lucy's seen you, Simon's seen you.  Hey wait, did you do that thing when you say you're going upstairs to check on one of the kids and then Dad says he's going to go upstairs and check on you? And that usually throws up a red flag and we all steer clear. But Ruthie didn't know the signal. (So, Lucy was home, Lucy knew the signal; she heard Eric say twice he was going to check on Annie, why didn't Annie get Ruthie)?
Annie: Well, how did the rest of you know the signal?
Matt: It's kind of an obvious signal.
Annie: No it isn't
Matt: Yes it is.
Annie: Go to bed.
Matt: I don't live here.
Annie: Go to bed anyway.
Simon: You're never too old or too cool to listen to your mother. (Those words have come back to haunt you, Matt). 

Lucy and Mike are talking in the living room. He explains that he rushed her into making the agreement to go to all the major events together because he wanted to have a normal senior year. He said he was afraid to ask her out just on a date because if she heard about him she might run. She says she isn't running, but they will take things slowly. He thanks her and leaves.

The phone rings and Mary answers. It's Frankie calling to let her know that Rev Camden bailed her and Johnny out. Mary says she was surprised that Frankie called him.

Frankie: I didn't know who else to call. After I got pregnant my mom told me never to call her again if I got into trouble. Of course, your dad made me promise to talk to her and to talk to a counselor and whatever.
Mary: Well, at least you don't have to call her from jail now, you know?
Frankie: You're very lucky to have parents that are always there for you.
Mary: I know. Goodnight. (She hangs up). I know.

The closing credits come up. 

(This was a good episode. It is quickly building up to Mary being kicked out of the house nicely). 


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