7th Heaven: Season 4 - Episode 22: Love Stinks (Part 2)

 The episode starts with a recap of the first part (episode 21).

Annie (Catherine Hicks) and Eric (Stephen Collins) talk to their daughter Mary (Jessica Biel)

Mary heads to the kitchen, followed by her angry parents. 

Mary: Don't worry; while Robbie and I are living together, we are just roommates. He gave me his word.
Eric: Oh, well, when a known liar says that he will keep his hands off my daughter, well, that's just security I can take to the bank.

Mary thinks her parents would be happy, and Eric says she doesn't even want Mary to share a fork with Robbie. 

Eric: A fork, by God! (to his wife): Would you say something?
Annie: Did you just swear?
Eric: Not to me, to her. 

Annie says she thinks Mary should move in with Robbie and tells Mary to let them know how they can help. After Mary leaves the kitchen, Eric asks his wife why she said Mary could move. Annie explains if they say no, Mary will keep rebelling. 

Eric: So, we just sit back and watch her ruin her life?
Annie: For the time being... yes. 

The opening credits come up, and the theme song plays. 

Lucy is flicking through TV channels, trying to find something to watch. Annie enters the living room, picking up the twins' toys and things. Annie asks her daughter what's wrong. Lucy says she was upset earlier, but she's fine now. (And by she's fine, she means she's still freaking out). Then she proceeds to go on about Andrew, saying he liked her.

Lucy: I don't like Andrew; I like Ronald. How many times do I have to say it?
Annie: I guess as many times as it takes for you to believe it.

Eric and Simon are in Simon's room discussing Deena. 

Annie goes into Ruthie's room. She sees the glass cat, and Ruthie says Bert gave it to her because she doesn't want to be his girlfriend. As they are talking, Ruthie admits she might like Bert. Annie tells her she needs to make things right with Bert.

Matt and John are at their apartment discussing Matt's need to break up with Shauna. John shoos Matt out of the apartment, telling him to dump Shauna and don't return until he does it.

Back at the Camden house, Simon is in the kitchen when there is a knock on the door. Cynthia (Brenda Song) can't stand seeing both Simon and Deena so miserable. She tells him Deena doesn't want to break up with him, but she is moving back East at the end of the week. (Sorry, your girlfriend couldn't tell you herself, but she's a raving coward). 

Shauna (Maureen Flannigan) returns to her apartment, and Brett (Matt Farnsworth) is there. She tells him nothing will happen between them because she loves Matt. He calls her a liar and kisses her. She declares again she loves Matt. However, she starts kissing back.

Brett: I'm sorry. Who did you say you love?
Shauna: Shut up.

She pulls him inside her apartment.

Lucy tells her mother that Ronald called to invite her to the mall and wants permission to go. She continues telling her mother she likes him and not Andrew. (Me thinks she doth protest too much). 

There is a knock on the door, Annie answers, and it's Jo Miller (Jordan Baker), Bert's mother. Annie says she spoke to Ruthie, and Jo tells her that it's not Ruthie's fault because she told Bert he's too young to have a girlfriend. She says when he really likes a girl, he gives her gifts he steals from home. Annie shows her the cat he gave Ruthie.

Jo: Wow! He must really like her.
Annie: I think the feelings go both ways.
Jo: I don't know what to do with them.
Annie: If you agree, I think we should give Bert and Ruthie a chance to work this out by themselves.
Jo: Okay. You know, if Bert's like this at eight, I wonder what he's gonna be like at 18.  
Annie: Well, I could tell you, but I think it would keep you up at night.

They both laugh.

Annie: Just kidding. (No, no, she's not). 

Mary is on the phone with Robbie (Adam LaVorgna). She says that she got a message from her mother that a girl named Cheryl called wanting to talk to Mary about Robbie. Robbie says he broke up with Cheryl a year ago, and she wants him back, so she wants to say bad lies to Mary about him.

Robbie asks if Mary told them about them. Mary says she told them about moving in together, but that was all. Robbie says they can't start their life together with lies to her parents, so she needs to tell Eric and Annie. Mary finally agrees, and he says to call him back after she talks to her parents. They hang up, and Mary pulls out a box with an engagement ring. (Ah, the plot thickens). 

Eric is not happy about Mary's news of being engaged. (Did anyone think he would be)? Mary tells her mother to say something, and she says, "Congratulations!" Mary asks if it's okay, and Annie tells her it's not her life. Mary claims that her mother is acting indifferent, so Mary will call off the wedding and go to college. Annie says they should start planning the wedding. 

Eric: Again, over my dead body!
Mary: I'm getting married!
Annie: Okay, good for you.

Annie agrees with everything Mary says until Mary storms out of the room.  

Eric tells his wife he can't take much more, but she tells her Mary is about to crack. (His heart).

Simon goes over to Deena's house to confront her. She tells Simon that she knew he'd hold on to the hope that they could stay together when she moved. Simon says they will figure it out. She informs him she is moving on Saturday, the day after school leaves. They hug. (They're thirteen, they shouldn't be this serious). 

Lucy is out with Ronald (Brian Bowen) at the pool hall. Lucy asks her what he finds attractive about her. He says he hardly knows her but wants to get to know her. Lucy tells Ronald something is happening at the house, and when Ronald says it's about Mar and Robbie and then looks away, he figures out he knows something. She tells him about Mary and Robbie being engaged. Then he tells her Mary isn't going to college, and she says she has to go home right away and tells her I'm to get the check. While Ronald grabs the check, Andrew Nayloss (Will Estes) shows up and puts his arm around another girl. Lucy suddenly decides to stay with Ronald at the pool hall. 

Matt goes to Shana's apartment and knocks on the door. He is in the hallway practicing his speech to dump her while he waits. Shana's neighbor (Jamison Yang) comes out of his apartment to walk his dog and sees Matt in the hall. Matt says he's practicing for a play that he is the lead in. The guy is like, "Yeah, ooookay." 

Ruthie calls Bert (Scott Terra). Bert tells her, "I don't like you," and hangs up on her. Ruthie calls again, and he tells her the same thing.

Ruthie: You already said that.
Bert: So....did you call to say you were sorry?
Ruthie: No. (These two...)

He hangs up again. She calls him again. 

He tells her that her mother took back the cat, and Ruthie tells him he stole the cat, then Ruthie hangs up on him. He calls her back.

But it goes to Eric's home office. Simon comes in and tells his dad Deena's mom was transferred back east. He asks him to help because he has found jobs for others. 

Simon: Can we adopt Deena? (If she becomes your adopted sister, it would be really messed up for you to continue dating her anyway, Simon. Your name is not Woody Allen). 

Eric says they can't do that, and Simon tells him he's desperate.

Mary goes into her parents' room. Annie is sitting on the bed with Sam and David, folding laundry. She asks Mary about what kind of wedding she wants. Mary asks her to stop pretending she's indifferent and tell her what she thinks. Annie tells her she's setting herself up for a life that won't make her truly happy. The phone rings, and Annie answers. It's Cheryl (Barret Swatek). Annie gives her daughter the phone. Mary tells Chery that Robbie warned her about Cheryl. Mary says Cheryl can't tell her anything that will change her mind.

Cheryl: Robbie and I just broke up last week. (Except maybe that).
Mary: What? 
Chery: Last week. 

She tells Mary to figure out the rest. 

Mary: I don't even know you. How can I believe anything you say?
Cheryl: The problem isn't that you don't believe me; it's that you do believe me.

Eric is at the Stewart house talking to Mr. Stewart (Terry V. Hart). Mr. Stewart tells Eric that he and Mrs. Stewart are getting a divorce. They have yet to tell Deena. (You may want to fill her in, she may get suspicious when she only sees one parent around all the time). Deena enters the room, and Mr. Stewart tells her daughter they and her mom need to talk. Eric leaves.

Annie is at the kitchen table. Lucy comes home and says she lost track of time and Ronald dumped her. Then she admits she was spying on Andrew Nayloss. Lucy says she acted like a crazy ex-girlfriend, and her mother agrees. 

Lucy: Don't you get tired of being right all the time?
Annie: Actually, no, it's kind of fun. (Haha). 

Lucy admits she really does like Andrew. Annie suggests she call him, but Lucy says she'd look like an idiot if she did that. 

Ruthie goes into Simon's room and asks him for help getting a guy to like her. Simon asks her if she likes Bert, and Ruthie says she just doesn't like people mad at her. Simon says he knows she likes Bert, and Ruthie gets annoyed. She starts to leave but turns around and declares she does like Bert. 

Simon: Tell him how you feel.
Ruthie: Okay, I'm going to go out and come in again. And when I do, you'd better have something better than that, okay? Good.

Eric knocks on Robbie's door. He says they need to talk, and Robbie lets him in.

Matt returns home, but John has the chain lock on. He asks Matt if he broke up with Shana. When Matt says no, John tells him to return after the breakup. John says he had to deal with him whining for months about Shana; he's not about to have whining over her and Heather. Matt says he tried to dump Shana, and John tells him to try harder. He tells Matt if Matt can't break up with Shauna, he can move back home to Chez Camden. 

Robbie tells Eric that he and Mary will be fine. Eric says he's making it harder than it has to be on his life and says he knows Robbie knows he's right. He tells him that the marriage isn't only a mistake for Mary but for Robbie as well. Eric heads to the door but stops to ask Robbie if he prayed about it since he's now a churchgoer. Robbie shakes his head no. 

Eric: That's what I thought. (Sorry, Robbie, you didn't score brownie points with that answer). 

Lucy calls Andrew, and Mr. Nayloss (Ray Bengston) answers. She asks to speak to Andrew, and he says that Andrew isn't home. Lucy asks if he is sure and says she thought Andrew was home but didn't want to talk to her.

Mr. Nayloss: So, you're calling me a liar? Who is this?
Lucy: Judy.
Mr. Nayloss: No, you're not Judy. You're that nutty Reverend's daughter, Macy. (This guy cracks me up). 
Lucy: It's Lucy, not Macy. 

She hangs up on him. He hangs up his receiver and tells Andrew, who is sitting there, that if Andrew marries Lucy, he isn't going to come to the wedding.

Andrew: Okay, we'll elope. 

Matt returns to Shana's apartment. He listens outside the apartment and calls her. Her neighbor says he doesn't believe Matt is practicing for a play and called the police. (Apparently, they weren't concerned if they really called - they never came). Shana comes out and tells him she laid down to nap...alone. Matt asks to enter her apartment, and she says the place is messy. Matt asks her why her shirt is inside out and why Brett is there with his shirt unbuttoned. Brett tells Shana to tell Matt, but Matt says he's figured it out. (Gee, I wonder what tipped him off that his girlfriend was doinking another man).

Eric goes into Simon's room, and Simon says Deena just called. Her parents told her about the divorce. Eric says he suspected, and Simon says he hates when his father knows things like that and can't tell him but is trying to get used to it.

Eric tells him that Simon and Deena can write to each other, And maybe she can even visit. Simon tells his dad he appreciates his father trying to cheer him up, but he knows it will be hard for him and Deena to stay together once she moves across the country. Eric puts his arm around his son and pulls him close.

Mary is outside when Annie comes out. She says she was thinking but says that her mother can stay. Mary tells her she told Robbie that her parents wouldn't let her move in together. Robbie showed her a ring, and she was suddenly engaged.

Mary: I'm scared, okay? I'm scared that I'm going to screw up my life again. I"m scared to stay. I'm scared to go. I'm just scared.

Annie asks her what if she doesn't fail but succeeds. She tells her daughter that life is hard, but life should excite her, not scare her. She tells her that she and Eric are proud of her because she's exceeded their expectations. Annie tells Mary she trusts her, and in the end, Mary will make the right choice, not for them, but for herself. (If not, you can always go live with The Colonel in New York City).

Mary: Can you tell me what the right decision is?
Annie: No. Sorry. 

She hugs her and then goes inside, leaving Mary to her thoughts.

Shana and Brett see Matt sitting on a park bench. Brett says he wanted to explain, and Matt asks him if that's why he came to the door half-dressed. Shana tells Brett to go away, and he does. Shana explained she didn't want Matt to find out the way he did, but she and Brett got together in New York because Brett was there. She broke it off, but Brett showed up in California. She says she is willing to work it out with Matt.

Matt: Well, that's going to be really hard since you want to be with someone else. (Yeah, that does put a damper on things). 

Shana says it might have been the distance, and Matt says they grew apart. He says he's in love with someone, and she says, "Heather." He confirms it.

Bert is at Ruthie's house. They are sitting outside together, talking. She says she'll be his girlfriend, but Bert says he's not sure he wants a girlfriend, and they agree to just be friends. They decide it might be the kissing Ruthie's older siblings do. Ruthie says she once kissed a boy and got into trouble for it. 

Bert: I've never kissed a girl before.
Ruthie: You can kiss me. 

They close their eyes to kiss and totally miss.

Ruthie: Maybe it's a good thing we missed.
Bert: Yeah. Maybe we're not ready.

He gives Ruthie the cat and says he stole it back for her. Ruthie thanks him.

Eric and Annie are watching Ruthie and Bert from the kitchen window. Annie says she's not ready for Ruthie to start kissing boys. Eric says maybe not, but he likes Bert the best of all the boys his daughters have brought home.

Matt is back at his apartment with John. He tells John that he and Shauna broke up with each other. John asked him if he had talked with Heather.

Matt: All night. We talked about everything. It was great. It was so great. I love her so much.
John: I can see that.
Matt: Well, come on, put some pants on. I need you. And make it snappy; Heather is waiting.
John: What do you need my help with?
Matt: This is the happiest day of my life.
John: I thought the happiest day of your life was the day we moved in together.

Matt chuckles.

Matt: Put some pants on.

Simon goes over to Deena after school, and they hug. She asks him if he really wants to stay together, and he says he does. He gives her back the promise ring. (Do you have any clue what a promise ring is, Simon?)

Simon: You should wear that. And when you look at it, you can think of me.
Deena: I don't need a ring to do that. I'll never forget you. Never.

They hug again.

Andrew comes over to Lucy's locker and says that his dad said she called last night. He says she saw him staring at him at the pool hall. She says she wasn't staring; she was obsessing. He asks if what he said to her got o her, and she says yes, and Ronald is out of the picture. She tells Andrew she likes him and wants to get to know him better. They kiss.

Mary returns the ring to Robbie and says she's not ready to get married. He asks if she talked to Cheryl. She says she did and believed Cheryl. Robbie confesses it was true he dated them both at the same time before he changed. Then he broke up with her. Mary asked if that was true, then why he didn't tell her the entire story. (Good question). Robbie said he was afraid to tell her the truth because she might dump him. Mary says she's concerned that if he can't talk to her about his ex-girlfriend, perhaps they shouldn't be dating. She says she doesn't know if she will ever be able to trust him. 

Robbie: So, you're breaking up with me?
Mary: I'm not sure. I just...I need some time to think, and I need to figure out me before I can figure out us.

She says she wants to take things slow and get to know each other. She wants to find out what kind of ma he really is. She tells him she thinks she loves him but wants to look before she leaps. Robbie says he will wait for her. 

Mary leaves, and Robibe watches her go.

Matt and Heather are in his car talking. She asks him if they should have told their families, and he says no because they would have said he was on the rebound from Shauna. He tells her it's what people do when they are in love and will be forever. She kisses him. John appears at Heather's car side window.

John: Come on, you too; this guy isn't going to wait all day.
Matt: You heard the man.

They get out of the car and head to the Oakwood Chapel, where the "Wedding March" is playing.

The closing credits come up. 

(Very good. This all came together very nicely in this half of the episode). 



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