It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Linus (voiced by Christopher Shea) and Lucy (voiced by Sally Dryer) go to the pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin. Linus and Lucy Van Pelt go out to the pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin. Linus rolls it because it's so big, but then it runs him over. Lucy looks annoyed. Lucy cuts the top open and removes the seeds; Linus is upset that they killed it. The kids are out with sheets on and get scared, and the opening credits come up . Snoopy is under a tree blowing a leaf that fell from a tree around. He blows it right onto a pile of leaves. Linus sees it, gets excited, and jumps into the lease, but the leaves stick to him and his lollipop. Charlie Brown (voiced by Peter Robbins) is annoyed he destroyed the leaf pile. Lucy comes over with a football wanting Charlie Brown to kick it. He says he isn't going to do it since she always pulls it away. She tells him she won't because she has a signed document. Charlie Brown figured it was safe, but she pulls it away ...