7th Heaven: Season 5: Episode 4- Busted
Eric (Stephen Collins) talking to Mary in the kitchen. Eric is in the kitchen feeding Sam and David when Mary comes home. He thinks Annie sent her home to check on him, and she tells him that she just needs to find her mother because she asked her to pick up some soap. He tells her that she's upstairs. Then Lucy comes in and puts a stack of college brochures on the table. Mary assumes Eric had her sister put them there because he is planning to get on her case about not going to college again. Lucy walks into the kitchen and explains that they are for her because she is applying for early acceptance. Mary then assumes that Lucy is only applying for early acceptance to make Mary bad. Lucy informs them that Mary is wrong, and it has nothing to do with her. (Lot of assuming going on in this scene. Don't they know what happens when you assume something)? Mary: Oh, right, that's why you put that stuff down right in front of my face. The phone rings and Mary answers. It...